Fiendflesh shifter (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Fiendflesh shifter (archetype)

2021-02-05 98
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By forging dark pacts with extraplanar forces, fiendflesh shifters invoke sinister powers to assume the strengths of daemons, demons, or devils. Fiendflesh shifters care nothing for the естественная броня world and are instead consumed by an ever-growing Похоть for power at any price. To other shifters, the fiendflesh shifter is often viewed as a monster herself—an intrusion into the естественная броня Орден of things and a foe who must be sought out and destroyed. Very few друидs воля ever willingly ally with fiendflesh shifters; this leaves these outcasts to live bitter, lonely lives or to seek out fiendish cults or other abhorrent faiths for support and companionship.

Alignment: A fiendflesh shifter must be Зло in alignment. If the fiendflesh shifter becomes nonevil, she loses all powers granted by this archetype.

This alters the shifter’s alignment.

Infernal Когти (Экс): A fiendflesh shifter’s Когти are infused with the unсвященное power of the Зло Outer Planes. At 1st level, a fiendflesh shifter’s Когти are treated as Зло Оружие for the purpose of overcoming Снижение Урона. This ability otherwise functions as the shifter Когти class feature.

This alters shifter claws.

Fiendish Аспект (Св): At 1st level, a fiendflesh shifter can temporarily transform her body into an amalgam of otherworldly Зло creatures as a быстрое действие. While in this form, the fiendflesh shifter gains Ночное Зрение out to a range of 60 feet (or doubles the range of her Ночное Зрение if she already has it), a Забодать естественная броня attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 points of damage if the shifter is Небольшой), and DR 1/good. A fiendflesh shifter can maintain this form for a number of minutes per Дня equal to 3 + her shifter level. The duration does not need to be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments.

At 5th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 2/ Добро and she also grows a pВоздух of bat- like Крылья when in her fiendish aspect, granting her a полет быстрое of 30 feet with Average maneuverability.

At 10th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 5/good, and the Электричество and Огонь сопротивляемость provided by her fiendish resilience ability (see below) doubles while she’s in her fiendish aspect.

At 15th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 7/Добро and her полет быстрое increases to 60 feet.

At 20th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s DR increases to 10/good. She also gains Иммунитет to Электричество and Огонь and spell сопротивляемость equal to 15 + her shifter level.

This replaces Природный Облик, shifter aspect, and all improvements to shifter aspect.

Fiendish Resilience (Св): At 2nd level, a fiendflesh shifter gains a +1 естественная броня armor bonus to her AC and сопротивляемость 5 to Электричество and fire, but only while unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing Свет or Средний nonМеталл armor. At 4th level, 12th level, and 20th level, this естественная броня armor bonus increases by 1. At 8th level and 16th level, the fiendflesh shifter’s сопротивляемость to Электричество and Огонь increases by 5.

This replaces defensive instinct.

Chimeric Fiend (Св): At 9th level, when a fiendflesh shifter uses her fiendish Аспект ability, she can gain an additional ability from the list below. The fiendflesh shifter can change which ability she gains each Время she uses fiendish aspect.

Daemon: Кислота сопротивляемость 10 and a +4 несвященный bonus on saves against disease.

Demon: The shifter’s Электричество сопротивляемость doubles.

Devil: The shifter’s Огонь сопротивляемость doubles. This replaces chimeric aspect.

Greater Chimeric Fiend (Св): At 14th level, a fiendflesh shifter’s chimeric fiend ability grants her additional bonuses as noted below.

Daemon: The shifter gains a +4 усиление bonus to her Constitution score and Иммунитет to disease.

Demon: The shifter gains a +4 усиление bonus to her Сила score and increases the damage die of all естественная броня attacks by one step.

Devil: The shifter gains a +4 усиление bonus to her Dexterity score and Видеть Во Тьме as per the Универсализм monster rule.

This replaces greater chimeric aspect.



