Item                               Price   Weight Ремесло DC — КиберПедия 

Типы сооружений для обработки осадков: Септиками называются сооружения, в которых одновременно происходят осветление сточной жидкости...

Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Item                               Price   Weight Ремесло DC

2021-02-05 73
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Adhesive strip                   5 gp     1/2 lb.      15

Alchemical pheromones  150 gp         —    20

(Агрессия)                                                               Alchemical pheromones      300 gp —    20

(arousal)                                                                  Alchemical pheromones      1 gp —    15

(simple)                                                                   Alchemical pheromones      300 gp —    20

(susceptibility)                                                          Alchemical resin 100 gp        12      

Liniment                          15 gp                   15  

Red Пламя torch               20 gp     1 lb.   20

Alchemical pheromones are variously colored liquids typically stored in glass vials. These pheromones combine the естественная броня Нюх of an Сфера Животных (such as a wolf), humanoid (such as a human), magical beast (such as a unicorn), or Вредитель (such as a centipede) with alchemical reagents that enhance and reКрошечный that scent, making the concoction potent enough to modify the behavior of a creature. A dose of alchemical pheromones must be created for the animal, magical beast, or Вредитель type or for a single subtype of humanoid; it typically affects only creatures of that type or subtype. The effects of the alchemical pheromone depend on the type, as described on page 246.

When it is smeared onto a surface or it is Метательное as a splПраха weapon, the alchemical pheromone fills a 5-foot-radius area with its scent. The Нюх then remains active for 1 minute. A creature of the targeted type or subtype that enters that area must succeed at a DC 14 Воля save or be subject to the effects of the pheromone for 1 round. If the creature remains in the affected area, it must attempt a new saving throw each round as long as the pheromone remains active. All alchemical pheromones are Разум effects, but swarms (as well as any other collection of creatures that acts as a single creature) are not immune to them. Creatures that don’t need to breathe are immune to alchemical pheromones, while creatures with the Нюх ability take a –4 penalty on испытания against them.





U lTImaTe

Агрессия: Affected creatures are driven into a mindless frenzy, as if affected by simultaneous Замешательство and Ярость spells. Arousal: Affected creatures are aroused and distracted,

causing them to lose their Dexterity bonus to AC.

Simple: An affected creature is ошеломление for 1 round. Whether the target succeeds at or fails the saving throw, it becomes immune to simple alchemical pheromones for 24 hours.

Susceptibility: Affected creatures are forced to obey one specific, simple Приказ, as if affected by a Приказ spell. The Приказ is chosen when the pheromone is created, and must be a something simple, such as approach, drop, fall, flee, or halt (as defined by the Приказ spell).




When applied to your hands, this clear, sticky substance made from alchemically prepared pine sap provides a +2 алхимический бонус to your CMD against disarm attempts, on combat maneuver checks to grapple, and on Лазание checks; it also functions underwater. Applying the resin is a основное действие, and it wears off 1 hour after being applied.




This lotion is made from soothing herbs and oils. When rubbed on your skin, liniment relieves pain, allowing you to ignore the effects of 2 points of ability damage caused by a single Болезнь you have. The benefits of the liniment last for 30 minutes, and it does not cure, prevent, or otherwise protect you from the effects of diseases. You cannot benefit from the effects of liniment more than once in a 24-hour period.



WEIGHT 1 lb.

This otherwise normal-looking torch is encrusted with lithium salts and burns with a dark red flame. It sheds

only dim Свет in a 10-foot radius, and the Свет it casts is undetectable outside this

radius by normal Видение, Ночное Зрение, or low- Свет Видение. This torch burns for 1 hour.


Магия Items

The Магия items provided here are divided into the categories outlined in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment, so you can Использование them with the treasure generator detailed in that book. If you are Running an adventure чертаuring a nonplayer character with shifter levels or if you have a player character who has levels in that class or is using one of the subsystems from Ultimate Wilderness, consider either using items from this book before rolling randomly on the treasure generator or adding these items to the treasure generator.




The following is a new щит special ability. See page 461 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for the rules regarding Магия щитs. Щитs with a special ability must also have at least a +1 усиление bonus.


