GIANT TARDIGRADE                    CR 1/8 — КиберПедия 

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GIANT TARDIGRADE                    CR 1/8

2021-02-05 84
GIANT TARDIGRADE                    CR 1/8 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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XP 50

N Миниатюрный Вредитель (aquatic)

Init +1; Senses Ночное Зрение 60 ft.; Внимание +0


AC 16, touch 15, застигнут врасплох 15 (+1 Dex, +1 естественная броня, +4 размер)

hp 7 (1d8+3)

Fort +5, Ref +1, Воля +0

Defensive Abilities hardy; Immune Разум effects;

Resist Кислота 2, Холод 2, Огонь 2


Быстрое 20 ft., лазание 20 ft., плавание 20 ft.

Melee Укус +0 (1d2–4)

Space 1 ft.; Досягаемость 0 ft.


Str 2, Dex 12, Con 17, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2

Base Atk +0; CMB –3; CMD 3 (15 vs. trip)

Навыки Лазание +9, Плавание +9

SQ amphibious


Environment any

Organization solitary, pair, or colony (3–20)

Treasure none

SPECIAL  ABILITIES                                                    

Hardy (Экс) A giant tardigrade is able to endure extreme conditions for extended periods of time. It is unВред by extreme cold, extreme heat, and less extreme temperatures. It takes no damage from decompression (such as in the vacuum of space) or high-pressure environments (such as in extremely deep water).

as Большой as 1 foot in length and feeds on patches of bacteria, fungus, and Сфера Растений matter.



This Небольшой, furry creature has enormous glossy eyes, long legs, and elongated fingers.


N Миниатюрный animal

Init +3; Senses Сумеречное Зрение; Внимание +5




AC 17, touch 17, застигнут врасплох 14 (+3 Dex, +4 размер)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +5, Воля +1




Быстрое 20 ft., лазание 20 ft. Melee Укус +7 (1d2–4) Space 1 ft.; Досягаемость 0 ft.




Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7

Base Atk +0; CMB –1; CMD 5 (9 vs. trip)

Черты Фехтование

Навыки Акробатics +7, Лазание +8, Внимание +5, Скрытность +19; Народ

Modifiers +4 Акробатics, +4 Лазание, +4 Внимание

SQ tarsier’s leap




Environment temperate or warm forests Organization solitary, pair, or Семьи (3–6) Treasure none



SPECIAL  ABILITIES                                        

Tarsier’s Leap (Экс) A tarsier’s long hind Конечности make it an excellent leaper. A tarsier attempts Акробатics checks to Прыжок as though it had a Running start and doesn’t take a penalty on Акробатics checks to Прыжок from having a Замедление base быстрое.


The tarsier is a carnivorous tree-лазаниеing primate. The animal’s neck is flexible, allowing its Голова to swivel around 180 degrees. Tarsiers hunt at night, silently waiting for insects and other Небольшой Животные to полет or crawl by so they can Прыжок at the prey and catch it. These shy Животные live up to 12 years.

The length of a tarsier from its Голова to the tip of its Хвост is about 1 to 1-1/2 feet, but when clinging to a tree, a tarsier appears to be about the размер of a human’s fist. A tarsier weighs about 4 ounces.


Vampire Squid

This eerie-looking squid has red eyes and Паутинаbing between its hook-lined tentacles.

Giant tardigrades, sometimes referred to as Вода bears, are miniscule, eight-legged creatures that live in Вода but can survive almost anywhere. The giant tardigrade grows

N Маленький animal

Init +2; Senses Ночное Зрение 60 ft., Сумеречное Зрение; Внимание +1




AC 14, touch 14, застигнут врасплох 12 (+2 Dex, +2 размер)

hp 5 (1d8+1)

Fort +3, Ref +6, Воля +1

Defensive Abilities pressure adaptation


Быстрое 0 ft., плавание 20 ft.

Melee Укус +0 (1d3–2), tentacles +0 (grab)

Space 2-1/2 ft.; Досягаемость 0 ft.

