Simple Оружие Price Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight 1 Type 2 Special — КиберПедия 

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Simple Оружие Price Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight 1 Type 2 Special

2021-02-05 124
Simple Оружие Price Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight 1 Type 2 Special 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Свет Melee Weapons

Spring blade 70 gp 1d3 1d4 Ч2 10 ft. 1 lb. P or S —

Exotic Оружие Price Dmg (S) Dmg (M) Critical Range Weight 1 Type 2 Special

Ranged Weapons

Heavy wrist launcher 250 gp 1d3 1d4 19–20/Ч2 30 ft. 2 lbs. P —

Wrist launcher 200 gp — — — 20 ft. 1 lb. P —

Чертаherweight darts (10) 1 gp — — — — — — —

1 Weight figures are for Средний weapons. A Небольшой weapon weighs half as much, and a Крупный weapon twice as much.

2 A weapon with two types is either type (wielder’s choice) if the entry specifies “or.”




WEIGHT 1 lb.

To all appearances, this devЛьда is nothing more than a plain rod, such as a dowel, although it can be made in the form of any cylindrical object, such as a cane or walking stick, curtain rod, scroll case, Ветер chime, or blow gun. The simplest form of code rod costs 1 sp and weighs 1 pound. If the rod has another Использование other than as a code rod, it uses the higher price and weight of the two items. Two code rods of matching circumference must be used in pairs to work properly. The second rod can be an item similar to the first, or it can simply be made to the same dimensions. To Использование a code rod, a long, narrow sСбивание С Ног of paper is wrapped around the rod in a spiral Узор such that the edge of the paper touches the previous circuit with each pass, forming a continuous surface. A Сообщение is written along the length of the rod, one character to each coil of paper, row by row, until the paper is full. Once the Сообщение is completed, the sСбивание С Ног of paper is unwound, rendering the Сообщение indecipherable. It can then be rolled up and sent to the recipient, who wraps it around the other rod and can then read the Сообщение. The users can write in plain Языка or further encode the Сообщение. Someone intercepting the Сообщение, if they recognize the Использование of a code rod, can attempt to find another rod of similar circumference, using Языкознание to crack the code rod’s Сообщение.




WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

Небольшойer and made of stronger materials than most thieves’ tools, the items in this kit are much easier to conceal. You gain a +4 bonus on Ловкость рук skill checks to conceal these tools on your body. They otherwise function as masterwork thieves tools (granting a +2 ситуативный бонус on Механика checks).




WEIGHT 1/10 lb.

A concealment coin appears in all respects like a typical coin of the realm and is often ремеслоed from an ordinary coin—though for soft metals like gold, the coin is typically made with an iron or steel interior and then plated with the more valuable metal. Twisting the coin along its edge unscrews the two halves, revealing a thin, hollow space inside. Such coins are often used to hide Небольшой Сообщениеs written on very Крошечный paper for covert delivery. Noticing a concealment coin’s true Природа requires a successful DC 25 Внимание check.




WEIGHT 8 lbs.

An esquire attachй case contains the materials and references for drafting agreements and treaties. Carried by ambassadors and diplomats, these kits hold masterwork writing implements, Крошечный parchments, special inks, and references on the legal Языки of specific nations or regions. When purchasing a kit, you must select a nation or region. An esquire attachй case grants you a +2 ситуативный бонус when used to draft diplomatic and legal documents in the chosen nation or region. These are typically Профессия (barrister) checks, but may include other checks related to creating documents, such as Знание (краеведение), Знание (высший свет), or Языкознание.




WEIGHT 3 lbs.

Under regular scruМаленький, a hollow book appears as a normal tome. However, it is designed to hold a concealed item within its pages. One type of hollow book simply has a cavity cut into the interior pages that can hold a Небольшой pouch or similar item. Flipping the cover of this type of book open instantly reveals its true nature. Another type has a much thinner cavity cut into its unusually thick cover. The cavity is concealed by the book’s end-paper, which is affixed to the inside of the cover by a gentle adhesive and can be peeled back and then reclosed repeatedly. A Небольшой packet of folded documents can be carefully hidden inside the cavity, and a successful DC 20 Внимание check is required to notice the hidden space.




