Lesser Minor Specific Weapons — КиберПедия 

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Lesser Minor Specific Weapons

2021-02-05 89
Lesser Minor Specific Weapons 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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PRICE D Искуство of recovery (50) 206 gp Prying star 646 gp

Lesser Средний Specific Weapons

PRICE Змеиные Клыки 10,302 gp Courtesan’s ire 10,305 gp Launcher of Отвлечение 10,550 gp

Greater Major Specific Weapons

PRICE Mind’s eye blade 36,302 gp Silent sentry crossbow 38,335 gp



PRICE 10,305 GP

SLOT none

CL 5th


АУРА faint Воплощение and Иллюзия

Elegant as it is смертельный, this +1 fighting fanUE is under a minor Морок that causes it to resemble a nonlethal fan intended for courtly or social affairs, though the Морок lacks the full Защитаs of the glamered weapon quality. Dozens of sharp barbs adorn the top of the fan, typically hidden by the Морок effect. Up to three times per Дня as a основное действие, the wielder can cause these blades to shoot forth, dealing 3d4 points of колющий урон to all creatures in a 15- foot Конус (Реакция DC 14 half). As with all fighting fans, the tips of the weapon can be Ядed. Applied injury Яд affects all creatures that take damage from the fan’s hail of blades, though the save DCs for such Яд are reduced by 2 due to the low dosage.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 5,305 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, маскировка weapon ACG, silver darts ACG




SLOT none

CL 3rd


АУРА faint Воплощение

This +1 чертаherweight dИскуство (see page 232) is designed to be fired from a Небольшой wrist launcher. As with a normal чертаherweight dart, it deals no damage; it instead administers 1 dose of an applied Яд as long as the target doesn’t have Снижение Урона, hardness, or the like. Once the dИскуство has been launched, whether it hits or misses, the creature that fired it can Использование a быстрое действие to Отзыв the dИскуство to a convenient location, such as the palm of a hand or a pocket, removing the dИскуство from the scene of the attack. The magical recovery of the dИскуство does not prevent it from being damaged, so as with other magical ammunition, it can’t be reused.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 106 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, apport object OA



PRICE 10,550 GP

SLOT none

CL 6th

WEIGHT 2 lbs.

АУРА moderate Иллюзия

Twice per day, as a быстрое действие when the wielder of this +1 heavy wrist launcher (see page 232) makes an attack with the weapon, he can have the launcher make no sound, and can instead create a false sound of a crossbow being fired from another location within 40 feet of him. In addition, for 6 rounds, any auras upon the wielder that would normally be revealed by Прорицание spells, such as detect spells, are redirected to the same location as the crossbow sound.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 5,550 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Призрачный Звук, Перен ывапо авление


PRICE 36,302 GP

SLOT none

CL 10th

WEIGHT 1 lb.

АУРА moderate Очарование

The hilt of this ornate +2 dagger is engraved with a depiction of a human clutching the sides of her head. When a creature takes damage from the blade, its mind rejects the presence of the wielder. The blade’s wielder gains concealment (20% miss chance) against the damaged creature’s attacks for 1 round. Multiple hits don’t further increase the concealment Эффект or its duration. This is a Разум effect. Three times per day, when the wielder of a mind’s eye blade выступлениеs a coup de Благодать or Атака Исподтишка against an opponent, the wielder immediately receives a piece of information from the target’s mind. The target can attempt a DC 16 Воля save to neВрата this effect. The target can then attempt a DC 21 Блеф check; if it fails, the wielder gains the information she desires. If the target succeeds at its check, the wielder gains no information. If the target succeeds by 5 or more, however, it can choose what answer to provide, and the wielder believes that answer to be true. Subsequent attempts to gain the same piece of information from the same creature yield the same result. If the wielder doesn’t specify the piece of information she Желаниеes to retrieve, the GM determines what information she learns.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 18,302 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, mind probe OA




SLOT none

CL 9th

WEIGHT 1/10 lb.

АУРА moderate Прорицание and Иллюзия

Eight sharp points jut from the circumference of this eye-shaped +1 shuriken. Once thrown, as long as the target cannot see the user or detect her through other senses, the weapon is completely imperceptible to the target creature (except via Истинное Зрение). If a prying star strikes a target and would normally deal damage, it instead embeds itself in the target and functions as a magical sensor that can see 30 feet (normal Видение only) in all directions. The sensor is невидимость and has no discernible magical aura. If the attack misses or the damage is entirely neВратаd by Снижение Урона, the target becomes aware of the attack as normal. When the character who threw the prying star closes her eyes, she can view what the sensor can see, provided the sensor remains on the same plane of existence. The sensor remains active for 9 minutes, after which the prying star Исчезновение es without a trace.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 326 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Невидимость, Аура Магии, Тишина, vicarious view (see page 229)



PRICE 10,302 GP

SLOT none

CL 9th

WEIGHT 1 lb.

АУРА moderate Воплощение

The brass hilt of this curved +1 dagger resembles a snake coiled around a bone. When a new user unsheathes the dagger for the first time, the weapon lets out a long, ominous hiss. When the user places the tip of the dagger in a vial of injury Яд, the dagger absorbs the dose of Яд and stores it in an extradimensional space. The stored toxin retains its save DC, effects, and all other properties. The dagger can hold a maximum of 5 doses of Яд.