Special Attacks photophores


Str 6, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 3

Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 8

Черты Светning Реакцияes

Навыки Скрытность +14, Плавание +10


Environment any oceans

Organization solitary, pair, or school (3–8)

Treasure none

SPECIAL  ABILITIES                                                    

Photophores (Экс) Once per Дня as a основное действие while underwater, the vampire squid can release a 15-foot Конус of disorienting biolumineНюх mucus from its photophores, illuminating the area with dim Свет. A creature within this shimmering Облаков of blue Свет must succeed at a DC 11 Стойкость save or be растерянность for as long as it remains in the Облаков and for 1 round thereafter. The

Облаков persists for 1d4+1 rounds. The save DC is Constitution-based.

Pressure Adaptation (Экс) A vampire squid takes no pressure damage from changes in Вода depth.

Tentacles (Экс) A vampire squid’s tentacles all strike as a single primary attack but only to grapple.


The vampire squid—so called for its red eyes and cloak-like Паутинаbing—is a cephalopod from the Светless depths of the oceans. This eerie mollusk is covered in photophores, which it can Использование to create a defensive barЯрость of

Свет when agitated.

A vampire squid can Досягаемость a total body length of up to 1 foot and weighs 1 pound.



This bipedal mammal has a long tail, short arms, and long, limber legs that afford a strange hopping gait.

WALLABY                                 CR 1/3

XP 135

N Небольшой animal

Init +2; Senses Сумеречное Зрение; Внимание +4


AC 13, touch 13, застигнут врасплох 11 (+2 Dex, +1 размер)

hp 4 (1d8)

Fort +2, Ref +4, Воля +0


Быстрое 40 ft.

Melee Удар +0 (1d3–1)


Str 8, Dex 14, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 4

Base Atk +0; CMB –2; CMD 10

Черты Эксперт (Акробатics)

Навыки Акробатics +5, Внимание +4


Environment temperate or warm forests Organization solitary, pair, or court (3–10) Treasure none


Wallabies are squat mammals that are often mistakenly identified as Небольшой kangaroos. Like all marsupials, wallabies carry their newborn young in pouches at the front

of their bodies. The wallaby defends itself using its strong hind legs, which it can launch quickly from under its body to deliver a powerful kick that sends

would-be predators reeling.

A wallaby stands about 2 feet tall and weighs 20–40 pounds.





U lTImaTe

Фамильяр Archetypes

Much like the way class archetypes modify class features to represent a theme, фамильяр archetypes swap out abilities that are common to standard фамильяры and replace them with new abilities tailored to a particular theme. Some nonstandard фамильяры also alter or replace these common features; such фамильяры can’t take фамильяр archetypes that alter or replace the same feature, just like two archetypes can’t be combined if they alter or replace the same feature. Where levels are referenced in archetype descriptions, they refer to the class level of the фамильяр’s master in the class that grants the фамильяр as a class feature. In some cases, certain фамильяры or types of фамильяры cannot choose specific archetypes, as summarized below.

Фикция and Soulbound Archetypes: Elemental whisper фамильяры, shaman spirit animals, ведьма фамильяры, and фамильяры that grant spells can’t take the Фикция or soulbound фамильяр archetypes, because they are attached to patrons or spirits.

Improved Фамильяры: The abilities of an improved фамильяр don’t stack with those of any фамильяр archetype that alters or replaces the variable bonus a фамильяр grants its master or Разговор С Сородичами. (A leshy warden’s leshy фамильяр doesn’t grant a variable bonus or Разговор С Сородичами, so it doesn’t have abilities that stack with those фамильяр archetypes.)

Protector Archetype: Tumor фамильяры can’t take the protector archetype since they are originally part of an алхимик’s body.

Shapechanging Фамильяры: Фамильяры that can take various forms, such as the magical child’s Сфера Животных Проводник, imps, and quasits, must have the same archetype for each form, and it must be legal for all of those forms (meaning if any form is an improved фамильяр, it can’t take archetypes that don’t stack with improved фамильяр).