WEIGHT 10 lbs.

A perfume kit consists of an atomizer and a diverse array of perfumes, scented oils, wild flowers, and herbs. Applying scents from a perfume kit takes 1 minute, and grants you a +1 ситуативный бонус on Блеф, Дипломатия, Маскировка, Дрессировка, Запугивание, or Выступление checks, subject to GM discretion. You must choose the type of check when you apply the fragrances. This bonus typically doesn’t apply in combat or against hostile creatures, and might not work on creatures without olfactory senses or who would be more offended than entranced by your scent. The bonus lasts for 4 hours. You can gain only one bonus from a perfume kit at a time, and the bonus from perfume does not stack with bonuses from any masterwork tools you possess for the same skill. A perfume kit is бессилие after 10 uses.





Яд lip paint is a favorite among courtiers who practЛьда the arts of Хитрости and intrigue. It allows the wearer to deliver a dose of contact or ingested Яд by means of a kiss. This kiss can be to the hand, cheek, or other exposed skin to deliver a contact Яд, but must be on the mouth for an ingested Яд. A kiss delivers the full dose of the Яд, and that application of Яд lip paint then becomes nonPoisonous. To Использование Яд lip paint without being exposed to the Яд, the wearer must first apply a protective layer of base material. When using an ingested Яд, the wearer can instead consume an antidote prior to application. (When the user applies a contact Яд, preemptively consuming an antidote results in the wearer’s skin Повреждениеlessly absorbing the Яд, as does Иммунитет to Яд.) A kit contains enough base material and lip paint for 10 doses. The Ядs must be purchased separately and mixed into the lip paint.


Table 6–2: Adventuring Gear

Item Price Weight

Code rod 1 sp 1 lb.

Concealable thieves’ tools 190 gp 1/2 lb.

Concealment coin 12 gp 1/10 lb.

Esquire attachй case 100 gp 8 lbs.

Hollow book 15 gp 3 lbs.

Perfume kit 40 gp 10 lbs.

Яд lip paint 5 gp —

Puzzle heel (3 steps) 20 gp —

Puzzle heel (4 steps) 40 gp —

Puzzle heel (5 steps) 80 gp —

Quick-change outfit Varies 5 lbs.

Scroll belt 3 sp —

Sentry seeds 7 gp 1/2 lb.

Subversive vest 45 gp 1 lb.

Subversive vestment 90 gp 2 lbs.

Каратель’s kit 8 gp 22 lbs.



PRICE varies


Used as a replacement for the heel and sole of a shoe or boot, a puzzle heel can be used to secret away items so you can retrieve them when needed. To open the Небольшой compartment inside a puzzle heel, you must press, turn, and twist the heel and sole in a particular pattern. The increased complexity of a puzzle heel grants a ситуативный бонус on Ловкость рук checks to conceal items, depending on the complexity of the opening process. Opening the heel without knowing the sequence requires a successful Механика check. A puzzle heel compartment is roughly 5 cubic inches in volume. Sleight of Disable Complexity Price Hand Bonus DevЛьда DC 3 steps 20 gp +4 20 4 steps 40 gp +6 25 5 steps 80 gp +8 30 



PRICE varies

WEIGHT 5 lbs.

A quick-change outfit is actually two different sets of attire sewn together, one inside the other. The quick-change outfit allows the wearer to rapidly change from one outfit into another by reversing (pulling inside out) the entire outfit. It takes a fullround Действие to slip out of the quick-change outfit, reverse it, and put it back on. The two different outfits can appear to be of any variety, such as a noble’s outfit on one side and a монах’s outfit on the other. The appearance is only superficial, so the outfits do not grant any special bonuses (such as a cold-Погода outfit’s benefits against exposure to cold). Anyone paying particular attention to the outfit can notice discrepancies (such as odd seams and unusually thick padding) with a successful DC 20 Внимание check. The outfit’s price is equal to Двустороннее the price of the more expensive of the two outfits it mimics. 





