Woodland Снайпер (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Woodland Снайпер (archetype)

2021-02-05 99
Woodland Снайпер (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Woodland Снайперs are guardians of forest and grove, keeping vigil on their borders and Охота bounties and trespassers from the shelter of sturdy branches.

Tree Лазание er (Экс): A woodland Снайпер adds half his level to Акробатics and Лазание checks to move between, through, or up trees. With a successful DC 15 Акробатics check, he can make ranged attacks with Луки while balancing on branches.

This replaces track.

Ranged Атака Исподтишка (Экс): At 3rd level, whenever a woodland Снайпер makes a ranged attack against a creature within 30 feet that is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), he deals an additional 1d6 points of damage. This damage increases by 1d6 every 3 levels thereafter. Should the woodland Снайпер score a critical hit with his ranged attack, this additional damage is not multiplied.

A woodland Снайпер cannot Использование Атака Исподтишка with a melee attack.

At 6th level and every 3rd level thereafter, the range at which he can make a Атака Исподтишка increases by 10 feet.

This alters Атака Исподтишка.

Still Shot (Экс): At 7th level, when he has cover provided by one or more trees, the woodland Снайпер reduces the penalty on Скрытность checks to remain hidden while sniping by half his Убийца level.

This replaces stalker.

Branchwalking (Экс): At 11th level, the woodland Снайпер gains a лазание быстрое equal to his base быстрое. In addition, at 13th level, he can move from one tree to another via connecting branches by adding 5 to the DC of an Акробатics or Лазание check to move within the canopy. The woodland Снайпер cannot end his movement on a branch that cannot support his weight.

This replaces Ищейка and slayer’s advance.



Ведьмаes Расплывчатость the Линия between Скрытнсти and Божественная power, caЖало наговоры and spells granted by their recondite patrons.



The following наговоры are available to all ведьмаes and Использование the standard rules for ведьмаes found in Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. The save DC for a ведьма’s Наговоры is 10 + half the ведьма’s level + the ведьма’s Intelligence modifier.

City Sight (Св): The ведьма curses a target with the simple Видение of urban mortals. On a failed Стойкость save, the subject loses the Использование of Ночное Зрение, greensight, Сумеречное Зрение, Видеть Во Тьме, and other visual abilities beyond simple sight, but not nonvisual means of внимание like Слепое Зрение, scent, or Чувство Вибрации. This Эффект lasts 1 minute. At 8th level, this Эффект lasts for 10 minutes instead. Whether or not the creature succeeds at the saving throw, it can’t be the target of this Наговоры again for 1 day.

Enemy Ground (Св): The ведьма curses a target with clumsiness when in dangerous terrain. The target takes a –4 penalty on Акробатics checks to move over Скользкий or uneven surfaces and to avoid attacks of opportunity while moving through threatened squares. This Эффект lasts for 1 minute. On a successful Воля save, the penalty is reduced by half and the duration is only 1 round. At 8th level, this penalty increases to –8.

No Place Like Домашняя (Св): The ведьма fills an ally with the safety he feels at Домашняя or inflicts pangs of homesickness to hamper an enemy’s defenses. She chooses a target for the Наговоры within 30 feet. If she chooses an ally, that ally gains a +2 уклонение bonus to AC against traps and on Реакция saves against traps. If she chooses an opponent, that opponent takes a –2 penalty to AC against traps and on Реакция saves against traps. Either way, the effects last for 1 minute. The target can attempt a Воля save to neВрата the effects of the hex. At 8th level, the bonus or penalty increases to 4. At 16th level, the bonus or penalty increases to 6. A creature targeted by this Наговоры cannot be targeted again by this Наговоры for 1 day.

Summer’s Heat (Св): The ведьма surrounds her target with oppressive heat, dealing a number of points of nonlethal damage equal to her ведьма level and causing the target to become утомление. The target can attempt a Стойкость save to reduce this nonlethal damage by half and neВрата the утомление condition. Whether or not the target succeeds at this save, it can’t be the target of this Наговоры again for 1 day.



Ведьмаes can choose the following patrons based on themes of the естественная броня world to further associate the effects of their spellcasting powers with the wilderness.

Autumn: 2nd— Ослабляющий Луч, 4th— Создать Яму APG, 6th— Посмертный Покой, 8th— Едкий Туман UM, 10th— Великое Созидание, 12th— Кислота fog, 14th— Кислотное Извержение UM, 16th— Жуткое Иссушение, 18th— Вой Баньши.

Spring: 2nd— чертаher fall, 4th— Иной Облик, 6th— Щенячья Форма UC, 8th— Истинная Форма APG, 10th— Электрическая Дуга UM, 12th— Цепь Молний, 14th— Управление Погодой, 16th— Штормболт APG, 18th— Время stop.

