Shifter favored class options — КиберПедия 

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Shifter favored class options

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The following favored class bonuses are available to shifters who come from the various core races. Each of these rewards replaces the normal reward for taking a level in a favored class.

Дварфы: Add a +1/2 bonus on Понимание Животных checks to influence Животные and magical beasts that are normally encountered in underground environments.

Эльфы: Add 1 to the shifter’s base быстрое. This has no in- game Эффект unless the shifter has selected this reward five times (or any multiple of five) to enhance her быстрое by 5 feet. For example, a 4th-level elven shifter who has selected this option four times has a base быстрое of 34 feet, but is treated as if she still had a base быстрое of 30 feet. When she reaches 5th level and takes this favored class option again, her base быстрое becomes 35 feet. This bonus applies only when the shifter is wearing no armor.

Гномы: Gain energy сопротивляемость 1 against acid, cold, Электричество, or fire. Each Время the shifter selects this reward, increase that energy сопротивляемость by 1, to a maximum of energy сопротивляемость 10. Once the gnome reaches energy сопротивляемость 10, she can select a new type of energy to build her сопротивляемость to the next Время she selects this favored class option.

Полу-эльфы: Add a +1/2 bonus on Выживание checks to get along in the wild, to avoid getting lost, and to avoid all естественная броня hazards.

Полу-орки: Add a +1/3 bonus on critical hit confirmation rolls when using shifter Когти (maximum bonus of +5). This bonus does not stack with Критическая Точность.

Полурослики: Increase the AC bonus from defensive instinct by 1/4 against creatures of размер Большой or Крупныйr.

Люди: Add 1/3 to the number of minutes the shifter can assume her minor form each day.

he Скакунain shook beneath their feet, rumbling like

some great beast Пробуждениеing. The Воздух filled with a distant roar. “Лавина!” Hakon pointed up

the Скакунain toward the sudden cascade of ice, then began Running horizontally across the slope. “Get to the side—maybe we can Досягаемость the trees! Keep your arms up!”

Amiri’s feet kicked up thick clumps of wet snow, but even as she ran, she lifted her Голова to the sky, listening intently. “Something’s not right... It sounds like—”

A Тень passed across them, and the sound of great Крылья split the air. “Hakon,” Amiri sПомощь, “I think the Лавина might just be the least of our problems!”

Above them, the Дракон roared and dove, jaws wide...

This chapter presents a wide array of wilderness- themed archetypes and class options for classes in the Pathfinder RPG. When a player selects a class for her character, she can choose to Использование the standard class features found in the class’s original description or instead choose to adopt an archetype. (Archetypes were first introduced in Chapter 2 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide.) Each alternate class feature presented in an archetype replaces or alters a specific requirement or class feature from its base class. Class features and requirements that are not replaced or altered function as described in the original version of the class.

When an archetype includes multiple alternate class features, a character must take all of them, often blocking the character from ever gaining certain standard class features but replacing them with other abilities. All other class features of the base class that aren’t mentioned in the alternate class features remain unchanged and are acquired normally when a character reaches the appropriate level, unless otherwise noted. A character with an alternate class feature due to an archetype doesn’t count as having the replaced class feature for the purpose of meeting any requirements or Предпосылки.

Any alternate class feature described as altering an улучшения class feature otherwise functions as that original class feature and is considered to be that class feature for the purpose of meeting any requirements or Предпосылки, even if that feature is renamed to fit a new theme.

A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as the other alternate class feature. For example, a друид could not be both an aerie protector and a river друид because both replace woodland stride.

If an archetype replaces a class feature that’s part of a series of improvements or additions to the base class’s ability (such as a воин’s Мастерство Владения Оружием or a следопыт’s Заклятый Враг), the next Время the character would gain that ability, it counts as the lower-level ability that was replaced by the archetype. In effect, all abilities in that series are delayed until the next Время the class improves that ability. For example, if an archetype replaces a плут’s +2d6 бонус атаки исподтишка at 3rd level, her Атака Исподтишка doesn’t Прыжок from +1d6 to +3d6 at 5th level; it improves to +2d6 just as if she had finally gained the increase for 3rd level. This adjustment continues at every level at which her Атака Исподтишка would improve, until at 19th level she has +9d6 instead of the +10d6 of a standard плут.

If an alternate class feature replaces a class feature that has a series of improvements but it does not mention one individual improvement, that class feature replaces the entire class feature and all of its improvements. For example, if a class feature says that it replaces Чутье На Ловушки without mentioning a specific bonus, it replaces all the benefits of Чутье На Ловушки.



Алхимикs based in the wilderness Использование their blend of Магия and science to survive where local wildЖизнь is fierce and the resources they require for their work can be scarce.



The following Открытия can be taken by any алхимик who meets the Предпосылки. Открытия marked with a dagger (†) modify bombs and do not stack.

Bitter Pill (Св): The алхимик becomes bitter in flavor. Any creature that hits the bitter алхимик with a Укус attack gains the дезориентация condition for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Стойкость save (DC = 10 + half the алхимик’s level + the алхимик’s Constitution modifier). Any creature that swallows the алхимик whole gains the тошнота condition for 1 round unless it succeeds at a Стойкость save (same DC as above). If the алхимик is trapped in the creature’s gullet and it becomes тошнота, the creature vomits him back out immediately as a свободное действие at the start of the creature’s turn; the алхимик lands распластан adjacent to the creature.

Grounding Goo(Св): The алхимик’s Бомбы applies a sticky residue after any damage from the Бомбы is resolved. If a creature damaged by the Бомбы has a nonmagical полет быстрое, its Полет is severely impaired, and it takes a penalty equal to the алхимик’s level on Полет checks for 1 minute.