An ambassador speaks on its master’s behalf and sometimes on behalf of its master’s patron or other extraplanar contacts. Special Requirement: An ambassador фамильяр must be able to speak at least one language, either as a special фамильяр ability (as in the case of a raven or thrush) or by being an improved фамильяр. A фамильяр that can’t speak (or can speak

only to its master or other animals) can’t be an ambassador.

Ambassador Skills: An ambassador treats Блеф, Дипломатия, and Запугивание as class skills.

Убедительность (Экс): An ambassador gains Убедительность as a bonus черта.

This replaces Бдительность.

Enhanced Personality (Экс): An ambassador gains a Charisma score equal to the typical Intelligence score of a фамильяр of its level, if that would be higher than its normal Charisma score. The фамильяр’s Intelligence score remains 6 (or its normal starting Intelligence for an improved фамильяр) and doesn’t increase by level.

This replaces the фамильяр’s Intelligence score advancement.



An Сфера Животных exemplar is a paragon of its species, able to Приказ the loyalty of others of its kind.

Special Requirement: An Сфера Животных exemplar фамильяр cannot be an improved фамильяр, plant, vermin, or other nonСфера Животных themed фамильяр.

Сфера Животных Exemplar Skills: An Сфера Животных exemplar treats Дрессировка as a class skill.

Influence Животные (Ex, Sp): An Сфера Животных exemplar gains Разговор С Животными with respect to others of its kind at 3rd level instead of 7th level. At 7th level, it gains the ability to influence Животные of its kind, as per the Понимание Животных ability of a друид of its master’s level with a +4 народ bonus on the check, but only for Животные of its kind. At 11th level, it can cast Обольщение Сфера Животных three times per Дня as a spell-like ability against Животные of its kind, and at 13th level, it can cast dominate Сфера Животных once per Дня as a spell-like ability against Животные of its kind.

This alters Разговор С Сородичами and replaces Доставка Заклинаний, spell сопротивляемость, and scry on фамильяр.



An egotist believes itself to be the real master in the relationship—the power behind the throne. It often attempts to communicate “orders” for its master as best it can, interfering in matters ranging from spell choices and tactical combat decisions to its master’s Любовь life.

Egotist Skills: An egotist treats Запугивание as a class skill.

Song of Myself (Экс): An egotist gains Бдительность as a bonus черта rather than providing that черта to its master. It gains the variable фамильяр bonus (such as the bat’s +3 bonus on Полет checks) instead of granting the bonus to its master.

This alters Бдительность and the variable фамильяр bonus.

Орден Master (Экс): An egotist gains Разговор С Хозяином at 3rd level instead of 5th level.

This alters Разговор С Хозяином.

Receive Touch Spells (Экс): At 5th level, an egotist can Требование a particular touch spell as a основное действие. If it does so, until the egotist’s next turn, its master can cast that spell on the egotist once as a ranged touch within Близкое Расстояние, as if using Досягаемость Spell.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний.

Scry on Master (Пс): At 11th level, an egotist can scry on its master (as if caЖало the Тайновидение spell) once per day.

This replaces scry on фамильяр.



The emissary is touched by the divine, serving as a font of Мудрость and a moral compass for its master.

Special Requirement: An emissary фамильяр can serve only a master who worships a single deity.

Emissary Skills: An emissary treats Лечение, Знание (религия), and Проницательность as class skills.

Божественная Божественное Наставление (Пс): An emissary can cast Божественное Наставление at воля. This replaces Бдительность.

Share Воля (Св): Whenever an emissary or its master fails a saving throw against a Разум Эффект that affects only




one of them, the other can attempt the saving throw as well. If this second saving throw is a success, treat the original result as a success, and the emissary and its master can’t Использование this ability again for 24 hours. On a failure, both the emissary and its master suffer the effects of the failed saving throw, even if one of them wouldn’t ordinarily be a valid target.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Домен Influence (Sp or Su): At 3rd level, the emissary gains a Искра  of Божественная power from the deity its master worships. Choose one of that deity’s Сферы that grants a 1st-level Домен power usable a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + the user’s Мудрость modifier. The emissary can Использование that power once per day.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний.



