Mid-level play (levels 7–12) — КиберПедия 

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Mid-level play (levels 7–12)

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At the middle tier of spellcasting, many spells with wilderness themes revolve around control effects. While most of them have been previously detailed in Ultimate Intrigue (see the Intrigue in the Wild sidebar on page 158) and thus are not covered below, mid-level Прорицание spells are plentiful.



Spells that protect against or repel all sorts of wilderness threats appear in this range.

AntiЖизнь Shell and AntiСфера Растений Shell: These are notable defensive spells because they don’t allow a saving throw to resist their effects. While spell сопротивляемость offers a means of Оборона against these spells, such an ability is almost nonexistent among Сфера Растений creatures. DeОзлобленность the lengthy 1-round caЖало time, successfully caЖало antiЖизнь shell can buy precious rounds of Защита to cast other spells. AntiСфера Растений shell has a shorter casting time and a lower круг заклинания, making it more useful when dealing with Сфера Растений threats.

Барьер Для Вредителей: Repel Вредитель is similar to antiЖизнь shell, but it takes up a lower-level spell slot and requires less Время to cast. While the field created by this spell can be bypassed with a successful Воля save, it still deals damage to Вредитель managing to traverse it—a particularly powerful Эффект against Большой numbers of enemies with few пункты здоровья. Perhaps the most enticing Использование of repel Вредитель is its ability to diminish the effectiveness of Вредитель swarms.



Воплощение spells fill a wide array of needs. This school of Магия encompasses усиление effects, Телепортация effects, the Воплощение of allies, and even the Созидание of permanent or temporary areas of terrain. Most of these spells really begin to show their usefulness at the middle levels of spellcasting.

Пир Героев: Those partaking in a Пир Героев receive powerful bonuses in addition to the normal benefits of eating and drinking. The combination of neutralize Отрава and remove Болезнь in this spell is a particularly useful given the number of long-onset diseases and Ядs in the wilderness. The spell does require a long casting time and consumption period to be effective; caЖало and consuming a Пир Героев takes at least 70 minutes. The flaws of this spell become apparent when the PCs ambush enemies partaking in this spell or are attacked while consuming their own feast.

Путешествие Сквозь Растения and Tree Stride: A dependable means of transportation within a forested environment, tree stride combines the best of several spells, with temporary Защита and скрытность akin to meld into Камень   or Облик Дерева. It also offers a wide array of Сфера Путешествий дальнобойное, with even coniferous trees allowing for transportation range in excess of Дверь В Пространстве, assuming a suitable tree is within range. Путешествие Сквозь Растения is similar to an upgraded tree stride, as it allows for theoretically limitless traveling дальнобойное on the same world, and it requires only a suitably размерd Сфера Растений with a matching species at the destination.

Wall of Камень and Терновая Стена: Both of these spells allow for the Созидание of walls to divide a battlefield. Walls made of Камень have the benefit of adjoining to улучшения stone—a plentiful terrain feature in most wilderness environs. Since this spell has a duration of instantaneous, wall of Камень creates long-laЖало defenses. Such walls can cut off tight-knit groups in conКрошечныйd areas, though creatures in the path of a forming wall can attempt a Реакция save to avoid entrapment. Терновая Стена creates a temporary effect, and while it doesn’t block off terrain as dependably as Каменная Стена, it covers twice the space of a Камень wall and doesn’t allow a Реакция save. Терновая Стена can be used to смертельный Эффект when sculpted to cover a Крупныйr area. These walls can be combined with area effects, such as Смертельное Облако or Призыв Ос, to devastate foes.



Mid-level Превращение spells produce a variety of effects. Many Усиление the capabilities of their casters, allowing for otherwise impossible physical черты. Some Превращение spells control Природа and, by extension, operate as mind- affecting effects against plants while bypassing plants’ естественная броня immunities to such effects. Other Превращение spells change vast swaths of terrain, allowing their casters to manipulate the wilderness in ways that range from battlefield needs to agricultural changes taking place over thousands of square feet of space.

