Coat of the undercity, greater — КиберПедия 

История развития пистолетов-пулеметов: Предпосылкой для возникновения пистолетов-пулеметов послужила давняя тенденция тяготения винтовок...

История создания датчика движения: Первый прибор для обнаружения движения был изобретен немецким физиком Генрихом Герцем...

Coat of the undercity, greater

2021-02-05 128
Coat of the undercity, greater 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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PRICE 37,500 GP

SLOT chest

CL 9th

WEIGHT 5 lbs.

АУРА   moderate Превращение

This coat functions much like the coat of the undercity, except the wearer can transform into a venomroach (Bestiary 2 58) as if using Форма Паразита II. Alternatively, the wearer can take the form of a giant cockroach swarm. This swarm of Маленький Вредитель has a number of пункты здоровья equal to the wearer, uses the wearer’s mental ability scores, skills, and испытания, and gains a +2 Сопротивляемость bonus on испытания against Разум effects instead of being immune to them. The swarm otherwise has the same movement, Armor Class, swarm traits, swarm damage, Отвлечение and Болезнь abilities as a typical rat swarm (including the abilities having a DC of 12). While in swarm form, the wearer can’t Использование any of her activated abilities (Необычная, superестественная броня, spell-like, or otherwise), cast spells, or Использование items, although she can end the Эффект as a основное действие. Either of these Трансформацияs can occur only in an urban environment. The wearer can remain transformed for up to 9 minutes per day. This duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 18,750 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Форма Паразита II UM



PRICE 10,000 GP

SLOT none

CL 5th

WEIGHT 3 lbs.

АУРА   faint Прорицание

At first glance, this book appears to be a nondescript volume filled with blank pages of ordinary paper (though it might instead contain recorded conversations; see below). By speaking the proper Приказ word, the owner can cause the exterior of the tome to appear exactly like another book, changing its размер, shape, and color so as to be an exact duplicate of the specified title. Once activated in this manner, the codex of conversations begins recording any словесный communication that occurs within 20 feet of it, inscribing the words upon its pages in whatever Языка they are uttered. If the Языка being spoken has no written form, the inscription occurs phonetically in whichever Языка the book’s activator specifies. Additionally, the activator can utter an additional Приказ word to cause the text to be recorded in an encoded form that she specifies. Repeating this second Приказ word decodes the script.

The codex can detect and differentiate voices, inscribing each conversationalist’s words in a different color of ink, up to a total of eight colors. The book doesn’t attribute names to these voices, though the reader might be able to determine who they are through context. If the book hears more than eight different voices, it reuses the eight colors as evenly as possible; two inscriptions with the same color ink could thus be the words of different people. The book continues to record conversations until another Приказ word is spoken or until all 200 pages are full (each page holds about 300 words, or about 2 minutes of conversation).

A user might bring the book openly to a meeting in Орден to accurately record all that is sПомощь, or attempt to surreptitiously slip a codex of conversations into a target’s library, replacing a seldom-used volume with the magical one in the hope of gathering vital information unnoticed. When a codex of conversations is deactivated, it returns to its true nondescript form, but the words it has inscribed remain intact for as long as the user Желаниеes to keep them. Another Приказ word causes the recorded conversations to disappear from the pages of the book, resetting it to be used again. The codex can’t record anything other than the spoken word, so it can’t inscribe musical notes if a song is sung. It can record словесный components to spells, but the resultant verbiage is not magical and can’t be used to cast the spell or be read as a scroll. It can inscribe Приказ words to other magical items when the words are uttered aloud.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 5,000 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Ясновидение/Яснослышание, Понимание Языков, Иллюзорные Письмена


PRICE 7,000 GP

SLOT none

CL 9th

WEIGHT 175 lbs.

АУРА   moderate Воплощение

This Крупный, oaken bureau has a double-door cabinet that sits atop three horizontal drawers. A user can Концентрация on a set of clothing he would like to wear, then open the cabinet or one of the drawers to retrieve a set of magically Изготовлениеd clothing matching what he imagined. Clothing created in this way can’t have any magical properties other than those listed here, but does provide all benefits based on the type of clothing it is (a cold-Погода outfit would grant a +2 bonus on Стойкость saves against exposure to Холод weather, for instance). The bureau can’t create armor. The clothes fade to worthless scraps after 24 hours, as do any pieces separated from the whole (such as buttons, buckles, gem adornments, or strips torn off as bandages). The costume bureau can generate a total of four sets of clothing per day—one from the wardrobe and one from each of the three drawers.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 3,500 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Изготовление, Малое Созидание, creator must have at least 5 ranks in Ремесло (портной) or Профессия (tailor)



PRICE 1,600 GP

SLOT none CL 1st

WEIGHT 2 lbs.

