Cloudthorn venom price 400 gp — КиберПедия 

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Cloudthorn venom price 400 gp

2021-02-05 88
Cloudthorn venom price 400 gp 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Type Яд, injury; Save Стойкость DC 14

Onset 1d4 rounds; Frequency 1/hour for 3 hours

Эффект 1d3 Str and Dex damage. In addition, the creature is unable to feel Боль for 1 hour, rendering it immune to Боль effects (Pathfinder RPG Предельная Магия 138). A creature attacking the отравление creature can attempt a Ловкость рук check opposed by the отравление creature’s Внимание check in Орден to attempt to deliver the attack without the target being aware of it, as the creature feels no Боль from the attack. If a PC is rendered numb in this way, the GM should secretly Выслеживание all damage dealt to the character until the numbing Эффект ends. Cure 1 save

This potent neurotoxin is created by the cloudthorn plant, a wild bramble whose thorns deliver a Отрава that numbs its victims to pain, allowing the Сфера Растений to feast on the Крови that flows from the wounds to the ground below. The plant’s name comes from the weightless, airy feeling that victims of the Отрава experience, which some liken to the notion of walking on clouds.



Type Яд, inhaled; Save Стойкость DC 16

Onset 1d4 hours; Frequency 1/Дня for 6 days

Эффект 1 Dex and Wis damage. As long as a creature has any ability damage from crone’s curse, the creature takes a –4 penalty on испытания to resist the effects of extreme temperatures. Additionally, the creature gains vulnerability to Холод and Огонь damage during this time, taking half again as much (+50%) damage from these forms of damage. Cure 2 consecutive saves

A blackish pollen produced by the Ночи ведьма (a pale, vine-growing flower that blooms in the Свет of the Луна   and is hearty enough to survive very rugged and difficult environments), crone’s Проклятие disorients those who inhЭль it and interferes with the body’s ability to regulate temperature. Merely walking through a field of Ночи ведьма flowers is often sufficient enough to kick up a Облаков of the nearly невидимость black particles, which are a mere nuisance in temperate climates but can prove fatal to those exposed to them in deserts and tundra.




Type Яд, ingested; Save Стойкость DC 16

Onset 4d6 hours; Frequency 1/hour for 8 hours

Эффект 1d2 Str damage. Additionally, as long as a creature is suffering from draughtcap fungus, its body is unable to process liquids, causing the creature to undergo the effects of dehydration no matter how much it drinks and preventing the creature from benefitting from potions, extracts, and other such items. After the failed initial save, the creature counts as if it had gone without Вода for 1 day.

Further, each failed ongoing save causes the creature to be treated as though it had gone an additional hour without consuming water. Cure 2 consecutive saves

This yellow-brown mushroom is commonly found in deserts and other dry environments.

Its spores absorb moisture at an incredible rate, wreaking havoc on the body of any creature foolish enough to consume it. Draughtcap fungus bears a Тычковое resemblance to a common edible mushroom, and a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) or Выживание check is required to differentiate the two.


Type Яд, ingested; Save Стойкость DC 13

Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes

Эффект 1 Con damage and the creature is тошнота for 1 minute;

Cure 1 save

These bright red seeds feature a single black dot each, giving them a superficial resemblance to an eye. The bright colors of the seeds make them attractive to certain animals, as well as those unфамильяр with wilderness lore. A character who succeeds at a DC 15 Знание (природа) or Выживание check identifies the seed as Poisonous. In some places, the seeds are used as jewelry.


Type Яд, injury; Save Стойкость DC 18

Frequency 1/round for 1d6 rounds

Эффект uncontrollable laughter (as per Безудержный Смех);

Cure 2 consecutive saves

The short and thorny jackalКорень  grows in desert climates, typically under the partial shade of ridges or boulders. It is identifiable by its pЭль green berries, which it bears twice per year. To followers of Lamashtu, the gnarled, prickle-covered jackalКорень  is a Благословениеing. The Корень s of this hearty desert shrub contain a potent, incapacitating ichor often used by gnolls in religious ceremonies and when capturing slaves.


Type Яд, ingested; Save Стойкость DC 15

Onset 1d4 hours; Frequency 1/hour for 8 hours

Эффект 1d2 Str and Wis damage. Additionally, as long as a creature is afflicted with nymph’s lure, its sweat exudes powerful pheromones that might attract wild creatures. The DCs of Внимание and Выживание checks to locate or Выслеживание the creature using Нюх are reduced by 10. Additionally, when rolling to determine whether the afflicted creature has a random encounter, roll twice and if either roll would result in a random encounter, one occurs. Cure 1 save

Created from the Концентрацияd pulp of the sweet-taЖало pulapaya fruit (a Крупный, bright-red, ovular delicacy with a hard rind and watery interior), nymph’s lure is used for a variety of Охота purposes in remote tropical regions. It is used in a rite of pasМудрое in certain hunter-gatherer societies, where young men and women are given a dose of the Отрава and sent into the wild to hunt game and prove their worth, but it is also used as a punishment in some places, with the condemned being given several doses of the Отрава and then forced into the wild without any Оружие or equipment.



