Elementalist оракул (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Elementalist оракул (archetype)

2021-02-05 113
Elementalist оракул (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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An elementalist оракул shares an affinity with the Стихии and elemental creatures. She can communicate with elemental creatures and can eventually become an elemental herself. She sees perfection in manifestations of Стихийное Неистовство in the естественная броня world, be they the thunderous Гнев  of the storm, the churning waters of the ocean’s tides or a flooding river, the terrain-shaping power of a landslide or Землетрясение, or the apocalyptic fury of a volcanic eruption.

Recommended Таинства: Flame, stone, waves, wind.

Дополнительные заклинания: Стихийное Прикосновение APG (4th), Защита from energy (6th), Стихийная Форма (8th), Призыв Чудовища V (elementals only; 10th), Стихийная Форма III (12th), Туча Элементалей APG (18th). These дополнительные заклинания  replace the оракул’s Таинство дополнительные заклинания  at these levels.

Откровения s: An elementalist оракул must take the following Откровенияs at the listed levels.

Elemental Linguist (Св): At 1st level, you gain a дополнительные языки  of your choice from the following list: Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran. At 5th, 10th, and 15th levels, you gain another Языка chosen from this list.

Elemental Form (Св): At 11th level, you gain the air, earth, fire, or Вода subtype and an associated ability:

• Air: Полет быстрое of 30 feet with perfect maneuverability.

• Earth: Чувство Вибрации with a range of 30 feet.

• Fire: Иммунитет to Огонь and vulnerability to cold.

• Water: Плавание быстрое of 30 feet and the ability to breathe underwater.

Elemental Откровения (Св): At 20th level, you fully harness the power of the elements. You can apply the Elemental Spell metaМагия черта (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 158) to spells you cast without increasing the level or caЖало time. You can choose acid, cold, Электричество, or Огонь each Время you Использование this ability. Whenever you score a critical hit with an attack that deals energy damage, you ignore the target’s energy сопротивляемость (if any). If you score such a critical hit against a creature that has Иммунитет to the energy type you are attacking with,

the creature takes half damage from the attack.

This replaces Последнее Откровение.



River soul оракулs derive their powers from their bonds with rivers, whether these waterways are rapid cascades or lazy channels plied by boats. The powerful bond formed with a river is also the river soul оракул’s curse, as he must always carry Вода from the river with him, and his Судьба is bound to it. River soul оракулs can be gentle and still when calm, but they’re raging torrents when angered.

Class Skills: A river soul оракул adds Изворотливость, Знание (природа), Выживание, and Плавание to his list of class skills.

This replaces the class Навыки granted by the оракул’s Таинство and alters the оракул’s class skills.

Recommended Таинства: Life, nature, stone, waves.

Дополнительные заклинания: Гидравлический Толчок APG (2nd), Гидравлический Поток APG (6th), control Вода (8th), Конус of Холод (10th), Мировая Волна APG (18th). These дополнительные заклинания  replace the оракул’s Таинство bonus spells at these levels.

River Bound Проклятие (Св): You bind your power to one particular river, which is the source of your spells and class abilities. You must carry a Небольшой vessel containing Вода from the river you are bound to at all times. If the vessel is destroyed or travels more than 10 feet away from you, you are unable to cast оракул spells or Использование your superестественная броня or spell- like class abilities until you recover the vessel or fill a new one with Вода from the river to which you are bound. Once per month, you can bond with a different river in a ceremony at that river that takes 12 hours to complete. You lose your bond with the previous river in the process.

This replaces оракул’s curse.

Откровения s: A river soul оракул must take the following Откровенияs at the listed levels.

River Flow (Св): At 1st level, as a свободное действие while you are underwater, you can neВрата the penalties you take for making bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing melee attacks underwater. You can Использование this ability a number of rounds per Дня equal to 1 + your Модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1). The rounds do not have to be used consecutively.

River Form (Св): At 11th level, you can become one with a river. Once a Дня as a основное действие, while immersed in a river, you can completely merge with it. Your body and all your gear meld into the water, as per Слияние С Камнем, except abilities that control or shПримат Вода expel you and deal you 5d6 damage rather than abilities that control or shПримат stone. You Сфера Путешествий along with the river at the rate it is currently moving. You can remain in this form a number of hours equal to 3 + your Модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1). Transforming back to your normal form is a быстрое действие.