Figments are born from their masters’ imaginations rather than being ordinary creatures that are Пробуждениеed.

Recurring Сновидение (Св): A Фикция has a total number of пункты здоровья equal to 1/4 of its master’s total пункты здоровья. If the Фикция dies, it Исчезновение es, appearing again with 1 hit point after its master Пробуждениеs from a full night’s Сон. If a Фикция ever strays more than 100 feet from its master or enters an antiМагия field, or if a figment’s master is без сознания or спящий, the Фикция disappears until the next Время its master prepares spells or regains her spells per day. Because it is a being of its master’s mind, a Фикция can never serve as a ведьма’s фамильяр, a shaman’s spirit animal, or any other spell- granting фамильяр, and it can’t Использование any Прорицание spells or spell-like abilities the base creature has.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Manifest Сновидения (Св): At 3rd level, a Фикция is shaped by its master’s Сновидениеs. Each Время the master Пробуждениеs from a full night’s rest, he can apply to the Фикция 1 evolution point’s worth of Эйдолон evolutions that don’t have a Базовая Форма requirement. At 7th level, he can apply

2 points’ worth of Эйдолон evolutions; at 13th level, he can apply 3 points’ worth of Эйдолон evolutions.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний, Разговор С Сородичами, and scry on фамильяр.



Фамильяры can be Опытный spies, and Лазутчикs are the very best of their kind at the subtle Искуство of espionage.

Лазутчик Skills: An Лазутчик treats Блеф and Маскировка as class skills.

Бдительность (Экс): An Лазутчик gains Бдительность as a bonus черта rather than providing that черта to its master.

This alters Бдительность.

Общие Заклинания (Экс): An Лазутчик can share only Прорицание spells that have a target of “you” via this ability.

This alters Общие Заклинания.

Uncanny Скрытность (Экс): An Лазутчик gains uncanny уклонение and Невероятное Уклонение+, treating its master’s level as its effective плут level.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Scry on Фамильяр (Пс): At 7th level, an Лазутчик’s master can scry on it for up to 1 minute per level per day. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

This replaces Разговор С Сородичами.

Телепатическая Связь (Пс): At 11th level, an Лазутчик gains a permanent Телепатическая Связь with its master. This bond has no range limit as long as the фамильяр and its master are on the same plane.

This replaces spell сопротивляемость.



A фамильяр sometimes serves as the centerpiece of an adventuring party. Known as a mascot, this type of фамильяр eventually treats the entire party as its master.

Mascot Skills: A mascot treats all Выступление Навыки  as class skills.

Affinity for My Team (Св): A mascot is the heart and soul of its team. At first, the team consists of only the фамильяр and its master, but at 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a mascot can add an additional member to its team. A mascot’s Эмпатическая Связь extends to all members of its team. A mascot can add or remove one team member over the course of a day.

This replaces Бдительность and alters Эмпатическая Связь.

Удача y Mascot (Св): Whenever a mascot uses the Помощь another Действие to improve a team member’s attack roll or AC, that team member also gains a +1 удача bonus to AC for 1 round.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Общие Заклинания (Экс): At 3rd level, spells that target a mascot via its Общие Заклинания ability function at its master’s caster level – 2. The mascot also benefit from the spells of any team member when it is using Общие Заклинания.

This alters Общие Заклинания.

Доставка Заклинаний (Св): At 5th level, spells delivered by a mascot’s Доставка Заклинаний ability function at its master’s caster level – 2. The mascot can deliver the touch spells of any of its team members.

This alters Доставка Заклинаний.

Speak with Team (Экс): At 7th level, a mascot gains the ability to speak with all members of its team словесныйly as if using

Разговор С Хозяином.

This replaces Разговор С Хозяином and Разговор С Сородичами.

Heart of the Team (Экс): Once per Дня at 13th level, as a действие полного хода, a mascot can designate any member of its team as its master for the purpose of




U lTImaTe


calculating its базовый модификатор атаки, Кости Здоровья, пункты здоровья, испытания, and skill ranks.