While most shifters are trained in друидic traditions that allow them to tap into animalistic powers, others look instead to the simplest forms of Жизнь for inspiration. Known as oozemorphs, these shifters focus on the ooze—a form of Жизнь as simple in Конструкцийion as it is dangerous in combat. While some shifters consider the oozemorph to be unsettling or even vile, these shifters merely embrace a stследопыт form of Жизнь than most. They are not врожденныйly evil, yet they are often misunderstood by друидic circles and these circles’ shifter champions.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: An oozemorph is proficient with all simple Оружие and легкие-доспехи.

This replaces a shifter’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.

Compression (Экс): An oozemorph gains compression as per the Универсализм monster rule. This ability can be used regardless of the current form the oozemorph has taken.

Fluidic Body (Св): An oozemorph’s Базовая Форма is not that of her race but rather that of a Протоплазмаic blob that has the same volume and weight. An oozemorph treats her creature type as both ooze and her base creature type from her race for the purposes of effects targeting creatures by type (such as убийцы Оружие and a следопыт’s Заклятый Враг). In this form, the oozemorph is immune to critical hits and precision damage and can’t be flanked. However, she has no Магия item slots and she cannot benefit from armor; cast spells; hold objects; speak; or Использование any Магия item that requires activation, is held, or is worn on the body.

An oozemorph reverts to this formless state whenever she is без сознания or in an area of antimagic. This is treated as a Полиморф effect.

A number of times per Дня equal to half her level (minimum 1), an oozemorph can assume a humanoid form as a сопутствующее действие. This Преобразование is identical to Иной Облик, except the oozemorph can maintain the form for a number of hours equal to her level. Each hour after this duration, the oozemorph must succeed at a DC 15 Стойкость save or revert back to her fluidic body until she rests for at least 8 hours. This save DC increases by 1 for each additional hour spent maintaining the form.

At 8th level, the oozemorph can treat this ability as beast shПримат I, and at 15th level, she can treat this ability as beast shПримат II or giant shПримат I.

Ending this Преобразование at any Время reverts the oozemorph back to her ooze form and renders her утомление for a number of minutes equal to the number of hours she maintained the form.

This replaces chimeric form, greater chimeric form, Природный Облик, shifter aspect, and all improvements of shifter aspect.

Morphic Weaponry (Экс): An oozemorph can create a number of естественная броня Оружие to fight with from any portion of her body, regardless of her current form. At 1st level, as a сопутствующее действие, an oozemorph can form two primary естественная броня attacks that each deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, chosen by the oozemorph when she forms them. An oozemorph can change the damage type of any number of her естественная броня Оружие as a быстрое действие. An oozemorph gains one additional primary естественная броня attack at 6th level and another at 15th level.

The total number of естественная броня attacks an oozemorph has at any given Время includes those gained via her current form. For example, an 8th-level oozemorph who has taken the form of a Волк with beast shПримат I has a Укус attack as part of that form; she can create only two additional естественная броня attacks via morphic weaponry, for a total of three attacks available to her at that level. If the oozemorph later reverts to a humanoid form with no естественная броня weapons, she can instead create three morphic weapons.

This replaces shifter claws.

Ooze Empathy (Экс): An oozemorph gains the shifter’s Понимание Животных class feature, but she can Использование it only to influence the attitude of oozes with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower. An oozemorph can Использование this ability on mindless oozes; when she does so, she imparts a modicum of intellect to the ooze to allow it to respond to her Приказs.

This alters Понимание Животных.

Снижение Урона (Экс): At 2nd level, an oozemorph gains DR 4/slashing while unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing Свет nonМеталл armor. This Снижение Урона increases by 2 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of DR 14/slashing at 20th level.

This replaces defensive instinct.

Clinging Ooze (Экс): At 4th level, when in her естественная броня form, an oozemorph gains a лазание быстрое of 10 feet.

This replaces woodland stride.



Not all shifters represent the balance of nature. The Яростьshaper is a Разрушительный Сила of Природа brought to bear—a wild and uncontrollable engine of annihilation fueled by Гнев. Яростьshapers полет into bloodletting frenzies and rain down devastation like unstoppable естественная броня disasters.

Alignment: A Яростьshaper can be any nonПринципиальность alignment. A Яростьshaper who becomes Принципиальность cannot take any further levels in Яростьshaper, but he does not lose access to any Яростьshaper abilities he has already gained.