This garment is specially designed to have a single spell scribed on the inside of its surface, hidden from Глаза-Разведчики. Лазутчикs and spies often Использование scroll belts to secure extra magical means of Побег when the remainder of their equipment is taken during capture. The belt is reusable, though the normal costs and Время required to scribe a spell on the belt for each new spell apply. You must remove the belt and hold it in a free hand in Орден to Использование the scroll.




WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

Sentry seeds are Небольшой, hollow, ovoid glass beads with flat sides. A specially ремеслоed pouch, containing enough seeds to fill eight 5-foot squares, allows the user to evenly scatter these seeds across any flat, hard, mostly level surface. When stepped upon, the glass beads Сломать with audible pops (Внимание DC 10), Предупреждение of potential intruders. Although they are easy to see in the Свет (Внимание DC 10), sentry seeds are difficult to spot in dim Свет or Тьма (Внимание DC 20). 





WEIGHT 1 lb.



WEIGHT 2 lbs.

Subversive vests are tailored to the pinnacle of courtly fashion, yet have strategically placed compartments for hiding thieves’ tools. You gain a +2 ситуативный бонус on Ловкость рук checks to conceal thieves’ tools within a subversive vest. A subversive vestment is like a subversive vest, but resembles a жрецal vestment and has a greater carrying capacity. In addition to thieves’ tools, you can stow two 1-pint flasks in specially designed pockets that conceal the items’ bulk from common view, with the same ситуативный бонус as a subversive vest.




WEIGHT 22 lbs.

This kit includes a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.



Alchemical tools can prove extremely useful in a variety of adventuring situations, including battles, dungeon delving, or crafting other alchemical items. All of these tools can be made with the Ремесло (алхимик) skill; the DC to ремесло each item is listed in Table 6–3: Alchemical Tools. Ultimate Intrigue introduces two new abilities for alchemical items: alchemical burn and alchemical inspiration.

Alchemical Burn: Some alchemical items allow you to accept alchemical burn. To accept alchemical burn, you voluntarily take 1 point of nonlethal damage per character level when imbibing the item to gain the listed benefit. This damage can’t be лечениеed by any means other than getting a full night’s rest, which removes all alchemical burn and associated nonlethal damage. Nonlethal damage from alchemical burn can’t be reduced or redirected, and if you are incapable of taking nonlethal damage, you gain no benefit from alchemical items that cause alchemical burn. You can accept alchemical burn only once per round, and can’t accept both alchemical burn and burn from the kineticist class (Pathfinder RPG Оккультизм Adventures 11) in the same round. A kineticist can Использование her internal buffer to avoid accepting alchemical burn. If you have accepted alchemical burn, you cannot benefit from abilities that allow you to ignore or alter the effects received from nonlethal damage. You can benefit from only one item that uses alchemical burn at a time. If you imbibe another, the second item has no effect.

Alchemical Inspiration: Items that grant alchemical inspiration function similar to the inspiration class feature of the Следователь class (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Проводник 31). Such an alchemical item typically grants a number of uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used during the duration of the item. As a свободное действие, you can Расход one Использование of alchemical inspiration to add 1d6 to the result of a check of the type dictated by the alchemical item (as an алхимический бонус). This can be used even if you take 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. You can Использование alchemical inspiration only once per check or roll, and can’t Использование both inspiration and alchemical inspiration on the same check or roll. In addition, if you have the inspiration class feature, you gain an additional +1 bonus when using inspiration on the appropriate type of check, whether the inspiration came from your class feature or from alchemical inspiration. You can benefit from only one item that grants alchemical inspiration at a time. If you imbibe another during the duration, the second one has no effect, even if you have already used all of your alchemical inspiration from the first item.