This replaces spell сопротивляемость and scry on фамильяр.



While most фамильяры are Разведчикs and assistants, the mauler фамильяр cares only for the thrill of battle. A mauler often serves a bloodthirsty or martial-minded master.

Mauler Skills: A mauler treats Запугивание as a class skill.

Bond Forged in Крови (Св): A mauler isn’t impressed by fancy words—only яростное battle. A mauler can’t speak or communicate via Языка in any way, even if it’s a type of creature that normally could.

At 5th level, whenever the mauler’s master drops a foe whose Кости Здоровья are at least half its level to below 0 пункты здоровья, the mauler’s Эмпатическая Связь surges with power, granting both the mauler and its master a +2 боевой дух bonus on attack and damage rolls for 1 round.

This replaces Разговор С Хозяином and Разговор С Сородичами.

Increased Сила (Экс): At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a mauler’s Сила score increases by 1. As a result of this ability, the фамильяр’s Intelligence score remains 6; a mauler can never have an Intelligence score higher than 6.

This alters the фамильяр’s Intelligence score advancement.

Битва Form (Св): At 3rd level, a mauler gains the ability to transform into a Крупныйr, more ferocious form and back as a основное действие three times per day. In Битва form, the mauler’s размер becomes Средний and it gains a +2 размер bonus to its Сила score. Since many фамильяры are Маленький or Миниатюрный, be sure to check for any additional Сила and Dexterity adjustments for increasing in размер from Маленький or Миниатюрный to Средний (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 212). This is a Полиморф effect.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний.

Снижение Урона (Св): At 11th level, a mauler gains DR 5/magic.

This replaces spell сопротивляемость.



Some фамильяры are Проныра pilferers that выступление tricks of Воровства or simple Шпионing on their master’s behalf.

Pilferer Skills: A pilferer treats Механика, Изворотливость, and Ловкость рук as class skills.

Improved Steal (Экс): A pilferer gains Improved StealAPG as a bonus черта.

This replaces Бдительность.

Необнаружимость (Св): A pilferer is under the constant Эффект of Необнаружимость with a caster level equal to its master’s class level. The DC of the caster level check to penetrate this Необнаружимость Эффект is equal to 15 + the master’s caster level.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Sneak (Экс): At 3rd level, a pilferer gains a мастерство bonus equal to half its master’s class level on Ловкость рук and Скрытность checks.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний.

Greater Steal (Экс): At 9th level, a pilferer gains Greater StealAPG as a bonus черта.

This replaces Разговор С Сородичами.



Some фамильяры Любовь to выступление pranks on their unsuspecting masters, as well as on those around their masters—allies and enemies alike. While good-aligned pranksters’ tricks are usually Добро natured except against foes, Зло pranksters play tricks that are mean spirited or even downright cruel.

Prankster Skills: A prankster treats Блеф, Маскировка, Выступление (шутовство), and Ловкость рук as class skills.

Autonomous Связь (Экс): A prankster can hide its feelings from its master via its Эмпатическая Связь at воля. It can also try to project a false Эмоция through the Связь by attempting a Блеф check opposed by its master’s Проницательность.

This alters Эмпатическая Связь.

Improved Dirty Trick (Экс): A prankster gains Improved Dirty TrickAPG as a bonus черта.

This replaces Бдительность.

Magical Pranks (Пс): A prankster can cast Призрачный Звук, Магическая Рука, and Мелкие Фокусы at воля as spell-like abilities.

This replaces Уклонение+ and Общие Заклинания.

Glib Comedy (Экс): At 3rd level, a prankster gains a мастерство bonus equal to half its master’s class level on Блеф, Маскировка, and Выступление (шутовство) checks.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний.

Greater Dirty Trick (Экс): At 11th level, a prankster gains Greater Dirty TrickAPG as a bonus черта.

This replaces spell сопротивляемость.