As a быстрое действие, the user can whisper the name of one of the Ядs stored in the dagger, releasing the Яд from its extradimensional space onto the blade of the dagger. When Ядing the dagger in this manner, the wielder can’t accidentally Яд himself, though he still Ядs himself if he rolls a естественная броня 1 on an attack roll.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 5,302 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Потайной Сундук


PRICE 38,335 GP

SLOT none

CL 9th

WEIGHT 2 lbs.

АУРА moderate Воплощение

Popular with ассасинs and карательs due to its ease of concealment and lack of need for ammunition, this durable +2 endless ammunitionUE Свет crossbow is ремеслоed from Дерево blackened over an alchemically treated fire. When used in conjunction with the Скрытность skill, the silent sentry crossbow reduces the penalty imposed by sniping by 5. Three times per day, the wielder can Огонь two невидимость magical bolts that deal no damage. These bolts must each be fired at a solid surface, into which they embed themselves. As long as both bolts have an unobstructed Линия between them, no longer than 180 feet, they create an невидимость 1-inch-wide Линия between themselves. The wearer is mentally alerted anyВремя a visible Маленький or Крупныйr creature passes through this line, and gains a Видение of the creature’s appearance. Creatures that can see невидимость objects can see the line, and if they recognize it for what it is, they can duck under it or leap over it, thus avoiding detection. The bolts last for 6 hours before they dissipate.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 19,335 GP Ремесло Магия Arms and Armor, Сигнал Тревоги, Малое Созидание, Тишина



Rings bestow magical powers upon their wearers. Anyone can Использование a ring, but a character can gain the benefits of only two Магия rings at a time.



Greater Minor Ring

PRICE Communique ring 6,000 gp

Greater Средний Ring

PRICE Rings of bondage 18,200 gp

Swarmwalker’s ring 26,000 gp

Lesser Major Ring

PRICE Rings of bondage, greater 42,000 gp

Greater Major Ring

PRICE Ring of the Тень victim 101,000 gp




PRICE 6,000 GP

SLOT ring

CL 6th


АУРА moderate Превращение

Created in pairs, these simple golden rings allow for short-range communication between the wearers. The listed price and Стоимость are for both rings. As long as the wearers are within 1 mile of one another, they can communicate by whispering, causing the other ring to whisper the words to the recipient. Words spoken into or recited by a communique ring can be heard by nearby creatures if the wearer speaks too loudly. A communique ring transmits sound only while worn, and a wearer can remove the ring if she needs to be silent. Only magical Тишина or дальнобойное воля block this communication, and wearers can speak through walls and other obstructions normally. The rings pick up only sound directly spoken into them by the wearer with the intent to transmit, not ambient sounds or the voices of other creatures.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 3,000 GP Создание Колец, Сообщение


PRICE 101,000 GP

SLOT ring

CL 7th


АУРА   moderate Иллюзия

This smooth, lusterless gray ring is ремеслоed of dark glass and has the image of a body carved into its band. Once per day, the wearer of this ring can выступление a complex mental and словесный ritual, repeatedly whispering the ring’s Приказ word, while touching any humanoid corpse that has been мертв for less than 1 week. The creature must have had 7 Кости Здоровья or fewer in life. This ritual can be as short as 1 round or could last up to 24 hours. It requires both total focus and constant contact between the ring, the wearer, and the target corpse. Interruption of any kind spoils the ritual, requiring the wearer to begin anew. The wearer of the ring chooses how long this ritual воля last, but that decision must be made before she begins the ritual. On the ritual’s completion, an illusory duplicate of the creature touched—partially real and formed of animate Льда cloaked in magical shadow—springs into existence. This functions as lesser Симулякр in all ways unless stated otherwise. The wearer of this ring gains a +10 bonus on the Маскировка check when performing  this ritual. The Тень creature appears in all ways to be hearty and full of life, equipped with all of the gear and clothing that was carried or worn by the corpse throughout the ritual. At the same moment the Тень creature is completed, the targeted corpse and all of its attendant equipment Исчезновение es, melting away like snow. The false creature brought into existence by the ring of the Тень victim has the same base ability scores, type, and subtype as the targeted corpse. It appears in all ways to be the same individual as the corpse touched, and it retains the general personality, attitude, abilities, and intellect of that creature. However, this duplicate doesn’t possess any memories that 241 the wearer of the ring doesn’t also possess, has no spell-like or superестественная броня abilities, can’t Использование activated Необычная abilities, can’t gain the benefits of Изhealing, can’t gain levels or increase its abilities, and can’t have more than 3 Кости Здоровья. This false creature behaves much like the target did in life, except it has a starting attitude of helpful toward the ring’s wearer and is generally willing to assist the wearer in any endeavor. The Тень creature воля take nearly any Действие to Помощь the wearer of the ring, including dangerous, foolish or suicidal actions. This semi-illusory creature remains in existence for a duration equal to 7 Ч the length of the initial ritual that created it, until the wearer removes the ring of the Тень victim, until the wearer activates the ring again, or until the creature is destroyed by violence, whichever comes first. At that time, the duplicate Исчезновение es and the original corpse, unchanged from when the initial ritual was completed, appears in its place.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 50,500 GP Создание Колец, Иной Облик, Посмертный Покой, lesser Симулякр UM



