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Индивидуальные и групповые автопоилки: для животных. Схемы и конструкции...

Архитектура электронного правительства: Единая архитектура – это методологический подход при создании системы управления государства, который строится...

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2nd                         50 gp             500 gp

6th                         500 gp            2,500 gp       

10th                        2,000 gp         10,000 gp     

14th                        8,000 gp         50,000 gp     

18th                        32,000 gp       200,000 gp


Summon Фея Allies: At 3rd level, the Фея courtier gains Усиленный Призыв as a bonus черта and can call upon естественная броня allies who owe him favors. He adds Призыв Природного Союзника I to his list of 1st-level бард spells known. Whenever he gains access to another круг заклинания, he adds the next-higher Призыв Природного Союзника spell to his list of бард spells known. The Фея courtier adds the following creatures to the Призыв Природного Союзника list: 1st—grimpleB4 (gremlin), mite, spriteB3; 2nd—atomieB3, fuathB3 (gremlin), nixieB3; 3rd—leprechaunB2, nuglubB2 (gremlin), pookaB4; 4th—kelpieB2, korredB2, twigjackB2; 5th—lampadB4, lurker in СветB2, swan mПомощьenB4; 6th—Холод верховая ездаrB3, oceanidB4, sangoiB5.

This replaces Вдохновение мастерство.


Season Мудрое (Друид Archetype)

Season sages wander as the Сезона change, turning the leaves and transforming Природа as they pass and taking pleasure in the transition between seasons.

Season’s Touch (Св): At 4th level, a season Мудрое can infИспользование living things with the essence of a season with a touch, causing them to manifest the changes associated with that season—for example, a touch of Зима can make some Животные grow a thick Зима coat, while a touch of summer can make them shed. A touch of autumn would make a deciduous tree’s leaves change colors, a touch of Зима would make its leaves fall, and a touch of spring would make it put forth new leaves. In addition, a season Мудрое can Использование the following abilities (in any combination) a total number of times per Дня equal to 1 + his Мудрость modifier.

This replaces Природный Облик.

Vernal Growth: A touched living creature gains the effects of Увеличение person (even if it is not a humanoid) for 1 minute per друид level. A touched non-creature Сфера Растений likewise doubles in all dimensions for the same duration.

Summer Might: A touched creature gains a +4 усиление bonus to Constitution for 1 minute per друид level.

Autumn Rot: A touched creature or object made of Сфера Растений matter takes 1d6 points of Кислота damage per 2 друид levels.

Зима Ледяное: A touched creature or object takes 1d6 points of Холод damage per 2 друид levels.

Season’s Вуаль (Св): At 6th level, a season Мудрое can radiate an Аура of seasonal power as a основное действие once per day. This affects a 20-foot-radius Взрыв centered on the season Мудрое and lasts in that area for 10 minutes, regardless of where the season Мудрое moves afterward. At 8th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the season Мудрое can Использование this ability an additional Время per day. At 10th level, the radius increases to 40 feet.

Vernal Bloom: The area surges with life. Plants form vibrant, heavy undergrowth (see page 426 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook) while in the aura. If the area can support plants, a circle of minor plants lingers afterward. At 8th level, the season Мудрое can affect the area with Сфера Растений Роста as a быстрое действие at воля, which can linger after the Аура passes.

Summer Heat: The area of Эффект is treated as if it were under the effects of extreme heat. At 8th level, as a быстрое действие the season Мудрое can have the area deal 1d6 points of Огонь damage each round to other creatures in the area.

Autumn Squall: The area is filled with fog, rain, and blown leaves. All creatures in the area gain concealment (abilities to specifically see through fog or rain don’t apply). At 8th level, the season Мудрое can affect the area with Угнетение Растений as a быстрое действие at воля, which also lingers after the Аура passes.

Зима Chill: The area of Эффект is treated as if it were under the effects of extreme cold. At 8th level, as a быстрое действие the season Мудрое can have the area deal 1d6 points of Холод damage each round to other creatures in the area.

Season Mastery (Пс): At 12th level, a season Мудрое can cast control Погода as a spell-like ability once per day; his choice of effects is not limited by the season.