Pheromones (Св): The алхимик exudes an imperceptible musk that grants him a permanent +3 мастерство bonus on Блеф, Дипломатия, and Запугивание checks.

Solid Ground(Св): The алхимик launches an explosive paste Бомбы that bonds with any earthen surface. Each application of this paste deals no damage and affects a 5-foot-cube of dirt, loose soil, or stone, transmuting the Земля for a number of minutes equal to the алхимик’s level. Creatures cannot Использование Бурение, earthmeldUI, or similar abilities (such as the meld into Камень spell) while the ground remains transmuted in this way.

Thorny Bomb(Св): When the алхимик creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal Проницательность damage. Thorny bombs count as Магия Оружие for the purpose of overcoming Снижение Урона.

Volumizer (Св): The алхимик can Использование an extract slot of any level to create a reactive tablet that purifies Вода and doubles its volume. This works like Очищение Еды И Питья for a maximum volume of Вода equal to 1 gallon for each level the алхимик has × the level of the extract slot the алхимик used to create the tablet. Additionally, if the алхимик has a receptacle of sufficient volume to gather the water, the tablet doubles the volume of pure water. The Вода volume increases over the course of 1 minute, but the Эффект stops before it can create significant Вода pressure on a container that’s not Большой enough to hold the entire volume. An unused tablet remains usable until the next Время the алхимик recovers extract slots.


A horticulturist spends his Время cultivating plants and Сфера Растений creatures, allowing him to experiment with strange and wondrous herbal concoctions.

Seed Extract: At 1st level, a horticulturist adds Призыв Природного Союзника I–VI as 1st- through 6th-level extracts, respectively, to his class extract list. For example, he automatically adds Призыв Природного Союзника I to his formula book at 1st level and adds the next higher-level spell to his formula book each Время he gains the ability to Использование extracts of that level. The horticulturist uses these special extracts to Сфера Растений a seed that grows into a creature, bypassing the restriction for single target or personal effects. Using these extracts takes 1 round (as the spell’s normal caЖало time), and the creature summoned must be placed in a space adjacent to the horticulturist. The horticulturist can Использование these extracts to summon only Животные and plants on the appropriate Призыв Природного Союзника list. Creatures the horticulturist summons with these extracts become creatures with the Сфера Растений type (gaining Сумеречное Зрение and Иммунитет to Разум, paralysis, Яд, Полиморф, Сон, and stunning effects) rather than their normal type, but their бонус атакиes, Кости Здоровья, испытания, and Навыки don’t change.

This replaces the Мутаген class feature and the Открытие normally gained at 2nd level. A horticulturist can’t choose Мутаген Открытия.

Herbal Bombs (Св): A horticulturist’s bombs lack the power of a traditional алхимик’s but can be Крошечный-tuned in ways normal алхимик explosives cannot. The horticulturist’s bombs deal 1d4 points of damage (instead of 1d6), plus 1d4 points of damage for every 2 алхимик levels beyond 1st. When the horticulturist creates a bomb, he can formulate it to affect plants and other creatures normally, affect only Сфера Растений creatures, or affect only creatures not of the Сфера Растений type.

This alters the Бомбы class feature.

Сфера Растений Voice (Экс, Св): At 2nd level, a horticulturist gains further знание about plants, and he eventually learns to speak with them. He gains a +2 bonus on Знание (природа) and Выживание checks, and at 10th level, he can speak to plants as a constant Разговор С Растениями spell (this ability is superестественная броня).

This replaces Отрава сопротивляемость, Специалист По Ядам, and Иммунитет К Ядам.

Сфера Растений Фамильяр (Экс): At 4th level, a horticulturist creates a Миниатюрный or Маленький alchemical Сфера Растений creature that vaguely resembles a kind of Сфера Животных suitable for a фамильяр (such as a cat) and acts as his фамильяр, granting the horticulturist a skill bonus, the Бдительность черта, and so on. The Сфера Растений фамильяр has all the abilities of the Сфера Животных it resembles (for example, a bat-like Сфера Растений фамильяр can полет) but is treated as a creature of the Сфера Растений type and has фамильяр abilities based on the horticulturist’s алхимик level (though some фамильяр abilities may be useless to the horticulturist). An алхимик’s extracts and mutagens are considered spells for the purposes of фамильяр abilities like Общие Заклинания or Доставка Заклинаний. If a Сфера Растений фамильяр is lost or dies, it can be replaced 1 week later through a specialized procedure that costs 200 gp per алхимик level the horticulturist has. The ritual takes 8 hours to complete.

This replaces the Открытие gained at 4th level.

Fury of Природа (Пс): At 14th level, a horticulturist’s connection with Природа allows him to bring down nature’s fury on his opponents. He can cast one of the following spells, chosen at the Время of casting, once per Дня as a spell- like ability: Вызов Грозы, Орёл aerie UM, or Сторожевой Дуб.

This replaces Долгосрочный Мутаген.



Reclusive алхимикs who dwell in the highest Скакунains or on the frozen tundra devote their Навыки to mastering the cold.

Icy Bombs (Св): An Льда chemist’s bombs deal Холод damage instead of Огонь damage. In place of an алхимик Открытие, she can learn to create bombs that deal Огонь damage like normal алхимик bombs do, though she can’t apply Открытия that modify bombs to such Огонь bombs that she creates. An Льда алхимик’s icy bombs can still be Poisonous or create thick vapors similar to smoke, but she cannot apply the explosive or Адская Бомба Открытия to them.

This alters the Бомбы class feature.