It’s not enough to be skilled—you also need to have the right tools for the job! All of the items listed under the following devious undertakings are suited for spies and saboteurs. A few appear in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, but all can be found in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment.

Маскировка: If you’re going to blend in, you’ll need a маскировка kit and appropriate outfits. Mock armor allows мистический заклинательs and other Светly armored characters to blend in with soldiers without compromising their abilities. A reversible cloak, tear-away clothing, or a wig makes it easier to change маскировкаs quickly. Accessorize with a pickpocket’s outfit, pocketed scarf, or false-bottomed chest to hide your illicit tools or stolen items.

Forgery: Make better forged documents with a book of letters or a forger’s kit.

Infiltration: Countless Магия items have powers that Помощь infiltration. Many improve your Навыки by providing numerical bonuses (such as the elixir of hiding) or additional options (such as the minor Камень cloak). Others duplicate useful spells, including such classics as the hat of маскировка and ring of Невидимость. Items that allow you to Сфера Путешествий where others can’t, such as boots of levitation or slippers of spider лазание ing, are always useful. Extradimensional spaces can be used to carry tools or loot surreptitiously.

Reconnaissance: A number of tools make reconnaissance easier. Pen and paper, chalk and slate, or a stylus and wax tablet can be used to make notes, draw maps, or sketch images. An ear trumpet allows you to more easily eavesdrop, while a mirror or periscope lets you watch events while remaining hidden or check around corners for guards.

Thieving: Beyond the ubiquitous thieves’ tools, other tools to bypass locks range from subtle (a skeleton key or wax key blank) to brute Сила (an Кислота flask or wire saw). A glass cutter or glue paper is useful when Сломатьing into buildings with windows. Alchemical Масло and a лазаниеer’s kit both improve your ability to get into difficult places.



Item Стоимость Weight Ремесло DC Accuracy lozenge 330 gp — 25 Age ointment 80 gp — 15 Alchemical dye kit 160 gp 6 lbs. 20 Boar’s bellow 190 gp — 15 Наследие Ифритов cord 50 gp — 10 Наследие Ифритов sведьма 25 gp — 10 Falsehood fizz 190 gp — 15 Fellowship film 190 gp — 15 FlПраха seeds 35 gp 1/2 lb. 15 Intuition serum 190 gp — 15 Ночи stalker’s tonic 200 gp — 20 Rake’s friend 120 gp — 15 Singer’s solution 120 gp — 15 Speech resin 410 gp — 25 Swift hands tonic 250 gp — 20





The effects of this gray-green pill last for 5 minutes after consumption. During this time, when making a full attack, you can accept alchemical burn to make your second attack at your full базовый модификатор атаки instead of the бонус атаки for your second attack. An accuracy lozenge gives no benefit on attacks beyond the second, nor does it provide a second attack if you don’t already have one.





This white, waxy ointment allows you to appear older or younger, and is useful for both people who need маскировкаs and the vain. When mixed with an equal amount of sealing wax, it forms a gray paste that discolors and relТопоры your skin, reducing the penalty on Маскировка checks to appear older than you are by 2. When mixed with an equal amount of soap, it forms a rosy paste that clarifies and tightens your skin, reducing the penalty on Маскировка checks to appear younger than you are by 2. An application of age ointment lasts for 1d4+1 days. Age ointment can be used once, and the price includes the required amounts of sealing wax and soap.




WEIGHT 6 lbs.

