Естественная броня philosopher (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Естественная броня philosopher (archetype)

2021-02-05 88
Естественная броня philosopher (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Естественная броня philosophers are scholars, explorers, and выживаниеists who feel at Домашняя in nature, seldom longing for the comforts of the city. They eschew the fancy tools and weaponry of gentlefolk Детективs and instead employ Оружие that Двустороннее as tools, materials available in nature, and methods better suited for untamed wilderness.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A естественная броня philosopher is proficient with simple weapons, plus the handaxe, kukri, shortbow, метательное axe, and whip. A естественная броня philosopher is proficient with легкие-доспехи but not with щитs.

This replaces the Следователь’s Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием.

Class Skills: A естественная броня philosopher gains Выживание as a class skill, but doesn’t gain Выступление as a class skill.

This alters the Следователь’s class skills.

Естественная броня Philosopher’s Inspiration (Экс): Естественная броня philosophers employ a skill set suited to изучение the естественная броня world. A естественная броня philosopher can Использование inspiration on Лечение and Выживание checks without Expending a Использование of inspiration, provided he is trained in the skill, but cannot do so for Языкознание or Колдовство checks. He can later Сделки an Следователь talent for the ability to Использование inspiration on Языкознание and Колдовство checks without Expending a Использование of inspiration, provided he is trained in the skill.

This alters inspiration.

Выслеживание (Экс): A естественная броня philosopher adds half his level (minimum 1) on Выживание checks to follow tracks.

This replaces Поиск Ловушек.

Herbalism (Св): At 3rd level, a естественная броня philosopher augments his знание of Алхимия with herbal lore. He gains the Насыщение Открытие and can Использование Знание (природа) in place of Ремесло (алхимик) and Профессия (травник) checks. He also gains a мастерство bonus equal to his class level on Ремесло (алхимик) checks to create alchemical items, and he gains half that bonus on Профессия (травник) checks to find herbs (for more information on herbalism, see page 152).

This alters Алхимия and replaces Чутье На Ловушки and the Следователь talent gained at 3rd level.



Star watchers study the movements and positions of the sun, the moon, and the stars, searching for Секреты written in the sky. They Использование a combination of scientific study and esoteric arts to measure, record, and predict astronomical cycles and their effects on nature, such as the moon’s influence on tides and rivers. Some star watchers also Использование these observations to predict Судьба and significant events, such as естественная броня disasters.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A star watcher gains proficiency with the starknife, but not with the rapier.

This alters the Следователь’s Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием.

Astrology (Св): A star watcher studies a symbolic Языка of the Небеса known as astrology. Equal parts Искуство form and science, astrology can be used to read the future and affect it in subtle ways. Much like an алхимик or Следователь, a star watcher collects formulae in a formula book. However, the formulae resemble Звездный Гороскопs, and unlike алхимикs or normal Следовательs, he uses these formulae along with personal details and astronomical measurements to make horoscopes—magical calculations stored much like scrolls—in which he can store spells. In many ways, the star watcher’s horoscopes function like extracts, with the following exceptions.

A star watcher’s horoscope is always keyed to a specific creature that must be willing and present when the star watcher prepares the horoscope. Only the creature to which a horoscope is keyed can activate it and be affected by it. A horoscope is “cast” by reading it as a основное действие, though a star watcher can draw and read a horoscope as a single основное действие.

A star watcher doesn’t gain a мастерство bonus on Ремесло (алхимик) checks to create alchemical items, and he cannot Опознание potions with that skill. Furthermore, a star watcher cannot select алхимик Открытия as Следователь talents. A star watcher can study a волшебник’s spellbook or алхимик’s formula book to learn formulae, but a star watcher’s formula book is too esoteric for anyone except another star watcher to learn spells from.

This alters alchemy.

Starfinding (Экс): A star watcher adds half his level (minimum 1) as a bonus on Знание (география) checks. He can also Использование astrological methods to read people. By checking his Звездный Гороскопs, he can Использование Знание (география) in place of Проницательность checks.

This replaces Поиск Ловушек and Чутье На Ловушки.

Следователь Talents: A star watcher can select the following talents, in addition to general Следователь talents.

