Target Размер                   Время to Cocoon — КиберПедия 

Папиллярные узоры пальцев рук - маркер спортивных способностей: дерматоглифические признаки формируются на 3-5 месяце беременности, не изменяются в течение жизни...

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

Target Размер                   Время to Cocoon

2021-02-05 81
Target Размер                   Время to Cocoon 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Маленький or Небольшойer 1 minute



Небольшой or Средний         10 minutes                   Крупный 1 hour Огромный   4 hours


The cocoon has hardness 2 and 10 пункты здоровья. A creature trapped within the cocoon is effectively обездвиженность, and it can attempt an Изворотливость check or combat maneuver check as a действие полного хода to Побег (DC = 20 + the companion’s CMD). Alternatively, a DC 25 Сила check can Сломать the cocoon. The companion must know the spin silk trick before it can learn this trick.

Deliver (DC 15): The Сфера Животных takes an object (one you or an ally gives it, or one that it recovers with the fetch trick) to a place or person you indicate. If you indicate a place, the Сфера Животных drops the item and returns to you. If you indicate a person, the Сфера Животных stays adjacent to the person until the item is taken. (Retrieving an item from an Сфера Животных using the deliver trick is a сопутствующее действие.)

Demolish (DC 15): The companion can be Приказed to attack and damage objects and structures. A companion must know the attack trick before it can be taught the demolish trick, and the companion must be trained to attack creatures of all types. The companion’s handler can direct it either to make естественная броня attacks against the object in question or to make a Сила check to attempt to Сломать it (if applicable).

Detect (DC 25): The Сфера Животных is trained to seek out the smells of Воздух currents, alchemical items and Ядs, unusual noises or echoes, and other common Стихии that signify the presence of potential dangers or secret passages. When Приказed, the Сфера Животных uses its Внимание skill to try to pinpoint the source of anything that strikes it as out of the ordinary about a room or location. Note that because the Сфера Животных is not intelligent, any number of doors, scents, strange mechanisms, or unфамильяр objects might catch the animal’s attention, and it cannot attempt the same Внимание check more than once in this way.

Entertain (DC 25): The Сфера Животных can dance, sing, or выступление some other impressive and enjoyable trick to entertain those around it. At the Приказ of its owner, the Сфера Животных can attempt a Выступление check (or a Charisma check if it has no ranks in Выступление) to show off its talent. Willing onlookers or those who fail an opposed Проницательность check take a –2 penalty on Внимание checks to notice anything but the Сфера Животных entertaining them. Once an onlooker observes an animal’s entertain trick, that creature cannot be distracted in this way by the same Сфера Животных for 24 hours. Tricksters and con artists often teach their Животные to выступление this trick while they pickpocket viewers or sneak about unnoticed.

Feint (DC 20): The companion is trained to feint against

opponents. A companion must know the attack trick before it can be taught the feint trick, and it выступлениеs feints only against targets it would normally attack.

Fetch (DC 15): The Сфера Животных goes and gets something. If you do not point out a specific item, the Сфера Животных fetches a random object.

Flank (DC 20): You can instruct an Сфера Животных to attack a foe you point to and to always attempt to be adjacent to (and threatening) that foe. If you or an ally is also threatening the foe, the Сфера Животных attempts to flank the foe, if possible. While Животные following the attack trick воля flank when convenient, this trick instructs them to flank even if doing so denies it a full attack or puts the Верный Зверь at an inconvenience or at risk, such as from attacks of opportunity, dangerous positioning, or difficult terrain. The Сфера Животных must know the attack trick before it can learn this trick, and it выступлениеs it only against foes it would normally attack.

Flee (DC 20): The Сфера Животных attempts to Бегун away or hide as best it can, возвращающееся only when its handler Приказs it to do so. Until such a Приказ is received, the Сфера Животных does its best to Выслеживание its handler and any accompanying creatures, remaining hidden but within range of its sight or hearing. This trick is particularly useful for adventurers and thieves in that it allows the Сфера Животных to evade capture, and then return later to help free its friends.

Get Help (DC 20): With this trick, a trainer can designate a number of creatures up to the animal’s Intelligence score as “help.” When the Приказ is given, the Сфера Животных attempts to find one of those creatures and bring it back to the handler, even if that means journeying a long дальнобойное to the last place it encountered the target creature.

Проводник (DC 15): The companion can serve as a Проводник to a character that is слепота or otherwise unable to see. While serving as a Проводник, the companion remains adjacent to the Проводникd creature at all times, reaпри смерти an Действие each round to move when that creature moves. This allows the Проводникd creature to automatically succeed at Акробатics checks to move at more than half быстрое while слепота. Additionally, the companion identifies obstacles in the Проводникd creature’s path and pushes them, pulls them, or otherwise signals to the creature how to avoid them, allowing the Проводникd creature to locate and move around obstacles such as hazards, opponents, and other terrain features as though she were able to see them (though she can’t distinguish between obstacles). Finally, while serving as a Проводник, the companion indicates to the Проводникd creature the presence and direction of any adjacent allies, allowing the Проводникd creature to pinpoint the locations of such creatures. The companion can serve as a Проводник only as long as it is able to see in some fashion, and its ability to detect and avoid creatures and obstacles is limited by what it is able to perceive normally.