This kit provides a variety of creamy liquids in glass jars, and allows you to temporarily change the color of your hВоздух or skin to match that of a creature of any humanoid race. This includes exotic and unusual hues, such as gnome hВоздух colors. If used as part of a Маскировка check, this kit reduces the Время required to create the маскировка by 1d6 minutes (to a minimum of a действие полного хода), and halves the penalty to маскировка yourself as a different race whenever such recoloration is necessary. Each Использование of the kit changes either hВоздух or skin color. If you need to change both your hВоздух color and your skin color, you must spend two uses of the kit to gain the benefit. Each dye takes 1 minute to apply (thus requiring 2 minutes to change both hВоздух and skin color). Once applied, the colors are waterproof, and can’t be rubbed or burned away. An application of dye fades after 1d4+1 days unless removed earlier by magical means. Applying a new application of alchemical dye immediately covers and replaces a previous application. An alchemical dye kit is бессилие after 10 uses.





When imbibed, this bitter, rust-colored concoction grants you 1d4 uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used only on Запугивание checks. The benefits of boar’s bellow last for 1 hour; during this time, you must roll all Дипломатия checks twice and take the worse result.





Originally discovered by dwarven алхимикs working with adamantine dust, Наследие Ифритов cord is a viscid length of string approximately 18 inches long and blue-gray in color. It can be purchased in greater lengths by multiplying the price for every 18 inches or frДействие thereof. Flexible and sticky, a length of Наследие Ифритов cord can be carefully shaped into almost any pattern, draped upon an object, or wrapped around a fixture, and воля stay in place until activated. Once activated (using an Наследие Ифритов sведьма; see below), Наследие Ифритов cord rapidly heats up, and after 1 round becomes a white-hot cord of fire. In the first round, the cord deals 3d6 points of Огонь damage to an object. This damage ignores any hardness less than 10, and is not halved for an object. The cord continues to burn for 2 additional rounds, dealing 2d6 points of Огонь damage the first additional round and 1d6 points the second.





An Наследие Ифритов sведьма is the activation devЛьда for Наследие Ифритов cord; it measures approximately 6 inches in length and is made of a supple, red-brown alchemical compound. It is not consumed when activating a length of cord, and it can be used with any length of Наследие Ифритов cord. It’s possible to key lengths of Наследие Ифритов cord to a specific sведьма; however, this doubles the price of both the Наследие Ифритов cord and the sведьма.





When imbibed, this cloudy, pink liquid grants you 1d4 uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used only on Блеф checks to lie or to deliver secret Сообщениеs. Additionally, you can spend two uses of alchemical inspiration to gain inspiration on a saving throw against truth-detecting or truth-forcing Магия (such as Выявление Лжи or Место Истины). The benefits of falsehood fizz last for 1 hour. During this time, you must roll Проницательность checks twice and take the worse result.





By eating this thin sheet of glossy gelatin, you gain 1d4 uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used only on Дипломатия checks. The benefits of fellowship film last for 1 hour, during which you must roll all Запугивание checks twice and take the worse result.




WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

These alchemical beads function as sentry seeds (see page 234), but are also filled with an alchemical gas that explodes on contact with the air. This explosion is louder and flashier than the pop of normal sentry seeds (Внимание DC 0). Creatures within 5 feet of the beads when they Сломать must succeed at a DC 11 Стойкость save or be слепота for 1 round.





By drinking this clear, fizzy liquid, you gain 1d4 uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used only on Проницательность checks. The benefits of intuition serum last for 1 hour; during this time, you must roll all Блеф checks twice and take the worse result.





Once you imbibe this metallic-taЖало liquid, its effects last for 1 hour. During this time, you can accept alchemical burn to increase your Атака Исподтишка damage by 1d6 points or your hidden strike damage by 1d4 or 1d8 points (as appropriate) for 1 round. If you don’t possess the Атака Исподтишка or hidden strike abilities, imbibing this tonic has no effect.





You can accept alchemical burn when you imbibe this draught to gain 1 grit point or 1 panache point. The effects of rake’s friend last for 1 hour; if not spent within 1 hour, this point is lost. Rake’s friend has no Эффект if you don’t have the ability to Использование grit or panache.