This alters the shifter’s alignment.

Devastating Form (Св): A Яростьshaper can enter a state of intense fury, transforming into a living engine of Уничтожение. This ability functions as the варвар’s Ярость class feature, except entering this state of fury requires a действие полного хода that provokes attacks of opportunity and has additional effects as noted below. At the start of the Яростьshaper’s next turn, he not only gains the benefit of Ярость but also grows one размер category Крупныйr (though worn equipment and held items do not increase in размер).

Armor or clothing the Яростьshaper wears that doesn’t accommodate his changing размер immediately gains the сломан condition. If insufficient room is available to accommodate this change, the Яростьshaper attains the maximum possible размер for the available space and can attempt a Сила check (using his increased Strength) to Взрыв any enclosures in the process. If the check fails, he is constrained but not Вред by the materials enclosing him.

A Яростьshaper can remain in his devastating form for a number of rounds per Дня equal to his shifter level. He can dismiss devastating form only with a successful Воля save (DC = 10 + his shifter level) made as a свободное действие. On a failed save, the attempted remains in devastating form for an additional round. If the Яростьshaper does not successfully end his devastating form  before he Бегунs out of daily rounds, the next Время he fails his Воля save to revert, he flies into an uncontrollable frenzy as if affected by Замешательство, but he treats a roll of 26–50 as “attacks nearest creature.” Each round the Яростьshaper spends in an uncontrollable frenzy, the Воля save DC to exit devastating form decreases by 2.

When a Яростьshaper ends his devastating form ability, he is утомление for a number of rounds equal to twice the number of rounds he spent in devastating form. A Яростьshaper cannot enter devastating form again while утомление or бессилие. If a Яростьshaper falls без сознания, his devastating form ends immediately.

At 10th level, the Яростьshaper can grow up to a maximum of two размер categories Крупныйr with devastating form and his Ярость is now treated as Бешеная Ярость.

At 20th level, the Яростьshaper can grow up to a maximum of three размер categories Крупныйr with devastating form and his Ярость is treated as Сокрушительная Ярость.

This replaces Природный Облик, shifter aspect, and all improvements to shifter aspect.

Terrible Удар (Св): A Яростьshaper can deliver blows that demolish his foes. This functions as the shifter Когти class ability, e the ability to bypass different kinds of Снижение Урона, the Яростьshaper’s terrible Удар ignores some of an object’s hardness. At 1st level, terrible Удар ignores 5 points of an object’s hardness. This increases to 10 points at 5th level, 15 points at 10th level, and 20 points at 15th level.

This alters shifter claws.

Invulnerable Defenses (Экс): At 2nd level, a Яростьshaper becomes difficult to Повреждение in his devastating form. Whenever the Яростьshaper takes on his devastating form and is unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing Свет or Средний nonМеталл armor, he gains a +2 естественная броня armor bonus to his AC and DR 2/—.

This replaces defensive instinct, chimeric aspect, and greater chimeric aspect.

Unrestrained Stride (Экс): At 3rd level, whenever the Яростьshaper is in devastating form, he ignores movement penalties from difficult terrain and is immune to the опутывание condition.

This replaces woodland stride.

Terrible Leap (Экс): At 5th level, when a Яростьshaper is in his devastating form, he can выступление a terrible leap as a действие движения without attempting an Акробатics check, Прыжокing any дальнобойное up to his move быстрое (upОпекун movement counts as double, as when полетing). He can leap in this way once per Дня per shifter level.

This replaces Тайные Тропы.



Verdant shifters have an affinity for plants rather than Животные and gain a plantlike form that grows in power as they do. Verdant shifters are the enemies of creatures that would despoil the естественная броня world, and they seek to maintain balance with civilization and industry to ensure the sanctity of wild spaces.

Разговор С Растениями (Пс): At 1st level, a verdant shifter gains the ability to cast Разговор С Растениями as a spell-like ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 plus her Модификатор Харизмы.

This replaces Понимание Животных.

