Льда Thickness                          Maximum Размер Сломать DC — КиберПедия 

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

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Льда Thickness                          Maximum Размер Сломать DC

2021-02-05 72
Льда Thickness                          Maximum Размер Сломать DC 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Under 1 inch     Миниатюрный       5

1–2 inches            Маленький       15


2–4 inches           Небольшой         20  

4–6 inches          Средний               25  

6–12 inches          Крупный             30  

1–2 feet               Огромный           35  

2–4 feet            Гигантский               40  

Over 4 feet        Колоссальный       50


When Льда gives way, a hole of a размер equal to the creature’s space opens in the ice. A creature falling into the near- freezing Вода beneath the Льда is treated as if it were in an area of extreme cold, and on the round it pВыпадs into the water, it must also succeed at a DC 15 Плавание check or be submerged beneath the Вода and trapped beneath the ice, unable to surface. A creature trapped beneath the Льда can attempt to Сломать through with a Сила check (the Сломать DC depends on the ice’s thickness, as indicated on Table 4–7), or it can attempt to плавание to an opening in the Льда (although unless the creature is able to see in the Тьма beneath the ice, it might have trouble finding its way to where an opening is). A submerged creature that is adjacent to the edge of the Сломать in the Льда can attempt a DC 20 Лазание check to Притянуть itself out, although keep in mind that Льда adjacent to a Сломать is fragile and could Разбивающий Звук in turn.



Uniquely beautiful in appearance, vampire orchids grow in Большой clusters in meadows or on hilltops where they can get plenty of sunlight. Their vivid petals range in a hue of wild and clashing colors with frequent splotches of crimson on the petals. Vampire orchids can be exceedingly dangerous to the unwary due to their unusual pollination methods. A creature traveling through a cluster of vampire orchids must attempt a DC 15 Реакция save or a DC 20 Акробатics check. Failure causes the tremors from the creature’s footsteps to release soporific pollen from the orchids’ blossoms, forcing the creature to attempt a DC 15 Стойкость save to avoid falling спящий for 1 minute. A беспомощьность or Сонing creature takes 1d4 points of damage at the end of each round it remains in contact with vampire orchids— this damage does not cause physical Боль and is not in and of itself enough to wake a Сонing creature.



Magma churns beneath the earth’s surface throughout the world, and in places where there are weaknesses in the crust, it can erupt outОпекун in violent conflagrations. Volcanic dangers such as lava, lava bombs, Poisonous gas, and pyroclastic flows are covered on page 234 of the GameMastery Проводник, but there are additional dangers that a volcano can present.

Землетрясение: The Сила with which volcanoes erupt can shake the earth, so Землетрясениеs are common during volcanic eruptions. Depending on the Природа of the terrain, these disastrous events can cause any of the effects listed in the Землетрясение section (see page 146): they can hinder movement, cause buildings to collapse, open fissures in the ground, and topple structures both Большой and Небольшой. They can also trigger Цунамиs (GameMastery Проводник 234).

Lahar: A lahar is a churning slurry of mud and debris created when intense heat melts the glaciers or snow atop a volcano. A lahar can Сфера Путешествий hundreds of miles beyond the volcano, devastating everything in its path. Motion alone keeps a lahar in liquid form. When a lahar strikes a creature, it deals the damage listed in Table 4–8: Types of Lahars below (Реакция half, at the listed DC). For creatures caught in a flowing lahar, Использование the rules for being swept away in flowing Вода (Core Rulebook 432) with a DC 25 Плавание check. Anyone trapped under a lahar cannot breathe and must attempt Constitution checks to avoid Удушение (Core Rulebook 445). Lahars can be hot or cool depending on the events that cause them. A hot lahar deals 2d6 points of Огонь damage per round to those trapped by it. As a lahar Замедлениеs, it settles to the consistency of packed earth, entombing those trapped within or beneath. See the Cave-Ins and Collapses section on page 415 of the Core Rulebook for rules on digging out a buried creature.


Table 4–8: Types of Lahars

Steam Vent: Major eruptions of steam or boiling Вода often precede an eruption and deal between 4d6 and 15d6 points of Огонь damage (Реакция half, DC = 10 + number of damage dice). The radius of such bursts is typically equal to 5 feet per damage die. Mild steam vents are as hot as saunas and have a sulfurous odor.

Volcanic Ash: Erupting volcanoes spew ash, which can obscure Видение and cause creatures to choke as if it were heavy Дыма (Core Rulebook 444). Prolonged contact with hot Праха deals 1d6 points of Огонь damage per minute. Clouds of Праха can linger in the atmosphere, darkening the Небо for weeks or even months and leading to colder temperatures and prolonged winters. This combination of Холод and lack of sunlight hurts crops, and it can cripple food supplies and lead to famines. On the ground, Праха buildup creates difficult terrain—not only is it slippery, but it might conceal other hazards. In heavy eruptions, a blanket of Праха several feet thick can eventually blanket the region downВетер of the volcano. Over the long term, however, this volcanic Праха becomes fertile soil.

Volcanic Свет ning: Праха clouds can generate powerful Светning strikes. These strikes typically deal between 4d8 and 10d8 points of Электричество damage and are unusually difficult to уклонение (Реакция half, DC = 15 + number of damage dice).

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