When you imbibe this draught, you can accept alchemical burn to gain an additional 4 rounds of выступление барда or raging song for the day. The effects of singer’s solution last for 1 hour; if not spent within 1 hour, these additional rounds are lost. Singer’s solution has no Эффект if you don’t have the выступление барда or raging song class features.





Chewing this gummy substance grants you 1d4 uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used only on Charismabased skill checks. This benefit lasts for 1 hour, during which you must roll all Wisdom-based skill checks twice and take the worse result.





When imbibed, this bitter, rust-colored concoction grants you 1d4 uses of alchemical inspiration that can be used only on Механика checks and Ловкость рук checks. These benefits last for 1 hour; during this time, you must roll all Акробатика checks and Изворотливость checks twice and take the worse result.



The Магия items in these sections are divided into the categories outlined in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment, so you can Использование them with the treasure generator detailed in that book. If you’re Running an adventure чертаuring an NPC with levels in каратель, have a PC with levels in that class, or are using one of the subsystems from Ultimate Intrigue, consider either using items from this book before rolling randomly on the treasure generator or adding these items to the treasure generator.



The following section includes armor and Щитs with unusual powers and magical abilities. Магия armor and Щитs can have either abilities that need to be activated to function or abilities that work passively and constantly.




Lesser Средний Щит Price

Lockpick Щит 7,159 gp

Greater Major Armor


Diviner’s Увядание 31,160 gp



PRICE 31,160 GP

SLOT armor

CL 13th

WEIGHT 15 lbs.

АУРА strong Иллюзия

Aside from its superb ремеслоsmanship, this +4 leather armor has little to distinguish it from any other armor. Once per week, while a living creature wears a suit of diviner’s Увядание armor, the wearer can recite a Приказ word and spend 1 minute in concentration to have the armor imitate a creature with which the wearer is фамильяр. The imitated creature must be within one размер category of the wearer. Imitating a creature has no visible Эффект on the armor or the wearer, but instead confounds magical Прорицаниеs. Spells such as Тайновидение meant to observe the imitated creature instead observe the wearer, who appears to the scryer as the imitated creature; the imitated creature still attempts any necessary saving throw or applies its Устойчивость К Магии, but if the spell succeeds, diviner’s Увядание redirects any Тайновидение sensor to its wearer. Magical means of detecting a creature’s location always consider the location of the wearer as the actual location of the imitated creature, and only 8th-level or higher spells like Точный Адрес or greater Глаза-Разведчики can overcome this effect. Spells such as detect lies or Место Истины react as though the wearer were the imitated target and not himself, but only for the purpose of stating his identity.

Diviner’s Увядание would not, for instance, affect a question about the wearer’s mother’s name. The imitation remains in place until the wearer chooses a different creature to imitate or spends 1 minute in concentration to end it. The armor resumes its normal form when removed, but the target of its imitative Эффект remains set—when a character dons the armor (whether the character who dons the armor is the last wearer or a different person), the armor immediately begins imitating the creature it’s set to imitate again.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 15,660 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Перен ывапо авление, Собственный Образ


PRICE 7,159 GP


CL 11th

WEIGHT 6 lbs.

АУРА moderate Превращение

With a Приказ word, the bearer of this +2 Свет steel Щит can cause a series of lockpicks and Маленький tools to extend from the front of the Щит and begin picking a lock or disabling a detected trap. The Щит attempts a Механика check with a +10 total skill bonus. The Щит is treated as using thieves’ tools, and can’t gain any additional bonuses on the check from spells, the Помощь another action, or other abilities. The Щит выступлениеs the work on the wearer’s behalf, freeing her to take other actions. She must still remain in contact with the target of the Механика attempt for the normal number of rounds, but can move around the target, as long as she never Сломатьs contact. The wearer is still the subject of any effects that result from the success or failure of the Механика check. While picking a lock or disabling a devЛьда with the Щит, the wearer loses her Щит bonus to Armor Class, though the bonus does apply against any result of the Механика check that targets Armor Class (such as an attack from a trap triggered by the Щит failing its check by 5 or more).