Horoscopic Scrolls (Св): The star watcher gains Написание Свитков as a bonus черта. He can Использование the черта to create an Скрытнсти scroll of any formula he knows. Unlike horoscopes created with the astrology ability, anyone capable of using Скрытнсти scrolls can cast a spell from these scrolls. Additionally, the star watcher can Использование scrolls as if he were an мистический заклинатель. He can Использование Знание (география) to Опознание scrolls as if using Обнаружение Магии. He must hold the scroll for 1 round to attempt such a check.

Предвидение (Св): A star watcher can glimpse into the mysterious possibilities of the future and prepare a horoscope he knows he’ll need later. Once per Дня as a быстрое действие, a star watcher can treat an open extract slot as though he had prepared a horoscope keyed to himself in it, choosing one formula of the appropriate level from his formula book. A star watcher must be at least 4th level to select this talent.

Возвращающееся Star (Экс): Whenever the star watcher uses a starknife as a Метательное weapon against a target of his studied combat, the starknife automatically returns as if it had the возвращающееся property. The star watcher must have the shooting star Следователь talent to select this talent.

Shooting Star (Экс): A star watcher can calculate trajectories with terrifying accuracy. He can apply the benefits of studied combat, studied strike, and Следователь talents that add effects to studied combat or studied strike while using a starknife as a Метательное weapon.

Access to these additional talents replaces Быстрая Алхимия.



Traditionally, kineticists draw power from the building blocks of the world, using their mastery over the Стихии (air, earth, fire, and water) to evoke powerful effects. Yet some kineticists seek to draw power from other sources of energy. The unbound power of Жизнь itself that Бегунs rampant on the First World is one such source of energy, and so it’s no surprise that some kineticists become in tune with the terrain and power of the естественная броня wildlands around them, while others learn how to steal the land’s Жизнь Сила to power their abilities.



Kineticists who focus on the concept of Дерево as an element are known as phytokineticists. Phytokineticists share a strong bond with the First World and Поток the power of primordial life. As there is no “Elemental Plane of Wood,” the phytokineticist draws upon pockets of vital energy that form when the Elemental Planes grind against the borders of the First World. Infusions marked with a dagger (†) are described in this section.

Class Skills: A phytokineticist adds Дрессировка and Знание (природа) to her list of class skills.

Basic Utility Wild Talent: Phytokineticists gain basic phytokinesis.

Simple Blast: A phytokineticist gains her choice  of Дерево blast or positive blast as a simple blast wild talent, though most phytokineticists start with Дерево blast. She can Использование смертельный earth, entangling infusion, impale, and pushing Насыщение with Дерево blast and its composites.

Оборона Wild Talent: A phytokineticist’s Оборона wild talent is flesh of wood.

Wild Talents: 1st—basic phytokinesis, kinetic coverOA, pushing infusionOA, †, Корень s, Дерево лечениеer, woodland step; 2nd—entangling infusionOA, †, милосердное foliage; 3rd— Брахиация, foxОгонь infusion†, impaleOA, thorn flesh, Коробление; 4th—greensight, healing burst, herbal antivenom, Сфера Растений маскировка, shПримат wood, toxic infusion†; 5th—Сфера Растений puppet, spore infusion†, wild growth, woodland step (greater); 6th—смертельный earthOA, †, green tongue; 7th—green tongue (greater), toxic Насыщение (greater)†, tree step; 8th— Дерево soldiers; 9th—forest siege.



The following wild talents can be chosen by a kineticist with Дерево as a primary or secondary element.


AUTUMN BLAST                                                         

Element Земля and wood;

Type composite blast (Пс);

Level —;

Burn 2

Предпосылки Земля blast, Дерево blast

Blast Type physical;

Damage any two of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing (half each)

A Взрыв of fallen leaves and earthy Распада batters a single foe.


BASIC PHYTOKINESIS                                 

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 1; Burn 0

You can pСфера Рун and otherwise tend plants within 30 feet without using gardening tools. You can search wooded areas and other plant-heavy areas from a дальнобойное as if using the Просеять APG cantrip. By concentrating, you can detect plants within 120 feet as if using detect Животные or plants.



Element wood; Type utility (Св); Level 3; Burn 0

You can gain a лазание быстрое equal to your base быстрое when moving through forested terrain.


