Увяданиеed defiler (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Увяданиеed defiler (archetype)

2021-02-05 112
Увяданиеed defiler (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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A few kineticists have developed the ability to steal the Жизнь Сила from the surrounding land in Орден to infИспользование themselves with unестественная броня Сила beyond their bodies’ normal capabilities.

Alignment: Увяданиеed defilers must be Зло in Орден to Использование steal power, since defiling the land and reaping the vulnerable for power is a particularly vile act. NonЗло Увяданиеed defilers can continue to gain kineticist levels and Использование their other abilities.

This alters the kineticist’s alignment.

Steal Power (Св): A number of times per Дня equal to her Сила modifier, a Увяданиеed defiler can draw energy from the surrounding land to gather power, gaining one of the three following benefits.

She can increase the burn reduction from gather power by 1 for a blast wild talent.

Alternatively, she can Использование gather power to reduce the Стоимость of a defense, infusion, or utility wild talent by 1, regardless of whether she gathers power for longer or has abilities that increase the burn reduction from gather power.

Finally, she can siphon the energy into healing herself, recovering 2 пункты здоровья per kineticist level.

When a Увяданиеed defiler uses steal power, she afflicts the area within a radius of 250 feet per kineticist level (maximum 5,000 feet at 20th level) by stunting plants as the stunt Роста option from Угнетение Растений, weakening and killing minor wildЖизнь (creatures too Небольшой or insignificant to themselves have statistics), and reducing the rate of live birth among the other surviving creatures in the area. If a Увяданиеed defiler uses steal power in an area that overlaps a previous Использование of her steal power within the same month, she Expends a daily Использование and the remaining area is still Увяданиеed as above, but she doesn’t gain any benefits. Steal power doesn’t work in barren landscapes, the void of space, or other places without enough Жизнь to steal.

This alters gather power.

Elemental Might (Экс): A Увяданиеed defiler uses her Сила modifier instead of her Constitution modifier to determine her damage with wild talents, the DCs of Constitution-based wild talents, the durations of wild talents with Constitution- based durations, her bonus on concentration checks for wild talents, and other Constitution-based effects of her wild talents. She can’t Использование abilities to substitute her Сила modifier for another ability score when determining damage from wild talents.

A Увяданиеed defiler gains attack and damage bonuses from elemental overflow based on her current burn total + the number of times she successfully used steal power that day. For instance, a 9th-level Увяданиеed defiler who used steal power twice and had 1 point of burn would add a +3 bonus on attack rolls and a +6 bonus on damage rolls. A Увяданиеed defiler does not gain размер bonuses to physical ability scores or a chance to ignore critical hits and Атака Исподтишкаs from elemental overflow.

This alters the key ability score of wild talents and elemental overflow.

Жизнь Buffer (Св): At 6th level, a Увяданиеed defiler gains a buffer she can Использование to store Жизнь potential from healthy areas in Орден to Использование it later. She must Использование steal power on a healthy area and take none of the three usual benefits, and this doesn’t count as a Использование of steal power for elemental might or stolen strength. This grants her buffer 1 Жизнь point. It can hold 1 Жизнь point at 6th level, 2 Жизнь points at 11th level, and 3 Жизнь points at 16th level. When using steal power, she can spend 1 Жизнь point to gain the benefits even in an area she already Увяданиеed that month. Жизнь points remain in the buffer until she spends them.

This replaces internal buffer.

Stolen Сила (Св): At 6th level, a Увяданиеed defiler gains the ability to collect unused portions of the Жизнь she’s stolen throughout the Дня to Поддержка herself. After the third Время she successfully uses steal power in a given day, she gains a +2 размер bonus to Сила and to either Dexterity or Constitution until she recovers uses of steal power. Starting at 11th level, after the fifth Время the Увяданиеed defender successfully uses steal power in a day, she instead gains a +4 размер bonus to Сила and a +2 размер bonus to Dexterity and Constitution, and she can Использование the Жизнь energy to increase her размер category by one (to a maximum of Крупный). Starting at 16th level, after the seventh Время the Увяданиеed defender successfully uses steal power in a day, her размер bonuses increase to +6 to Strength, +4 to either Dexterity or Constitution, and +2 to the remaining ability score, and she can also grow to Огромный. Finally, at 20th level, after the 9th Время she successfully uses steal power in a day, she can also grow to Гигантский. All of these размер increases function as kinetic form, meaning they don’t change her ability scores in any way. A Увяданиеed defiler can never gain an elemental defense, even from expanded defense.

This replaces elemental defense.

Steal Жизнь (Св): At 20th level, a Увяданиеed defiler who successfully uses steal power when gathering power as a действие движения can Использование a основное действие on the same turn and choose a living creature within 30 feet. The creature must succeed at a Стойкость save (DC = 20 + the Увяданиеed defiler’s Сила modifier) or die; this is a Смерть effect. If the creature dies and was CR 10 or higher, on the Увяданиеed defiler’s next turn, she counts as if she had used a full round to gather power with steal power. If the target survives or was lower than CR 10, she loses all benefits from both her gather power and steal power, as normal at the end of her turn.

This replaces omnikinesis.



Terrakineticists have a stunted ability that allows them to access the Elemental Planes, but they’ve learned how to turn this limited talent into an incredible Сила by tapping into the ambient elemental Природа of the land surrounding them.

