Wilderness warden (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Wilderness warden (archetype)

2021-02-05 104
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Wilderness wardens are vigilant guardians of естественная броня places of all kinds, from Скакунain peaks to tangled thickets.

Class Skills: A wilderness warden gains Лазание, Знание (география), Знание (природа), Выживание, and Плавание as class skills. She does not gain Дипломатия, Лечение, Знание (высший свет), or Колдовство as class skills.

This alters the паладин’s class skills.

Естественная броня Оборона (Св): At 2nd level, once per day, a wilderness warden can grant herself energy

сопротивляемость 10 to cold, Электричество, or Огонь  and a +2 интуитивный bonus to her CMD for a number of minutes equal to her паладин level. The energy сопротивляемость increases by 5 and the CMD bonus increases by 1 at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

This replaces Милость Божества.

Сокрушение Зла (Св): A wilderness warden gains this ability at 4th level, and it functions at her паладин level – 3. She can Расход a daily Использование of Сокрушение Зла to gain an additional daily Использование of естественная броня defense. She deals additional damage on her first successful attack when the target of her Сокрушение Зла is an Зло fey, humanoid (giant), magical beast, or monstrous humanoid, rather than an Зло dragon, Потусторонний (evil), or нежить.

This alters Сокрушение Зла.

Аура of Comfort (Экс): At 3rd level, a wilderness warden is comfortable in nearly any climate, as if she were affected by a constant endure Стихии spell, and she and allies within 10 feet of her gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks and испытания to resist fatigue; exhaustion; and the effects of hunger, thirst, and hot or Холод climates (including from magical effects).

This replaces Аура Доблести.

Излюбленная Местность (Экс): At 3rd level, a wilderness warden selects a Излюбленная Местность, as per the следопыт class feature.

Every 6 levels after 3rd, she selects an additional Излюбленная Местность; each Время she does so, the bonuses she gains in her previous Излюбленная Местность or terrains increase by 2.

This replaces the mercies gained at 3rd level, 9th level, and 15th level.

Spells: For each level of spell she can cast, a wilderness warden can prepare and cast one spell per Дня from the друид spell list rather than the паладин spell list.

This alters the паладин’s spells.

Аура Чистоты (Св): At 8th level, a wilderness warden gains Иммунитет to Яд. Each ally within 10 feet gains a +2 bonus on испытания against Болезнь and Яд.

This replaces Аура Решимости.

Естественная броня Щит (Св): At 11th level, a wilderness warden can Расход two daily uses of her естественная броня Оборона ability to grant the benefits of that ability to all nonЗло allies within 10 feet for 1 minute.

This replaces Аура Справедливости.



Следопытs are the quintessential rovers of the естественная броня world, as diverse as the terrain in which they dwell.



Emulating the blazing phoenix, flamewardens sweep through the world like a selective forest fire, burning away corruption, evil, and those who cling to decay.

Касание Пламени (Св): At 4th level, a flamewarden can cause his Оружие to Взрыв into flame. As a основное действие, the следопыт can grant a single weapon he holds the огненное special ability for 1 minute; while under this effect, the weapon counts as Магия for the purpose of overcoming Снижение Урона. A flamewarden can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + his Мудрость modifier. At 12th level, Оружие affected by this ability gain the огненного взрыва special ability instead.

This replaces Совместная Охота.

Spells: A flamewarden can prepare spells from the друид list that have the Огонь descriptor.

This alters the следопыт’s spells.

Stoking the Embers (Пс): At 9th level, a flamewarden can fan the last Искра  of a recently slain creature’s Жизнь Сила back into a full flame. Once per Дня as a основное действие, a flamewarden can touch the corpse of a creature that has died within 1 round to grant it the effects of Дыхание Жизни.

This replaces evasion.

Burning Renewal (Св): At 12th level, a flamewarden can Использование the cleansing power of Огонь to remove afflictions from his body, mind, and soul. When the flamewarden takes 5 or more points of Огонь damage, he can remove one of the following conditions: утомление, потрясение, or дезориентация. Alternatively, he can remove 1 point of ability damage or drain from an ability score of his choice.

If the flamewarden takes 10 or more points of Огонь damage, he can remove one of the following conditions: бессилие, испуг, or тошнота. Alternatively, he can remove 1d6 points of ability damage or drain from an ability score of his choice.

The следопыт can Использование this ability only once each Время he takes Огонь damage, regardless of how much damage it deals over the required amount. He can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + her Мудрость modifier.

If the flamewarden has Огонь сопротивляемость or Иммунитет to fire, Огонь damage he would have otherwise taken still counts toward activating burning renewal.