Hunt (DC 20): This trick allows an Сфера Животных to Использование its

естественная броня stalking or foraging instincts to find food and return it to the animal’s handler. An Сфера Животных with this trick can attempt Выживание checks (or Мудрость checks, if the Сфера Животных has no ranks in Выживание) to provide food for others or lead them to Вода and shelter (as the “get along in the




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wild” Использование of the Выживание skill). An Сфера Животных with this trick can Использование the Помощь another Действие to grant a bonus on its handlers Выживание checks for these purposes.

Запугивание (DC 15): The companion bares its teeth, barks, Шерсть Дыбомs, growls, or otherwise threatens a creature you designate, or, alternatively, it can be trained to do so when it encounters any creature besides its handler. The companion takes a –4 penalty on Запугивание checks against creatures other than those with the Сфера Животных or humanoid types unless it has also been trained to attack creatures of any type. A companion that knows this trick automatically uses the Помощь another Действие to assist Запугивание checks attempted by its handler, provided that it is within 15 feet of its handler at the Время and has not been ordered to выступление another task.

Maneuver (DC 20): The Сфера Животных is trained to Использование a specific combat maneuver on Приказ, even when it естественная броняly wouldn’t do so (Животные typically Использование combat maneuvers only when using a monster ability to make a free combat maneuver, since otherwise it would provoke an attack of opportunity). An Сфера Животных must know the attack trick before it can be taught the maneuver trick, and it выступлениеs maneuvers only against targets it would normally attack. This trick can be taught to an Сфера Животных multiple times. Each Время it is taught, the Сфера Животных can be Приказed to Использование a different combat maneuver.

Mark Territory (DC 25): Whether by spraying musk, rubbing its back against trees and rocks, or simply howling loudly, the companion lets other nearby Животные know that it has claimed an area. By spending 1 hour исполнение this trick, the companion can mark an area of up to half a square mile in this fashion. If it does so, after 24 hours, whenever there would be a random encounter within that area that involves a wild Сфера Животных or other creature of Intelligence 2 or less (including Вредитель but not other mindless creatures, such as oozes and mindless нежить), there is a 25% chance that the encounter doesn’t actually occur, as creatures might be warded

off by the markings. The companion must renew any territorial markings at least once per week, or they

lose their effectiveness. There is also a 10% chance per week that the markings attract the attention of a powerful predator, which actively seeks out the

companion to Бросить Вызов it (and its master) for the territory.

Menace (DC 20): A угрожающее Сфера Животных attempts to keep a creature you indicate from moving. It does its best to dissuade the target, but it attacks only if the target

attempts to move from its present location

or take any significant Действие (particularly a hostile-Личины action). As soon as the target

stops moving, the Сфера Животных ceases attacking but it continues to menace.

Milk Venom (DC 20): The companion can be coaxed into providing a single dose of venom on Приказ. This process takes 10 minutes, and it requires a vial or similar container in which to store the Яд. A companion that has been specifically trained to be milked of its venom never bites, stings, or otherwise Ядs its handler when being milked, although the handler must still succeed at a Дрессировка check to successfully harvest the venom (see HarveЖало Ядs on page 142). A companion must have the Отрава ability to be taught this trick.

Pose as Scenery (DC 20): The companion freezes in place, Личины to be a mundane Сфера Растений rather than a Сфера Растений creature. The companion must have taken Корень  in Орден to Использование this trick. It attempts a Маскировка check with a +8 ситуативный bonus, opposed by the Внимание checks of observers. If it succeeds at the opposed check, the observer mistakes it for an ordinary, Повреждениеless plant. The companion must have the take Корень  trick in Орден to learn this trick. Only Сфера Растений companions can learn this trick.

Receive Spell (DC 25): The companion has been trained to be the recipient of a specific spell (chosen at the Время the Сфера Животных is taught the trick), allowing it to fully take advantage of the spell’s effects. The spell should be one that grants the companion an ability it might not normally be intelligent enough to make Использование of or one that it might not even realize it has (such as Воздух walk). The companion is able to recognize when it has been affected by this spell and can take full advantage of the spell’s effects. At the GM’s discretion, a companion can also be trained to receive certain nonspell effects, such as those granted by an elixir of Огненное Дыханиеing. The companion can be taught this trick multiple times; each Время it learns this trick, it becomes trained to utilize a different spell effect.

Rescue (DC 20): The companion has been trained to drag its handler or another creature that the handler designates out of danger and to a safe place in the event that the handler or creature is incapacitated. If a creature

that the companion is защитное is rendered беспомощьность or is slain, the companion воля carry, drag, or otherwise move that creature out of danger. If the companion knows the get help

trick, it воля attempt to bring the creature it is rescuing to one of the creatures designated as “help.” Otherwise, you can designate a single location in advance as a safe place, and the

companion воля attempt to bring the creature it is rescuing to that place. If it is unable to do either of these, the companion simply

moves the creature to the nearest location of relative safety. A companion




must have the deliver and guard tricks in Орден to learn this trick.