River Soul Откровения (Св): At 20th level, you strengthen your ties to the river with which you bonded. While traveling on or immersed in the river, you gain fast healing 10 and Иммунитет to кровотечение, Смерть attacks, exhaustion, fatigue, nauМоре effects, negative levels, and дезориентация effects. Additionally, if you are slain and your body or some part of your body (including your ashes, if applicable) is floated down the river in a specially prepared vessel coЖало 5,000 gp, you return to Жизнь as per Воскрешения once you Досягаемость the mouth of the river, as long as the Сбивание С Ног has taken 24 hours or longer.

This replaces Последнее Откровение.



Tree Души develop an affinity not just with trees but also with objects carved from them, feeling the essence of the tree’s spirit living within. By bonding to trees, they learn to manipulate the trees’ power to produce Божественная energy. The type of tree a tree soul оракул bonds to often seems to influence the оракул’s personality. A tree soul who is bound to a towering redДерево may value traditions and be Замедление to anger, while a tree soul bound to a Небольшойer pine tree might be quick to react and have a somewhat prickly personality. Regardless of the trees they form their metaphysical attachment to, tree soul оракулs tend to be steadfast and stubborn, having an Аура of timelessness even as the world changes around them.

Class Skills: A tree soul adds Акробатics, Лазание, Знание (природа), and Выживание to her list of class skills.

This replaces the class Навыки granted by the оракул’s Таинство and class skills.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: Tree Души are proficient with Свет and Средняя Броня but are prohibited from wearing Металл armor. A tree soul can also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironДерево spell so that it functions as though it were steel. Tree Души are proficient with щитs (except tower щитs) but can Использование only those ремеслоed from wood.

A tree soul who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited щит is unable to cast оракул spells or Использование any of her superестественная броня or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.

Recommended Таинства: AncestorUM, lore, nature, woodUM.

Дополнительные заклинания: Warp Дерево (2nd), tree stride (10th), ironДерево (12th), Оживший Посох (14th), repel Металл or Камень (16th), greater Осадные Деревья UC (18th). These дополнительные заклинания  replace the оракул’s mystery дополнительные заклинания  at these levels.

Tree Bound Проклятие (Св): You bind your power to a specific tree. Any damage to the tree deals the same amount of damage to you, overcoming DR, energy сопротивляемость, and immunities. Damage you take in this way cannot be лечениеed by normal or magical means until your bonded tree is лечениеed or destroyed. The damage can reduce you to 0 пункты здоровья but not below. If the tree is destroyed, you are considered to be ошеломление and are unable to cast оракул spells or Использование superестественная броня or spell-like class abilities until you bond with a new tree in a ceremony that takes 12 hours to complete. Once per month, you can create a new bond with a different tree in a ceremony at that tree that takes 12 hours to complete. You lose your bond with your previous tree in the process.

This replaces оракул’s curse.

Откровения s: A tree soul оракул must take the following Откровенияs at the listed levels.

Transform Дерево (Св): At 1st level, as a основное действие you can temporarily transform a number of 5-foot cubes of Дерево each Дня equal to 1 + your Модификатор Харизмы. The Дерево takes on the quality of darkДерево for 1 minute per оракул level. At 11th level, you can have it instead take on the quality of living steelUE for the same duration.

Living Steel Dolls (Экс): At 11th level, you add Оживить Предметы to your list of spells known. When you cast this spell on wooden objects, the objects’ wooden parts immediately transform into living steelUE. If the objects are destroyed or the duration ends, the wooden parts revert back to their original material.

Tree Soul Откровения (Св): At 20th level, your skin takes on the appearance and properties of a tree tБегунk. This bark- like skin grants you a +4 естественная броня armor bonus to your Armor Class and DR 10/slashing. You also regrow any severed Конечности except your Голова within 24 hours as per Регенерация. Finally, once a Дня as a основное действие, you can assume the form of a treant, as per Сфера Растений shПримат III, for a number of minutes equal to 3 + your Модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1).

This replaces Последнее Откровение.



Not all паладинs are knights who seek to hold back the Сфера Хаоса that comes pounding at the city Врата. Some instead find their purpose protecting Природа from the evils of civilization.


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