PRICE 18,200 GP

SLOT ring

CL 7th


АУРА   moderate Очарование

These rings are forged in pairs, establishing a mental connection between the two creatures wearing them, designating one as the master and the other as the servant. The listed price and Стоимость are for both rings. Creatures wearing rings of bondage can understand one another’s speech. The wearer of the master ring gains a +6 бонус мастерства on Проницательность checks against the servant and is continuously aware of the location and general condition of the wearer of the servant ring, as the Состояние spell. In addition, once per day, the wearer of the master ring of bondage can impose her воля upon the wearer of the servant ring, compelling the servant to выступление or refrain from an Действие as if subjected to a lesser geas (Воля DC 16 negates).

Alternatively, this Эффект can be executed as a contract between the wearers: as long as the wearer of the master ring is a valid target for lesser geas, she can accept a lesser geas dictated by the wearer of the servant ring. In such an event, neither wearer is entitled to a saving throw and both are compelled by the lesser geas to fulfill the terms of the agreement. If the wearer of the servant ring is Unwilling to agree to such a contract, she can always select a lesser geas such as “remove the lesser geas from me.” As long as a lesser geas imposed by a ring of bondage remains in effect, neither ring can be removed. If either ring is destroyed, the effects of the lesser geas remain in place, but the surviving ring can’t create a new lesser geas until the missing ring is repaired or replaced. If a mutual lesser geas is accepted and one lesser geas is ended, both lesser geas effects end simultaneously. A target can have a ring of bondage forcibly placed on its finger, but only if that creature is беспомощьность.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 9,100 GP Создание Колец, Чтение Мыслей, lesser geas, Убежище, Поделиться Языком APG, Состояние


PRICE 42,000 GP

SLOT ring

CL 11th


АУРА   moderate Очарование

These specialized rings function as rings of bondage, but a Приказ imposed by the wearer of the master ring (including a mutual agreement affecting both wearers) takes 10 minutes to activate, is permanent, and functions as Гейс/Миссия, except a DC 16 Воля save still negates it. In addition, the wearer of the master ring gains a continuous Убежище (DC 16) Эффект against the wearer of the servant ring, with a save required for every attack the servant makes against the master (including area attacks, but no save is required when directing allies or controlled creatures to attack the wearer); a failed save prevents only that single attack. Each Время the servant successfully attacks the master, he must succeed at a second DC 16 Воля save or be affected as Проклятие.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 21,000 GP Создание Колец, Проклятие, Чтение Мыслей, Гейс/Миссия, Убежище, Поделиться Языком APG, Состояние


PRICE 26,000 GP

SLOT ring

CL 7th


АУРА   moderate Воплощение

This shining, ash-white ring of bone is ремеслоed to look like countless interlocking rat fangs, set with a dozen dark, garnet eyes like those of albino sewer-hunters. The wearer of this ring can utter a Приказ word to call forth 1d3 rat swarms within 40 feet. These swarms each act immediately and Исчезновение after 7 rounds. They are independent and not under the wearer’s control, though the wearer is immune to the effects and attacks of any swarm created through Использование of this ring. Alternatively, upon Приказ, the ring’s wearer can Использование Дверь В Пространстве. This magical transportation must begin and end in a square that includes a swarm summoned by Использование of this ring. This ring’s abilities can be used a total of three times per day, in any combination. An urban друид (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 101) wearing this ring can gain one additional Использование per Дня by Expending three daily uses of her Природный Облик ability.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 13,000 GP Создание Колец, Дверь В Пространстве, Призыв Стаи Тварей


Wondrous Items

Wondrous items are diverse. Some must be worn in a specific Магия item slot in Орден to work, while others must merely be possessed or utilized. “Wondrous items” is a catchall category for anything that doesn’t fall into other groups such as weapons, staves, and so on. Anyone can Использование a wondrous item, unless the item specifies otherwise.

There are two main categories of wondrous items: slotted and slotless. Slotted items take up a Магия item slot, and must be worn by those who want to benefit from them. Slotless items are often use-activated or triggered by a Приказ word.



Least Minor Wondrous Items


Raucous canard 100 gp

Glittering trinket 120 gp

Accent pill 300 gp

Quick-change mask 650 gp

Polish of inconspicuous armor 750 gp

Тень hand Дыма pellet 800 gp

Murderer’s Тишина 900 gp

Lesser Minor Wondrous Items


Время Бомбы 1,000 gp

Courier’s secure pouch 1,600 gp

Fan of flirting 1,700 gp

Ink of mimicry 1,950 gp

Candle of comity 2,000 gp

Candle of drowsiness 2,500 gp

Coat of pockets 2,500 gp

Pipe of revealing mists 2,592 gp

Ghost needle 3,600 gp

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