Summer: 2nd— Вкусные Ягоды, 4th— огненное sphere, 6th— Дневной Свет, 8th— greater огненное sphere ACG, 10th— Огненная Стена, 12th— Сирокко APG, 14th— Солнечный Луч, 16th— Солнечная Вспышка, 18th— Огненное Тело APG.

Thorns: 2nd— thorn javelin ACG, 4th— Гнев APG, 6th— thorny Опутываниеment ACG, 8th— Колючее Тело APG, 10th— Терновая Стена, 12th— Стена Лезвий, 14th— Отторжение, 16th— Меч Волшебника, 18th— Деревянная Фаланга UM.

Winter: 2nd— Непереносимый Холод UM, 4th— Устойчивость К Стихии (Холод only), 6th— Льда storm, 8th— Стена Льда, 10th— Конус of cold, 12th— Морозный Шар, 14th— Управление Погодой, 16th— Морозный Луч, 18th— Полярная Ночь UM.

Woodlands: 2nd— Опутывание, 4th— Ускорение Яда APG, 6th— lily pad stride APG, 8th— Роща Передышки APG, 10th— tree stride, 12th— Отталкивание Дерева, 14th— Оживить Растения, 16th— Власть Над Растениями, 18th— Создание Ходоков.



Ведьмаes who dwell in floodplains or along the banks of predictably dangerous rivers can tap into the underlying potential of surging waters in Орден to enhance their eerie powers.

Alignment: Flood walkers exult in the final gasp for Воздух of a drowning victim and must be Зло in alignment. A flood walker who becomes nonЗло loses access to all abilities granted by this archetype but does not regain any abilities this archetype replaced.

Class Skills: A flood walker gains Выживание and Плавание as class Навыки but does not gain Полет and Лечение as class skills.

This alters the ведьма’s class skills.

Patron Spells: Regardless of which patron a flood walker selects, he replaces some of his patron spells with the following: 4th— aboleth’s lung ARG, 10th— Удушение APG, 16th— Морская Мантия APG, 18th— mass Удушение APG.

This alters the ведьма’s patron spells.

Gasping Breath Аура (Св): A creature attempting to hold its breath within 30 feet of a flood walker is treated as having taken a standard or действие полного хода when determining how long it can hold its breath, regardless of the number and type of actions it takes in a round. At 5th level, increase the DC of Плавание checks attempted within 30 feet of the flood walker by 5, and creatures actively engaged in combat or a similarly strenuous activity Использование Воздух twice as quickly within the aura. The flood walker can exempt creatures within this Аура from these increased penalties.

This replaces the Наговоры gained at 1st level.

River Stride (Св): At 6th level, a flood walker and his фамильяр can walk on the surface of Вода and other liquids as if under the effects of a Вода walk spell. The flood walker chooses at the beginning of his turn each round whether this ability is active or suppressed (for himself and his фамильяр separately), allowing him to walk on Вода or плавание.

This replaces the Наговоры gained at 6th level.

Breath Siphon (Св): At 10th level, a flood walker gains Сила from his patron when creatures suffocate or drown. Whenever a creature with an Intelligence of 3 or higher asphyxiates or drowns within 30 feet of him, the flood walker gains the benefit of a Смерть knell spell for 1 hour. If a flood walker drowns such a victim himself (such as by holding a захват or беспомощьность creature under Вода until it dies or by killing it with a Удушение spell), the duration is doubled, and the flood walker gains 4d8 temporary пункты здоровья and a +6 усиление bonus to Сила instead of the usual temporary пункты здоровья and усиление bonus to Сила from Смерть knell. Like Смерть knell itself, this is an Зло act.

This replaces the Наговоры gained at 10th level.

 Наговоры: The following ведьма наговоры complement the flood walker archetype: Увядание, Крепкие ВолосыUM, Болотная КаргаUM, Дыхание Под ВодойUM.

Major Наговоры: The following Старшие Наговоры complements the flood walker archetype: Контроль Погоды.

Grand Наговоры: The following Великие Наговоры complements the flood walker archetype: естественная броня disaster.



Some ведьмаes dedicate their lives to the mastery of herb lore. Herb ведьмаes brew foul-taЖало medicines, sweet Ядs, and other concoctions from the untamed plants of the wild.

Patron Spells: An herb ведьма must choose a patron with a theme compatible with the needs of the естественная броня world, selected from the following list: ПредкиUM, animals, deathUM, elements, healingUM, plague, strength, timeUM, water, winterUM, wisdom, or woodlands*.

This alters the ведьма’s patron spells.