Холод Sweat (Св): At 2nd level, an Льда chemist channels her affinity for Холод energy into her personal space, keeping herself and her gear cool. She gains Холод сопротивляемость equal to her  алхимик level and can survive comfortably in temperatures as low as –50º Fahrenheit.

This replaces Отрава сопротивляемость and Иммунитет К Ядам.

Ледяное Бомбы (Св): At 2nd level, an Льда chemist gains the ледяное Бомбы Открытие.

This replaces the Открытие that the алхимик normally gains at 2nd level.



Варварs embrace and embody bloodshed and Ярость. Whether from primitive tribes or established боец traditions, they can be found in every kind of terrain and weather. Frequently, civilized adventurers rely on native варварs to Проводник them through unфамильяр wilderness. The following Дары Ярости and варвар archetypes are appropriate for such wilderness боецs. Where a Дар Ярости suggested for an archetype is marked with a dagger (†), it is described in this section.



As ancestral боецs or admirers of primeval predators, варварs Поток their Ярость into черты of Сила and violence. The following Дары Ярости are available to any варвар or skald who meets their Предпосылки.

Autumn Ярость (Св): The варвар becomes a servant of the harvest. While raging, she gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to repositionAPG or trip. She also gains this bonus on attack rolls to confirm critical hits. A варвар can have only one season-themed Дар Ярости, choosing between spring, summer, autumn, or Зима Ярость.

Bestial Полетer (Экс): While raging, the варвар’s полет быстрое increases by 10 feet and her maneuverability improves by one category. A варвар must have a полет быстрое before raging, have the raging полетer† power, and be at least 6th level to choose this Дар Ярости.

Contagious Ярость (Св): The варвар howls during combat, agitating nearby fauna. Willing Животные and magical beasts within 30 feet of the варвар gain the benefits of the Ярость spell for as long as she maintains her Ярость. After the варвар’s Ярость ends, creatures affected by her Ярость are утомление for the same number of rounds as the варвар. A варвар must be at least 6th level to choose this Дар Ярости.

Dissipating Ярость (Св): When the варвар Яростьs, her feverish frenzy and hot breath burn or blow fog, Дыма and similar effects away from her. The варвар and creatures adjacent to her do not gain concealment from obfuscating effects like fog or precipitation. Magical effects that require more than a strong Ветер to dissipate are not affected by this

Дар Ярости.

Eclipsing Ярость (Св): While the варвар is raging, the Свет level within 10 feet of her lowers by one step. She can’t decrease the Свет level below normal Тьма with this ability. Multiple варварs with this Дар Ярости don’t further reduce the Свет level. A варвар must be at least 6th level to choose this Дар Ярости.

Eclipsing Ярость, Greater (Св): Whenever the варвар Яростьs, the Свет level within 20 feet of her lowers by two steps instead of one. She still can’t decrease the Свет level below normal Тьма with this ability. A варвар must be at least 10th level and have the eclipsing Ярость† power to choose this Дар Ярости.

Hissing Ярость (Св): Once per hour, the варвар can Плевок Венома at an adjacent enemy as a основное действие. She must make a touch attack to successfully spit on a foe in this way, but she can also apply this poison as a swift action when she hits with a bite attack. The DC of the save against this poison is equal to 10 + half the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Constitution modifier.

Hissing Rage Poison (Su) Bite—contact or injury; save Fort; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Str damage; cure 2 consecutive saves.

Lizard Stride (Su): When the barbarian makes a charge or run action while raging, she can move across the surface of water without sinking. She sinks immediately if she ends her turn standing on water.

Pack Rage (Ex): When a barbarian with this rage power enters a rage, any barbarian within 30 feet who also has this rage power can enter a rage. A barbarian that enters a rage outside of her turn spends 1 round of rage immediately and then spends another round of rage to maintain her rage at the beginning of her next turn. A barbarian must be at least 6th level to choose this rage power.

Raging Flyer (Ex): When raging, the barbarian adds her level as an enhancement bonus to Fly checks.

Raging Whirlwind (Su): The barbarian can create a whirlwind with a powerful spinning move as an immediate action after she confirms a critical hit with a melee attack. The whirlwind circles the target of her melee attack, lifting it in the air slightly until the end of the barbarian’s turn. The creature can attempt a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the barbarian’s level + the barbarian’s Constitution modifier) to negate this effect. If it fails the save, the target loses its Dexterity modifier to AC for the rest of the barbarian’s turn and lands prone on the ground at the end of her turn. Raging whirlwind has no effect on flying creatures. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to choose this rage power.

Spring Rage (Su): The barbarian’s rage rejuvenates her physically and spiritually. While raging, she ignores penalties to her ability scores due to aging. She also ignores penalties from negative levels, though she retains any negative levels she has until they are removed normally. A barbarian can have only one season-themed rage power, choosing between spring, summer, autumn, or winter rage.

Summer Rage (Su): The barbarian channels the heat of late summer, making the air around her hot and oppressive. A creature within the barbarian’s reach becomes fatigued as long as it remains within the barbarian’s reach unless it succeeds at a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + half the barbarian’s level + her Constitution modifier) to become immune for 24 hours. A barbarian can have only one season-themed rage power, choosing between spring, summer, autumn, or winter rage.

Tyrant Totem (Ex): While raging, the barbarian can begin a grapple as a free action against any creature she hits with her bite attack. A barbarian must be at least 8th level to choose this rage power.

Tyrant Totem, Greater (Su): While raging, the barbarian gains swallow whole as per the universal monster rule. A barbarian must be at least 12th level to choose this rage power.

