Type           Harvested       Descriptor — КиберПедия 

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Type           Harvested       Descriptor

2021-02-05 92
Type           Harvested       Descriptor 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Aether   Crystallized memories     Force

Air                Крошечный dust   Air   Earth                   Камень fragments                 Земля             Fire                          Warm ash             Fire  Ice                                                          Blue ice                              Холод Свет ning     Искра ling powder     ЭлектричествоMagma         Glowing embers                              Fire                       Mud                        Viscous sludge                        Кислота Water                               Rare liquid               Water



Recovery Знание (краеведение)

Affinities The sweat glands or muscles and tendons that are harvested from a giant’s arms or legs can be used in the Созидание of Магия items that have Увеличение person as a requirement or in the Созидание of any Магия melee weapon.


INTELLIGENT НЕЖИТЬ                                

Recovery Знание (религия)

Affinities Некромантия-infused dust

or organs from an intelligent нежить creature can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has animate мертв, create нежить, create greater нежить, Вытягивание Жизни, or Истощение as a requirement; at the GM’s discretion, other Некромантия spells can be added to this list (a ghoul, for

example, might Помощь in the Созидание of items that require ghoul’s touch).



Recovery Знание (подземелья)

Affinities Fluids harvested from an ooze that deals Кислота damage can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell

with the Кислота descriptor as a requirement or for alchemical gear and Оружие associated with acid.


PETRIFYING MONSTERS                               

Recovery Знание (магия)

Affinity The portion of a creature capable of petrifying targets (eyes of a basilisk or medusa, talons of a cockatrice, or a gorgon’s lungs, for example) can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has flesh to Камень or Камень to flesh as a requirement.


PRIMEVAL CREATURES                                

Recovery Знание (природа)

Affinities The claws, fangs, horns, and tusks of primeval creatures (including all dinosaurs and megafauna, as well as dire animals) can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has bear’s Двужильный, Бычья Сила, or Кошачья Грация as a requirement.



Recovery Знание (планы)

Affinities Scales harvested from a Изменчивости seethe with pure Сфера Хаоса and can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell with the Хаос descriptor as a requirement.



Recovery Знание (планы)

Affinities A qlippoth’s brain is infused with raw madness, and it can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has Замешательство, Безумие, lesser Замешательство, or symbol of Безумие as a requirement.



Recovery Знание (планы)

Affinities A rakshasa’s eyes can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has Чтение Мыслей as a requirement.



Recovery Знание (краеведение)

Affinities A troll’s liver can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell of the healing subschool as a requirement.


TRUE DRAGONS                                

Recovery Знание (магия)

Affinities The organs associated with a true dragon’s Губительное Дыхание can be utilized in the Созидание of any Магия item that has a spell that deals energy damage of the same type as the dragon’s Губительное Дыхание as a requirement.


ПАУТИНА -USING MONSTERS                         

Recovery Знание (природа); when harvested from something other than a vermin, the DC of the check to harvest the trophy increases by 2.

Affinity The spinnerets of a creature capable of using Паутина as per the Универсализм monster rule can be used in the Созидание of any Магия item that has spider лазание or Паутина as a requirement.

While many of the physical dangers a group faces in the wilds vary significantly based on the Природа of the terrain they explore, the Погода can pose an array of Бросить Вызовs within a single region. When the Погода is calm or good, it can make even the most unpleasant of terrains less grueling, but when the Погода turns bad, even gently rolling hills, idyllic woodlands, and pastoral plains can become Смерть traps.

While you can simply decide what the weather’s up to at any point in your campaign—and indeed you should always feel free to have it start raining, громовое, or guЖало with Ветер when the story is enhanced by dramatic shifts in the weather—you can also Использование the following system to generate Погода for your game.

In keeping with Pathfinder’s primary goal of providing a shared game experience first and foremost, this system for generating Погода is narrative-based rather than a fully scientific simulation. While this system takes into account generalities such as climate, elevation, and season, its primary focus allows you to set the norms for Погода in a particular area of your choice, using a number of broad categories based on general climate and Излюбленная Местность categories. You can then add Погода details and events outside that norm, from mere hassles to Катастрофs, either randomly generating those Погода events or picking and choosing ones that support your campaign’s greater narrative. This makes it easier for PCs whose classes enhance their Навыки in certain terrain types to better thwИскуство environmental dangers that are created or provoked by such terrains’ weather.