Unreliable Narrator (Пс): At 13th level, whenever its master uses scry on фамильяр, a prankster can Использование false Видение to fool that ability; this doesn’t affect any other Прорицание (Тайновидение) effects in the area, only its master’s scry on фамильяр ability.

This alters scry on фамильяр.



Protector фамильяры are so devoted that they would give their lives for their masters. A tumor фамильяр can’t be a protector.

Loyal Телохранитель (Экс): A protector gains ТелохранительAPG and Combat Реакцияes as bonus черты. If the фамильяр is sharing its master’s square, it can Использование Телохранитель to Помощь another to improve its master’s AC even if it doesn’t threaten the attacking foe, though it still needs Линия of Эффект to its master and the attacker.

This replaces Бдительность and Уклонение+.

Щит Master (Св): At 5th level, whenever a protector or its master takes hit point damage, as long as the protector and its master are touching, its master can split the damage evenly between them as if under the effects of щит other.

This replaces Доставка Заклинаний and Разговор С Сородичами.

Able Defender (Экс): At 11th level, a protector gains In Повреждение’s WayAPG as a bonus черта. In addition, the фамильяр’s пункты здоровья are now equal to its master’s total пункты здоровья (not including temporary пункты здоровья), regardless of its actual Кости Здоровья.

This replaces spell сопротивляемость.




Sages are masters of useful facts, able to Отзыв them for their masters’ benefit, though this leads many to become haughty and proud.

Мудрое Skills: A Мудрое treats all Знание Навыки as class skills. Dazzling Intellect (Экс): A sage’s Intelligence score is always equal to 5 + its master’s class level, but it gains естественная броня armor increases as if its master’s class level were half what of

the actual class level.

This alters the фамильяр’s Intelligence score and естественная броня armor adjustment.

Sage’s Знание (Экс): A Мудрое stores information on every topic and is happy to lecture its master on the Finer points of a subject. A Мудрое can attempt all Знание checks untrained and gains a bonus on Знание checks equal to half its master’s class level. Additionally, a Мудрое gains 2 skill ranks each Время its master gains a class level. Its maximum number of ranks in any given skill is equal to its master’s class level.

This replaces Бдительность and the фамильяр’s ability to share its master’s skill ranks.



Soulbound фамильяры are born when a master uses the magical principles behind soulbound dolls to bind a soul fragment to an animal.

Soul Focus (Экс): The soul fragment bound to the фамильяр lives within a focus crystal surgically inserted into the animal. As long as this soul focus remains intact, it can be used to bind the soul fragment into another фамильяр, with the same Стоимость and Время requirements as replacing a фамильяр. Once bound into the soul focus, the soul continues to learn, and so if it is later put into a new фамильяр body, the soul retains its personality and memories from its previous body or bodies. A soul focus has hardness 8, 12 пункты здоровья, and a Сломать DC of 20, though it can be attacked only when surgically removed from the фамильяр. If the soul focus is destroyed, creating a new soul focus with none of the old one’s memories costs as much as replacing a фамильяр, in addition to the normal Стоимость of replacing the фамильяр itself. Because it is born of another creature’s soul, a soulbound фамильяр can never serve as a ведьма’s фамильяр, a shaman’s spirit animal,

or any other spell-granting фамильяр. The

soulbound фамильяр gains Эксперт in a skill important to the creature whose soul provided the fragment.

This replaces Бдительность.

Alignment        Variation    (Экс): A     soulbound фамильяр’s alignment is always at least partially

neutral, although it can also be chaotic, evil, good, or lawful, depending on the creature whose soul provided the fragment rather than on the master’s alignment (unless the master donates a fragment of her own soul). At 8th level, it gains one of the following spell-like abilities, usable once per Дня and based on its alignment (caster level = its master’s caster level – 3): Хаос neutral: Ярость; Принципиальность neutral: Внушение;


COMPANIONS AND ФАМИЛЬЯРЫ                                            

neutral: Глубокий Сон; neutral evil: Нанесение Тяжелых Ранений; or neutral good: Героизм. At 13th level, its caster level increases to its master’s caster level.

This replaces Разговор С Сородичами and scry on фамильяр.