Tyrant Totem, Lesser (Экс): While raging, the варвар’s Укус attack deals damage as if the варвар were one размер Крупныйr than her actual размер. The варвар must have the Звериная Ярость Дар Ярости or a естественная броня Укус attack to choose this Дар Ярости.

Зима Ярость (Св): As a основное действие, the варвар can bellow a 20-foot Конус of frigid, snowy air. Until the beginning of the варвар’s next turn, creatures moving through the Конус move at half быстрое. A варвар can have only one season-themed Дар Ярости, choosing between spring, summer, autumn, or Зима Ярость.



The hardy and insular denizens of the swamp produce боецs of narrow focus and great strength. The prejuDice and misunderstanding with which civilized folk often regard варварs is often even more pronounced in the case of these belligerent outcasts from society, in Большой part due to the fact that brutish swampers deliberately mock and antАгония  the so-called “city folk.” To a brutish swamper, an urban lifestyle is one that breeds weakness and lassitude in the body. The brutish swamper has little interest or patience in maintaining alliances or friendship with those who live such soft lifestyles, and this Агрессия only further encouЯростьs feelings of prejuDice on both sides of the cultural divide. When a brutish swamper joins an adventuring party, they usually come to value the Навыки and talents of their more urbanized companions, but never fully understand the desire to live lives surrounded by creature comforts.

Swamp Skills: A brutish swamper adds Знание (география) and Знание (краеведение) to her list of class skills.

This alters the варвар’s skills.

Marsh March (Экс): A brutish swamper can move through the underbrush and muddy terrain of bogs and swamps at her normal быстрое without taking damage or suffering other impairments. Briars, mud, thorns,

and overgrown areas that have been magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect her.

This replaces Быстрое Перемещение.

Домашняя (Экс): At 2nd level, a brutish swamper gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Знание (география), Внимание, Скрытность, and Выживание checks when in swamps. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and again every 3 levels after 5th (up to a maximum bonus of +8 at 20th level).

This replaces uncanny уклонение and Невероятное Уклонение+.

Stubborn (Экс): At 3rd level, a brutish swamper resists any attempts to change her attitude or compel her to action. Дипломатия and Запугивание checks against her take a –2 penalty, and no result can Сдвиг her attitude more than one step in a 24-hour period. These penalties increase by 2 for every 3 levels the brutish swamper has beyond 3rd.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Wrastlin’ (Экс): At 6th level, while raging, a brutish swamper gains a +2 bonus to her CMD against grapple combat maneuvers and a +2 bonus on damage rolls made as part of successful grapple combat maneuver checks.

This replaces the Дар Ярости normally gained at 6th level.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the brutish swamper archetype: brawlerAPG, greater brawlerAPG, greater tyrant totem†, lesser tyrant totem†, lizard stride†, Сумеречное Зрение, Суеверие, and tyrant totem†.



Unused to the Свет of the sun, cave dwellers Использование their subterranean expertise to protect their clans from the manifold dangers of deep caverns and tunnels. The typical cave dweller is perfectly content to live his entire Жизнь underground, and he may even view the Свет of the Солнце as particularly abhorrent or taboo. While this lifestyle doesn’t in and of itself imply Зло or sinister intent, many outlanders ignorantly assume that cave dwellers avoid the Свет of the Солнце for malicious reasons.

In truth, cave dwellers are as capable of goodness and kindness as any other— they just see little reason to venture out of their preferred homelands. When a cave dweller joins an adventuring party, she may retain an врожденный nervousness about Сонing under the open Небо and may long for the фамильяр confines of a comforting cavern, but this rarely translates directly into a notable disadvantage. Indeed, many adventuring groups come to value the specialized talents and Навыки the cave dweller brings to the party.

Skills: A cave dweller gains Скрытность as a class skill in place of Верховая езда.

This alters the варвар’s skills.


Tight Tunnels (Экс): Cave dwellers pursue prey through the winding tunnels of the deep, which rarely accommodate open sprints. A cave dweller can make a single turn up to 90 degrees while Running (though not while charging). Additionally, a cave dweller takes no penalties to movement быстрое while squeezing.

This replaces Быстрое Перемещение.

Tunnel Видение (Экс): At 3rd level, a cave dweller’s senses become sharp in the dark. She gains Ночное Зрение to a range of 60 feet and a +1 bonus on Внимание checks to detect ambushes, movement, and sound while in Тьма. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Солнце Walker (Экс): At 7th level, a cave dweller gains a +1 уклонение bonus to AC and on испытания against effects with the Свет descriptor or that produce bright or sudden Свет. Any penalties on attack rolls, испытания, or skill checks because of bright Свет are reduced by 1. At 10th level and every 3 levels after 10th, the bonus to AC and испытания, as well as the reduction of Свет-based penalties, increases by 1.

This replaces Снижение Урона.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the cave dweller archetype: Звериная Ярость, bestial лазаниеerUC, eclipsing Ярость†, greater eclipsing Ярость†, greater ground РазрушительUC, ground Разрушитель, Ночное Зрение, raging лазаниеer, Первобытное scentUC, and sprintUC.



Pack hunter варварs team up to hunt dangerous prey to feed, to protect their camps, and as a rite of passage. Often, a tribe of pack hunters looks to a specific species of Сфера Животных (such as wolves) who themselves hunt in packs, and view these Животные as священный manifestations of their people’s traditions and values.

Bonus Черты: Whenever a pack hunter would gain a new Дар Ярости, she can instead select a teamwork черта. She must still meet the Предпосылки for the teamwork черта.

This alters Дар Ярости.