+2 Щит Special Ability              Price

Jaw Разрушитель                        +2 bonus



PRICE +2 bonus
SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT —

АУРА moderate Некромантия


The rugged surface of a jawРазрушитель щит is always scratched and gouged, as if gnawed

by enormous jaws. Attacking the wielder with a Укус attack provokes an внеочередная атака from the wielder, which is resolved before the Укус attack. This внеочередная атака must be a щит bПраха attack with the jawРазрушитель щит; making this

attack does not cause the wielder to forfeit the щит’s bonus to AC. If the wielder confirms a

critical hit with this щит bПраха attack, the attacker’s jaws are injured, causing it to take a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls with its Укус attack for 24 hours. The save DC of exceptional or superестественная броня abilities that Использование the target’s mouth, including Губительное Дыханиеs, is likewise reduced by 2 for the same amount of time. A Регенерация spell ends this penalty, and a creature with regeneration recovers from these effects after 1 minute.

The wielder adds the jawРазрушитель щит’s total щит bonus to AC (including its усиление bonus) to his CMD against combat maneuver checks to grapple him with a Укус attack, including attempts to swallow him whole.

This special ability can be placed only on щитs, but it cannot be placed on bucklers or tower щитs.


Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Нанесение Критических Ранений


The following are new weapon special abilities. See page 467 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for the rules regarding Магия weapons. A weapon with a special ability must also have at least a +1 усиление bonus.


+1 Weapon Special Abilities      Price

Ambushing                                +1 bonus

Plummeting                               +1 bonus



PRICE +1 bonus
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT —

АУРА moderate Превращение


This special ability can be placed only on ranged weapons. If the wielder spends at least 1 minute preparing a hiding place or when she uses the sniping rules (Core Rulebook 106), she adds




the weapon’s усиление bonus as a мастерство bonus on Скрытность checks. An ambushing weapon deals an additional 1d6 points of damage on a successful hit during a предбоевой раунд or against a creature that is unaware of the wielder’s presence. This extra damage is precision damage; it is not multiplied on a critical hit but does stack with other forms of precision damage.


Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Кошачья Грация, Невидимость


PRICE +1 bonus
SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT —

АУРА moderate Превращение


This special ability can be placed only on ranged weapons. A полетing creature hit with a plummeting weapon must immediately attempt a DC 20 Полет check with a penalty equal to twice the weapon’s усиление bonus; if it fails, it loses 10 feet of altitude. On a confirmed critical hit, the creature loses 10 feet of altitude if it succeeds at its Полет check, and it falls 1d4×10 feet on a failed check. If a полетing creature’s Потери of altitude results in it striking the ground or another solid surface, it takes falling damage as appropriate and is no longer полетing.


Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Проклятие, полет


Магия plants are a new type of Магия item that are cultivated rather than Конструкцийed. Cultivating one requires the Cultivate Магия Plants item Созидание черта found on page 109.

To cultivate a Магия plant, you need a place to Сфера Растений it. This usually requires a 30-foot-radius area of nutrient-rich soil and a constant supply of Вода and Свет for Крупныйr Магия plants, and it requires a 10-foot-radius area and similar soil, water, and Свет requirements for Небольшойer plants. Most Магия plants Медведь fruit, seeds, or sprouts that, once mature, replicate the effects of a spell when eaten, thrown, or used in some other way. A Магия plant’s price depends on the spell Эффект it replicates. The cultivation Стоимость of a Магия Сфера Растений is half the plant’s price.

Price = круг заклинания × caster level × 2,000 × yield per Дня ×

The initial planting and care of a Магия Сфера Растений requires 1 week per 1,000 gp of the plant’s cultivation cost. At the end of this period, the Сфера Растений reaches maturity and its benefits are fully realized, assuming that the maturity culminates within the growing season. Once picked, the product of a magical Сфера Растений stays potent for 24 hours. If not picked within 1 week, fruit or any other product of the Сфера Растений rots into a useless (and often smelly) sludge—though rare fruits may have longer periods of potency. Harvested fruit can’t be kept magically potent for longer than 1 day, even by effects that preserve foodstuffs.

Typically, a creature must consume fruit produced by a Магия Сфера Растений to gain its effect. In these cases, the fruit’s eater is both the caster and the target of its spell effect. Other fruits must be Метательное to generate their effects, or they might have some other activity involved in their use.

In addition to paying the costs to cultivate a Магия plant, the cultivator must have sufficient ranks in Знание (природа). For most Магия plants, the number of ranks required is tied directly to the Сила of the plant’s aura— 1 rank for a Сфера Растений with a faint aura, 3 ranks for a Сфера Растений with a moderate aura, and 6 ranks for a Сфера Растений with a strong aura.