This replaces Камуфляж.

Phoenix Rising (Св): At 16th level, if a flamewarden dies, his body explodes in a conflagration in a 20-foot spread. Each hostile creature in the area takes 10d6 points of Огонь damage unless it succeeds at a Реакция save (DC = 10 + half the следопыт’s level + his Constitution modifier) for half damage. The flames don’t Повреждение the flamewarden’s allies, who instead are лечениеed 5d6 points of damage, and any Ядs they are currently suffering are neutralized as per Нейтрализация Яда. The flamewarden’s body is reduced to ashes by the explosion. At 20th level, the flamewarden gains Иммунитет to fire, and once per week, the flamewarden rises from the ashes of his own Уничтожение 1 round after при смерти. The flamewarden’s body re-forms with all his equipment, and he returns to Жизнь with half his maximum пункты здоровья. Any ability scores that were 0 become 1, and nonmagical diseases and Ядs are cured. A Ограниченное Желание, Чудо, or Желание spell cast before he rises from the ashes prevents him from doing so, as does the area of an Посвящение Злу effect.

This replaces Уклонение+ and Великий Охотник.



Следопытs who walk in the tempest unafrПомощь draw the power of the storm into themselves and become stormwalkers.

Combat Style Черта (Экс): At 2nd level, a stormwalker must choose Лучникy style.

This alters the следопыт’s combat style.

Thundershot (Св): At 4th level, a stormwalker can wreathe his weapon in Светning. As a основное действие, he can grant a single weapon he holds the грозы special ability for 1 minute; while under this effect, the weapon counts as Магия for the purpose of overcoming Снижение Урона. A stormwalker can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + his Мудрость modifier. At 12th level, Оружие affected by this ability gain the грозового взрыва special ability.

This replaces Совместная Охота.

Ветер Treader (Экс): At 8th level, a stormwalker becomes immune to the effects of strong wind. He can move without hindrance in windy conditions, and his ranged attacks take no penalties from nonmagical wind.

This replaces Ищейка.

FlПраха Step (Св): At 11th level, a stormwalker can move across the battlefield like a bolt of Светning. As a действие полного хода, he can transform into Светning and move to any unoccupied square within 60 feet without provoking attacks of opportunity. He can make a single ranged attack before or after this movement.

This replaces quarry.

Control Погода (Пс): At 16th level, a stormwalker can cast control Погода as a spell-like ability once per day. This replaces Уклонение+.

FlПраха Shot (Св): At 19th level, when a stormwalker uses flПраха step, he can make a ranged attack both before and after his movement. Both of these attacks are made at his highest базовый модификатор атаки.

This replaces Добыча+.



Some следопытs eschew the path of the swift Стрелец and embrace the implacable Сила of the Скакунain.

Корень s of the Скакунain (Св): At 2nd level, a summit sentinel gains Живучесть as a bonus черта.

Additionally, as a сопутствующее действие, she can enter a defensive stance for 1 minute. While in this stance, the summit sentinel’s быстрое is reduced to 5 feet, she gains a +2 усиление bonus to her естественная броня armor, and she gains a +2 bonus to her CMD against maneuvers that would move her or Стук her распластан. If the следопыт loses contact with the ground or other solid surface, the stance ends immediately. The следопыт can enter this stance a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + her Constitution modifier.

At 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the усиление bonus to естественная броня armor increases by 1, and the bonus to CMD increases by 2.

This replaces the следопыт’s combat style черты.

Скакун ain Mastery (Экс): At 3rd level, a summit sentinel must select Скакунains as her Излюбленная Местность, and she does not gain additional Излюбленная Местностьs at higher levels. Every 5 levels beyond 5th, the bonus from this Излюбленная Местность increases by 2. At 8th level, a summit sentinel draws Сила from the earth. When she and her target are both in contact with the ground or an earthen floor, the summit sentinel gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against the target. At 18th level, the bonus on attack and damage rolls increases to +2. This alters Излюбленная Местность.

Spells: A summit sentinel adds Каменная Кожа to the следопыт spell list as a 4th-level spell.

This alters the следопыт’s spells.

Rockslide (Св): At 8th level, once per Дня as a основное действие, a summit sentinel can create a rushing Волна of Земля and stone. The summit sentinel chooses a point on the ground or floor within 30 feet. Rippling Волны of Земля and Камень emanate from the chosen point in a 25-foot Конус in a direction of the summit sentinel’s choice. Each creature in the area takes 4d6 points of bludgeoning damage and is pushed to the end of the cone. A target that succeeds at a Реакция save (DC = 10 + half the следопыт’s level + the следопыт’s Мудрость modifier) takes half damage and is not pushed.