Verdant Body (Св): At 1st level, a verdant shifter takes on Сфера Растений qualities as vines grow over her body, flowers bloom in her hair, and bark grows from her skin. The verdant shifter is treated as both her normal creature type and a Сфера Растений creature for purposes of spells or effects that target a creature by type (such as убийцы Оружие and a следопыт’s Заклятый Враг). Verdant body also grants the verdant shifter a 25% Иммунитет to critical hits and precision damage (such as Атака Исподтишка).

At 5th level, the verdant shifter gains a +2 усиление bonus to her Constitution score. At 8th level, the усиление bonus to her Constitution score increases to +4 and her Иммунитет to critical hits increases to 50%. At 15th level, the усиление bonus her Constitution score increases to +6.

This replaces shifter Аспект and all improvements of shifter aspect.

Wild Armor (Экс): At 2nd level, a verdant shifter gains a +2 естественная броня armor bonus to her AC while unencumbered and either wearing no armor or wearing Свет or Средний nonМеталл armor. This bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of a +7 естественная броня armor bonus to AC at 20th level.

This replaces defensive instinct.

Сфера Растений ShПримат (Св): At 6th level, a verdant shifter’s Природный Облик ability instead functions as Сфера Растений shПримат I. The verdant shifter can maintain this form for a number of rounds per Дня equal to her shifter level. At 12th level, this ability instead functions as Сфера Растений shПримат II, and at 18th level, it functions as Сфера Растений shПримат III. This ability otherwise functions as the standard Природный Облик shifter class feature.

This alters Природный Облик and replaces chimeric form and greater chimeric form.



Weretouched shifters are scions of lycanthropic forces, whether hereditary or superестественная броняly imposed. They can assume both Сфера Животных and hybrid forms, as a lycanthrope does.

Lycanthrope Аспект (Св): At 1st level, a weretouched gains the shifter Аспект ability, except the Сфера Животных Аспект chosen is the only Сфера Животных Аспект the weretouched can gain. This alters her other class features, as detailed in each relevant class feature. Otherwise, this ability functions identically to shifter aspect.

At 5th level, a weretouched gains DR/silver equal to half her shifter level, to a maximum of DR 10/silver at 20th level. Additionally, a weretouched shifter becomes immune to a lycanthrope’s Проклятие of lycanthropy.

This alters shifter Аспект and all of its improvements.

Lycanthropic Empathy (Экс): At 1st level, a weretouched gains Понимание Животных and a +4 bonus on Понимание Животных checks, but this ability works only on the type of Сфера Животных she chose for her lycanthrope aspect.

This alters Понимание Животных.

Lycanthropic Природный Облик (Св): At 4th level, when a weretouched uses Природный Облик, she can assume only the form of an Сфера Животных of the same type as her lycanthrope aspect. However, instead of assuming a major form, she can assume a hybrid form that mixes the traits of her естественная броня form and the major form of her aspect. While in a hybrid form, she gain a +2 размер bonus to her Сила score, a +2 естественная броня armor bonus to her AC, and all of the естественная броня attacks and abilities listed by her major form. A weretouched also counts as being in her естественная броня form for the purpose of determining whether she can extend her shifter claws. A weretouched’s hybrid form is roughly the same размер and shПримат as her естественная броня form, albeit with bestial qualities such as digitigrade legs or shaggy fur, so her equipment does not merge into her new form when she shifts between her естественная броня form and hybrid form. In addition, the размер of a weretouched’s hybrid form is the same as the размер of her естественная броня form. This otherwise counts as assuming a major form using Природный Облик.

This alters Природный Облик.


Skalds are valued in the wilderness for inspiring allies to Необычная черты of Двужильный.



Bacchanals are skalds who Использование ecstatic пляшущее and ribald songs to influence the Первобытное instincts of listeners. To these skalds, the passionate frenzy of a celebration or feast shares many features with the violence of combat, and several of their talents Расплывчатость the Линия between festival and Битва in dramatic ways.

Fermented Fruit (Пс): A bacchanal adds Вкусные Ягоды to his list of 1st-level skald spells known. In addition, he can cast it as a spell-like ability once per day. When he casts Вкусные Ягоды as a spell or spell-like ability, the targeted berries ferment; this causes each berry to act as a serving of an alcoholic beveЯрость. A creature that eats a fermented berry does not gain a meal’s nourishment, but it is cured of 1 point of damage and becomes sСветly foolhardy as if tipsy, gaining a +1 bonus on saves against Ужас effects for 1 minute after eating the berry.