АУРА   faint Превращение

A courier’s secure pouch appears as a typical soft-sided leather satchel with a shoulder strap and a fold-over flap with a buckle that can be fastened to seal documents inside. The pouch allows for the safe transport of important, sensitive, or secret documents from one place to another with minimal risk of them falling into the wrong hands. When any type of letters, writs, Контракты, or even scrolls are placed inside the pouch, the buckle is fastened, and the Приказ word is uttered, the pouch seals the documents safely inside, magically protecting them from being removed again. Unless the answering Приказ word is uttered before unbuckling the flap, the Магия of the pouch instantly and completely Стираниеs all the text, leaving behind only blank pages, as per the Стирание spell. Attempting to cut or otherwise damage the pouch in Орден to bypass the buckle results in the magical Защита taking effect, but the pouch itself withstands damage as normal for a Магия item. Attempting to deactivate the pouch’s Магия without attempting to open it doesn’t trigger the erasure. The courier’s secure pouch can protect five pages of writing. If more pages (or an entire book) are placed inside, only the first five pages are affected. Only paper, parchment, vellum, and similar materials are affected; writing inscribed on wood, stone, or wax are not subject to the pouch’s magic.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 800 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Стирание


PRICE 63,250 GP

SLOT shoulders CL 15th

WEIGHT 2 lbs.

АУРА   strong Превращение

Colored a muted gray, this cloak would be nondescript were it not for a single clasp of silver, stylized as a trio of skulls and inlПомощь with three Крупный blue pearls. By pressing the first pearl as a сопутствующее действие, the wearer causes the illumination level in a 30-foot radius to decrease by one step toward dim Свет, from bright Свет to normal Свет or from normal Свет to dim Свет. While active, the cloak also мертвens the sounds the wearer makes (as Изменение Звуков). This prevents the wearer from communicating словесныйly, caЖало spells with словесный components, speaking Приказ words, and so on. Pressing this pearl again suppresses this effect. This Эффект lasts for 15 minutes and can be used at воля. The second pearl also requires a действие движения to activate, and can be activated only while the first pearl is active. Activating the second pearl transports the wearer to the edge of the Material Plane where it borders the Тень Plane. This functions as Путь В Тенях, but only the wearer of the cloak is affected. This ability can be used once per week. While recharging, the second pearl changes color to a gleaming white. Once recharged, it returns to its former dark blue coloration. The final pearl must be removed from the clasp and dropped as a сопутствующее действие. This Сломатьs the jewel, causing wisps of shadowy vapor to engulf the wearer, granting him the benefits of Тень body OA for the following 15 minutes. Once destroyed, the third pearl can’t be used again.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 31,625 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Тьма, Изменение Звуков, Тень body OA, Путь В Тенях


PRICE 12,150 GP

SLOT none

CL 9th


АУРА   moderate Превращение

This set of 54 cards is adorned with designs reminiНюх of doors and Вратаs. As a основное действие, the user can press a card from the deck against a 5-foot section of a wall. The wall must be nonmagical, can be up to 2 feet thick, and must have hardness 8 or lower. In a flПраха of silvery Свет, the card grows into a Добро wooden door (hardness 5, 15 hp) and embeds itself in the wall for 5 rounds, its appearance matching the style of the surrounding architecture. If the user presses two cards against a wall at the same time, the cards instead turn into a Двустороннее door for 10 rounds. The door can be opened from either side, allowing pasМудрое through the affected section of the wall. When the duration ends, the door peels off the wall and withers into a blank, nonmagical card, leaving the wall intact. When used in an urban chase encounter (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Проводник 232), a card from the deck lowers the DC of any one Strength- or Dexterity-based obstacle by 5 for 5 rounds (or 10 rounds if two cards are used).