This replaces Ищейка.

Invincible (Св): At 17th level, a summit sentinel takes on the unyielding hardness of the Скакунains. While in her Корень s of the Скакунain defensive stance, she is immune to critical hits and precision damage.

This replaces Мастер Незаметности.



The tidal hunter draws Сила from the fish and other wildЖизнь of the deep.

Waterborn (Св): A tidal hunter can breathe Вода for up to 10 minutes per следопыт level each day. At 6th level, he can breathe underВода indefinitely.

This replaces Понимание Животных and the 6th- level combat style черта.

Острое Нюх (Экс): A tidal hunter gains scent, as per the Универсализм monster rule. At 12th level, while in water, the tidal hunter can detect particularly strong or distinct odors (such as blood) up to 1 mile away.

This replaces Выслеживание and Камуфляж.

Водная Mastery (Экс): At 3rd level, a tidal hunter must select Вода as his Излюбленная Местность, and he doesn’t gain additional Излюбленная Местностьs. At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the bonus from this Излюбленная Местность increases by 2.

This alters Излюбленная Местность.

Волна Rush (Экс): At 7th level, a tidal hunter gains a плавание быстрое equal to his base быстрое. If he already has a плавание быстрое, it increases by 10 feet.

This replaces woodland stride.

Tidal Всплеск (Пс): At 16th level, a tidal hunter gains control over water, and he can Использование the tides to attack his foes. Once per day, he can cast tidal Всплеск (see page 237) as a spell-like ability.

This replaces Уклонение+.



Saviors and destroyers in equal measure, toxic herbalists Использование nature’s bounty to ремесло remedies and Ядs.

Toxic Touch (Экс): A toxic herbalist studies the safe handling of смертельный substances. He cannot accidentally Отрава himself when he applies Отрава to a weapon.

This replaces Понимание Животных.

Nature’s Избавление (Ex and Su): At 3rd level, a toxic herbalist’s знание of the естественная броня world offers reОзлобленность from wounds and illness. Once per day, he can spend 1 hour in a wilderness area gathering herbs and other естественная броня materials and combine them into a medicinal poultice—this hour can be integrated with the hour required for the следопыт to prepare spells. Placing the poultЛьда on a wound or ingeЖало it is a основное действие; the creature receiving the poultЛьда лечениеs a number of пункты здоровья equal to 1d6 + the следопыт’s Мудрость modifier.

At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the следопыт creates one additional poultЛьда when using this ability, to a maximum of four at 18th level. Poultices remain potent for 1 hour.

Additionally, at 8th level, the poultЛьда neutralizes one Отрава affecting the recipient, as per Нейтрализация Яда. At 13th level, it also attempts to cure one Болезнь affecting the recipient, as per Исцеление От Болезней. The caster level of both of these effects is equal to the toxic herbalist’s level. These additional effects are superестественная броня effects.

This replaces Двужильный.

Sudden Onset (Экс): At 4th level, a toxic herbalist can administer a poultЛьда he created via nature’s Избавление or Отрава a weapon as a быстрое действие. Additionally, the toxic herbalist adds the following spells to the следопыт spell list at the indicated круг заклинанияs: 1st— nauseating dart ACG, Заражающий Луч UM; 2nd— Гибельный Яд UM, Оспины APG; 3rd— Яд, Токсический Подарок UM; 4th— Вобранная Токсичность UC, Смертельное Облако.

This replaces Совместная Охота.

Grim Harvest (Экс): At 8th level, a toxic herbalist can spend 1 hour foraging for Poisonous substances to create a dose of Отрава (this hour can be integrated with the hour required to prepare spells or poultices). The toxic herbalist rolls 1d20 and adds his следопыт level and his Intelligence modifier. The DC of this check is equal to the Ремесло DC of the Отрава he Желаниеes to create. If he succeeds at this check, the следопыт creates 1 dose of the chosen Яд. The Отрава remains potent for a number of hours equal to the toxic herbalist’s level, regardless of the means used in attempts to preserve it, and it can’t be sold. This ability functions only while the toxic herbalist is within one of his Излюбленная Местностьs.

This replaces Ищейка.

Potent Venom (Экс): At 11th level, a toxic herbalist’s Ядs become even мертвlier. When he Ядs a Заклятый Враг, the DC of the Яд’s saving throw increases by half the toxic herbalist’s Заклятый Враг bonus against that target.

This replaces quarry.

Poisonous Reaper (Экс): At 19th level, a single dose of Отрава on a toxic herbalist’s weapon remains potent for the entirety of a full attack, instead of for a single strike.

This replaces Добыча+.


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