Lesser Средний Wondrous Items      Price — КиберПедия 

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Lesser Средний Wondrous Items      Price

2021-02-05 81
Lesser Средний Wondrous Items      Price 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Belt of spirit vines                           15,000 gp



SLOT belt CL 5th WEIGHT 2 lbs.

AURA faint transmutation



Bestial rags                                     8,000 gp Coat of mist        8,400 gp GreenВсплеск bomb                       750 gp Guiding scarab                                  13,000 gp Корень sense boots         9,000 gp






This massive tree bears no leaves, and its branches are twisted and vile. A creature tied to the tree becomes more susceptible to influence, taking a –4 penalty on Воля saves, Проницательность checks, and opposed Charisma checks. In addition, once per day, a character can attempt a DC 20 Знание (природа) check to Сила a creature tied to the tree to tell the truth, as if the target had failed a save within a Место Истины.

A tree of woe is potent year round, but it can have a new creature lashed to it only once per month.

COST 10,000 GP

Cultivate Магия Plant, Обольщение monster, Место Истины, cultivator must have 6 ranks in Знание (природа)


This belt is Конструкцийed from woven vines. Its wearer can touch a willing creature and cause a ghostly vine to grow from the belt, connecting the wearer to the target creature. While connected to another creature, when the wearer casts a друид, следопыт, shaman, or ведьма spell with a range of touch on herself, both the wearer and the connected creature gain the benefits of the spell for half the spell’s duration (rounded down); this has no Эффект on instantaneous or permanent spells. The spell’s effects on the connected creature end if the vine’s range is exceeded.

The vine can grow up to a length of 30 feet, and it Исчезновение es if the wearer or connected creature moves beyond its maximum range. The vine can remain connected indefinitely, but the connection is сломан if the wearer dismisses it or connects the vine to another creature.




Ремесло Wondrous Item, Сфера Растений growth

These tattered and ragged garments extend the duration of a shifter’s bestial Преобразованиеs, allowing her to Сдвиг into her aspects’ minor forms for  5  additional  minutes  per  day.

Each set of bestial rags is also tied to a specific aspect, typically being made of the hide of that creature and embossed with crude pictograms of it, allowing a shifter to assume that aspect’s minor and major form, as appropriate for her level. If the shifter already has the ability to

Сдвиг into that form, that aspect’s major form functions as if she were 2 levels higher.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, beast shПримат II

This gossamer jacket of gray-and-white silk allows the wearer to blend into mist

and become almost невидимость. She gains a +5 bonus on Скрытность checks in areas of fog, mist, smoke, or even heavy spray (such as from a waterfall or crashing surf). As a основное действие, the wearer can gain total concealment in such conditions, regardless of the дальнобойное between her and observers.

Attacking does not end this total concealment, though the wearer must remain within or adjacent to the misty area to retain

total concealment. The wearer can Использование the total concealment ability for a total of 5 rounds per day; these rounds need not be continuous.

Once per day, the wearer of a coat of mist can turn into mist, as per Газообразная Форма, for up to 5 rounds.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, Газообразная Форма, Непроглядный Туман

A greenВсплеск Бомбы is a Небольшой, magically and alchemically treated Сфера Растений bulb with a Корень  Роста that forms a handle. The Бомбы can be Метательное like a splПраха weapon with a range


                                                       GEAR AND МАГИЯ ITEMS



SLOT body CL 10th WEIGHT 2 lbs.

AURA moderate transmutation



increment of 10 feet. When the Бомбы strikes the ground, it bursts open, scattering weeds in a 10-foot radius. At the beginning of the thrower’s next turn, the weeds rapidly grow into thick undergrowth, creating an area of difficult terrain. The weeds flourish regardless of the surrounding естественная броня terrain (even in urban settings or on hard rock floors) but don’t grow on damaging surfaces, such as pools of lava or acid. The new vegetation lasts for 5 minutes before it turns brown and crumbles to dust.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, Сфера Растений growth


PRICE 13,000 GP
SLOT neck CL 12th WEIGHT —

АУРА strong Прорицание


This golden scarab beetle is a boon to wilderness travelers and those ищущее long-lost places. The wearer gains a



SLOT chest CL 5th WEIGHT 3 lbs.

AURA faint transmutation



+5 мастерство bonus on Знание (география) checks and on Выживание checks to avoid getting lost, and she can always correctly read the labels and legend of any map she examines, as well as signposts and similar way markers, as if using comprehend Языки. Once per week, the wearer can Концентрация for 10 minutes to gain интуитивный about her overland travels to come within the next week, as if caЖало Прорицание.

As a действие полного хода, the wearer can visualize or name a specific location and release the guiding scarab to полет aГолова of her like a glowing golden beacon, showing its owner the direction to the destination as if she had cast Поиск Пути. While following the guiding scarab, its owner (and any Скакун she верховая ездаs) and up to four other allies she designates when releasing the scarab gain the benefits of Неутомимое Преследование APG. When the Поиск Пути Эффект ends, the guiding scarab crumbles to dust.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, creator must have 5 ranks in Знание (география), Поиск Пути, Определение Нывапоавления, Неутомимые Преследователи APG



PRICE 9,000 GP
SLOT feet CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.

АУРА faint Превращение




SLOT none CL 5th WEIGHT 1 lb.

AURA faint transmutation



Twigs sprout from these tall brown boots. On Приказ, while the wearer is on the ground, ghostly Корень s grow from the boots’ soles into the ground, granting their wearer Чувство Вибрации 30 feet for as long the wearer remains on the ground in the same space. While the Корень s are active, the boots provide two additional benefits. When the wearer is the target of a bull rush or Сбивание С Ног attempt, living Корень s momentarily sprout from the boots into the earth, granting the wearer a +4 bonus to CMD to resist the attempt. The wearer also benefits from the flexibility of a living воляow branch, gaining a +4 ситуативный bonus on combat maneuver or Изворотливость checks to Побег a grapple

or slip bonds.



Ремесло Wondrous Item, Опутывание



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