Desert rпомощьer (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Desert rпомощьer (archetype)

2021-02-05 81
Desert rпомощьer (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Desert rПомощьers constantly threaten caravans that cross vast, desolate expanses. Some desert rПомощьers are tribespeople who rПомощь to supplement their hardscrabble existence, while others are career thieves who take to the desert to avoid the noose. To survive, a desert rПомощьer must learn the Секреты of the deserts and become inured to their dangers.

Though most often associated with hot deserts, desert rПомощьers can also operate in tundra, where sunlight on snow can blind as easily as on sand.

Class Skills: A desert rПомощьer adds Знание (география) and Выживание to her list of class Навыки instead of Знание (подземелья) and Плавание.

This alters the плут’s class skills.

Desert Tracker (Экс): A desert rПомощьer is immune to the растерянность condition. A desert rПомощьer adds half her level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Выживание skill checks to follow or Опознание tracks in desert terrain.

This replaces Поиск Ловушек.

Солнце at Your Back (Экс): At 2nd level, a desert rПомощьer can Использование the reflected Свет of the blinding Солнце to conceal her presence. A desert rПомощьer in bright Свет can attempt Скрытность checks without cover or concealment but takes a –5 penalty on her check. The desert rПомощьer cannot Использование this ability to hide from creatures immune to the слепота or растерянность conditions.

This replaces the плут talent gained at 2nd level.

Свет Step (Экс): At 3rd level, the DC of Выживание checks to Выслеживание the desert rПомощьer increase by 3. In addition, she gains a +1 bonus on Внимание checks to avoid being surprised by a foe. The DC increase and the bonus on Внимание checks increase by 1 every 3 плут levels thereafter (to a maximum increase of 8 and a maximum bonus of +6 at 18th level).

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Плут Talents: The following плут talents complement the desert rПомощьer archetype: fast скрытность, Бегство  artistUC, Эквилибрист, плут crawl, stand up, Внезапная Атака.

Продвинутые Приемы: The following advanced плут talents complement the desert rПомощьer archetype: Мастер НезаметностиUC, Проныра СнайперAPG.



What highway robbers are to roads, river rats are to waterways. Опытный at hiding amid reeds and Корень s, these плутs strike the unwary from the sПосвящение Добруs as others would from the shadows. DeОзлобленность their strong association with banditry, river rats make excellent Проводникs and hunters.

Class Skills: A river rat gains Знание (природа) as a class skill instead of Знание (подземелья). This alters the плут’s class skills.

Swamper (Экс): At 1st level, a river rat gains a bonus equal to half her плут level on Плавание checks (minimum +1).

A river rat ignores difficult terrain caused by Свет undergrowth and sПосвящение Добру bogs, and it costs her only 2 squares of movement to enter a square of deep bog or heavy undergrowth, rather than 4 squares of movement.

She takes no penalty on Акробатics or Скрытность checks for being in bogs and undergrowth. All of these abilities apply only when she is wearing Свет or no armor and carrying no more than a Свет load.

This replaces Поиск Ловушек.

Rat’s Resilience (Экс): A river rat is inured to dangers presented by disease-carrying parasites, Poisonous fish, and other toxic river denizens. At 3rd level, a river rat gains a +1 bonus on испытания against Болезнь and Отрава effects. This bonus increases by 1 every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +6 at 18th level.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Плут Talents: The following плут talents complement the river rat archetype: КамуфляжAPG, hold breathUC, плут crawl, stand up, strong strokeUC, выживаниеistAPG.

Продвинутые Приемы: The following advanced плут talents complement the river rat archetype: Мастер НезаметностиUC, Счастливый Шанс, Виртуоз, Проныра СнайперAPG.



Sly saboteurs are irregular soldiers who specialize in sabotage and Внезапная Атакаs. Though they often face enemies with greater numbers or resources (or both), sly saboteurs have the advantage of knowing the local people and terrain. They might be rebels fighting against a corrupt government, or they might be members of a militia opposing an invading force. Some are environmentalists who sabotage the tools of industry in Орден to protect unspoiled nature.

Class Skills: A sly saboteur adds Выживание to her list of class Навыки instead of Знание (подземелья).

This alters the плут’s class skills.

Scamper (Экс): At 3rd level, a sly saboteur can move through 5 feet of difficult terrain each round as if it were normal terrain. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, this дальнобойное increases by 5 feet (to a maximum of 30 feet at 18th level). This ability allows the sly saboteur to take a 5-foot step into difficult terrain. This ability applies only when she is wearing легкие-доспехи or no armor and carrying no more than a Свет load, and it stacks with the Акробатic Steps and Легкая Поступь черты.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Catastrophic Failure (Экс): At 4th level, when a sly saboteur uses Механика to rig a devЛьда to fail, she can increase the DC of the check by 5. If she does so and succeeds at the check, when the devЛьда fails, users take damage equal to the sly saboteur’s Атака Исподтишка, or they take half that amount with a successful Реакция save (DC = 10 + half the sly saboteur’s level + her Dexterity modifier). The type of damage depends on the Природа of the devЛьда but is typically bludgeoning, fire, piercing, or slashing.

This replaces uncanny уклонение.

Disable Магия DevЛьда (Св): At 8th level, a sly saboteur can Использование Механика to rig a Магия item to fail as if it were an extremely complex device. If the item’s Эффект is instantaneous, the Эффект is countered the next Время the item is activated, but the activation still consumes a charge or use. If the item’s Эффект is continuous or has a duration, the Эффект fails after 1d4 rounds or minutes of Использование (sly saboteur’s choice). This ends the duration or suppresses a continuous Эффект for 1d4 rounds (as the spell Рассеивание Магии). This ability cannot be used on artifacts.

If this ability is combined with the catastrophic failure ability, the resulting damage is untyped Магия and is not reduced by Снижение Урона or energy сопротивляемость.

This replaces Невероятное Уклонение+.

Плут Talents: The following плут talents complement the sly saboteur archetype: хитрое triggerAPG, fast скрытность, Бегство  artistUC, Быстрое Обезвреживание, quick КапканщикAPG, плут crawl, Наметанный Глаз, wall scrambleUC.

Продвинутые Приемы: The following advanced плут talents complement the sly saboteur archetype: frugal КапканщикAPG, Мастер НезаметностиUC, Нокаутирующий УдарAPG, rumormongerUC, Виртуоз, Проныра СнайперAPG.


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