Eldest                  AL Title             Areas of Concern Domains      Subdomains Favored Weapon — КиберПедия 

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Eldest                  AL Title             Areas of Concern Domains      Subdomains Favored Weapon

2021-02-05 82
Eldest                  AL Title             Areas of Concern Domains      Subdomains Favored Weapon 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Count Ranalc           CN  The Traitor    Betrayal, exiles, Chaos, Тьма,    Исследование, Loss, Rapier

shadows                                                                           Nobility, Travel Martyr, Night

The Green Mother NE The FeaЖало Flower Carnivorous plants,                     Charm, Earth,   Caves, Decay, Sickle

intrigue, seduction                                                              Evil, Plant       Growth, Lust

Imbrex                 LN  The Twins     Endings, Статуяs, twins Сфера Товарищества, Earth,  Family, Home, Dire flail

Law, Strength                                                                                              Metal, Resolve

The Lantern King    CN The Laughing Lie Laughter, mischief, Chaos, Charm,   Хитрости, Love, Dagger

Преобразование                                                               Madness, Trickery Lust, Thievery

The Lost Prince          N The Melancсвященное Lord Forgotten things,                                  Знание, Madness,  Предки, Безумие,                        Quarterstaff

sadness, solitude                                                                 Nobility, Repose Martyr, Memory

Magdh                  LN  The Three     Complexity, fate, Знание, Law, Curse, Fate,    Scythe

triplets                                                                              Удача, Бегунe Thought, Wards

Ng                        N The Hooded   Seasons, secrets,  Знание, Magic, Исследование, Seasons, Gauntlet

wanderers                                                                         Travel, Weather Thought, Trade

Ragadahn               CE The Вода Lord Linnorms, oceans, Chaos, Evil,      Предки, DragonB6, Whip

spirals                                                                               ScalykindB6, Water Oceans, VenomB6

Shyka                    N The Many      Entropy, reincarnation,                    Death, Уничтожение, Arcane, Катастроф, Свет mace

time                                                                                  Madness, Magic Divine, Безумие


A trapped character can Поддержка her chances of success when bargaining with the animus shade by offering a bribe of Магия items or исполнение a service. Each animus shade’s desires for bribes or service should vary, generally representing strange distortions of the trapped character’s personality. For example, a trapped бард might be required to выступление a humiliating display of self-mockery, or a варвар might be required to undertake a diplomatic mission without resorting to combat. Services rendered to an animus shade take place in a mindscПримат (see Оккультизм Adventures) and typically require three out of five successful skill checks to complete. Bribes must be in the form of a valued magical item worth at least 500 gp per character level of the trapped character. If the service or bribe is successful, the trapped character can roll her opposed Charisma check twice (applying a +4 bonus on each roll) and Использование the better of the two rolls as her actual result when resolving the opposed Charisma check against the animus shade.

A trapped creature can always opt to simply fight the animus shade, as both are on the Ethereal Plane, though neither can move more than 30 feet from the phantom ring. If the animus shade is slain, the trapped character reappears in the Material Plane and the phantom ring becomes inert for 2d4 days before becoming active again.

Once a creature escapes from a phantom ring, the hazard relocates to a random location within 1d6 miles.


Pixie Pollen (CR 2)

When strange spores or magical seeds from the First World sprout up through the planar verge, they can graft themselves onto улучшения flowering plants. Such plants flower profusely and in vivid colors of unearthly beauty, even blooming out of season. While this may be seen as a mark of Божественная Благословениеing for their fecundity, this Фея influence also infuses their естественная броня nectar and pollen with a Сновидениеy, soporific quality that entices the unwary to drowsy contemplation.

Animals, humanoids, and monstrous humanoids that come within 30 feet of a Сфера Растений that exudes pixie pollen must succeed at a DC 10 Воля save or become drowsy and inattentive of their surroundings, caught up in the loveliness of the flowers. Creatures that succeed at their испытания but remain within the area must each attempt a new save once per minute to stave off the effects of the pixie pollen.

Affected creatures take a –5 penalty on Внимание checks and a –2 penalty on испытания against Сон effects; each such creature must attempt an additional Воля save at the end of each round it remains within the area or become завороженность and Unwilling to leave. If the Завораживание Эффект is сломан by an attack or through the help of an ally, a drowsy creature must attempt a new Воля save each round to avoid becoming завороженность again.

In addition, each minute a drowsy creature remains within an area of pixie pollen, it must also succeed at a DC 10 Стойкость save or become утомление (or бессилие if already утомление). An бессилие creature that fails this save falls спящий for 1 minute, after which Время it can attempt a new Стойкость save once per hour to Пробуждение. Creatures with the Двужильный черта can apply that bonus on their Стойкость save against this effect.

The effects of pixie pollen are superестественная броня, mind- affecting Сон effects.