Воздух Walk and Ветер Walk: Воздух walk is an effective method of bypassing treacherous terrain. When a caster typically gains access to this spell, the duration of Воздух walk is about only an hour, making it an effective tool for combat encounters but diminishing its utility for long-term travel. Another hindrance of Воздух walk is that it affects only a single target, making it difficult to apply to an entire group without Expending several spell slots. Ветер walk, however, can grant a group the ability to traverse long дальнобойноеs over open air. As this spell allows for Сфера Путешествий of 600 feet per round, it’s over 10 times as effective as spells such as полет and overland Полет as a means of long-дальнобойное travel. However, Ветер walkers are particularly vulnerable to attack along the way if their movement can be curtailed with an obstruction. The caster must either dismiss the spell entirely or have everyone in the group to go through lengthy Преобразованиеs back into their normal forms while being pummeled by attacks.

Приказ Plants: Similar in many respects to Обольщение person, this spell entreats Сфера Растений creatures to obey the spellcaster. As plants are normally immune to Разум effects, this spell falls under the Превращение school of magic, meaning that черты such as Любимая Школа Магии (Превращение) apply to it. Two important differences between this spell and Обольщение person, aside from the круг заклинания and ability to affect plants, are the increased number of targets and no requirement that the caster has to know a Языка understood by the target.

Control Вода and Управление Ветрами: These spells are both broad in their effect, with uses beyond combat. The ability to control the быстрое of winds is a useful tool in hampering foes that rely on Полет or ranged attacks. Remember that Ветер быстроеs can impose penalties on creatures’ Полет checks, with hurricane быстрое winds inflicting a massive –12 penalty. Manipulating Вода allows for access to otherwise inaccessible spaces and reveals Секреты hidden in exceptionally deep areas of water. Водная creatures that rely on Вода for breathing and maneuverability can be significantly едва жив by this magic. As a body of Вода can be lowered to as little as 2 inches deep, this spell can be a major threat to Водная foes that don’t have base быстроеs.

Движение Грунта: This spell allows for the movement of various sorts of естественная броня terrain, with the express purpose of digging or filling in dips in the earth. While it’s relatively useless once combat has begun, because of its long caЖало time, this spell is exceptionally handy for flattening terrain or otherwise adjusting it in preparation of combat. A common Использование for move Земля is in the Созидание or deКонструкцийion of естественная броня cover as part of an ongoing siege.

Проход Сквозь Стену: The убийцы of intrepid dungeon designers everywhere, Проход Сквозь Стену allows for the разрушительное of the expected path through a complex structure.

Allowing the spell to assist in navigating hazardous terrain is important, but it should not come at the expense of storytelling оr allow the characters to bypass important areas of Исследование. When designing encounter areas, consider insulating critical areas with stretches of solid matter that extend 20 feet or farther, effectively inhibiting Проход Сквозь Стену from creating its pasМудрое into or out of key locations. Furthermore, as Проход Сквозь Стену is susceptible to Рассеивание Магии, a perfectly timed dispel Эффект can separate a party, potentially over several (possibly as-of-yet-unexplored) areas of a dungeon.

Реинкарнация: The ability to Реинкарнация a deceased companion is often a mixed affair. Many adventurers see the Использование of Реинкарнация as a means of bypassing the costly raise мертв (a 5th-level spell). Some even view the ability to return as a different race as a boon, especially in cases where the new race has powerful physical ability modifiers. It’s important to reinСила the monumental changes that a creature undergoes after being Реинкарнацияd, though. Former acquaintances and allies won’t recognize the Реинкарнацияd person, and depending on the Природа of the new race, the Реинкарнацияd creature might find itself the subject of discrimination or even attacked on sight.

