Greater Minor Wondrous Items — КиберПедия 

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Greater Minor Wondrous Items

2021-02-05 88
Greater Minor Wondrous Items 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Best friend pendant 5,000 gp

Время bomb, greater 6,000 gp

Black marketeer’s bag 6,200 gp

Costume bureau 7,000 gp

Coat of the undercity 7,500 gp

Magnificent map 7,800 gp

Lesser Средний Wondrous Items


Monocle of flawlessness 8,750 gp

Best friend pendant, greater 9,000 gp

Codex of conversations 10,000 gp

Gloves of unexpected violence 10,000 gp

Deck of doors 12,150 gp

Mask of stolen mien 17,200 gp

Greater Средний Wondrous Item


Planar parchment 18,000 gp

Vestments of false faith 27,000 gp

Lesser Major Wondrous Items


Памяти box 28,000 gp

Gloves of unexpected violence, умелец 30,000 gp

Coat of the undercity, greater 37,500 gp

Greater Major Wondrous Items


Parley Опекун 52,000 gp

Glass of Вуальs 53,000 gp

Private palanquin 63,000 gp

Мертвened shadows cloak 63,250 gp




SLOT none

CL 1st


АУРА   faint Превращение

This Небольшой, white pill has the consistency of a toughened almond. When consumed on its own, an accent pill has no Эффект on the creature ingeЖало it. To function, the pill must first be coated with the Крови or saliva of a living creature. Once coated, the pill turns from white to a dull brown. Consuming a coated pill grants the consuming creature the exact tone and speech mannerisms of the creature whose Крови or saliva was used to coat the pill. When used as part of a маскировка, it grants the consumer a +15 bonus on Маскировка checks to fool a listener into thinking the speaker is the creature whose Крови or saliva coated the pill; as with Вокальное Изменение UM, this bonus applies only to someone hearing the voice without seeing the speaker. This Эффект lasts for 24 hours.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 150 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Вокальное Изменение UM, creator must possess 5 ranks in Ремесло (алхимик)



PRICE 5,000 GP

SLOT neck

CL 5th


АУРА   faint Воплощение and Превращение

This silver necklace holds a miniature gilded cage, meant to rest against the wearer’s chest. Once per Дня as a действие полного хода, the wearer can absorb a single willing Маленький or Небольшой Сфера Животных into the necklace. Absorbed creatures appear within the cage as miniature versions of themselves rendered in silver. The Сфера Животных is effectively in stasis and can’t communicate, perceive the world around it, or grant any abilities or bonuses (such as a фамильяр’s skill bonus) while absorbed. Верный Зверьs, фамильяры, or Скакунs can enter the cage without problem, but coercing other Животные into the cage requires a successful DC 20 Дрессировка check. Only one Сфера Животных can inhabit the pendant at a time. The wearer can causes the Сфера Животных to reappear within 10 feet by speaking a Приказ word and opening the door of the cage as a основное действие. A creature can remain within the cage for 48 hours, after which it is forcibly ejected and must wait 24 hours before reentering the cage. If a best friend pendant is destroyed, any held Сфера Животных is immediately ejected and is шок for 1d4+1 rounds. A creature must be wearing the best friend pendant in Орден to activate the item (for either of its uses), but can freely remove or don the item while an Сфера Животных is stored within.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 2,500 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, apport animal OA, Уменьшение Животного


PRICE 9,000 GP

SLOT neck

CL 7th


АУРА   moderate Воплощение and Превращение

Made of Крошечныйly wrought platinum, this neckpiece is an improved version of a best friend pendant. In addition to the 243 regular abilities of a best friend pendant, this version can absorb Средний and Крупный Животные as well as Маленький or Небольшой elementals, magical beasts, and потусторонние существа. Elementals, magical beasts, and потусторонние существа don’t require Дрессировка checks to be made willing to enter the necklace, but might require other forms of coercion at the GM’s discretion.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 4,500 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Дверь В Пространстве, Уменьшение Животного


PRICE 6,200 GP

SLOT none CL 9th

WEIGHT 3 lbs.