When determining Погода for a region in your campaign, your first step is to establish the Погода baseЛиния for the region. The Погода baseЛиния is influenced by the region’s climate (this sets the baseЛиния temperature), elevation (this provides the baseЛиния precipitation intensity), and season (this affects the temperature and dictates the baseЛиния precipitation frequency).



Your first step in determining a region’s baseЛиния Погода is to decide upon the region’s climate. Climate is split up into one of three categories: cold, temperate and tropical. These types correspond to the three climate categories used in monster entries in all of the Pathfinder Bestiary volumes (note that a fourth category, extraplanar, is not a factor in determining Погода for Material Plane worlds).

The baseЛиния temperature range for each climate category is given below, and is further reКрошечныйd in Temperature Variations and Precipitation on page 166. These baselines are also presented in Table 4–12 on page 167.

Cold: A Холод climate is found in the extreme northern or southern regions of the world at latitudes greater  than 60 degrees (approximately 2,000 miles from a pole). In these polar regions, temperatures often remain below freezing throughout the majority of the year. The baseЛиния temperature in this climate is cold, ranging from 20º F in the winter, to 30º F in the spring and fall months, and up to 40º F in the summer. For regions within 500 miles of the pole, the baseЛиния temperature is 10º F colder than the seasonal Average. For regions within 250 miles of the pole, the baseЛиния temperature is 20º F colder than the seasonal Average. Because Холод Воздух tends to be drier than warm air, reduce the frequency and intensity of precipitation by one step in Холод climates (see page 167).


Extreme Temperatures Temperatures of 40° F and lower or 90° F or higher are hazardous, growing more dangerous the more extreme they become. Without the benefit of endure elements or some other form of protection, characters exposed to temperatures beyond these ranges run the risk of taking damage and suffering other effects. The effects of cold dangers are found on page 442 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, while the effects of heat dangers are found on page 444 of that book.


Temperate: Temperate climates stretch between the polar regions and tropical regions of the world, generally at latitudes between 60 degrees and 30 degrees. The baseЛиния temperature in this climate ranges from 30º F in winter, to 60º F in spring and fall, and all the way up to 80º F in summer. Precipitation frequency is not altered as a result of a temperate climate, but it can still be altered as a result of other factors such as the elevation or season (see below).

Tropical: The tropics exist to either side of the world’s equator, extending north and south for about 30 degrees of latitude in either direction. Tropical regions tend to be warm and humid, with a baseЛиния temperature ranging from 50º F in winter, to 75º F in spring and fall, and up to 95º F in summer. Because warm, humid Воздух produces a great deal of precipitation, increase the frequency and intensity of precipitation by one step in this climate (see page 167).



While the climate sets baselines for temperatures, elevation plays a key factor as well. Elevation can affect the baseЛиния temperature, and it sets the baseЛиния intensity of precipitation in the region, as explained below and displayed in Table 4–13: Elevation Baselines on page 167.

Море Level: Temperatures in sea-level and coastal regions are 10º warmer. Sea-level regions also tend to have more precipitation than areas of higher elevation, so the baseЛиния precipitation intensity in a sea-level region is heavy.

Lowland: Lowlands are areas of low elevation not near the coast, generally at an elevation of 1,000 to 5,000 feet. This elevation range does not alter baseЛиния temperatures. The baseЛиния precipitation intensity in lowlands is Средний.

Highland: Highlands include regions with elevations above 5,000 feet. Decrease baseЛиния temperatures in highlands by 10º (although in particularly arid and flat regions, you should instead increase the baseЛиния temperature by 10º, while in particularly high-altitude regions such as significant Скакунain ranges, you should instead decrease the baseЛиния temperature by 20º). The frequency of precipitation is decreased by one step, and baseЛиния precipitation intensity is Средний.



A year has four seasons—spring, summer, fall, and winter— each of which lasts about 3 months. Season plays an important part in dictating a region’s baseЛиния temperature (as noted in each climate and in Table 4–14). It also dictates the baseЛиния precipitation frequency in a region before applying adjustments due to climate or elevation. In most regions with Холод and temperate climates, precipitation frequency is intermittent during spring and fall, common during the summer, and rare during the winter. In most regions with tropical climates, precipitation frequency is common during spring and fall, intermittent during the summer, and rare during the winter.

On worlds with a tilt in their axis, the Сезона are typically reversed between northern and southern hemispheres. While it is the height of summer in the north, the areas south of the equator are in the depths of winter.


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