A valet is a consummate personal servant, able to fetch, deliver, and выступление for its master’s every need.

Valet Skills: A valet treats Ремесло, Выступление, and Профессия as class skills.

Able Assistant (Экс): A valet’s master treats the valet as if it had the Cooperative CraftingAPG черта and shares Ремесло Навыки and item Созидание черты with the valet.

This replaces Бдительность.

Magical Manipulation (Пс): A valet can cast open/Тычковое and

Мелкие Фокусы at воля.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Teammate (Экс): A valet is considered to have all the teamwork черты its master has.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Доставка Заклинаний (Св): At 3rd level, when delivering a Повреждениеless touch spell to a willing creature, a valet can move before and after delivering the spell, as long as its total movement does not exceed its быстрое.

This alters Доставка Заклинаний.

Deliver Помощь (Экс): At 7th level, a valet can move before and after using the Помощь another action, as long as its total movement does not exceed its быстрое.

This replaces Разговор С Сородичами.

Помощь e to All (Экс): At 13th level, a valet can Использование the Помощь another Действие as a действие полного хода to grant up to three adjacent creatures bonuses from this action. Each bonus can apply to the same Действие or check or to different actions or checks.

This replaces scry on фамильяр.



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    Companion Tricks                          

Животные can be trained to выступление tricks, as detailed in the rules for Дрессировка (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 97). The following new tricks are presented in alphabetical order. Note that while the word “animal” is often used in the following descriptions, these tricks can be taught to any companion that can be trained.

Помощь (DC 20): The Сфера Животных can Использование the Помощь another Действие to Помощь a specific ally in combat by attacking a specific foe the ally is fighting. You point to a particular creature that you Желание the Сфера Животных to Помощь, and you point to another that you want it to make an attack roll against, and it воля comply if able. The normal creature type restrictions governing the attack trick still apply.

Bomбард (DC 20): A полетing Сфера Животных can deliver projectiles on Приказ, attempting to drop a specified item that it can carry (often алхимик’s Огонь or a similar splПраха weapon) on a designated point or opponent, using its базовый модификатор атаки to determine its attack roll. The Сфера Животных cannot throw the object, and it must be able to полет directly over the target.

Сломать Out (DC 20): On Приказ, the Сфера Животных attempts to Сломать or gnaw through bars or Сковываниеs restricting it, its handler, or a person indicated by the handler. If the Сфера Животных cannot Сломать the restraints by itself, its attempts grant the restricted creature a +4 ситуативный bonus on Изворотливость checks. Furthermore, the Сфера Животных can take certain basic actions such as lifting a latch or bringing


its master an unattended key. Weight and Сила restrictions still apply, and pickpocketing a key or picking any sort of lock is still far beyond the animal‘s ability.

Build Simple Structure (DC 25): The companion can build simple structures on Приказ, limited by its естественная броня abilities and inclinations. The companion is able to build only structures that creatures of its type would естественная броняly build on their own, and this trick merely allows the handler to direct the companion on when and where to build such structures. For example, a spider could be Приказed to spin a Паутина between two trees, but it could not be made to create a hammock or a tent out of silk. Similarly, a beaver could be ordered to make a dam or lodge, an alligator a dome-shaped nest, and any Бурениеing creature a Небольшой tunnel or hole. In general, this process takes 10 minutes for each 5-foot square the structure occupies, but depending on the terrain and the type of structure, it might take as little as 1 minute or as much as 1 hour or more, at the GM’s discretion. Only companions that естественная броняly build structures can learn this trick.

Bury (DC 15): An Сфера Животных with this trick can be instructed

to bury an object in its possession. The Сфера Животных normally seeks a secluded place to bury its object. An Сфера Животных that knows both the bury and fetch tricks can be instructed to fetch an item it has buried.

Cocoon (DC 15): The companion can cocoon an object or a беспомощьность or willing Огромный or Небольшойer creature in Паутинаbing. The amount of Время this takes depends on the размер of the creature or object to be cocooned, as outlined on the following table.




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