This replaces Написание Свитков.

DБегунken Dancer (Св): At 2nd level, while maintaining a raging song, a bacchanal can consume a berry affected by Вкусные Ягоды, a potion, or a serving of alcohol as a действие движения that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. A berry affected by Вкусные Ягоды or a potion has its normal effect, while an alcoholic drink or a berry affected by Вкусные Ягоды via fermented fruit (see above) allows the skald to maintain his raging song that round without Expending a round of raging song for the Дня (instead of the normal effects of the alcohol or fermented berry). For each alcoholic drink or fermented berry consumed while raging, the skald is тошнота for 1 round after his raging song ends. The internal стойкость Дар Ярости prevents this тошнота condition from occurring.

At 7th level, when the bacchanal consumes an alcoholic drink or fermented berry while maintaining his Ярость song, he can gain the benefits of cure Свет wounds or remove Ужас (for the duration of the raging song) at his caster level by spending 2 rounds of raging song. At 12th level, the bacchanal can gain the benefits of Героизма (for the duration of the raging song) in this manner. At 17th level, he can gain the benefits of persistent Энергия ACG (for the duration of the raging song) in this manner.

This replaces Прикладное Искусство.

Raging Song (Св): A bacchanal gains access to the following raging songs.

Song of Urging (Св): At 3rd level, the bacchanal’s raging song can wordlessly influence creatures of the wild. This raging song functions just like a Дипломатия check to make a simple request or an Запугивание check but can influence only animals. The bacchanal rolls 1d20 and adds his skald level and his Модификатор Харизмы to determine the urging check’s result. Bonuses and penalties that apply to Понимание Животных checks apply to these urging checks. The typical domestic Сфера Животных has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild Животные are usually unfriendly. The song can influence plants or magical beasts with Intelligence scores of 1 or 2 as well as dБегунken creatures of any Intelligence (even without sharing a language), but against these nonanimals, the bacchanal takes a –4 penalty on this check. The bacchanal must continue to выступление the song for the entire Время required for the check; otherwise, its Эффект is wasted, but only 1 round of raging song is Expended regardless of how long the check takes.

This raging song replaces song of marching.

Maddening Dance (Св): At 10th level, the bacchanal’s raging song can compel a creature within 30 feet to выступление an ecstatic dance. Unless it succeeds at its Воля save, the victim becomes замешательство, takes a –2 penalty to its AC and on Реакция испытания, and loses the benefit of any щит it holds. The Эффект ends when the target can no longer hear the bacchanal from within 30 feet. As an прерывающее действие, an ally of the bacchanal within 30 feet can dance along as a действие полного хода (taking all penalties except the замешательство condition for that round) to allow the bacchanal to target an additional creature. A creature that succeeds at the Воля saving throw against this raging song is immune to this Эффект for 24 hours. This is a Принуждение, emotionUM, Очарование, and Разум effect.

This raging song replaces Погребальная Песнь.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the bacchanal archetype: Звериная Ярость, Грубая НасмешкаAPG, Безоглядная Ярость, fierce стойкостьACG, Снижение Урона+, internal стойкость, Жидкая СмелостьAPG, Ночное Зрение, Пьяный РёвAPG, and Пьяное ШатаниеAPG.



Boasters Использование incredible tales and claims to Бросить Вызов themselves and their allies to accomplish remarkable черты. With a properly delivered boast, a boaster can Вдохновение listeners to attempt, and more often than not, succeed at stunts or tasks they may not have realized they were capable of doing.

Двужильный: The boaster gains Двужильный as a bonus черта. This replaces Написание Свитков.

Raging Song (Св): A boaster gains access to the following raging songs.

Song of Двужильный (Св): At 3rd level, the boaster’s raging song can Вдохновение his allies to great черты of Двужильный. This raging song functions as song of marching except affected allies also gain the benefits of the Двужильный черта in addition to the benefits of any of the following черты the boaster has (even if they don’t meet the Предпосылки): Deathless InitiateUC, Deathless MasterUC, Deathless ZealotUC, Крепкий Орешек, Fast ЛечениеerAPG, Heroic DefianceAPG, and Heroic RecoveryAPG.