Herb Знание (Экс): Herb ведьмаes are masters of herbalism, and they can Использование what they gather from garden or grove to duplicate many of the effects of alchemy. An herb ведьма can attempt Профессия (травник) checks in place of Ремесло (алхимик) checks, and she gains a bonus on Профессия (травник) checks equal to half her class level.

Herb ведьмаes are адепт at brewing thick herbal cure-alls called remedies. An herb ведьма prepares these remedies while communing with her фамильяр, during which she can prepare a number of remedies equal to 3 + her Intelligence modifier (minimum 1 remedy). A remedy becomes inert if it leaves the herb ведьма’s possession, reactivating as soon as it returns to her keeping. A ведьма can never have more remedies than 3 + her Intelligence modifier.

As a основное действие, the herb ведьма can administer a remedy to herself or a creature Цель Близка which consumes the remedy. The herb ведьма attempts a Профессия (травник) check against the save DC of any one Болезнь or Отрава currently afflicting the consumer. If she is successful, the affliction is suppressed for 1 minute. At 10th level, if she exceeds the DC of the check by 10 or more, the affliction immediately ends. If the Болезнь or Отрава doesn’t allow испытания, the remedy is ineffective.

An herb ведьма can also Использование a remedy to attempt to remove the слепота, глухота, утомление, тошнота, дезориентация, and ошеломление conditions. This requires a Профессия (травник) check with a DC equal to the spell or Эффект that caused the condition, or a DC 25 check if the condition was caused by an Эффект that doesn’t allow a saving throw. If the herb ведьма succeeds, the condition is removed unless the condition is permanent; at 10th level, if the herb ведьма succeeds by 10 or more, her remedy can remove a permanent condition.

Only a single condition, disease, or Отрава can be removed with each application of a remedy, and a creature can only benefit from one herbal remedy each day, whether or not the herb ведьма succeeds at her skill check.

This replaces the наговоры gained at 1st and 10th levels.

Наговоры: An herb ведьма must select Котёл as her Наговоры  at 2nd level. The following ведьма наговоры complement the herb ведьма archetype: fortune, healing, Пропитка ЯдомUM, Болотная КаргаUM.

Major Наговоры: The following major наговоры complement the herb ведьма archetype: major healing, Контроль Погоды, ведьма’s brewUM.

Grand Наговоры: The following Великие Наговоры complements the herb ведьма archetype: Дарующий Жизнь.



Season ведьмаes gain their power from the cyclical and mystical exchange of energy passed from one season of Природа to another. Often, season ведьмаes carry bitter grudges against their fellow ведьмаes, with many believing that the season prior to their chosen focus is inferior and the season that replaces their favored Время is an usurper of time, but at other times season ведьмаes work together, understanding that all are a part of the cycle of the естественная броня world.

Season of the Ведьма (Св): A season ведьма observes the cycles of Жизнь through symbolic festivals and the very real pasМудрое of time. Their covens celebrate the Сезона and their impact on magic. These seasonal cycles alter their Магия and mind-set, focusing their spells and наговоры on a predominant energy type and philosophy.

A season ведьма makes a commitment to embody the священный symbolism of a season year round, and learns her spells through communion with nature, divining Секреты from shapes in the clouds or the play of leaves on the wind. At 1st level, a season ведьма chooses the season that deКрошечныйs her abilities as her patron; this choice also provides her certain benefits.

A spring ведьма has dominion over the renewing spirit of Жизнь and youth. The save DCs of her spells that deal Электричество damage increase by 1. At 1st level, she gains either the Обольщение Наговоры or маскировка Наговоры as a bonus hex.

A summer ведьма has dominion over growth, the harvest, and toil. The save DCs of her spells that deal Огонь damage increase by 1. At 1st level, she gains either the Удача Наговоры or Неудача Наговоры as a bonus hex.

An autumn ведьма has dominion over the proВидение of the land and the passing of life. The save DCs of her spells that deal Кислота damage increase by 1. At 1st level, she gains either the Губитель Наговоры or Сон Наговоры as a bonus hex.

A Зима ведьма has dominion over hЗемля and home. The save DCs of her spells that deal Холод damage increase by 1. At 1st level, she gains either the healing Наговоры or Опекун Наговоры as a bonus hex.

This alters patron and the Наговоры  gained at 1st level.

Наговоры: The following наговоры complement the season ведьма archetype: Полет (spring), summer’s heat* (summer), Пропитка ЯдомUM (autumn), no place like home* (winter).

Major Наговоры: The following major наговоры complement the season ведьма archetype: Разговор Во СнеUM (spring),                              agony (summer), HoarfrostUM (autumn), major healing (winter).

Grand                                    Наговоры:   The following grand наговоры complement the season ведьма archetype: Принудительная Реинкарнация   (spring), естественная броня disaster (summer), Смертельное Проклятие (autumn), Дарующий Жизнь (winter).

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