FLESH OF WOOD                                        

Element wood; Type Оборона (Св); Level —; Burn 0

Your skin toughens like timber and can turn aside some blows. You gain a +1 усиление bonus to your улучшения естественная броня armor bonus. By accepting 1 point of burn, you can increase this усиление bonus by 1. For every 3 levels beyond 2nd, you can accept 1 additional point of burn to further increase this усиление bonus by 1 (to a maximum of +7 at 17th level). Whenever you accept burn while using a Дерево wild talent, phytokinetic power causes your full естественная броня armor bonus to apply to your touch AC for 1 round. You can dismiss and restore this Эффект as an прерывающее действие.


FOREST SIEGE                                           

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 9; Burn 0

You can transform available Сфера Растений Жизнь into a besieging army. This functions as greater Осадные Деревья UC, except you need to Концентрация or the Эффект ends, and you can change targets as a свободное действие. If you accept 1 point of burn, you can prolong the Эффект without the need for concentration until the next Время you recover burn, but you need to spend a основное действие to change targets.



Element Огонь or wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 2; Burn 0

Предпосылки Огонь blast or positive blast

Saving Throw none;

Spell Сопротивляемость yes

You surround a creature with glowing flames that outЛиния it, as per Фейское Сияние. If you Использование foxОгонь with positive energy, the flames don’t give off heat. If you Использование it with fire, the flames still aren’t hot enough to deal damage immediately, but the illuminated creature counts as being under the effects of severe heat and must succeed at a Стойкость save against nonlethal damage after 10 minutes. A creature can extinguish the foxОгонь automatically as a действие полного хода.


FOX ОГОНЬ INFUSION                                 

Element Огонь or wood; Type substance Насыщение (Пс); Level 3;

Burn 2

Prerequisite foxОгонь or positive blast

Associated Blasts blue flame, fire, positive

Saving Throw Воля partial

Your blast leaves behind flickering flames that reveal the target’s location as per faerie Огонь for 1 minute (or until your next turn if the target succeeds at its save). This Эффект occurs even if the foe doesn’t take damage, as long as the attack overcomes spell сопротивляемость (if any). You can reduce the blast’s damage by half to increase the DC of this saving throw by 2. A creature can remove the revealing flames early by taking a действие полного хода to extinguish them.


GREEN TONGUE                                             

Element wood; Type utility (Св); Level 6; Burn 0

You can speak to plants and hear their whispers, as if constantly under the Эффект of Разговор С Растениями.


GREEN TONGUE, GREATER                     

Element wood; Type utility (Св);

Level 7; Burn 0

Prerequisite green tongue

You can spend 10 minutes in any outdoor location that would be valid for Божественное Откровение with Природа in Орден to contact and chat with Фея and leshy spirits, allowing you to gain three pieces of information as per Единение С Природой.



Element wood; Type utility (Св);

Level 4; Burn 0

You can see through Сфера Растений material as if you had greensight as per the Универсализм monster rule (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 295) with a range of 60 feet.


HEALING BURST                    

Element aether, void, water, or wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 4; Burn 1

Prerequisite kinetic лечениеer or void лечениеer

Saving Throw none; Spell Сопротивляемость yes

You Использование kinetic лечениеer or void лечениеer (whichever you have, or either if you have both) to лечение all creatures in a 30-foot radius around you. Healing Взрыв лечениеs half as much damage as normal, unless your healing amount is based on positive blast, in which case it лечениеs the full amount. Unlike kinetic лечениеer, you must accept the burn yourself. This counts as kinetic лечениеer for the purpose of the kinetic Хирург archetype (the 17th-level metaлечениеer ability лечениеs the kinetic Хирург twice—once for half and once for full).


HERBAL ANTIVENOM                                                  

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 4; Burn 0

Your body can produce the herbal remedies necessary to counter almost any Яд. You gain a +5 алхимический бонус on saving throws against Яд, as if you were always under the Эффект of antitoxin. You can Использование the treat Отрава Действие from the Лечение skill as a основное действие with a mere touch, without a лечениеer’s kit, and even on yourself; if you succeed, you grant the touched creature a +5 алхимический бонус against that specific instance of Отрава in addition to the normal +4 bonus from treat Яд. You can accept 1 point of burn while using the treat Отрава Действие in this way to also produce the effects of Нейтрализация Яда.