Type Яд, ingested; Save Стойкость DC 15

Onset 10 minutes; Frequency 1/minute for 10 minutes

Эффект Замешательство; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Named for the scab-red mushrooms from which it is made, this potent hallucinogen is brewed by Зло друидs and ведьмаes in remote regions in Орден to enhance the savagery of their seasonal revels. Some Использование this Отрава to debilitate their victims for ritual Жертвоприношение.


Type Яд, injury; Save Стойкость DC 15

Frequency 1/Дня for 8 days

Эффект 1d3 Dex and Con damage. In addition, each Время the creature fails a save against the Яд, for the following 24 hours it is overwhelmed with nauМоре whenever food is presented to it and is unable to bring itself to eat, no matter how hungry it becomes. Cure 2 consecutive saves

This peculiar nettle Сфера Растений bears a singularly effective Отрава that protects it from being eaten: creatures pricked by the nettle’s thorns and affected by the Отрава are overcome with nauМоре at the mere idea of food, protecting the Сфера Растений from being consumed. Farmers remain vigilant for signs of this fast-growing and hardy plant; it is difficult and dangerous to remove, so culling it is best done early, while the Сфера Растений is still relatively Небольшой.



Type Яд, contact; Save Стойкость DC 18

Onset 1d4 minutes; Frequency 1/10 minutes for 60 minutes

Эффект 1d4 Wis damage, and the creature loses its memories from the past 10 minutes, as though they had been Стираниеd by the spell Манипуляция Памятью; Cure 1 save

This milky-white sap can be harvested from a rare jungle tree known as a “weeping mПомощьen” in the local tongue. The tree’s branches end in long, vine-like tendrils that hang low to the ground and Медведь Крупный, bitter-taЖало red fruit. While the fruit is safe to eat, the sap of the tree carries powerful neurotoxins that cause short-term Памяти Потери in those that consume it. In some

cultures, styx sap is occasionally taken deliberately in Орден to allow one to forget unpleasant or tragic events.


Type Яд, contact; Save Стойкость DC 17

Onset 1 minute; Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds

Эффект 1d3 Wis damage. Each Время the victim takes Мудрость damage, it must succeed at a DC 17 Воля save or become замешательство for that round. Cure 2 consecutive saves

This Отрава is produced in the liver of a particular species of water-dwelling lizard and produces potent hallucinations. In some places, the lizards are raised as livestock specifically for the harveЖало of the Яд, which is then used for ritual ceremonies and recreational purposes. People in some cultures voluntarily dose themselves with this Отрава as a way to gain oracular интуитивныйs into the world, but more often than not the Откровенияs are nothing but subtle Кошмары and lack true интуитивный.


Type Яд, contact; Save Стойкость DC 13

Frequency 1/minute for 6 minutes

Эффект 1d2 Str and Con damage; Cure 1 save

The putrefying essence of a violet fungus must be harvested with great care from a living specimen and processed quickly before it loses potency. Numerous kinds of subterranean creatures harvest this toxin to help them in their hunts for food, and they coat their Оружие in the Отрава to help defend their underground settlements.


Type Яд, ingested; Save Стойкость DC 19

Onset 10 minutes;

Frequency 1/hour for 8 hours Эффект 1 Int, Wis, and Cha damage. As long as

this Отрава persists, the victim takes a –5 penalty on concentration checks. In addition, a

creature suffering from ведьма-hunter’s sword Отрава must

succeed at a concentration check

(DC = 20 + Двустороннее the круг заклинаний) to cast spells or Использование spell-like abilities.

Cure 2 consecutive saves

This red fern has jagged, forward-pointing leaves and grows in Небольшой, close-packed groups. It is named for its popularity among ведьма hunters and инквизиторs, and its leaves can be brewed into a tea that clouds the subject’s mind, interfering with the ability to cast spells while still leaving the subject lucid enough to be interroВратаd. The tea has a unique taste, which can be detected with a successful DC 20 Внимание check. Attempts to маскировка the taste require a Профессия (повар) check (or a Мудрость check, for untrained characters) opposed by the drinker’s Внимание check. At the GM’s discretion, bonuses can be applied based on the ingredients used to mask the taste.

Hazards and Disasters

The wilderness can be a dangerous place. Монстры roam and hunt within their territories, варварs protect their settlements with frightening force, and Внезапный Сдвигs in the Погода can overwhelm the unprepared or unудачаy explorer. But sometimes the landscПримат itself presents dangers that dwarf all others. The following are just a few ways that the environment can Бросить Вызов hapless adventurers in the wild.