Фея Prankster (Плут Archetype)

Фея pranksters specialize in tricking others to teach a lesson or for their own entertainment.

Treacherous Plants (Пс): The Фея prankster can cause plants to distract nearby creatures. To Использование this ability, the Фея prankster attempts a Блеф check to create a Отвлечение to hide as a быстрое действие or to feint against an adjacent opponent as a сопутствующее действие, so long as the target is adjacent to plants. He gains a bonus on this check equal to half his плут level (minimum +1).

This replaces Поиск Ловушек.

Improved Dirty Trick: At 2nd level, the Фея prankster gains Improved Dirty TrickAPG as a bonus черта. He need not meet the Предпосылки.

This replaces the плут talent gained at 2nd level.

Steal Appearance (Пс): At 4th level, the Фея prankster can exchange the appearance of two adjacent items of the same размер. He can also exchange the appearance of two creatures if at least one is willing and both are adjacent. Affecting an Unwilling creature or an item it wears or carries requires a successful dirty trickAPG combat maneuver against that creature. If he succeeds, the objects or creatures are each маскировкаd as the other as if with Вуаль cast at his плут level. The Воля save DC to resist or disbelieve the Иллюзия is equal to 10 + half the плут’s level + his Intelligence modifier.

At 8th level, the Фея prankster can also exchange the locations of the two targets by succeeding at a DC 20 Ловкость рук check. If he succeeds, observers can’t tell which is the original based on movement without succeeding at a Внимание check against his Ловкость рук result.

This replaces uncanny уклонение and Невероятное Уклонение+.

Greater Dirty Trick: At 6th level, the Фея prankster gains Greater Dirty TrickAPG as a bonus черта. He does not need to meet the Предпосылки. This replaces the плут talent gained at 6th level.

Сфера Растений Traps (Св): At 8th level, the Фея trickster can modify a Сфера Растений (but not Сфера Растений creatures) into a trap as a действие полного хода up to three times per day. The Внимание and Механика DCs for the trap are each equal to 15 + his плут level. A Маленький or Крупныйr Сфера Растений can be used to выступление a Сбивание С Ног or dirty trickAPG combat maneuver using the Фея trickster’s CMB and the plant’s размер. A Большой or Крупныйr Сфера Растений can be used to create a Силки as per the spell. The save DC is equal to 12 + the плут’s Intelligence modifier. The Фея trickster can trigger any Сфера Растений trap he created as a основное действие as long as he is within 60 feet of it.

This replaces the плут talent gained at 8th level.

Unseen Trickster: At 12th level, the Фея trickster can attempt Скрытность checks in areas with plants even if he does not have cover or concealment.

This replaces the плут talent gained at 12th level.



Gathlains have access to the following equipment.



Worker WEIGHT 60 lbs. PRICE 300 GP
Combat-trained worker WEIGHT 60 lbs. PRICE 450 GP
Queen WEIGHT 140 lbs. PRICE 8,000 GP
Combat-trained queen WEIGHT 140 lbs. PRICE 12,000 GP


Gathlains have learned to domesticate giant bees (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 43), which they Использование to Сфера Путешествий long дальнобойноеs. Extra queens from a hive’s brood are saved and trained for hauling heavier equipment or a retinue of gathlains. Bees require an exotic saddle, which is a sort of basket that places the верховая ездаr underneath the bee’s abdomen, where it protects the верховая ездаr as if he were a bee larva.



These wooden braces hook on to a gathlain’s Крылья to help in clinging to ivy, tree limbs, or other surfaces with significant handholds. Many wing hooks are decorated with intricate carvings. A gathlain wearing wing hooks can cling to a surface with a Лазание DC of 10 or lower without effort, and can safely Сон there. The wing hooks leave the gathlain’s arms free while attempting Лазание checks on such surfaces.



Gathlains have access to the following черты.


Advanced Gathlain Magic

You have developed your innate magical abilities.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, character level 3rd, gathlain.

Benefit: You gain the following spells as spell-like abilities,

each of which are usable 1/day: Дерево meld (as meld with stone, but only with wood), Дерево shape.