Отталкивание Дерева: This spell is particularly powerful in tight corridors. Wooden objects in the path of the spell are hurled away, moving 40 feet back from their current position. This includes items such as wooden armor, wooden щитs, and wood-hafted weapons; these items often carry the wielder along with them. Creatures can opt to drop щитs and weapons, but a creature wearing wooden armor (especially darkДерево or Железное Дерево -enhanced equipment) doesn’t have the ability to quickly remove the armor and is thus forced back with no saving throw or spell сопротивляемость. Note that the spell has no Эффект on most plants, since they are Корень ed to the ground, but it can be used to clear wooden blockages such as мертвfalls.

Превращение Камня В Грязь: Transforming Большой areas of unworked rock into mud creates effectively impassable terrain. Most creatures trapped in a transmuted area of mud reduce their base быстрое to 5 feet. Considering the vast area that even a minimum caster can affect, this mud acts as a Замедлениеing Эффект on all creatures without a means of полетing or levitating. The most effective, and oftentimes unexpected, Использование of this spell is when it’s used on the ceiling of a cavern. Along with creating an area of Подвижность-restricting terrain, the collapsing mud deals a hefty sum of damage to creatures caught underneath the falling deluge. Keep in mind that transmuted mud can be dispelled, with effects similar to a caЖало of Превращение Грязи В Камень.



The most powerful of wilderness spells are few but incredibly varied. Some allow for the Созидание of powerful allies, while others have drastic effects over vast swaths of land.

Оживить Растения: From the lowest level that a друид gains access to this spell, she can animate four Большой plants or a single Гигантский plant. Animated plants are simple to Приказ and act as allies and Отвлечениеs in combat. The alternative Опутывание Эффект of this spell is particularly useful, as it not only bypasses spell сопротивляемость but also acts as a 7th- level spell version of Опутывание that lasts for hours.

Оживший Посох: While Оживить Растения creates a potential host of animated plants, Оживший Посох creates a single powerful treant-like ally that, barring misadventure, lasts for hours. The treant created by this spell is particularly useful in demolishing objects and structures. The transformed treant’s innate rock метательное ability, teamed with its ability to ignore the hardness of structures, makes it particularly effective in laying siege to fortifications in all manner of terrains.

Власть Над Растениями: As this is a Превращение spell, it bypasses a plant’s normal Иммунитет to Разум effects. A Сфера Растений creature can attempt a Воля save to avoid being controlled, but the spell is not subject to spell сопротивляемость and has no shared-Языка requirement. As this spell lasts only a few minutes and doesn’t allow for self-Разрушительный Приказs, it’s best employed as an equalizer when fighting multiple Сфера Растений foes, enemies that have animated plants of their own, or foes that are plants (such as high-level ghorans or leshys). Землетрясение: Numerous different environment-dependent effects make Землетрясение an appropriate spell for wilderness- themed campaigns. The Эффект of this spell in Пещер is a true killer, as the rules for being trapped in rubble are exceptionally смертельный to creatures that do not have high Сила scores or Телепортация magic. Many of the aboveground effects have the potential to create rents in the Земля that can trap opponents or seal away disarmed objects and other items. Regardless of its application, Землетрясение is often about Послание a message to a foe—the dramatic sights created by this spell capable of awing even those фамильяр with magic.

Storm of Отмщение: A superестественная броня representation of nature’s ire, storm of Отмщение is a powerful Разрушение that blankets a wide area in a growing tempest. Though the effects of the storm are potent, there are many things to consider when employing the spell. First, it requires concentration over several rounds to build up its power, which can be difficult to maintain while the caster is engaged in combat, especially since several of the effects of the storm cause damage, such as Кислота rain and hailstorm. As a result, the ideal application of storm of Отмщение is from long range, with the caster far outside the storm’s effects.