This raging song replaces uncanny уклонение and alters song of marching.

Song of SurСкакунing (Св): At 7th level, the boaster’s raging song can Вдохновение allies to move quickly and easily. By spending 1 round of raging song, the boaster can affect all allies within 90 feet for 1 hour. Affected allies gain a benefit according to the surrounding terrain (the benefits don’t stack): a лазание быстрое equal to half their base быстрое (forest, jungle, Скакунain, underground), a плавание быстрое equal to their base быстрое (swamp, water), or a +10 foot усиление  to their base быстрое (cold, desert, hill, plains, or urban). The skald must continue to выступление the song for the remainder of the hour; otherwise, its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is Expended for that hour. At 13th level, the быстрое or bonus granted by this ability doubles. At 19th level, this ability grants triple the listed быстрое or bonus.

This raging song replaces Хранитель Знаний.

Frightful Boast (Св): At 14th level, the boaster’s raging song can frighten foes, as per the Пугающая Мелодия выступление барда.

This replaces Песня Падших.

Дар Ярости (Экс): The boaster does not gain this ability until 4th level.

This alters the skald’s Дары Ярости.

Greater Двужильный: At 6th level, the boaster gains a bonus черта that he qualifies for. The черта must have Двужильный as a prerequisite (such as Крепкий Орешек or Fast ЛечениеerAPG).

This replaces the Дар Ярости gained at 6th level.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the boaster archetype: Грубая НасмешкаAPG, Приди И Возьми МеняAPG, Безоглядная Ярость, fierce стойкостьACG, Устрашающий Взгляд, raging лазаниеer, raging flierACG, Бешеный Прыгун, raging плаваниеmer, sprintUC, Прилив Сил, and Резвый.



Hunt callers are skalds whose songs draw their allies into the Сфера Животных world. They can invoke the inner beasts of those who observe their superестественная броня выступления—a talent that causes many to mistake the hunt caller and her allies for lycanthropes or other shapechanging creatures.

Raging Song (Св): A hunt caller gains access to the following raging songs.

Song of the Senses (Св): At 2nd level, the hunt caller’s raging song unlocks animalistic senses in her allies. By spending 1 round of raging song, the hunt caller can affect all allies within 60 feet for 1 hour. The allies gain Сумеречное Зрение and a +2 мастерство bonus on Внимание and Выживание checks. If an ally already has Сумеречное Зрение, the range doubles. The skald must continue to выступление the song for the remainder of the hour; otherwise, its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is Expended for that hour.

This raging song replaces Музыкальный Слух. Call of the Wild (Св): At 6th level, the hunt caller’s raging song can transform herself and her allies within 60 feet into animalistic shapes, as per beast shПримат I (Небольшой Животные only) at her caster level. The same Преобразование applies to all targets. By spending 1 round of raging song per target, the hunt caller can affect any number of allies within 60 feet for 1 hour. When in Сфера Животных form, the hunt caller is treated as able to speak normally for the purpose of using raging song, but not for using other abilities that require speech (such as spellcasting). The skald must continue to выступление the song for the remainder of the hour; otherwise, its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song per target is Expended for that hour.

At 10th level, the hunt caller can instead choose a Средний Сфера Животных shape. At 14th level, the hunt caller can choose Метаморфозаr’s gift * or the effects of beast shПримат II. At 18th level, she can choose the effects of beast shПримат III.

This raging song replaces song of strength, Песня Падших, and the Дар Ярости gained at 18th level.

Wilderness Магия (Св): At 5th level and again at 11th level and 17th level, the hunt caller adds two spells of any level she can cast from the друид spell list to her class spell list and list of skald spells known.

This replaces spell kenning.

Вдохновение Нюх (Экс): At 6th level, the hunt caller gains the Нюх Дар Ярости. Her song of the senses and inspired Ярость raging songs both grant affected allies this Дар Ярости.

This replaces the Дар Ярости gained at 6th level.