In and Out (Экс): At 3rd level, a pack hunter gains a +1 уклонение bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity. This bonus increases by 1 for every 3 варвар levels after 3rd (to a maximum bonus of +6 at 18th level).

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Sympathetic Ярость (Экс): At 6th level, if an ally within 30 feet is bloodraging or raging, a pack hunter counts as raging even if Knocked без сознания. She has to have been raging when incapacitated to maintain her Ярость, and she ceases raging normally if she depletes her maximum number of rounds of Ярость in a day.

This replaces the Ярость  power normally gained at 6th level.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the pack hunter archetype: contagious Ярость†, Снижение Урона+, Враг Не Уйдет, pack Ярость†, quick реакцияes, and Неожиданный Удар.



While savagery is not врожденныйly evil, some barbaric cultures thrive on depravity and welcome the act of feeding on their own kind. The raging cannibal is a варвар who feasts upon her fallen opponents not out of hunger, or even a taste for flesh, but rather because she believes consuming her foes and defiling their lost lives demonstrates her strength. This penchant for feaЖало on the flesh of her kin makes the raging cannibal an awkОпекун companion to Сфера Путешествий with for many groups, with rumors revolving around the raging cannibal’s culinary exploits often causing tense situations that other party members might be called upon to Решимости  via дипломатия before the raging cannibal grows frustrated and decides to take matters into her own hands!

Звериная Ярость: At 2nd level, a raging cannibal must select Звериная Ярость as her first Дар Ярости.

This alters the варвар’s 2nd-level Дар Ярости.

Consume Энергия  (Экс): At 2nd level, when a raging cannibal reduces a creature of the same creature type as herself to 0 or fewer пункты здоровья with her Укус attack during combat while raging, she can consume a chunk of its body to gain a portion of its power. If the creature’s CR equals or exceeds her варвар level, the raging cannibal gains 1 additional round of Ярость. She can never consume the same creature’s Энергия  more than once. At 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the raging cannibal gains 1 additional round of Ярость each Время she uses this ability.

This replaces uncanny уклонение.

Intimidating Gouge (Экс): At 3rd level, when a raging cannibal confirms a critical hit against a creature of the same creature type as herself with her Укус attack while raging, she gains a bonus on Запугивание checks equal to half her варвар level for the duration of the Ярость.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Feed from Fury (Экс): At 5th level, a raging cannibal is empowered by eating her enemies during combat. When a raging cannibal confirms a critical hit against a creature of the same creature type as herself with her Укус attack while raging, she gains a number of temporary пункты здоровья equal to her варвар level. These temporary пункты здоровья stack with other temporary пункты здоровья gained from this ability but not with those from other sources. These temporary пункты здоровья fade after a period of Время equal to 10 minutes per варвар level.

This replaces Невероятное Уклонение+.

Razor-Toothed Fury (Экс): At 6th level, a raging cannibal’s Укус becomes even more Ужасsome. When using her Укус attack, the raging cannibal can take a –1 penalty on her attack roll to add 2 points of кровотечение damage to the damage dealt. At 10th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the attack penalty increases by 1 and the кровотечение damage increases by 2 points.

This replaces Снижение Урона.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the raging cannibal archetype: internal стойкость, Устрашающий Взгляд, Первобытное scentUC, scent, and Ужасный Вой.



Coastal hunters and agents of the ocean’s Ярость, sharptooth варварs emulate the greatest predators of the sea. Sharks, in particular, are respected and admired by many such tribes, if not as manifestations of Божественная power, then merely as scions of the power and fury of the естественная броня world.

Плавание Like a Fish (Экс): A sharptooth gains a плавание быстрое of 10 feet. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, her плавание быстрое increases by 5 feet.

This replaces Быстрое Перемещение.

Нюх of Крови (Экс): At 2nd level, a sharptooth gains Нюх as per the Универсализм monster rule. At 5th level, she also gains острое Нюх as per Универсализм monster rule.

This replaces both uncanny уклонение and Невероятное Уклонение+.

Океан Breath (Экс): At 3rd level, a sharptooth counts her Constitution score as 1 higher for the purposes of holding her breath. She also gains a +1 bonus on Constitution checks to continue

holding her breath. This bonus and the addition to her effective Constitution score both increase

by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +6 at 18th level.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Крови in the Вода (Экс): At 6th level, a sharptooth can tear the flesh from living creatures. Her attacks add 3 points of кровотечение damage while she is raging. At 12th level, this кровотечение damage increases to equal her Constitution modifier if it’s higher.

This replaces the Дары Ярости normally gained at 6th and 12th levels.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the sharptooth archetype: Сфера Животных   fury, кровотечение blowUC, contagious Ярость†, pack Ярость†,

Могучий Удар, Первобытное scentUC, raging плаваниеmer, and scent.



Some варварs are born or bred outside the Досягаемость of civilization. These wildborn fight and survive without ever seeing a Кузница or worked stone, and only dare a Сбивание С Ног into the city when no other option is available.

Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A wildborn is proficient with leather and hide armors (but not щитs) and all simple Оружие that can be ремеслоed from bone, stone, or wood. In addition, a wildborn gains Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя and Catch Off Guard as bonus черты at 1st level. If she uses any other kind of weapon or armor, she loses her abilities from this archetype (except illiteracy) for the next 24 hours.

This alters the варвар’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.

Illiteracy: A wildborn cannot read or write. She can learn to read or write a Языка only if she takes a level in another class, and even then only by taking 1 or more ranks in Языкознание.