Greater Gathlain Magic

You have greatly developed your innate magical abilities.

Предпосылки: Cha 15, Advanced Gathlain Magic*, character level 9th, gathlain.

Benefit: You gain the following spells as spell-like abilities, each of which are usable 1/day: Приказ plants, thorny Опутываниеment ACG.


Green Tongue

You know the Языка of the plants.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, character level 5th, gathlain.

Benefit: You can cast Разговор С Растениями once per day, as a spell-like ability. At 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter, you can cast Разговор С Растениями an additional Время per day.


Seasoned Flier

You have trained long and hard at fСвет.

Предпосылки: Dex 15, Полет 5 ranks, полет быстрое, gathlain.

Benefit: Your maneuverability while полетing improves to Average.


Superior Gathlain Magic

Your experience has enabled you to dramatically develop your innate magical abilities.

Предпосылки: Cha 17, Advanced Gathlain Magic*, Greater Gathlain Magic*, character level 15th, gathlain.

Benefit: You gain the following spells as spell-like abilities, each usable 1/day: Сторожевой Дуб, tree stride.

Symbiotic Resilience

Your symbiotic vines have Облако all throughout your body, granting you a lesser form of the immunities enjoyed by Сфера Растений creatures.

Предпосылки: Con 13, gathlain.

Benefit: When you are паралич, magically put to Сон, or шок, you ignore the effects of that condition, but you are instead ошеломление for the same duration as the ignored condition. Removing the ignored condition also removes this ошеломление condition, but you can’t otherwise remove the ошеломление condition, nor can Иммунитет to being ошеломление protect against it.


Wandering Mind

Your mind drifts swiftly from one thing to the next and is all but impossible to pin down.

Предпосылки: Character level 9th, gathlain.

Benefit: When you fail a Воля save against a mind- affecting Эффект that lasts more than 1 round, you can attempt another Воля save on the round after your failed save. If you succeed, you gain the normal benefits of succeeding at a Воля save against the effect. This черта offers only one additional saving throw against each effect.



Gathlains have access to the following Магия items.



SLOT body CL 5th WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

АУРА faint Превращение

This ivy harness allows the wearer’s Крылья to manipulate objects or Захват on to handholds, as if they were extra arms, as long as the wearer isn’t полетing. They do not grant additional attacks, but they can be used to hold items or выступление combat maneuvers without requiring the wearer’s hands. On Приказ, the harness grows Корень s that anchor the wearer in place much like anchored step ACG. When thus anchored, the wearer can лазание using only legs and Крылья with a лазание быстрое equal to the wearer’s reduced base быстрое. The benefits of anchored step ACG apply while the wearer is лазаниеing with the Корень s.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, anchored step ACG, spider лазание


12,000 GP

SLOT body CL 3rd WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

АУРА faint Превращение

This harness of leather with silver fixtures allows the wearer to hang in midВоздух without the Использование of wings. Pulling on the harness as a быстрое действие activates or dismisses a Левитация Эффект on the wearer. The Левитация Эффект cannot move the wearer upОпекун or downward.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, Левитация



SLOT none CL 12th WEIGHT —

АУРА strong Прорицание

Twice per day, when Метательное into the Воздух as a основное действие, this palm-размерd, tufted, purple seed drifts at a rate of 60 feet per round toward a spot clearly visualized by the thrower. It can be grabbed out of the Воздух with a successful combat maneuver check against a CMD of 20, which ends its fСвет. The seed flies for up to 12 miles (taking 2 hours) before it settles to the ground. A gathlain thrower can choose to speak a message of up to 25 words when метательное the seed; in this case, the seed repeats the message in the thrower’s voice when its Полет ends.

If the thrower speaks a Приказ word as part of the Действие to throw it, the herald seed flies back to where it was last thrown, even if the thrower can’t visualize the location.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, Единение С Природой, Сообщение


PRICE 24,000 GP

CL 9th   WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

АУРА moderate Воплощение

These Крошечный, supple slippers are made from giant cowslip petals. The wearer cannot be tracked or otherwise detected by scent. When standing with one foot in one terrain and the other in another terrain (such as at a cave mouth, a shore, or a forest’s edge), a gathlain wearer can speak a Приказ word to move to either the Material Plane or the First World, as per Планарный Переход, twice per day.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, Планарный Переход


Gathlains have access to the following spells.