Transmute Металл to Wood: An instantaneous effect, transmute Металл to Дерево affects all Металл items within a Большой radius. While the spell doesn’t allow any sort of saving throw, it does treat Магия items affected by the spell as if they had significant spell сопротивляемость, meaning Преодолевающая Магия and Преодолевающая Магия+ increase the effectiveness of the spell by a wide margin. This spell also specifies that it affects only objects—so no using it against iron golems! Transmute Металл to Дерево is at its best when employed by друидs, as a друид often has few (if any) Металл items in her possession, allowing the caster to center the spell on herself if threatened by numerous metal-clad foes. Teaming this spell with the repel Дерево (see above) is a powerful combo that keeps metal- wielding foes on the defensive.


Trophies and Treasures 

Monetary treasure can be a rarity in the wild, but canny scavengers and выживаниеists know how to reap nature’s bounty. Eggs, furs, and ivory of exotic beasts are well-known commodities, but some have also studied the mystical Симпатия between certain creatures and different forms of magic. To the right buyer, these components are valuable as more exotic materials.

The following rules for harveЖало trophies from creatures and Монстры should Усиление the classic method of dispersing treasure and rewards, but they are not intended to increase the expected wealth by level at your table. If you Использование this system for trophies, you should make sure to reduce the amount of other treasure and rewards by an equal amount to the harvested components.

At their most basic, trophies function as Искуство objects. Whether an adventurer seeks to Скакун a dragon’s Голова on the wall of his home, ремесло a necklace from a claw harvested from every beast he has slain, or simply make new arrows from the teeth of a fallen foe, the process is much the same—the valuable commodity must first be harvested from the creature.

Note that some cultures have taboos against harveЖало parts from humanoids and monstrous humanoids or certain other creature types. Other societies may view the taking of trophies from intelligent creatures, endangered specimens, or even from plentiful game as abhorrent. Characters might need to be careful to avoid insulting such groups if they don’t want to find themselves in an unnecessary conflict. At the GM’s discretion, harveЖало trophies (particularly in the case of trophies taken from innocents, intelligent creatures, or потусторонние существа) should have alignment repercussions.

As with all content that might be uncomfortable for some players, you should make sure to have your table’s consent before introducing the harveЖало of trophies into your game.



When a monster is defited in combat, the process of Опознаниеing what portions of the creature can serve as a trophy and harveЖало the trophy are somewhat abstracted— there’s no need to Выслеживание the values for each part of every monster in the game once they’re gathered as trophies.

In Орден to harvest and preserve a trophy from a kill, a character must attempt three checks: one to determine what parts of the creature are worth harveЖало for a trophy, one to determine if she successfully harvests the trophy components without damaging or ruining them, and one to turn the components into a permanent trophy.

Опознание ing Trophies: To Опознание what portions of a creature have value as trophies, a character must succeed at a Знание check determined by the creature type, as normal. The DC for this check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR. This examination takes 1 minute to выступление.

HarveЖало Trophy Components: Once a character identifies potential trophies, she must attempt a skill check to harvest the relevant components. This is typically either a Выживание check (for external features, such as hide, horns, teeth, or the like) or a Лечение check (for internal features, such as blood, internal organs, or sweat). The DC for this check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR. HarveЖало trophy components generally takes 10 minutes of work (at the GM’s discretion, this could be as much as 1 hour of work for creatures whose bodies are particularly difficult to work with).

Creating Trophies: Once trophy components are harvested, they generally remain viable for 24 hours before Распада   or spoilage ruins them. Application of Посмертный Покой, oil of timelessness, or similar Магия can extend this period of decay. In Орден to turn components harvested from a creature into a long-laЖало trophy, a character must attempt a check with an appropriate Ремесло skill (the exact skill varies according to the Природа of the trophy the character is creating, but it is usually one from the following list: alchemy, jewelry, leather, or taxidermy) to preserve the components and turn them into a trophy. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + the creature’s CR.