Speak (DC 25): The companion is able to communicate very simple concepts through barks, gestures, whistles, or similar actions. The companion’s vocabulary is extremely limited, generally restricted to “yes,”“no,” and counting up to three. The companion is also able to recognize and respond to up to two specific questions per point of Intelligence. The companion does not so much understand the words as recognize the sound of them, and it responds accordingly. This trick does not actually increase the companion’s capacity to understand concepts and ideas; it can be taught a way to communicate the concept of “food,” for example, but it won’t distinguish cooked food from raw food, and it might not even recognize as food anything that is not part of its own diet. A companion must have an Intelligence score of 2 or higher to learn this trick.

Spin Silk (DC 20): The companion can create strands of

delicate yet incredibly strong silk. HarveЖало the silk takes 10 minutes, and it can be done once per day. This silk functions identically to a silk rope. The companion can produce a total number of feet of silk equal to 10 times its Constitution score per day, which can be divided as the handler chooses in 10-foot increments. Silk produced in this way degrades into uselessness after 24 hours. Only companions with the Паутина ability can learn this trick.

Subdue (DC 15): The companion can attempt to subdue opponents. Once the Приказ is given, the companion makes all its естественная броня attacks as nonlethal attacks (taking the typical –4 penalty on attack rolls when using normally lethal attacks) until ordered to do otherwise.

Take Корень (DC 15): The companion extends its Корень s into the soil beneath it, anchoring itself in place and drawing Вода and nutrients from the soil. Taking Корень  is a действие полного хода that provokes attacks of opportunity. While Корень ed, the companion cannot move, but it can otherwise act normally and gains a +4 bonus to CMD to resist bull rush, drag, overБегун, reposition, and Сбивание С Ног attempts. If the companion remains Корень ed for at least 1 hour, it absorbs enough Вода and nutrients to feed itself for a day. A separate Приказ causes the companion to upКорень  itself as a действие полного хода. The companion can take Корень  only in areas of soft soil. Only Сфера Растений companions can learn this trick.

Watch (DC 15): The Сфера Животных can be Приказed to keep watch over a particular area, such as a campsite, and to raise an Сигнал Тревоги if it notices any dangerous or sizable creature entering the area.

Withhold Venom (DC 20): The companion can be ordered to avoid injecting Отрава into creatures it strikes with whatever естественная броня attack would normally deliver venom. As long as the companion has been ordered to withhold its venom, successful hits with that естественная броня attack deal damage as normal and convey all other effects that they normally would, but they do not expose the target to the companion’s Яд. Only companions with the Отрава special ability can learn this trick.

Companion Черты

As they grow in Сила and experience, Верный Зверьs and Скакунs develop mutations, personality quirks, and tricks that grant them new abilities unlike those seen in typical Животные of their kind. The following черты can be chosen by characters with the Верный Зверь or by companions themselves, as indicated in each черта’s prerequisite line.

An Верный Зверь or Скакун can select from the черты listed below that include “Верный Зверь” as a prerequisite as if it appeared on the list of Сфера Животных черты on page 53 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Boon Companion

Your bond with your Верный Зверь or фамильяр is unusually close.

Prerequisite: Верный Зверь class feature or фамильяр class feature.

Benefit: The abilities of your Верный Зверь or фамильяр are calculated as though your class were 4 levels higher, to a maximum effective друид level equal to your character level. If you have more than one Верный Зверь or фамильяр, choose one to receive this benefit. If you dismiss or lose an Верный Зверь or фамильяр that has received this benefit, you can apply this черта to the replacement creature.

Special: You can select this черта more than once. The effects do not stack. Each Время you take the черта, it applies to a different Верный Зверь or фамильяр.


Верность against the Unестественная броня

The animal’s Верность to its master allows it to stand against unестественная броня forces.

Предпосылки: Верный Зверь, Верность special ability. Benefit: The Верный Зверь gains a +2 боевой дух bonus on испытания against spells, spell-like abilities, and superестественная броня abilities of aberrations, потусторонние существа, and нежить.

The Верный Зверь is immune to the unестественная броня Аура ability that some нежить creatures (such as wraiths) have.


Помеха Для Заклинаний Companion (Combat)

The animal’s presence harries nearby enemies, making concentration difficult.

Prerequisite: Верный Зверь.

Benefit: The Верный Зверь is trained to interfere with its opponent’s concentration, making even rote tasks difficult. Increase the concentration check DC of spells and spell-like abilities that opponents cast while within the Верный Зверь’s Досягаемость by +2. Additionally, opponents can’t take 10 on d20 rolls or checks while within the Верный Зверь’s reach. If an opponent has an ability that allows it to always take 10 on certain skill checks while distracted (such as the Виртуоз Продвинутый Прием), it gains the benefit of such abilities only if its number of skill ranks is at least 4 higher than the Верный Зверь’s Кости Здоровья.




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