Live Off the Land (Экс): At 3rd level, a wildborn can survive capably in the wilderness without any sort of manufactured equipment or gear. She adds half her варвар level as a bonus on Выживание checks to hunt or gather food and gains a +1 bonus on Стойкость saves to resist the effects of extreme temperatures or other environmental effects; the Стойкость save bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

This replaces Чутье На Ловушки.

Bonus Черты: At 4th level, 10th level and 16th level, a wildborn can choose a bonus черта from the following rather than select a Дар Ярости: Бдительность, Сфера Животных Affinity, Атлет, Внушительная Стойкость, Improvised Мастер Оружияy, Стальная Воля, Светning Реакцияes, Самодостаточность, Проныра, or Универсальный Метатель.

This alters Дары Ярости.

Inexhaustible (Экс): Wildborn live ruggedly and Сон Светly. At 7th level, a wildborn recovers nonlethal damage for each minute of rest as if an hour had passed. She applies twice her Снижение Урона gained from варвар levels against nonlethal damage.

This alters Снижение Урона.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the wildborn archetype: Звериная Ярость, Тотем-ЗверьAPG, bestial лазаниеerUC, bestial плаваниеmerUC, greater Тотем-ЗверьAPG, lesser Тотем-ЗверьAPG, Сумеречное Зрение, raging лазаниеer, Бешеный Прыгун, raging плаваниеmer, and Резвый.



While most equate бардs with the bustle of the city, some бардs feel more in touch with the wild places of the world. These бардs deal with the Красота of the wilds, the society врожденный in those who dwell in nature, and the thunderous Музыка of the естественная броня world.



By tapping into the world’s естественная броня music, specialized бардs known as filidhs are able to see not only the tapestry of Жизнь but Божественная Предвестник of the future from the rhythm of all life’s song.

Armor and Weapon Proficiency: A filidh is proficient with легкие-доспехи and is prohibited from wearing Металл armor. A filidh can wear wooden armor that has been altered by the ironДерево spell. Filidhs are proficient with щитs (except tower щитs) but can Использование only those made of wood.

A filidh who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited щит is unable to cast бард spells or Использование any of his superестественная броня or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.

This alters a бард’s normal armor and weapon proficiencies. Естественная броня Magic: A filidh casts spells as a бард, but the spells are divine, not arcane, and therefore not subject to Скрытнсти spell failure. A filidh must Использование a священное symbol or a musical instrument as a Божественная focus when a spell includes such a component. He still uses the бард spell list. This alters the бард’s spellcasting.

Nature’s Song: Filidhs can hear the resonant song generated by all living creatures—a Первобытное Музыка that stretches back to the beginning of Время and aГолова to the unwritten future. By tapping into this cosmic melody, a filidh can steal glimpses of the future. Once per Дня per level, a filidh can sacrifЛьда a spell slot as a быстрое действие to gain an additional number of rounds of выступление барда for that Дня equal to the круг заклинаний.

In addition, a filidh gains the following types of бардic выступления.

Echoes of Nature’s Song (Св): A filidh can Использование his выступление барда to imbue his allies with subconscious знание of their own futures, improving their реакцияes and ability to avoid danger. An affected ally receives a +1 интуитивный bonus on Реакция испытания and to AC. At 5th level and every 6 бард levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. This performance is a Разум ability and relies on audible components.

This performance replaces Песнь Отваги.

Divinatory Song (Пс): At 6th level, a filidh can Использование his performance to create an Эффект equivalent to Прорицание, using the filidh’s level as the caster level. The filidh and all allies who can hear his performance receive the information provided by the Прорицание as flashes of inspiration and знание. Divinatory song takes 10 minutes and uses 6 rounds of выступление барда. Divinatory song relies on audible components.

This performance replaces Внушение.

Voices of Жизнь (Св): At 8th level, a filidh can grant himself and all allies who can hear his performance the ability to Разговор С Животными and plants as if affected by Разговор С Животными and Разговор С Растениями so long as he maintains this performance.

This performance replaces Погребальная Песнь.

Единство of Жизнь (Св): At 15th level, a filidh can Использование his performance to interСвязь the Жизнь Сила of two allies who can hear his performance as though they were affected by щит other, using the filidh’s бард level as his caster level. The filidh designates which ally is the warded target and which ally receives half the warded creature’s damage. The filidh can sведьма the targets of this ability (and the Эффект of the performance the targets receive) as a свободное действие once per round at the start of each turn that he maintains the performance.

This performance replaces Героическое Воодушевление.

Song of the Cycle (Св): At 20th level, a filidh can grant awe-inspiring glimpses into the future with his magic. All allies who can see and hear the filidh are affected as though by the personal version of Видение Будущего for the duration of the performance.

This performance replaces смертельный performance.



Cultivators Использование Музыка to promote Сфера Растений Роста and influence the behavior of plants both естественная броняly and superестественная броняly. Most cultivators work in conjunction with local communities to maintain crops and oversee harvests, while others serve as wardens of unspoiled естественная броня wonders.

Class Skills: A cultivator gains Выживание as a class skill. This alters the бард’s class skills.

Сфера Растений Magic: A cultivator бард adds the following spells to his бард spell list at the corresponding круг заклинанияs: Опутывание (1st), greensight * (2nd), Сфера Растений Роста (3rd), antiСфера Растений shell (4th), tree stride (5th), green caress HA (6th).

This alters the бард’s spells.

Verdant Voice: By combining traditional Green Faith chants and Фея songs into his выступление барда, a cultivator gains the ability to affect a creature of the Сфера Растений type with Разум бардic выступления. However, doing so requires the cultivator to Расход 1 additional round of выступление барда each round he maintains a performance augmented by verdant voice.

This replaces Эрудиция Барда.