АУРА   moderate Преграждение and Воплощение

This simple leather belt pouch can carry a Небольшой amount of ordinary gear and objects, as a normal container of its kind. In addition to this ordinary pouch, a black marketeer’s bag contains three separate extradimensional spaces, identical in размер and function to the Небольшойer side pouches in a handy haversack. Each compartment requires a separate Приказ word to access. A creature that knows the Приказ words can access each hidden compartment without disturbing the contents of the bag itself. A creature opening the black marketeer’s bag without first speaking one of the Приказ words sees only the ordinary contents. A black marketeer’s bag does not radiate Магия (as per Аура Магии). When a creature attempts to remove a black marketeer’s bag from its bearer without permission, such as with a stealAPG combat maneuver or Ловкость рук check, the would-be thief must succeed at a DC 13 Воля save or be compelled to instead place a random item it is holding in its hand (if any) into the bag and then immediately forget the previous round, as per Ошибка ПамятиAPG.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 3,100 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Сигнал Тревоги, Требование offering OA, Аура Магии, Ошибка Памяти APG, Потайной Сундук


PRICE 2,000 GP

SLOT none

CL 3rd

WEIGHT 1 lb.

АУРА   faint Очарование This tall, blue candle is shot through with swirls of an amber color and puts off a pleasant fragrance similar to honeysuckle when lit. Any creature within 10 feet of the candle gains a +5 bonus on Дипломатия and Проницательность checks, while at the same Время taking a –5 penalty on Блеф and Запугивание checks. These bonuses and penalties apply only on checks against other creatures within the candle’s influence. It is a favorite for Использование during negotiations and parleys. The candle can burn for a total of 8 hours. These hours don’t need to be used consecutively, but must be used in 1-hour increments. Once all 8 hours are used, the candle is destroyed.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 1,000 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Спокойствие, Приворот (Гуманоид)


PRICE 2,500 GP

SLOT none

CL 5th

WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

АУРА   faint Очарование

This simple white candle gives off a pleasing aroma of moonflowers. Any creature within 10 feet of the candle’s Пламя begins to feel drowsy, gradually growing Сонier. Every 10 minutes, each such creature must succeed at a DC 14 Воля save or fall into a normal Сон. On each check after the first, a creature takes a cumulative –2 penalty. Even with a successful saving throw, a creature is not aware that it succeeded at its saving throw, though it can potentially deduce the presence of a soporific effect—for instance, if its allies start falling спящий. Extinguishing the Пламя ends the magical Эффект but does not wake Сонing creatures. The candle can burn for a total of 3 hours; this duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-hour increments. Once all 3 hours are used, the candle is destroyed.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 1,250 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Глубокий Сон


PRICE 2,500 GP

SLOT chest CL 9th

WEIGHT 7 lbs.

АУРА   moderate Воплощение

This black-and-gray wool coat sports over a dozen pockets on its front alone and even more Линия the insides. Interdimensional Магия causes anything placed in one pocket to immediately appear in another randomly determined pocket. A character wearing this coat gains a +5 ситуативный бонус on Ловкость рук checks to hide a Небольшой object on her body. However, if a character wearing a coat of pockets places anything in one of the coat’s pockets, she must spend a основное действие to retrieve it (rather than a сопутствующее действие).


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 1,250 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Потайной Сундук


PRICE 7,500 GP

SLOT chest

CL 5th

WEIGHT 5 lbs.

АУРА   faint Превращение

This dirty, tattered-looking gray coat would not look out of place wrapped around a drifter or vagrant. When the wearer speaks the Приказ word, the coat of the undercity shifts into a Волна of clacking chitin, transforming the wearer into a giant cockroach (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 58) as Форма Паразита I. This Трансформация can occur only in an urban environment. The wearer can remain transformed for up to 5 minutes per day. This duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 3,750 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Форма Паразита I UM

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