Weeping Waste (CR 10)

There are places of desolation and loneliness in the wild— trackless regions without a trace of intelligent habitation to be found. In such places, the sense of desperation and isolation can crush the spirit of a sentient being, reducing victims to tearful hopelessness and unending despair, but few such regions are as dangerous as the weeping wastes.

A weeping waste can be found in any kind of terrain, though they are most common in deserts and plains. Always sizable, they might be a few miles across or might stretch on for hundreds of leagues. Some weeping wastes are shrouded in an endless, gray drizzle that chills and soaks to the bone, while others are utterly cloudless, with no change in the vast and empty dome of the Небо above.

The sinister influence of the weeping waste Расплывчатостьs the horizon in every direction both above and beyond the естественная броня bleakness of the land, obliterating any trace of Скакунains or естественная броня landmarks more than 1 mile away unless the viewer succeeds at a DC 20 Воля save; this is an Иллюзия effect. A creature failing this save takes a –10 penalty on Выживание checks to avoid getting lost. Spells that Помощь navigation such as Определение Нывапоавления, Поиск Предмета, or Поиск Пути (or the ability to sense direction and дальнобойное from a Состояние spell) function in a weeping waste only if the caster succeeds at a DC 20 caster level check. Естественная броня tracks left by creatures fade with astonishing swiftness within a weeping waste, increasing the DC to Выслеживание by 1 for every minute that has passed since the tracks were made, rather than increasing by 1 every 24 hours.

The privations of surviving in the wild are felt more keenly in a weeping waste. A creature that fails a Выживание check to avoid getting lost or a sentient creature with Intelligence of 3 or higher that fails a Constitution check or Стойкость save to avoid taking nonlethal damage from a Холод or hot environment, hunger or thirst, or a forced march or other exertion must succeed at a Воля save against the same DC. Non-humanoids gain a +4 bonus on this Воля save. Creatures that fail this save are driven to melancсвященное and are affected as if by Сокрушительное Отчаяние, which persists until either the nonlethal damage is removed or the affected creature spends 24 hours outside of the weeping waste, whichever comes first; if no save is allowed to avoid nonlethal damage, no save is allowed against this crushing despВоздух either. In addition to the spell’s usual effects, affected creatures cannot benefit from боевой дух effects.

Even for creatures able to resist the depths of depression, traveling through a weeping waste instills an insidious loneliness and melancсвященное that leaves sentient humanoids desperate for friendly contact. They become blindly trusting, taking a –5 penalty on Проницательность checks and a –2 penalty on saves against Обольщение effects, and they take a –5 penalty on initiative checks if combat begins directly after they converse with an intelligent creature. This lonely desperation persists for 1d4 days after leaving the weeping waste.



The First World shares its place in existence with the Material Plane, and in some places, the boundary between the planes wears thin. The Material Plane’s influence on the First World manifests as regions of stubborn stability called “bДосягаемость scars,” which the First World’s denizens regard with disgust. On the Material Plane, the Фея realm’s influence erodes the laws of Время and space and transforms reality in its wake. Sometimes, this influence manifests as an echo of the First World. An echo of the First World functions (and is designed) as a haunt (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Проводник 242), but unlike haunts, they are damaged by negative energy and лечениеed by positive energy. These echoes can be any alignment, but they are almost always Хаос neutral. Three sample echoes are detailed on page 133, but countless others certainly exist.

Overcharge: Positive energy and healing effects лечение echoes of the First World. If such healing would cause an echo of the First World to exceed its normal maximum пункты здоровья, it gains half the excess as temporary пункты здоровья until those пункты здоровья are spent or 1 minute has passed since it last gained temporary пункты здоровья in this manner. As long as an echo of the First World has at least 1 temporary hit point gained in this way, it also gains its overcharge ability, which is listed in each of the following stat blocks.



XP 4,800

N persistent variant haunt (30-ft. radius) Аура moderate Воплощение (calling) Caster Level 13th

Notice Внимание DC 18 (to see rippling, rainbow-hued distortions in the air)

hp 27; Weakness negative energy (see page 132);

Trigger proximity

Эффект As soon as a Небольшой or Крупныйr creature enters the area of a dimensional tear, it is affected as if by plane Сдвиг and must succeed at a Воля save (DC 21) or be immediately transported to the First World. When this occurs, a creature from the First World (determined randomly from the summon nature’s

ally VI list) is Телепортацияed to a space adjacent to the echo, determined by the GM. The creature has a starting attitude of hostile.

Overcharge Determine the First World creature called using the Призыв Природного Союзника VII list instead, and then add the Фея creature template (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4).

Уничтожение A character with plane Сдвиг prepared can attempt to counterspell the echo’s effect. Successfully doing so destroys the dimensional tear.