Song of Роста (Св): A cultivator can spontaneously promote massive Сфера Растений Роста with his выступление барда. While he maintains his song of growth, the cultivator can spend a основное действие to select one side of a square within 30 feet of himself and instantly create an opaque barrier of Сфера Растений matter to block that face, providing total cover. He can create one barrier as part of starting his выступление барда if he starts the performance as a основное действие. The side the cultivator selects must be supported by the ground, and the Роста itself cannot support more than 5 pounds of weight. The conjured barrier has hardness 0, AC 5, and 2 hit points per бард level. A cultivator can maintain a number of Сфера Растений growths equal to his Модификатор Харизмы + half his бард level. These barriers immediately crumble to dust when the cultivator ends his performance.

This performance replaces Контрпесня.

Неподвластный Природе (Экс): At 2nd level, a cultivator gains Неподвластный Природе, as the друид class feature of the same name, but with only a +2 bonus instead of +4. This increases to a +4 bonus at 4th level.

This replaces Музыкальный Слух.

Природа Знание (Экс): At 5th level, the cultivator gains the Хранитель Знаний бард ability, except he can Использование it only on Знание (природа) checks and Выживание checks to Выслеживание creatures in естественная броня environments.

This alters Хранитель Знаний.



Thundercallers Медведь the знание of the ancients, wielding it like a weapon to protect the land for which they care so deeply. Their voices ring like thunder, Воззвание the sky’s Гнев down upon their enemies and Призывание яростное Ярость to Поддержка their allies.

Bound to the Land (Экс): A thundercaller gains a bonus equal to half her level on Дрессировка checks, Знание (природа) checks, and Выживание checks.

This replaces Эрудиция Барда.

Выступление барда: A thundercaller gains the following types of выступление барда.

Thunder Call (Св): At 3rd level, the thundercaller can start a performance to unleash a deafening peal of thunder. This allows the thundercaller to spend a round of performance to create an Эффект similar to the spell sound Взрыв (having the same range and area and allowing the same saving throw). At 7th level, the Звук damage dealt by this blast of sound increases to 3d8. This damage further increases by 2d8 at 11th level, and every 4 levels thereafter. A creature that succeeds at its saving throw against thunder call is immune to the stunning Эффект but still takes Звук damage. Beginning this performance is always a основное действие.

This performance replaces Вдохновение мастерство.

Вызов Ярости (Св): At 6th level, the thundercaller can induce a яростное Ярость in one creature within 30 feet. This Эффект functions as the Ярость spell and lasts as long as the target can hear the thundercaller’s performance. Any Unwilling creature targeted is affected if it fails a Воля saving throw (DC = 10 + half the thundercaller’s level + the thundercaller’s Модификатор Харизмы). A target that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to this power for 24 hours. The thundercaller cannot target herself with this ability. If the target has the Ярость class feature, it can instead immediately Ярость and stay in this Ярость without consuming rounds of Ярость per Дня as long as the thundercaller continues исполнение. This performance is a Разум Эффект and relies on audible components.

This replaces Внушение and Массовое Внушение.

Вызов Молний (Св): At 8th level, the thundercaller can Использование her performance to summon bolts of Светning, as per the spell Вызов Молний. The Светning storm lasts for as long as she continues her performance, Воззвание down one bolt of Светning per round as a основное действие. The damage of these Удар Молнииs can be increased in stormy areas or can be limited as Вызов Молний describes.

This performance replaces Погребальная Песнь.

Вызов Грозы (Св): At 14th level, the thundercaller can Использование her performance to summon bolts of Светning, as per the spell Вызов Грозы. The Светning storm lasts for as long as she continues her performance, Воззвание down one bolt of Светning per round as a основное действие. The damage of these Удар Молнииs can be increased in stormy areas or can be limited as Вызов Молний describes.

This performance replaces Пугающая Мелодия.


Some brawlers incorporate the harshness of the wilderness into their fighting styles.



A feral striker taps into a reservoir of друидic power hidden inside herself, allowing her to take animalistic characteristics. Feral Аспект (Св): This functions as the shifter Аспект class feature of the shifter, except the feral striker can choose only from the bear, bull, falcon, snake, stag, tiger, and Волк aspects. She has access to only the minor versions all these aspects.

At 6th level, the feral striker can take on two minor aspects simultaneously as a сопутствующее действие. Each Аспект counts toward her total number of minutes (so if a feral striker who normally has 9 total minutes of aspects takes on two aspects simultaneously for 4 minutes, she still has 1 minute remaining). She can end one or both aspects as a свободное действие on her turn.

At 10th level, the feral shifter adds her Constitution modifier to the total number of minutes per Дня in which she can Использование feral aspect.

At 12th level, the feral striker can take on three aspects simultaneously as a действие движения or one or two aspects as a быстрое действие.

At 20th level, the feral striker can take on as many aspects as she Желаниеes at once as a быстрое действие, and they count as only one Аспект for the purpose of calculating duration.

This replaces martial flexibility.



When a living Лавина is on the move, no one can stand in her way.

Земля DiscipЛиния (Экс): At 2nd level, a living Лавина gains Вторжение+ as a bonus черта, even if she doesn’t meet the Предпосылки. At 5th level, she gains Таран+ as a bonus черта, even if she doesn’t meet the Предпосылки.

This replaces the bonus черты gained at 2nd and 5th levels.

Landslide (Экс): At 3rd level, a living Лавина must choose overБегун as her first combat maneuver for Отточенные Маневры. At 7th level, she must choose bull rush as her second combat maneuver for Отточенные Маневры. She doesn’t gain training in any new combat maneuvers at later levels, but her bonuses on combat maneuver checks and to CMD for bull rush and overБегун combat maneuvers increase as normal. She gains

the following benefits at the listed levels.