SEED SPIES                                                              

School Прорицание;

Level друид 2, occultist 2, следопыт 2, shaman 3, чародей/волшебник 3, ведьма 3

This spell functions as insect spies UI, except it creates wafting seeds with magical intellect instead of insects. The seeds can hear but not see. They полет at a быстрое of 10 feet (Добро maneuverability), but they can’t crawl or лазание, although they can cling to rough, soft, or sticky creatures or surfaces.



School Превращение;

Level жрец 5, друид 5, магус 5, occultist 5, shaman 5, чародей/волшебник 5, spiritualist 5

Casting time 1 основное действие

Components V, S, M (a dandeЛев seed)

Range Тычковое (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets up to one creature per 2 levels, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart

Duration 1 hour/level

Saving Throw Воля negates;

Spell Сопротивляемость yes


You make the targets Свет enough to be carried by wind. Creatures affected by this spell suffer cumulative penalties for attacking as if under the effects of Левитация unless they have a полет быстрое. Treat each target as two размер categories Светer for the purposes of being checked or blown away by wind. If a target has a полет быстрое, it can полет overland at the wind’s быстрое in the same direction as the Ветер by succeeding at a DC 20 Полет check. If a creature полетing overland this way attempts to change direction, it risks being blown away as usual. By linking hands or creating a connection with rope, creatures affected by this spell can be towed through the Воздух by a полетing creature as if each weighed only one-eighth its actual weight.


WING BOUNTY                                           

School Воплощение (creation); Level друид 2, shaman 2

Casting time 1 основное действие

Components V, S, DF

Range 0 ft.

Эффект 2d4 berries + 2 berries/level

Duration 1 day/level

Saving Throw none;

Spell Сопротивляемость no

Your Крылья sprout a variety of colorful and flavorful berries. Each berry functions as if affected by Вкусные Ягоды. You can choose for one affected berry to also be Poisonous (as striped toadstool); only you and друидs of 5th level or higher can tell which is which without magic.


WING THORNS                                          

School Превращение [ЯдUM];

Level алхимик 3, antiпаладин 3, bloodrager 3, друид 3, магус 4, shaman 3, ведьма 3

Casting time 1 основное действие

Components V, S

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 round/level

Your Крылья sprout Poisonous thorns each the размер of a dagger. You can Использование these thorns like armor spikes. In addition, you can make two wing attacks as primary естественная броня weapons. If you are Небольшой, the Крылья deal 1d3 points of bludgeoning and Проницательность damage plus your Сила modifier (unless you also attack with a weapon, in which case they are treated as a secondary естественная броня weapon). A creature damaged by your wing thorns experiences intense itching, gaining the дезориентация condition while the spell lasts unless it succeeds at a Стойкость saving throw.


WOODEN WING ЩИТ                                  

School Превращение;

Level bloodrager 4, друид 4, магус 5,

shaman 4, призыватель 4

Casting time 1 прерывающее действие

Components S

Range personal

Target you

Duration 1 round/level or until you move

Your Крылья transmute into a wooden barrier resembling a tower щит to block attacks, granting you a +4 щит bonus to AC. If you move, the spell ends immediately.



The first ghorans came into being thousands of years ago during a great Сфера Войны between two nations ruled by rival archmages. When mighty necromantic curses Увяданиеed the lands of one nation, leaving its inhabitants on the brink of starvation, their canny leader cut a deal with the renegade друид Ghorus, bidding him to put his forbidden talents to Использование in saving the realm. The друид’s solution was the Созидание of a race of hardy and fast-adapting plants that could thrive even upon the curse-Увяданиеed ground. These plants, which the друид named “ghorans” after himself, swiftly developed the ability to move on their own, searching out the most nourishing soil and continuously adapting themselves to survive in more and more dangerous environments. As they grew in intelligence, ghorans evolved humanlike forms as a Оборона mechanism to induce Симпатия and prevent further butchery.