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 3,659 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Оживить Предметы


The following are new weapon special abilities.

See page 467 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook for the rules regarding Волшебное Оружиеs. A weapon with a special ability must also have at least a +1 бонус усиления.


Table 6–5: Weapon Special Abilities

+1 Weapon Special Ability

PRICE Slithering +1 bonus

+2 Weapon Special Ability

PRICE Liberating +2 bonus

Peaceful +2 bonus

Silencing +2 bonus

Truthful +2 bonus

Unseen +2 bonus

+3 Weapon Special Ability

PRICE Мрачное +3 bonus



PRICE +2 bonus

SLOT none

CL 12th


АУРА strong Преграждение

This special ability can be placed only on a melee weapon. A liberating weapon grants its wielder a бонус мастерства equal to the weapon’s бонус усиления on Проницательность checks, and this bonus is doubled when attempting a Проницательность check to sense Очарование (Core Rulebook 104). This increased bonus also applies on Колдовство checks to Опознание an Очарование spell as it is being cast. When a liberating weapon is used to attack a creature under direct mental control, such as from possession, Обольщение effects, or Принуждение effects like Приказ and Подчинение Гуманоида, the weapon deals nonlethal damage and grants the target a new saving throw against the effect, with a бонус боевого духа on the save equal to the weapon’s бонус усиления. If this save succeeds, the Эффект is suppressed for 10 minutes. If the target is affected by multiple such effects, the weapon’s wielder chooses which Эффект the target can attempt a second save against. If the target fails this save, the Эффект is not suppressed and the target is immune to this Эффект of the same liberating weapon for 24 hours.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +2 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Разрушение Чар, greater Рассеивание Магии


PRICE +2 bonus

SLOT none

CL 8th


АУРА moderate Очарование

A creature that has taken nonlethal damage from a peaceful weapon becomes потрясение for 1 round each Время it deals lethal damage to another living creature. The duration stacks with multiple attacks, but this Эффект can’t cause the affected creature to become испуг (even if it is affected by other Ужас effects). If the affected creature’s nonlethal damage is completely лечениеed, this prevents subsequent attacks from extending the duration of the потрясение condition, but doesn’t end the потрясение condition from attacks already made.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +2 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Спокойствие, Исцеление Легких Ранений


PRICE +2 bonus

SLOT none

CL 8th


АУРА moderate Иллюзия

A silencing weapon makes no noise when drawn or when used to attack. In addition, after hitting a creature, the wielder can surround that creature with an Аура that muffles all sounds coming from it until the beginning of the wielder’s next turn. The target can still hear and speak (including uttering Приказ words or caЖало spells with словесный components), but is much harder to hear. The DC of Внимание checks to hear the sound of Битва increases from –10 to 10, as long as the only combatants are the wielder of the silencing weapon and targets affected by the weapon’s muffling ability. If the wielder confirms a critical hit with a silencing weapon, the target is also encased in a mobile Аура of magical Тишина (Воля DC 13 negates), which lasts a number of rounds equal to the critical multiplier of the weapon. The save DC increases by 2 for each critical multiplier of the weapon higher than Ч2. This Тишина fills the target’s space but doesn’t extend beyond it.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +2 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Тишина


PRICE +1 bonus

SLOT none

CL 11th


АУРА moderate Превращение

This special ability can be placed only on a melee weapon. A slithering weapon can bend and flex when swung at a target, allowing it to fit through narrow gaps and around difficult angles with greater ease and making the weapon difficult to strike. When a slithering weapon is used to attack a creature with cover, the target’s cover bonus to Armor Class is halved. In addition, the wielder adds the weapon’s бонус усиления to her CMD against attempts to disarm or sunder her slithering weapon. If the wielder is squeezing in a narrow space, she takes only half the normal penalty on attack rolls with her slithering weapon.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +1 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Жидкая Форма APG