Магия plants can be destroyed like other Магия items. A tree has a hardness of 5 and 120 пункты здоровья, while bushes and vines have hardness 3 and 50 пункты здоровья. When a magical Сфера Растений is destroyed, any fruit (or similar consumables) it has produced remain active for 1 week before rotting. A character that succeeds at a DC 20 Знание (природа) check can harvest one-tenth of the plant’s value in useful materials from a destroyed Магия plant.

A Магия Сфера Растений can be upКорень ed and moved, but it dies within a Дня unless it is magically treated with an Эффект such as gentle Сфера Упокоения or Стазис. UpУкоренение a Магия Сфера Растений requires Сила sufficient to move it, 4 hours of work, and a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) check. An Average Магия tree weighs 500 pounds, while Небольшойer plants, such as bushes or vines, Average 50 pounds.

Table 7–3: Магия Plants

Магия Plant                                 Price

growing season multiplier.                                                                                                                

Acidic lemon tree                                                                                                                      12,000 gp

The yield per Дня is the number of fruit, seeds, or effects the Сфера Растений generates per Дня during its growing season. For instance, a Вкусные Ягоды bush yields six berries per day. The growing season multiplier is equal to the number of growing Сезона the Сфера Растений has in a single year. Growing Сезона are continuous 13-week-long periods conКрошечныйd to one of the four Сезона (spring, summer, fall, and winter). If a season is longer than 13 weeks, the growing season needs not be continuous. Магия plants cannot be in a growing season for longer than 52 weeks, and a Сфера Растений that has four consecutive growing Сезона produces fruit, seeds, or effects year round. A Магия Сфера Растений generates its effects only during a growing season. Outside of a growing season, some plants воля still grow but remain barren (such as a fruit tree), while others may wither and regrow in the following year (such as vines).

Altitude fern                                  12,000 gp Fireapple tree                 5,000 gp Fishweed    30,000 gp Вкусные Ягоды bush                                           8,000 gp Grabbing vines                 2,000 gp Рука Помощиs vines 12,000 gp Palm of decadent feasts                         9,600 gp Отрава siphon tree 56,000 gp Portal oak  45,000 gp Restful birch                                                           4,000 gp Salvation cactus                8,000 gp Sheltershrub  12,000 gp Tree of знание                                                 3,000 gp Tree of woe 20,000 gp Waterwalk reeds    30,000 gp




U lTImaTe

SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 500 lbs.

AURA faint conjuration



SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 50 lbs.

AURA faint transmutation



This tree grows oblong, yellow fruit that feel overripe to the touch. Each fruit is about the размер of cantaloupe and can be Метательное with a range increment of 20 feet. A target hit with a touch attack takes 2d6 points of Кислота damage, plus an additional 2d6 points of Кислота damage on the following round.

An acidic lemon tree produces one fruit each Дня of its growing season, which is 13 weeks each spring. The tree has no more than seven fruit available at a time.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Кислота arrow, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



PRICE 12,000 GP
SLOT none CL 6th WEIGHT 50 lbs.

АУРА moderate Преграждение


This evergreen has soft green leaves and sprouts fronds laden with unusual sky-blue berries. When ingested,

these waxy berries grant the imbiber Иммунитет to all effects caused

by high altitude. They do not grant Иммунитет to

damage from extreme temperatures, nor do they grant the ability to survive without air. The effects of a berry last for 1 day.

An altitude fern produces up to six berries a day, and it bears no more than 50 berries at a time. The bush has one 13-week growing season per year, producing berries in the fall.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Защита От Непогоды, cultivator must have 3 ranks in Знание (природа)



PRICE 5,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 500 lbs.

АУРА faint Разрушение


This Большой deciduous tree has reddish-brown bark and bright yellow leaves. It grows misshapen red apples that are warm to the touch. Once harvested, an apple can be Метательное like a bomb, burЖало in a spray of scalding liquid. Treat this as a splПраха weapon that deals 5d6 points of Огонь damage to a target directly hit and half that amount to creatures within 10 feet (Реакция DC 14 negates).

A fireapple tree produces one apple each week of its growing season, which is 13 weeks each summer. A tree has no more than three viable fruit at a time.