Selling Trophies

Once a trophy is created, it can be kept or sold. Generally, a trophy can be sold to any merchant for its full value, as if it were an Искуство object, but at the GM’s discretion, certain trophies may require the PC to seek out black markets or specialized merchants to receive the full price. In some societies, selling certain trophies may be illegal or have other ramifications.

A trophy’s value is determined by the CR of the creature from which it was harvested, as indicated on the following table. For all purposes related to harveЖало trophies, the CR refers to a creature’s CR without any class levels (a CR 10 troll оракул would still count as a CR 5 source for any trophies it yields). Note that the value for bounties for defiting specific creatures should not be governed by these rules but should instead be determined by the GM as appropriate for the adventure. Creatures that do not have народ Кости Здоровья and whose CR is defined by class level generally do not provide valuable components for trophies.

Table 4–9: Trophy Value by CR

CR                            Value

1                              50 gp

2                        100 gp           

3                        150 gp           

4                        200 gp           

5                        300 gp           

6                        400 gp           

7                        500 gp           

8                        650 gp           

9                        850 gp           

10                      1,000 gp          

11                      1,400 gp          

12                      1,800 gp          

13                      2,300 gp          

14                      3,000 gp          

15                      3,900 gp          

16                      5,000 gp          

17                      6,400 gp          

18                      8,000 gp          

19                      10,500 gp       

20                      13,000 gp


Trophy Weight In most cases, the weight of trophy components recovered from a creature depend on the creature’s size. This weight is doubled for bones, hides, and skins, and halved for feathers, hair, and small organs such as eyes or glands. Once components have been processed into actual trophies, the resulting weight of the trophy is generally determined by the nature of the trophy created (in the case of jewelry or the like) or half the weight of the components used (in the case of something like a preserved head or limb). Table 4–10: Typical Trophy Weights Creature Size           Trophy Weight Fine                            — Diminutive                  1/10 lb.                Tiny                        1/2 lb.                              Small                   1d4×1/2 lbs.                       Medium                     1d6 lbs.                               Large                      3d6 lbs.                               Huge                    1d6×10 lbs.                        Gargantuan              1d6×30 lbs.               Colossal               1d6×100 lbs.


Magical Affinities of Trophies

Certain creatures provide trophy components that, once processed into actual trophies, are exceptionally useful for the Конструкцийion of alchemical or Магия items. When used as raw materials for the crafting of alchemical or Магия items, these trophies are worth more than their normal values for the purposes of calculating the total gp needed to ремесло the item.

The following section details trophy uses for a wide range of creature categories. This list is not intended to be exhaustive, and GMs should feel free to add specific affinities to a creature as their campaigns Требование.

Recovery: In Орден to preserve trophy components into a trophy usable for its magical affinities, a character must Использование a different skill than Ремесло to create the trophy. The specific skill required varies according to the creature, as detailed below. Creating a trophy to be used in this way is more difficult than creating one to simply be an Искуство object: the DC to create a magical affinity trophy is equal to 20 + the creature’s CR. If a creature’s trophy components fall into multiple categories (such as an erinyes), the character can choose which of the associated Навыки to Использование to ремесло the trophy.

Affinities: The magical uses for a trophy in the Конструкцийion of alchemical or Магия items are listed here. When a trophy is incorporated into raw materials, its gp value is considered to be 20% greater than normal.



Recovery Знание (планы)

Affinities A demon’s heart contains the essence of sin. It can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell with the Зло descriptor as a requirement.


Recovery Знание (планы)

Affinities A devil’s tongue is infused with the word of law. It can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell with the Принципиальность descriptor as a requirement.


DOPPELGANGERS AND MIMICS                      

Recovery Знание (магия)

Affinities Swaths of skin harvested from a doppelganger or mimic can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell of the Полиморф subschool as a requirement.



Recovery Знание (планы)

Affinities Residual material harvested from a slain elemental can be used in the Созидание of Магия items that have spells with specific descriptors, as summarized in the table below.

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