PRICE +2 bonus

SLOT none

CL 11th


АУРА moderate Преграждение

This special ability can be placed only on a melee weapon. A truthful weapon unerringly pierces concealment provided by Иллюзияs, allowing the wielder to ignore the miss chance provided by Иллюзияs such as Расплывчатость, Марево, and Невидимость. Attacks with a truthful weapon against a creature affected by Зеркальное Отражение or a similar Фикция always attack the real target. This ability allows the wielder to ignore the miss chance, not to otherwise detect the target. When attacking an невидимость creature, for instance, the wielder might still need to guess the target’s location. In addition to its other abilities, a truthful weapon functions as a special kind of dispellingUE weapon against figments and Теневое Воплощение effects; if the wielder makes an attack against such an effect, the weapon automatically attempts to Использование the stored Рассеивание Магии against the Иллюзия. If the attempt fails, the wielder is not aware of the attempt, and unless she disbelieves the Иллюзия or the Иллюзия’s duration ends, the weapon continues to impart that it is storing Рассеивание Магии (though she is free to cast Рассеивание Магии on the weapon again if she has another reason to believe the Эффект was Expended and failed to dispel an Иллюзия).


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +2 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, greater Рассеивание Магии, Верный Удар


PRICE +3 bonus

SLOT none

CL 9th


АУРА moderate Разрушение

This special ability can be placed only on a melee weapon with a hilt or handle. An Мрачное weapon does not reflect any sources of ambient Свет and is perpetually cloaked in shadow. It is considered to have concealment for the purposes of attacks or effects directed at the weapon, such as combat maneuver checks made to disarm, stealAPG or sunder it and Дезинтеграция or Ржавящее Прикосновение. The wielder gains Ночное Зрение 30 feet while grasping the hilt or handle of the weapon, even if the weapon is not drawn. Upon Приказ, an Мрачное weapon radiates Тьма in a 20-foot radius, causing illumination in the area to drop by one step (from bright Свет to normal Свет, normal Свет to dim Свет, or dim Свет to Тьма). Due to the Ночное Зрение granted by the weapon, the wielder’s Видение is not impaired by Тьма created by an Мрачное weapon. The Тьма shed by an Мрачное weapon is considered a 2nd-level spell Эффект for the purpose of comparing its Эффект to the effects of magical Свет sources. This Тьма suppresses Свет spells, but can’t be used to counter or dispel them. The weapon must be drawn and in the wielder’s hand to radiate Тьма. The Тьма ends immediately if the weapon is dropped, disarmed, sheathed, or otherwise stowed.

КОНСТРУКЦИЙ ION REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +3 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Тьма, Ночное Зрение



PRICE +2 bonus

SLOT none

CL 7th


АУРА moderate Иллюзия

This special ability can be placed only on a melee weapon. Upon Приказ, an unseen weapon can be made невидимость, including any scabбард, sheath, or similar accessory used to hold the weapon. A careful search воля still reveal its presence, but purely visual examination воля not. While невидимость, an unseen weapon causes its wielder to take a –1 penalty on attack rolls unless she has the Бой Вслепую черта or is able to see невидимость objects. On the first attack made with an unseen weapon during a combat, the defender is denied its Dexterity bonus to Armor Class unless it has the Бой Вслепую черта, is able to see невидимость objects, or is specifically aware that the wielder is using an unseen weapon. An unseen weapon is considered to have total concealment for attacks or effects directed at it, such as combat maneuver checks made to disarm, stealAPG, or sunder it and Дезинтеграция or Ржавящее Прикосновение.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ +2 bonus Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, greater Невидимость

  Specific Оружие

The following section includes Оружие with unusual powers and magical abilities. Волшебное Оружиеs can have either abilities that must be activated to function or abilities that work passively and constantly.



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