This green, leafy Сфера Растений grows in areas of sПосвящение Добру water, such as Небольшой lakes or coastal waters. The leaves can be chewed to grant Холод сопротивляемость 5 and allow the user to survive without air. One leaf provides these benefits for up to 1 hour.

Fishweed yields up to four leaves per day. A patch of fishweed has no more than 28 leaves at a time. Its growing season lasts 13 weeks during the summer.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Вода breathing, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



PRICE 8,000 GP
SLOT none CL 1st WEIGHT 50 lbs.

АУРА faint Превращение


This vibrant red bush grows luscious, deep- red berries. These berries provide nourishment and healing as if the creature had consumed a berry

affected by Вкусные Ягоды (Core Rulebook 291) A creature can gain the effects of Вкусные Ягоды up to eight

berries consumed per day.

A creature that eats more than this number must succeed at a DC 11 Стойкость save or become дезориентация for 10 minutes.

A Вкусные Ягоды bush produces up to six berries per day, and it grows year round. A bush has no more than 50 berries at a time. It is resilient enough to grow in most environments, even occasionally found clinging to otherwise lifeless cliff faces.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Вкусные Ягоды, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



PRICE 2,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 50 lbs.

АУРА faint Превращение


These thick green vines grow leaves sparingly. When fully mature, they fill an area 20 feet square to a height of 5 feet. Any creature moving through the area must attempt a DC 15 Сила check in the first square they try to leave within the area. Failure means that the creature cannot move any farther that round. Success allows a creature to move as if in difficult terrain, while success by 5 or more allows a creature to move normally.

Grabbing vines have a 13-week growing season, though the season depends on when the vines were first cultivated; the grabbing vines return for 13 weeks during the same season each year.






Cultivate Магия Plant, Огненный Шар, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)

Cultivate Магия Plant, Опутывание, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



These fleshy, yellow vines Медведь leaves that resemble hands. The vines always grow on vertical surfaces when available, creeping up as they mature. A fully mature Рука Помощиs vine covers an area 10 feet wide and up to 60 feet tall. Any creature attempting to scЭль a surface covered by the vines gains a +5 ситуативный bonus on Лазание checks. In addition, if the character would fall, the vines grant a +2 ситуативный bonus on Реакция saves as the handlike leaves endeavor to catch the character.

A Рука Помощиs vine has two 13-week growing Сезона in the summer and fall, withering away to nothing once Зима hits only to regrow in the summer of the following year.


Cultivate Магия Plant, чертаher fall, spider лазание, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



This tall tree has no branches but sprouts expansive leaves at the top. Its Крупный, spiny fruit can be split to provide a meal for four that emulates Пир Героев. If a single creature consumes the entire fruit, it gains the benefits of Пир Героев for a full 24 hours and лечениеs twice as many пункты здоровья of damage.

A palm of decadent feasts provides only a single fruit per year, which ripens on the summer solstice.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Пир Героев, cultivator must have 6 ranks in Знание (природа)


                                                       GEAR AND МАГИЯ ITEMS

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 50 lbs.

AURA faint transmutation



These Большой oak trees are always grown in a pair. With a Приказ word, a creature can enter one portal oak and exit from the other. A character can determine the Приказ word with a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) check. The two trees must be grown within 1 mile of each other.

Portal oaks produce no fruit or other products tied to their Эффект and are constantly active.


Cultivate Магия Plant, tree stride, cultivator must have 3 ranks in Знание (природа)



PRICE 4,000 GP
SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 500 lbs.

АУРА faint Воплощение




SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT 500 lbs.

AURA strong conjuration



This tree’s papery bark flakes off in strips. When a creature consumes a piece of the bark, it reduces the amount of Сон it needs that Ночи by 2 hours (to a minimum of 6 hours). If the creature consumes additional pieces of bark, it is дезориентация for 8 hours and gains no additional benefit.

The bark’s potency is increased if it’s brewed into a tea. A piece of bark brewed into a tea reduces the amount of Сон the imbiber needs by 4 hours (to a minimum of 4 hours). The tea of the restful birch is considerably safer than consuming the bark raw—multiple doses grant no additional benefit but also cause no penalties.



A restful birch can have enough bark safely removed each Дня for up to four creatures to eat or drink. For each additional piece of bark removed after the fourth, there is a cumulative 5% chance that the tree dies, falling and rotting away within the next 24 hours. Restful birches grow year round.