МИЛОСЕРДНОЕ FOLIAGE                                

Element wood; Type utility (Св); Level 2; Burn 0

The First World is a place of rampant life, and you can Использование some of its energy to ease the danger of your attacks. You can deal nonlethal damage without taking a penalty on attack rolls with your Дерево blasts or composite blasts that include wood.


СФЕРА РАСТЕНИЙ МАСКИРОВКА                      

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 4; Burn 0

You can assume the shПримат of an immobile plant, as per Облик Дерева

but transforming into any ordinary Небольшой or Средний plant.


СФЕРА РАСТЕНИЙ PUPPET                              

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 5; Burn 0

You can Власть Над Растениями, causing them to attack your foes. This functions as the aether puppet wild talent, except it controls plants instead of objects. At 12th level, you can grant hardness 5 to Большой and Крупныйr animated plants.


POSITIVE ADMIXTURE                                                

Element wood; Type composite blast (Пс); Level —; Burn 2 Предпосылки positive blast, any other energy simple blast Blast Type energy; Damage see text

Choose another energy simple blast you know. Positive admixture’s damage is half positive energy and half the chosen blast’s type.


POSITIVE BLAST                                                        

Element wood; Type simple blast (Пс); Level —; Burn 0

Blast Type energy; Damage positive energy

You blast your foe with positive energy. The positive energy damage from positive blast and its composites Повреждениеs only нежить and other creatures Вред by positive energy. It never лечениеs creatures, even if they would be лечениеed by positive energy, but it damages haunts and deals full damage to бестелесность нежить.


КОРЕНЬ S                                                 

Element wood; Type utility (Св); Level 1; Burn 0

Your body sinks Корень s into soft surfaces, making it hard to move you. This functions as the Земля walk wild talent (Оккультизм Adventures 24), except it works only on soft surfaces (like soil or snow) and not on stone. If you have both Корень s and Земля walk, the bonuses stack while you’re on soft Земля surfaces.


SH ПРИМАТ WOOD                                      

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 4; Burn 0

You reshПримат Дерево to suit your purposes, as per Дерево shape.


SPORE INFUSION                                       

Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 5; Burn 3 Associated Blasts autumn, spring, summer, verdant, winter, Дерево Saving Throw Стойкость negates

Creatures that take Проницательность or slashing damage from your blast are infected with spores. If a target fails its Стойкость save, it takes 1d6 points of damage per round for 10 rounds as plants and fungi grow out of its body. At the end of that time, the target is exposed to the pulsing puffs disease. This Насыщение   is a Болезнь effect. When using a Дерево kinetic blast against a creature infected by this infusion, you gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, to saving throw DCs, and on caster level checks to overcome spell сопротивляемость.

Pulsing Puffs: Blast—injury; save Fort DC 18; onset 1 minute; frequency 1/day; Эффект 1d6 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive испытания.


SPRING BLAST                                           

Element Воздух and wood; Type composite blast (Пс); Level —;

Burn 2

Предпосылки Воздух blast, Дерево blast

Blast Type physical; Damage half bludgeoning and half slashing or piercing

Sharp blossoms and pummeling seeds buffet your foe.


SUMMER BLAST                                          

Element Огонь and wood; Type composite blast (Пс); Level —;

Burn 2

Предпосылки Огонь blast, Дерево blast

Blast Type physical; Damage half Огонь and half bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing

A burning blast of heat and sun-dried foliage tears at your foe.


THORN FLESH                                            

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 3; Burn 1

Prerequisite flesh of wood

You cover your body in barbed thorns that injure foes who strike you. This functions as the jagged flesh wild talent (Оккультизм Adventures 25).


TOXIC INFUSION                                                       

Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 4; Burn 3 Associated Blasts autumn, spring, summer, verdant, winter, Дерево Saving Throw Стойкость negates

The plants in your blast are mildly toxic. All creatures that take Проницательность or slashing damage from your blast are дезориентация for 1 round.