Дары Ярости: The following Дары Ярости complement the hunt caller archetype: Звериная Ярость, Битва roarACG, Тотем-ЗверьAPG (lesser, normal, and greater), Устрашающий Взгляд, Сумеречное Зрение, Враг Не Уйдет, Первобытное scentUC, quick реакцияes, sprintUC, and Резвый.



Slayers in wilderness environments are masters of using естественная броня terrain to establish combat advantages.



The following Убийца talents can be taken by any Убийца who meets their Предпосылки.

Sticks and Stones (Экс): The Убийца gains Мастер Импровизации as a bonus черта.

SunСвет Strike (Экс): The Убийца can reflect sunlight (or other sources of bright Свет) into the eyes of an adjacent target as a быстрое действие, causing it to gain the растерянность condition for 1 round.

Sure Footing (Экс): The Убийца gains a +5 bonus on Акробатics checks to move on narrow surfaces and loose or uneven ground.

Toxin Training (Экс): The Убийца builds сопротивляемость to certain Ядs over time. Each Время he chooses this talent, he chooses one ability score. He gains a +4 bonus on испытания against Ядs that deal damage to the chosen ability score. The Убийца can choose this talent multiple times. Each Время he does, he chooses a new ability score and gains the bonus on saves against Ядs that target that ability. The Убийца must be at least 4th level and have the Специалист По Ядам talent to select this talent.



Лавинаrs attack from overГолова cliffs and mesas like a landslide of arrows and blades.

Falling Strike (Экс): An Лавинаr excels at dropping onto opponents from higher ground. He gains a +1 bonus on Скрытность checks and attack and damage rolls when he falls at least 10 feet before attacking an opponent. These bonuses stack with any bonuses the Лавинаr receives for charging or attacking from higher ground.

At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses from falling strike increase by 1.

This replaces studied target.

Cliff Прыжокer (Экс): An Лавинаr adds half his level on Акробатics checks to Прыжок or soften a fall. Whenever he attempts an Акробатics check to soften an intentional fall, he reduces the falling damage he takes by an additional 1d6 for every increment of 10 by which his Акробатics check result exceeds the DC (a 2d6 reduction at DC 25, 3d6 at DC 35, and so on). At 11th level, the Лавинаr reduces the DC of his Акробатics checks to soften a fall by 5.

This replaces Выслеживание and Ищейка.

Falling Уклонение (Экс): At 7th level, an Лавинаr gains his bonus to AC from the falling strike ability when a Прыжок or fall carries him through threatened squares. This bonus applies only when he’s Прыжокing, not when he’s using Акробатics to try to avoid attacks of opportunity from moving through threatened squares.

This replaces stalker.

Fall-By Attack (Экс): At 14th level, if the Лавинаr makes a single Прыжок of at least 20 feet in any direction and lands at an elevation at least 10 feet lower than his starting elevation, he can make ranged or melee attacks during his fall as if he were making a full-round attack. He can make any number of attacks in any combination of squares along this single Прыжок, up to his maximum number of attacks, but he can attack a given creature once at most. If the Лавинаr attempts a Прыжок but fails the Акробатics check, he makes no attacks and suffers the consequences of his failed Прыжок normally. At 19th level, he can add his extra damage from Атака Исподтишка against each creature he hits while using this ability, even if the targets have acted in combat or retain their Dexterity bonuses to AC.

This replaces Добыча and Добыча+.

Смерть from Above (Экс): At 20th level, an Лавинаr can take down his foe with a single attack. During a round, if he falls at least 10 feet (the Действие type depends on how he comes to be falling), he can make a single attack at his full базовый модификатор атаки as a основное действие, choosing one of the following effects: kill, Стук без сознания for 1d4 hours, or paralyze for 2d6 rounds. If the attack hits, the target takes damage normally and must succeed at a Стойкость save or suffer the additional effect. The save DC is equal to 20 + 1 for every 10 feet the Лавинаr fell before making the attack (to a maximum of DC 30 for a fall of 100 feet or more). Whether or not the target succeeds, it can’t be targeted by this ability again (by any Лавинаr) for 24 hours.

This replaces master slayer.


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