When he died, Ghorus took the Секреты of creating new ghorans to his grave, and from that point forОпекун the number of ghorans in the world became fixed. While each ghoran could perpetuate itself via a single immortal seed, the inability to grow or propaВрата their species ensured that no new ghorans would ever appear. With each Смерть of a ghoran by accident or violence, their race as a whole dwindled. The fact that their “flesh” had come to be regarded as a delicacy only further complicated their role in society, and even though most regions soon made the harveЖало and consumption of the newly sentient ghorans illegal, they are still hunted by those who have developed a taste for their succulence.

Physical Description: The typical ghoran stands roughly as tall as a human and occupies a similar silhouette, but that’s where their similarities with humanity end. A ghoran’s “skin” is a complex layer of fibrous vines and rinds with a texture similar to moss-covered bark. Ghoran faces consist of layered petals that flush and flutter at a whim, allowing them to mimic the facial behaviors of their would- be devourers. They do not lack Эмоция per se, but ghoran “feelings” are primordial and abstract, making them utterly alien to most non-ghorans. A ghoran might laugh, smile, or raise its voice, but their companions seldom understand if these are displays of true Эмоция or merely more adaptive evolutions designed—like so many other aspects of their physiology—simply to keep them alive.

Ghorans have considerable control over their mass and can shПримат their bodies however they Желание within the basic confines of a humanoid silhouette; this trait often gives them the impression of rustling about, especially when they are испуг or agitated. Ghorans who deal often with humanoids tend to adopt a mascuЛиния or a feminine silhouette based on their preference, but gender remains a fluid and somewhat Неуловимый concept to them—an evolutionary adaptation of more import to the comfort of their companions than to ghorans themselves.



A ghoran has a deep cavity within its belly, housing a single seed the размер of a balled human fist. Roughly every 20 years, a ghoran’s body becomes decrepit enough to no longer function. The ghoran imprints its abilities and memories into this seed and then plants it in the ground. After 1 to 2 months, a new ghoran body is born from the seed, the consciousness from the original transferring over to the fully grown body and leaving the old body behind as a mindless mass of inert Сфера Растений matter. In this way, a ghoran’s legacy lives on with every regrowth; while the body Регенерацияs, the inner self and memories of the past endure.

Society: A ghoran’s alien Размышления processes (to say nothing of the empty holes upon its flower-petal face roughly approximating its eyes and mouth) make it very difficult for other races to understand and empathize with, leading many ghorans to stick to themselves in segreВратаd communities of cosmopolitan and magic-rich city-states or in the deepest wild places of their barren homeland and its neighboring kingdoms.

Ghoran architecture consists of round, multifloor greenhouse  towers composed of fibrous Сфера Растений material coated in organic resins that grant it the hardness of stone. The towers have no roofs and several wide, stylized windows, granting the colony of ghorans living within ample access to the essential life-giving rays of the sun. Within, the Воздух is redolent with organic aromas that often induce soporific effects upon non-ghorans, making them pliant to ghoran Внушениеs and uneager to take aggressive action. When unobserved, ghorans belonging to the same colony sometimes array themselves around the edges of the tower’s internal balconies, swaying in unison to some unheard rhythm and basking in the communal warmth of Дневной Свет.

Relations: Ghorans are most comfortable with other intelligent plants (such as treants and vine leshys) and wary around plant-eating creatures (including люди, whom ghorans know created them as a food source). Because their regeneration brings minor personality changes with each incarnation, ghorans have trouble forming long-laЖало relationships with races such as эльфы, дварфы, and гномы. Ghorans deeply distrust warmongering humanoids such as goblins and gnolls, especially those with pyromaniac tendencies. The ghorans’ relation with humanity is the most complex, for while they admire люди for their capaГорода and are grateful for their creation, they Ужас their appetites more, and it is difficult for a ghoran to trust that a human doesn’t simply want to eat it.

Alignment and Religion: Ghorans seldom follow

humanoid deities, instead preferring to worship Природа itself by means of the Green Faith (see page 136) or other powerful Природа spirits, such as the Eldest of the First World. Ghorans have no predisposition toward law, chaos, good, or evil, but many struggle to differentiate right from wrong as defined by most societies.

