Geothermal spring (CR varies) — КиберПедия 

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Geothermal spring (CR varies)

2021-02-05 89
Geothermal spring (CR varies) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Geothermal springs form where magma heats underground Вода to extreme temperatures. This hot Вода periodically erupts at the surface, collecting into pools of heated Вода of varying temperatures. In some cases, the resulting hot springs are relatively Повреждениеless, and communities often pop up nearby, as the therapeutic Природа of the spring attracts visitors. But in some cases, geothermal springs are heated to the boiling point or hotter, or they might pose other dangers to the unwary.

GMs should feel free to modify the damage amounts and испытания of a geothermal spring to take into account the spring’s размер and Вода temperature.

Fumarole (CR 1): Fumaroles occur when the groundВода is boiled away before reaching the surface, so when it erupts from vents in the ground, it does so as steam, often carrying toxic gases along with it. The type of gas released by a fumarole depends on the composition of the surrounding ground. Some fumaroles, referred to as solfataras, emit dangerous levels of sulfuric gas. The eruption rates of fumaroles vary from every few minutes to every few hours.

A creature within 5 feet of an erupting fumarole must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save to avoid the eruption. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 points of Огонь damage from the scalding steam. If the fumarole emits sulfurous gases, each creature within 30 feet of the erupting fumarole must succeed at a DC 20 Стойкость save or take 1 point of Constitution damage and become тошнота for 1d4 rounds. On a successful save, the creature negates the Constitution damage and is дезориентация for 1d4 minutes instead of тошнота. This additional Эффект is a Отрава effect.

Гейзер (CR 3): Гейзерs form when surface Вода seeps down into the Земля and meets rocks heated by the proximity of magma. The pressure created by the boiling Вода causes the Вода to erupt on the surface. The rate, frequency, and length of eruption vary from Гейзер to Гейзер. Some issue a single, sustained Гейзер at a regular interval. Others go through a series of short eruptions, laЖало only a few seconds each for hours at a time, and then go dormant for several hours or even days. The jets of Вода from erupting Гейзерs also vary in height, with some erupting upОпекун of 100 feet in the air.

A creature within 5 feet of an erupting Гейзер must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save to avoid the eruption. On a failed save, the creature is Knocked распластан and takes 2d6 points of Огонь damage. Creatures immersed in the Гейзер’s jet each take 5d6 points of Огонь damage and must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save or be forced out of the Гейзер’s jet and Knocked распластан. Creatures within 10 feet of a Гейзер (but beyond 5 feet) each take 1d6 points of Огонь damage from the boiling hot spray falling on them.

Hot Spring (CR 2): Common hot springs contain pools of warm water, but in some, the Вода is heated to nearly boiling. Exposure to this Вода deals 1d6 points of Огонь damage per round. Total immersion deals 5d6 points of Огонь damage per round; damage continues for 1 round after total immersion, but this additional damage is 1d6 points of Огонь damage.

Mud Pot (CR 1): Mud pots are springs that mostly contain hot bubbling mud instead of water. The mud’s color depends on the amount and type of minerals in the mud. Mud pots range widely in размер and depth, with many found in clusters. Gases from within the Земля can cause mud pots to boil over or shoot mud a short дальнобойное into the air. Exposure to a mud pot deals 1d3 points of Кислота damage and 1d3 points of Огонь damage per round of exposure. Total immersion in a mud pot deals 1d6 points of Кислота damage and 1d6 points of Огонь damage per round; damage continues for 1 round after total immersion, but this additional damage is only 1d3 points of Кислота damage and 1d3 points of Огонь damage. Moving through a mud pot is like moving through a bog (Core Rulebook 427).



Glittering fields of fresh snow can pose a danger to unprepared travelers during the daylight hours, as the Солнце reflecting from the fields of white can be dazzling or even blinding. Travelers through such areas risk having their eyes become sunburned—a condition known as snow blindness. A creature in an area of reflective snow is automatically растерянность, and for each hour it spends in such an area, it must succeed at a DC 15 Стойкость save or succumb to snow blindness, becoming blind for 24 hours. Wearing protective eye gear that reduces the amount of sunlight hitting the eyes negates the растерянность condition and the chance of developing snow blindness. A character can reduce the duration of snow blindness to 1d6 hours with a successful DC 20 Лечение check as long as she keeps her eyes covered or wears protective eye gear. Spells such as Снятие Слепоты/Глухоты лечение snow blindness immediately. Creatures that are particularly susceptible to bright Свет take a –4 penalty on saves to resist snow blindness. To a lesser extent, staring out over vast stretches of sunlit Вода or desert can have the same effects as staring at reflective snow, but the save to avoid blindness in this case is only DC 10.



Areas of wilderness devastated by magical battles sometimes regrow vegetation bearing superестественная броня scars of those conflicts. When the flora in such an area develops a taste for magical energy, the plants and trees display vivid and unusual colors for their type and can even subtly change color. Spellgorging plants thrive on magical energy, making the caЖало of spells difficult when such plants are nearby. When a creature adjacent to a spellgorging Сфера Растений attempts to cast a spell or Использование a spell-like ability, the creature must make a successful concentration check (DC = 20 + the level of the spell) or the spell is lost as the flora absorbs the energy as it is cast. Most Магия items are not affected by spellgorging plants, with the exception of spell-completion and spell-trigger items. When such an item is used, the user must attempt a caster level check against the same DC as above but using the item’s caster level instead of his own, in Орден to successfully Использование the item.

An area of spellgorging plants can be identified with a successful DC 15 Знание (магия), Знание (природа), or Выживание check due to the unusual colors and shapes of the surrounding flora. Most Животные avoid eating spellgorging plants because of their bizarre and unpleasant taste. A creature consuming a spellgorging Сфера Растений must succeed at a DC 20 Стойкость save or become дезориентация for 1d4 hours. A spellgorging Сфера Растений loses its ability to consume Магия if it is destroyed—spellgorging plants have SR 20 for the purposes of resiЖало magical spell effects, but they otherwise have normal пункты здоровья and hardness for plants of their type.



A frozen lake or river can prove a serious danger if characters misjudge the thickness of the ice. With a successful DC 20 Выживание check, a character can accurately gauge the amount of weight a given sheet of Льда can support. Table 4–7: Thin Льда lists the maximum размер creature or object that can be supported by ice. (A Крошечный creature or object can be supported by any thickness of ice.)

When a creature steps onto Льда that is one category thinner than what could normally support its weight, the Льда begins to creak and crack ominously—a Предупреждение that a creature can notice with a successful DC 10 Внимание check. At the end of a round, if an area of Льда is unable to support its load, it gives way on a result of 10 or less on a d20 roll. This roll takes a cumulative –4 penalty for each размер category by which the creature exceeds the maximum размер the Льда can support. A creature that is распластан is treated as one размер category Небольшойer than its actual размер for the purpose of determining whether the Льда can support it. Льда within 5 feet of a fresh Сломать is fragile, and it is treated as one category thinner for the purpose of determining the maximum размер creature it can support.


Table 4–7: Thin Ice

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