XP 9,600

CN persistent variant haunt (80-ft. radius)

Аура moderate Очарование (Принуждение) [Разум]

Caster Level 9th

Notice Внимание or Знание (природа) DC 15 (to notice drifting motes of shimmering pollen in the air)

hp 45; Weakness negative energy (see page 132);

Trigger proximity

Эффект Every minute a creature spends within an enchanting demise, that creature must succeed at a DC 25 Воля save or fall спящий as though affected by Глубокий Сон. Creatures that fail this save and fall спящий take 1 point of Мудрость drain each minute they Сон within the area of an enchanting demise. A creature that succeeds at this Воля saving throw remains awake, but it must attempt a new saving throw after 1 minute if it does not leave the enchanting demise’s area. A creature reduced to 0 Мудрость by this Эффект dies and blooms into a field of colorful wildflowers with a radius of 5 feet per Кость Здоровья the creature had. If this radius would extend beyond the radius of the enchanting demise, it instead expands the radius of the echo out to the bОрден of the created wildflowers.

The presence of such wildflowers reduces the Внимание DC to notice the echo by 2.

Overcharge Сонing creatures take 1d4 points of Мудрость drain each minute instead of 1 per minute.

Уничтожение A character with the Lucid СновидениеerOA черта who falls спящий in an enchanting demise intrusion can attempt to destroy it permanently in the Dimension of Сновидениеs.

When such a character falls спящий, he receives one attempt to successfully form a lucid body (Оккультизм Adventures 242) without disadvantage. If he fails this check, he does not successfully lucid Сновидение and remains in a Сновидениеless slumber. If the character succeeds at this check, he can immediately attempt a DC 15 Charisma check to affect the boundary between the Dimension of Сновидениеs, the Material Plane, and the First World. If he succeeds, the enchanting demise is destroyed and all Сонing creatures in its area wake up. If the character fails, he immediately ceases lucid Сновидениеing and falls into a deep, Сновидениеless Сон.



XP 1,200

CN variant haunt (20-ft. radius)

Аура moderate Очарование (Принуждение)

Caster Level 7th

Notice Внимание DC 10 (to notice nearby strange footprints and hear rustling in nearby underbrush)

hp 8; Weakness negative energy (see page 132);

Trigger proximity; Reset 1 week

Эффект Strange Сфера Животных noises pervade the underbrush within the area of the echo, and strange tracks can be easily discovered. Non-Фея viewing the tracks are завороженность by them and are compelled to follow (DC 16 Воля negates).

Each creature that fails this save follows a different set of tracks only it can perceive, moving in a random direction for up to 1 minute at a быстрое of 20 feet per round. This Эффект continues even if the creature leaves the echo’s area. At the end of each of its turns following the tracks, a creature can attempt a new Воля saving throw to neВрата the effect. If it fails three such испытания, the creature must follow the tracks for the remaining duration. Сломать Очарование or a similar Эффект cast on an affected creature removes this Принуждение. This is a Разум effect.

Overcharge Creatures viewing the tracks and compelled by the echo are not allowed subsequent saves, and must follow the tracks for 1 hour instead of 1 minute, unless the Принуждение on the creature is removed by Сломать Очарование or a similar effect.

Уничтожение A character who succeeds at her initial saving throw against the Принуждение can attempt to deal damage against the echo by disrupting the original tracks. This requires the Использование of Выживание as a действие полного хода. With a successful DC 24 Выживание check, such a character deals 1d6 points of damage to the echo. If the result of the Выживание check used in this way is a естественная броня 20, she deals 2d6 points of damage to the echo instead. CaЖало Поиск Пути and touching the tracks (treating it as a creature for this use) destroys the haunt instantly.

Foraging and Salvaging

When far from the ремеслоers and the markets of the city, an adventurer needs to have skill in foraging and salvaging to acquire materials and repВоздух useful gear.



These foraging techniques assume a search in a typically bountiful wilderness area. The exact Время required to foЯрость for supplies depends on the specific supplies desired and the type of terrain being searched, as does the DC of the skill check to successfully foЯрость, as listed on Table 4–4 below. As a general rule, a character who spends more than 8 hours per Дня foraging becomes утомление.

The base amount of Время required to foЯрость for supplies depends on the type of supplies you’re searching for, as listed in each supply category below. When foraging, multiply this base Время by the terrain’s “foЯрость factor” as listed on the table below. Whether the terrain in question counts as standard, barren, or abundant depends on the type of terrain being searched, what is begin searched for, and the GM’s discretion (for example, a remote shoreЛиния may qualify as abundant for the purposes of foraging for tools and weapons, but barren for the purposes of foraging for herbs), but in most cases, the standard category should be used. Rugged terrain includes all terrain with difficult physical obstacles (numerous steep Скакунainsides or cliffs, particularly dense undergrowth, or any other terrain where the seЛучник’s movement type is impeded), and its foЯрость factor stacks with other foЯрость factors for different types of terrain.

Table 4–4: Foraging

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