SLOT none CL 7th WEIGHT 500 lbs.

AURA moderate conjuration



SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 50 lbs.

AURA faint conjuration



Cultivate Магия Plant, Сон, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



This Большой tree has flat, spongy leaves, each about the размер of a human’s hand. When a leaf is placed on the chest of a creature suffering from a Отрава effect, it Замедлениеly draws the Отрава out over the course of the next minute. While the leaf is pressed to a victim, the creature does not need to attempt ongoing saves against the Отрава currently affecting it. After 1 minute, the creature is affected by a neutralize Отрава Эффект (CL 7th).



A Отрава siphon tree yields one leaf per Дня of its two growing seasons, which Бегун for 13 weeks each in the spring and fall. It has no more than six leaves at a time.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Нейтрализация Яда, cultivator must have 3 ranks in Знание (природа)



This green cactus grows in even the most arid environments, and it has a number of medicinal qualities. Its flowers can be mashed into a paste and Облако over a creature’s skin to grant Огонь сопротивляемость 3

for 1 hour. This paste can also be Облако on the skin of a creature that has taken lethal Огонь damage within the last minute to restore 1d8+1 пункты здоровья.

The fluids of the cactus can be consumed to remove negative effects caused by extreme heat, including

SLOT none CL 9th WEIGHT 500 lbs.

AURA moderate conjuration



exhaustion, fatigue, and nonlethal damage. This does not лечение any lethal damage a creature has taken from extreme heat.

A salvation cactus generates one flower per week of its growing period and replenishes 1 dose of its fluid per day. It holds 4 doses of fluid and up to four flowers at a time. If all



U lTImaTe

SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 50 lbs.

AURA faint transmutation



4 doses of fluid are consumed without allowing the cactus to replenish any, the cactus dies. A salvation cactus has a growing season of 13 weeks in the summer.

COST 4,000 GP

SLOT none CL 1st WEIGHT 50 lbs.

AURA faint abjuration



Cultivate Магия Plant, cure Свет wounds, lesser Восстановления, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



This leafy red or blue shrub grows to a height of 6 feet. It grows Небольшой, blue, overly sweet berries. The berries provide an Эффект identical to endure Стихии when consumed. If a berry is consumed before the Эффект of a previously consumed berry has worn off, it has no effect.

COST 6,000 GP
A sheltershrub produces six berries per Дня during its two growing seasons, which are 13 weeks each in the summer and winter. A shrub has no more than 50 berries at a time.


SLOT none CL 3rd WEIGHT 500 lbs.

AURA faint divination



Cultivate Магия Plant, Защита От Непогоды, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



This Большой tree bears both vibrant red and dull yellow apples. The imbiber of a red apple gains a +5 интуитивный bonus on her next Знание check. Consuming a yellow apple grants a single Использование of Предвидение. The effects of an apple wear off after 24 hours, whether or not its abilities have been used.

COST 1,500 GP
A tree of знание produces one red apple per Дня and one yellow apple per week during its growing season, which lasts for 13 weeks in the spring. The tree has no more than seven red apples and one yellow apple at any given time.


SLOT none CL 11th WEIGHT 500 lbs.

AURA strong enchantment



Cultivate Магия Plant, Предвидение, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)

These thin reeds are topped with fluffy, edible seedpods that grant a creature a puffy appearance and the ability to walk on water. This Эффект lasts for 1 hour. The reeds occupy a 20-square- foot area, maturing Seemingly at random.

Waterwalk reeds produce one pod every Дня during its two 13-week growing Сезона in the summer and fall; there are usually 12 pods available at a time. The pods remain potent for 2 weeks.


Cultivate Магия Plant, Вода walk, cultivator must have 1 rank in Знание (природа)



Wondrous items are diverse. Some must be worn in a specific Магия item slot in Орден to work, while others must merely be wielded or utilized. The term “wondrous items” is a catchall category for anything that doesn’t fall into any other groups such as weapons, staves, and so on. Anyone can Использование a wondrous item, unless the item specifies otherwise in its description.

There are two main categories of wondrous items: slotted and slotless. Slotted items take up a Магия item slot, and those who want to benefit from such items must wear that item in the correct slot. Slotless items are often use-activated or triggered by a Приказ word.

Table 7–4: Wondrous Items

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