Adventurers: Owing to their delicious nature, ghorans seldom know peace the way that humanoid races do, and many are forced to contend with Природа and learn to fight as a means of self-Оборона against capture and consumption. Many have taken to adventuring lifestyles either to Помощь friends and companions or out of a darker drive for Отмщение. Others join adventuring groups in hopes of accumulating enough power and Знание to, perhaps, determine a solution to their race’s central problem of reproduction, though so far no ghoran has solved this essential riddle.

Names: Ghoran naming conventions seem random, as each ghoran is self-named and “born” with a near perfect recollection of every Памяти from previous incarnations. As a result, ghorans sometimes pick names they found pleasing in other lives or name themselves after people or places they once knew. Others maintain the same name over several incarnations, though minor personality and physical changes from Жизнь to Жизнь ensure that while the ghoran’s name might remain the same, aspects of the ghoran’s gradual change can often confИспользование and frustrate longВремя friends and allies.



The following народ traits can be selected instead of улучшения ghoran народ traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these new options.

Creator’s Legacy: Infused with the друидic Магия of their creator, ghorans quickly take to nature-based spells and spellcasting. Ghoran bloodragers and чародейs with the verdant* Наследие treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for чародей spells and class abilities. Ghoran жрецs and друидs with the Сфера Растений Использование their Домен powers and spells at +1 caster level. This doesn’t give the ghoran early access to level-based powers; it affects only powers that could already be used without this trait.

This replaces past-Жизнь знание.

Martial Recollection (Экс): The personal history of many ghorans is scarred with desperate struggles for выживание, and memories of that conflict are deeply ingrained within their seeds. Whenever ghorans with this народ trait grow new bodies from their seeds, they reselect all combat черты known instead of reallocating skill ranks.

This alters seed and replaces Природа magic.

Оккультизм Scion: Created in part from an esoteric ritual, many ghorans are innately sensitive to psychic powers and influences. The ghoran gains Psychic SensitivityOA as a bonus черта and treats Знание (магия) and Знание (планы) as class skills.

This replaces past-Жизнь знание.

Spelleater: Ghorans were originally created to survive and thrive in a magic-blasted wasteland,

and over the centuries some ghorans have adapted greater abilities to overcome Магия in general. Once per day, the ghoran can cast dispel Магия as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to the ghoran’s character level. If the ghoran’s favored class is a spellcasting class, the ghoran gains a +2 народ bonus on dispel checks (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 272).

This replaces past-Жизнь знание and Природа magic.



The following options are available to all ghorans who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each Время you select the class reward.

Друид: When caЖало spells that target plants or Сфера Растений creatures, add 1/3 to the effective caster level, but only for the purpose of determining duration.

Hunter: Add 1 skill rank to the hunter’s Сфера Растений companion. If the hunter replaces her Сфера Растений companion, the new Сфера Растений companion gains these bonus skill ranks.

Mesmerist: Choose one Разум mesmerist trick that the mesmerist knows. The mesmerist can affect intelligent Сфера Растений creatures with that trick or spell as if they weren’t immune to Разум effects.

Следопыт: Add a +1/4 bonus on initiative checks and Выживание checks when the следопыт is in a Излюбленная Местность.

Плут: Choose one type of следопыт Заклятый Враг (or one subtype in case of either humanoid or outsider). The плут adds 1/2 to her Атака Исподтишка damage when using Атака Исподтишка against creatures of the chosen type (maximum +3).

Shaman: Add one spell from the друид spell list that isn’t on the shaman spell list to the list of spells she knows. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell the shaman can cast.

Shifter: Add 1/5 to the shifter’s естественная броня armor bonus when using Природный Облик to assume a major form.

Чародей: When caЖало чародей/волшебник spells that are also on the друид spell list, add 1/3 to the effective class level, but only for the purpose of determining durations.

Ведьма: Add 1/4 to the ведьма’s caster level when attempting dispel checks using Рассеивание Магии, Сломать Очарование, and similar effects.


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