Terrakinesis: Whenever a terrakineticist gains a wild talent that isn’t a Универсализм talent, she chooses one wild talent of the appropriate level from each of the six Стихии (aether, air, fire, earth, water, and wood). She can Использование wild talents of the same element that she chose in this way to meet Предпосылки for these wild talents. Instead of gaining one kineticist blast, a terrakineticist chooses one simple blast from each element that has more than one simple blast.

When in a corresponding terrain, as determined by the следопыт Излюбленная Местность categories, her element changes to the corresponding element (granting her class skills, basic utility wild talent, simple blast, and elemental Оборона as appropriate), and she gains all the wild talents she selected from the corresponding element.

Aether corresponds to urban and the Ethereal Plane; Воздух corresponds to hill, Скакунain, plains, and the Plane of Air; Огонь corresponds to desert and the Plane of Fire; Земля corresponds to underground and the Plane of Earth; Вода corresponds to cold, swamp, water, and the Plane of Water; and Дерево corresponds to forest, jungle, the First World, and the Positive Energy Plane. In areas that might count as multiple types of terrain, the GM decides which element predominates, and in certain areas not covered by the следопыт Излюбленная Местностьs (such as the upper atmosphere) or in those with strong elemental energy (like an underground temple of a Огонь cult), the corresponding element might differ. If the kineticist class gains additional elements, those Стихии also gain corresponding terrains at the GM’s discretion, and the terrakineticist chooses wild talents from those elements. A terrakineticist should almost never be in a situation that doesn’t correspond to any of these elements, but in such an unusual ситуативный (for instance, the void of space given the standard six elements), she loses access to all her wild talents, even her Универсализм wild talents.

When her element changes, she loses the benefits of all active wild talents from the previous element, even if it would usually last until the next Время she recovers burn. However, Время spent in other terrain still counts against the ability’s duration; if she changes back again to the original element, the benefit returns only if it has any remaining duration.

This alters elemental focus and kinetic blast.

Terrakinetic Defense: At 2nd level, a terrakineticist’s elemental Оборона wild talent changes with her corresponding element, just like her other wild talents. However, unlike her other wild talents, any burn she invests in one element’s elemental Оборона carries over to her elemental Оборона when her element changes. For instance, if a 6th-level terrakineticist invested 2 points of burn in flesh of Камень to gain 2 additional points of Снижение Урона and then entered a city and changed to aether, she would have 2 points of burn invested in Сила Опекун and increase the Сила ward’s temporary пункты здоровья by 6.

This alters elemental defense.

Expanded Terrakinesis: At 7th level, a terrakineticist gains both simple blasts for the element corresponding to her current terrain, if that element has two, and the composite blast associated with expanding in that element (Сила blast, thunderstorm blast, blue Пламя blast, Металл blast, Льда blast, and verdant blast). She also gains a Универсализм Насыщение or utility talent for which she meets the Предпосылки. At 15th level, she gains one Насыщение or utility wild talent for which she meets the Предпосылки.

This replaces expanded element.

Omniterrakinesis (Св): At 20th level, a terrakineticist can accept 1 point of burn as a свободное действие at the start of her turn to change her element without regard to the surrounding terrain until the beginning of her next turn.

This replaces omnikinesis.



Some монахs find hidden meaning in the Seemingly random eddies of nature’s flow. They strive to protect the wildlands or become one with the subtleties of nature.



Menhir guardians are ascetic protectors of священный друидic sites, less concerned with structure and maintaining internal Орден than they are with preserving the естественная броня balance of the world.

Alignment: A menhir guardian can be Принципиальность neutral, neutral good, neutral evil, or neutral. While they can work with Хаос allies, they cannot themselves be chaotic.

This alters the монах’s alignment requirement.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A menhir guardian is proficient with the club, dagger, dart, quarterstaff, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. A menhir guardian can Использование these Оружие in conjunction with his wild flurry ability.

This replaces the монах’s Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием.

Когти (Экс): A menhir guardian learns to draw upon естественная броня forces to subtly change his body. He gains the shifter’s shifter Когти class feature and treats his монах level as his shifter level for the purposes of this ability. The menhir guardian cannot Использование the ki strike Аспект of ki pool.

This replaces Мастер Кулачного Боя and alters ki pool.

Wild Flurry (Экс): A menhir guardian gains Град Ударов. He can Использование this ability with the естественная броня attacks provided by his shifter Когти ability or the Оружие specified above under Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием.

This alters furry of blows.

Rebuking Strike (Экс): At 1st level, a menhir guardian can Поток his ki into a devastating strike that repels his enemies. A menhir guardian must declare that he is using rebuking strike before making a естественная броня attack with his claws. On a hit, a foe damaged by the menhir guardian’s Когти must succeed at a Стойкость saving throw (DC = 10 + half the menhir guardian’s level + his Мудрость modifier) or be pushed back 5 feet directly away from the menhir guardian, plus an additional 5 feet for every 4 levels the menhir guardian has beyond 1st. If this movement would be blocked by a solid object, the target of rebuking strike takes 1d6 points of damage per 10 feet moved and falls распластан at the end of the movement.

At 5th level, a creature that fails its save against a menhir

guardian’s rebuking strike also has its быстрое reduced by half for a number of rounds equal to the menhir guardian’s level.

At 15th level, a creature that fails its save is also affected by aversion OA, making it avoid the menhir guardian’s current location for 1 round per level the menhir guardian has.

The menhir guardian can attempt a rebuking strike a number of times per Дня equal to his монах level but only once per round.

This replaces Шокирующий Кулак, Высокий Прыжок, and Дрожащая Ладонь.


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