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 6,075 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Малое Созидание, Проход Сквозь Стену


PRICE 1,700 GP

SLOT none CL 1st


АУРА   faint Очарование

This fan, a favorite tool of courtiers and courtesans, is usually decorated with a delicate design of flowers or geometric patterns. Once per day, the wielder can Использование the fan to attempt to completely infatuate a humanoid target, causing it to stare deeply into the wielder’s eyes and ignore everything else around it. The wielder utters a Приказ word and holds the fan in front of his face, flourishing it and peering over its top to make eye contact with the target. The target must succeed at a DC 11 Воля save or fall under the combined effects of the Гипноз and Приковать Взгляд UC spells. The effects last for 5 rounds or until the wielder dismisses it by closing the fan. Afterward, the target is cВред by the fan’s user for 1 hour (as Приворот (Гуманоид)).


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 850 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Приворот (Гуманоид), Гипноз, Приковать Взгляд UC



PRICE 3,600 GP

SLOT none CL 13th


АУРА   strong Иллюзия and Превращение

This bone needle must be inserted into living flesh (a основное действие) to function, dealing the creature 1d4 points of damage and causing it to appear ghostly and translucent for up to 30 minutes, as if using ghostly маскировкаUM. If the creature negates all the damage (such as with Снижение Урона), this also negates the ghostly маскировка effect, as the needle fails to penetrate his flesh. In addition, as a быстрое действие, a creature with an embedded ghost needle can choose to become partially бестелесность until the beginning of its next turn. During this time, the creature can enter or pass through solid objects as though it had the бестелесность special ability, естественная броня Оружие or Мастер Кулачного Бояs it uses are treated as if they had the призрачного касания weapon special ability, and any spell the creature casts is treated as if it had applied the Ectoplasmic SpellAPG metaМагия черта to it. The creature takes 1d4 points of damage each round it spends in this quasi-бестелесность state, and each round spent in this state Expends 10 minutes of the ghost needle’s duration. If there are fewer than 10 minutes of duration remaining, it can’t choose to remain бестелесность. A ghost needle crumbles to dust after use.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 1,800 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Эфирная Прогулка, ghostly маскировка UM



PRICE 53,000 GP

SLOT none CL 11th

WEIGHT 40 lbs.

АУРА   moderate Иллюзия

This looking glass resembles a framed full-length mirror, 5 feet tall and 2 feet wide. A creature that knows the proper Приказs can operate the mirror in one of two modes. In its first mode, the mirror stores the Отражение of any creature other than the user that comes within 20 feet of the devЛьда and sees its own image. A creature not aware of the Природа of the devЛьда always sees its own Отражение. If the creature seeks to avert its gaze in Орден to avoid looking at the mirror, the probability of a creature seeing its Отражение drops to 50%. This mode functions continually until another Приказ word is spoken or until 24 hours pass, whichever comes first. In its second mode, the mirror can call to its surface any Отражение stored via the first mode of operation and bestow that appearance on the activator, as per the Вуаль spell, for 24 hours. The stored Отражение increases the bonus that its Вуаль grants on Маскировка checks from +10 to +20.

The маскировка is always the Зеркальное Отражение of the creature, however, which might reveal to astute observers фамильяр with the creature that something is wrong (for instance, a mole on the wrong side of the face); this increases the bonus on Внимание checks to see through the маскировка for creatures intimately фамильяр with the creature in question from +10 to +25. This mode can be activated up to three times per day, though it can provide only one Вуаль Эффект at a time, so if anyone activates it again before the previous Вуаль expires, the first Эффект ends.

A glass of Вуальs can store up to 12 different Отражениеs. If its capacity is exceeded, the Отражение that has been stored the longest is Стираниеd to accommodate the latest one. With a separate Приказ word, the user can protect an image from being Стираниеd, or remove that Защита. A glass of Вуальs with all 12 Отражениеs protected from erasure can’t store new images until he removes the Защита from at least one stored image.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 26,500 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Вуаль



SLOT varies

CL 1st

WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

АУРА   faint Иллюзия

Though actually made of cheap tin and colored glass, this adornment appears to be a beautiful and expensive piece of jewelry worth 1,000 gp. A glittering trinket can come in the form of a necklace (using the neck item slot), a bracelet (taking up the wrists slot), a belt buckle (taking the waist slot), or a ring (taking up one ring slot). The trinket’s inflated price affects only people’s opinion of the wearer. It uses its actual price and Стоимость for any abilities or effects that depend on the item having a certain value. Anyone who physically interacts with a glittering trinket can attempt a DC 11 Воля save to disbelieve the Иллюзия, and a successful DC 20 Оценка check identifies it as false. Because of these factors, selling the trinket—especially to a merchant—rarely fetches the inflated price.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 60 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, изменение облика

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