TOXIC INFUSION, GREATER                                          

Element wood; Type substance infusion; Level 7; Burn 4

Предпосылки toxic infusion

Associated Blasts autumn, spring, summer, verdant, winter, wood

Saving Throw Стойкость negates

Your Сфера Растений toxin is more virulent. Each Время you Использование this infusion, choose a physical ability score. Creatures that take Проницательность or slashing damage from your blast are exposed to your Яд.

Blast—injury; sav e Fort; f req ue n c y 1/round for 6 rounds; Эффект 1d2 damage to the chosen ability score; cure 2 consecutive saves.


TREE STEP                                                                

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 7; Burn 1

Предпосылки greater woodland step, woodland step

You can enter a tree and magically transport to a different tree of the same type within range, as per tree stride. Each Время you activate this ability, it lasts until you have taken a number of tree steps equal to your kineticist level, your burn is removed, or you accept burn again to refresh it. Each Время your burn is removed, you can automatically activate this ability once and ignore the burn cost. You can accept 1 additional point of burn while this ability is active to Использование all remaining tree steps at once, adding up the total дальнобойное traveled and instantly reaching your destination tree even if there wouldn’t have been enough trees along the way to make the journey one at a time.


VERDANT BLAST                                                        

Element wood; Type composite blast (Пс); Level —; Burn 2

Предпосылки primary element (wood), expanded element (wood)

Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, slashing, and optionally positive energy

You blast your foes with fanciful wild Роста overflowing with positive energy from the First World. Verdant blast’s damage counts as positive energy damage only when it would be beneficial for you.



Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 3; Burn 0

You can bend and twist plants and wooden objects. This functions as Коробление.


WILD GROWTH                                                         

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 5; Burn 0

You can charge plants with Жизнь energy, hindering your enemies or Помощьing local farmers. This functions as Сфера Растений growth.



Element Вода and wood; Type composite blast (Пс); Level —;

Burn 2

Предпосылки Холодный Взрыв, Дерево blast

Blast Type physical; Damage half Холод and half bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing

You unleash a blast of frigid ледяное and jagged, bare branches at your target.


ДЕРЕВО BLAST                                              

Element wood; Type simple blast (Пс); Level —; Burn 0

Blast Type physical; Damage bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing

You lПраха out with boughs, vines, or a deluge of stinging blooms.


ДЕРЕВО ЛЕЧЕНИЕ ER                                      

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 1; Burn 1; see text

Prerequisite positive blast

Saving Throw none; Spell Сопротивляемость yes

This functions as kinetic лечениеer, but you must base the amount of healing on your positive blast, not Дерево blast. A phytokineticist with positive blast as her first blast qualifies for the kinetic Хирург archetype and gains this utility talent instead of kinetic лечениеer. This wild talent counts as kinetic лечениеer for Предпосылки for selecting other kineticist wild talents.


ДЕРЕВО SOLDIERS                                         

Element wood; Type utility (Св); Level 8; Burn 1

Your presence animates surrounding Сфера Растений Жизнь and causes it to fight by your side. Each Время you recover burn, you automatically Использование this ability once and ignore the burn cost. This functions as Деревянная Фаланга UM, except you always animate four golems, and the duration lasts until the next Время you recover burn. If you have spring blast, one of your golems gains a 30-foot полет быстрое (Average maneuverability). If you have summer blast, one of your golems is лечениеed by Огонь damage, is vulnerable to cold, and deals 1d6 extra points of Огонь damage on Удар attacks and when splintering. If you have autumn blast, one of your golems gains a 20-foot Рыть быстрое. If you have Зима blast, one of your golems deals 1d6 extra points of Холод damage on its Удар attacks and when splintering. Each of the above modifications must apply to a different golem.


WOODLAND STEP                                          

Element wood; Type utility (Св); Level 1; Burn 0

You gain woodland stride, as per the друид ability. Due to your ability to manipulate plants, you can attempt a caster level check (DC = 11 + the spell’s caster level) as a основное действие to also ignore magically manipulated plants (but not creatures of the Сфера Растений type).


WOODLAND STEP, GREATER                               

Element wood; Type utility (Пс); Level 5; Burn 0

Prerequisite woodland step

The plants actively assist you and nearby allies. You and all allies within 30 feet benefit as per Лесные Друзья UC.

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