At 11th level, if she succeeds at an overБегун combat maneuver as part of a charge, she automatically Стукs her target распластан (no matter the result of her check). In addition, if the living Лавина succeeds at a bull rush combat maneuver as part of a charge, she reduces the penalty combat maneuver checks to bull rush each creature beyond the first by 2.

At 15th level, the living Лавина can attempt bull rush and overБегун combat maneuvers against creatures two размерs Крупныйr than herself, but only as part of a charge.

At 19th level, if the living Лавина succeeds at a bull rush combat maneuver as part of a charge, she reduces the penalty on combat maneuver checks to bull rush each creature beyond the first by an additional 2. When attempting an overБегун combat maneuver as part of a charge, she also ignores any increase to a creature’s CMD from having more than two legs.

This alters Отточенные Маневры.

Unyielding (Экс): At 4th level, when a living Лавина wears легкие-доспехи or no armor, she gains DR 1/adamantine. This Снижение Урона increases by 1 at 9th, 13th, and 18th levels.

This replaces the brawler’s AC bonus.

Лавина (Экс): At 16th level, a living Лавина can attempt to overБегун multiple creatures as a действие полного хода. The living Лавина moves up to twice her быстрое in a straight Линия and attempts an overБегун combat maneuver against each creature in her path, as long as that creature is no more than two размер categories Крупныйr than herself. Each creature she succeeds against is Knocked распластан and takes damage as if the living Лавина hit it with a Тычковое weapon she is wielding or an Мастер Кулачного Боя. If she fails her combat maneuver check against a creature, she stops her movement in the space directly in front of the creature.

This replaces awesome blow.

Improved Лавина (Экс): At 20th level, if a living Лавина rolls a естественная броня 20 on an overБегун combat maneuver check as part of the Лавина ability, she can immediately attempt to confirm the critical hit by attempting another combat maneuver check with the same modifiers as the previous one; if the critical hit is confirmed, the attack deals Двустороннее damage.

This replaces improved awesome blow.



A turfer has a mastery over particular types of terrain.

Favored Turf (Экс): At 3rd level, a turfer chooses a type of terrain from the следопыт’s Излюбленная Местность list. When in that type of terrain, she gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and a +1 bonus on combat maneuver checks and to CMD.

At 7th level and every 4 Скандалист: levels thereafter, the turfer chooses an additional terrain in which to gain these bonuses. Each time, in one selected terrain (including the one just chosen), her bonus on initiative checks increases by 2, and her bonus on combat maneuver checks and to CMD increases by 1.

This replaces Отточенные Маневры.

Terrain Mastery (Св): At 4th level, a turfer gains the benefits of endure Стихии and a +10-foot усиление bonus to her base быстрое, but only in her Излюбленная Местностьs. In addition, she can move through difficult terrain in her Излюбленная Местностьs at her normal быстрое without taking damage or suffering any other impairment, but she can’t do so through difficult terrain that has been magically manipulated. At 10th and 16th levels, her усиление bonus to her base быстрое increases by 10 feet within her Излюбленная Местностьs. The turfer loses this ability if she wears Средний or Тяжелая Броня or carries a Средний or heavy load.

This replaces Стукout.


Thanks to alchemical experiments and rigorous study of venomous creatures, a venomfist has toxic Мастер Кулачного Бояs.

Venomous Strike (Экс): A venomfist’s Мастер Кулачного Бояs deal damage as a creature one размер category Небольшойer (1d4 at first level for Средний venomfists). If she hits with her first Мастер Кулачного Боя in a round, the target must succeed at a Стойкость saving throw (DC = 10 + half the venomfist’s Скандалист: level + her Constitution modifier) or take an additional amount of damage equal to the venomfist’s Constitution modifier. The venomfist is immune to this toxin.

At 4th level, a target that fails this save must succeed at a second saving throw 1 round later or take the same amount of damage again. This Эффект repeats as long as the target continues to fail its испытания, to a maximum number of rounds equal to 1 plus 1 additional round for every 4 Скандалист: levels the venomfist has. Unlike other Ядs, multiple doses of a venomfist’s Отрава never stack; the more recent Отрава Эффект replaces the older one.

At 5th level, after the venomfist gets 8 hours of rest, she can choose a secondary Эффект for her venom to impose. She can choose утомление, потрясение, or дезориентация. A creature that fails its saving throw against her venom also gains the chosen condition until it succeeds at a save against the venom or until the venom’s duration ends. Once a creature succeeds at its save against the Яд, it becomes immune to the secondary condition for 24 hours, but the attack still deals the extra damage.

At 10th level, when the venomfist chooses the condition her venom imposes, she can also cause her venom to deal ability score damage each round instead of hit point damage. She chooses Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution, and her venom deals 1d3 points of ability score damage each round. In addition, she adds слепота, бессилие, and ошеломление to the list of secondary effects she can choose for her venom.

At 16th level, the venomfist’s venom is particularly potent. If it fails the initial save, the target must succeed at two consecutive saves before being cured of the venom, though if the first save is successful, the secondary Эффект ends and the creature is immune to the secondary effects of the venomfist’s Отрава for 24 hours. In addition, the venomfist adds ступор and шок to the list of secondary effects she can choose for her venom.

This is a Отрава effect. The venomfist can’t suppress it, but she affects only those she damages with her Мастер Кулачного Бояs (not those she merely touches).

This alters Мастер Кулачного Боя and replaces Стукout and Тычковое Мастер Оружияy.


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