While Множество Форм of undergrowth can Замедление explorers, thorny brambles can prove a serious impediment. In addition to functioning as Свет or heavy undergrowth (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 426), brambles damage creatures that move through a space filled with them. The amount of damage taken depends on whether the brambles are Свет or heavy and what type of armor the creature wears. Свет brambles deal 1 point of damage to a creature wearing легкие-доспехи that moves into their square, while heavy brambles deal 1d4 points of damage to a creature in легкие-доспехи or 1 point of damage to a creature in Средняя Броня. Creatures in Тяжелая Броня don’t take damage from brambles. A creature Unwillingly forced into brambles can attempt a DC 15 Реакция save to avoid taking this damage.

Additionally, a creature moving through brambles must succeed at a Реакция save (DC 12 for Свет brambles, or DC 16 for heavy brambles) or become опутывание. Опутывание creatures can attempt to free themselves as a основное действие with a successful Изворотливость or Сила check at the same DC. A creature needs to attempt this save against being опутывание by brambles only when it enters a square of brambles.

A 5-foot square of brambles has AC 5 and hardness 2. A 5-foot square of Свет brambles has 30 пункты здоровья, while a 5-foot square of heavy brambles has 60 пункты здоровья. If a square of heavy brambles is reduced to 30 or fewer пункты здоровья, it functions as a square of Свет brambles instead.



Естественная броняly occurring Землетрясениеs result from seismic energy released along fault lines in a planet’s crust. Powerful magic, the release of a legendary monster, or the Уничтожение of a powerful artifact might also result in an Землетрясение. Землетрясениеs range from those that are Повреждениеless and nearly undetectable to those that are catastrophic and cause wideОблако Уничтожение and Потери of life.

The exact damage of an Землетрясение is subject to the GM’s discretion. Listed below are general Проводникlines to assist GMs in Running Землетрясение events. The baseЛиния used here assumes an Землетрясение of Average strength. GMs should modify the values listed depending on the severity of the Землетрясение.

Землетрясениеs can have additional effects such as disrupting rivers, draining lakes and marshes, and even triggering Цунамиs or volcanic events (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Проводник 234 and page 150 of this book). Землетрясениеs might cause wideОблако fires in urban areas or displace wildЖизнь in wilderness environments. The additional effects should be determined by the GM but should match the Сила and severity of the Землетрясение.

Collapse: Creatures in an enclosed space or underground during an Землетрясение are at risk of having the ceiling or structure collapse on them. If a structure collapses, each creature inside takes 8d6 points of damage (Реакция DC 15 half) from the falling rubble and becomes обездвиженность. A creature that takes cover (under furniture, for example) gains the normal bonus for cover on its Реакция save. A creature обездвиженность beneath rubble takes 1d6 points of nonlethal damage per minute while обездвиженность. If a обездвиженность creature falls без сознания, each minute thereafter until it is freed or dies, it must succeed at a DC 15 Constitution check or take 1d6 points of lethal damage. Additional rules for cave-ins and collapses appear on page 415 of the Core Rulebook.

Falling Debris: Even creatures not in a structure are still at risk of falling debris, whether from a collapsing building nearby or a естественная броня structure such as a cliff or Скакунain. Any creature caught in the area of falling debris suffers the collapse effects (see page 146), but it takes 4d6 points of damage at the Время of collapse instead of 8d6.

Fissure: Землетрясениеs can open massive cracks and fissures in the ground. A creature near a fissure as it opens has a 25% chance of falling in unless it succeeds at a DC 20 Реакция save. Additionally, each creature standing in the area when a fissure opens must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save or fall распластан if it avoids falling into the fissure. Fissures are typically 1d4+1 � 10 feet deep, and creatures falling into one take the appropriate falling damage. There is also a 25% chance that surrounding debris also falls into the fissure. Creatures in the fissure when debris falls on them take additional damage from the falling debris. Surviving creatures that are not обездвиженность can attempt to лазание their way out.

Impaired Actions: The tremors of an Землетрясение impose a –8 penalty on Dexterity-based skill checks for creatures on the ground. Spellcasters on the ground must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + the круг заклинаний) to cast a spell.

To move, a creature must succeed at an Акробатics check; the base DC of this Акробатics check is 10, but particularly powerful Землетрясениеs and any resulting difficult terrain can increase this DC.

Structures: Most Дерево or masonry buildings collapse during an Землетрясение. Structures built of Камень or reinforced masonry take 100 points of damage that is not reduced by hardness. Большой structures such as castles might not collapse outright, but certain features such as towers or entire sections of a wall might. Creatures caught in a structure that is destroyed suffer collapse effects (see page 146).


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