Wasteland meditant (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Wasteland meditant (archetype)

2021-02-05 79
Wasteland meditant (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Some монахs journey to remote and isolated corners of the world to find Безмятежность and a heightened sense of awareness.

Dehydrating Strike (Св): As a свободное действие as part of a melee attack, a wasteland meditant can draw the moisture out of a living creature damaged by his Мастер Кулачного Боя. Unless the creature succeeds at a Воля save (DC = 10 + half the монах’s level + his Мудрость modifier), the creature is утомление for a number of rounds equal to half the wasteland meditant’s level (minimum 1). At 5th level, the creature struck is also ошеломление for 1 round if it fails its save. At 10th level, a creature that fails its save is бессилие instead of утомление.

When used against a Сфера Растений creature or a creature with the Вода subtype, dehydrating strike inflicts the above conditions (as applicable) on a failed save and also deals 1d6 points of damage, plus 1d6 additional points of damage at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter. This damage is in addition to the wasteland meditant’s normal Мастер Кулачного Боя damage. A wasteland meditant can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + his Мудрость modifier but only once per round.

Creatures immune to critical hits or precision damage are immune to this ability.

This replaces Шокирующий Кулак.

Энергия (Экс): At 2nd level, when a wasteland meditant succeeds at a Стойкость save against an Эффект with a partial Эффект on a successful save, he instead suffers no effect.

This replaces evasion.

Desert Strider (Экс): At 4th level, a wasteland meditant ignores movement penalties for difficult terrain when in desert terrain. Additionally, he kicks up dust around his body whenever he выступлениеs a Двустороннее действие движения in desert terrain. This dust grants the wasteland meditant concealment. The miss chance granted by this concealment starts at 10% at 4th level and increases by 10% at 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 80% at 18th level. This concealment lasts until the start of the meditant’s next turn and stacks with any concealment provided by movement, such as from the Ветер Stance черта.

This replaces Замедление Падения.

Improved Энергия  (Экс): At 9th level, a wasteland meditant’s Энергия  ability improves. He still takes no damage on a successful Стойкость saving throw against attacks, but henceforth he takes only half damage on a failed save.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Pillar of Salt (Св): At 15th level, a wasteland meditant can transform a creature’s body into a column of crumbling salt with a touch. He can Использование pillar of salt once per Дня as part of an Мастер Кулачного Боя, and he must announce his intent before making his attack roll. Creatures immune to critical hits or Превращение effects cannot be affected. A creature successfully damaged by the wasteland meditant’s Мастер Кулачного Боя must succeed at a Стойкость saving throw (DC = 10 + half the монах’s level + his Мудрость modifier) or begin to calcify. Each round thereafter, the target of pillar of salt takes 2 points of Сила and Dexterity drain and gains a +1 bonus to its естественная броня armor as a crust of salt begins to cover its body and restrict movement. These effects take place every round at the start of the wasteland meditant’s turn and continue for 1 round per level the wasteland meditant has. If the target is reduced to 0 Сила or Dexterity at any Время during this duration, the creature is instantly killed and its body is transformed into a pillar of salt. A creature killed in this way can’t be brought back to Жизнь except by Чудо, true Воскрешения, or Желание. Total immersion in Вода suppresses the ongoing effects of pillar of salt but resets the accumulated естественная броня armor bonus to zero. As long as the target lives, the ongoing Эффект of pillar of salt can be ended via a лечение spell.

This replaces Дрожащая Ладонь.



Вода dancers derive their martial training from ancient nereid traditions jealously guarded by these enigmatic fey.

Elemental Focus (Su and Sp): A Вода dancer gains the elemental focus ability of the kineticistOA class, but must choose Вода as his element. He gains the basic hydrokinesis wild talent as normal, and gains the kinetic blast feature of the kineticist class for the Вода element, using his монах level as his effective kineticist level. He can’t Использование his kinetic blast when armored or encumbered.

This replaces Град Ударов, Шокирующий Кулак, and Дрожащая Ладонь.

Nereid’s Благодать (Св): When unarmored and unencumbered, a Вода dancer adds 1 point of Бонус Харизмы per монах level to his Armor Class as a уклонение bonus. If he is caught застигнут врасплох or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus, he also loses this bonus. He uses his Charisma score instead of his Мудрость score to determine the размер of his Запас Энергии Ци and the DC and effects of монах class features.

This replaces the bonus черта the монах normally gains at 1st level.

Мастер Кулачного Боя: A Вода dancer gains the Мастер Кулачного Боя монах class feature but treats his Мастер Кулачного Боя damage as that of a монах 4 levels lower (minimum 1st level).

This alters Мастер Кулачного Боя.

Burn (Экс): At 2nd level, a Вода dancer gains the burn class feature of the kineticist class.

This replaces evasion.

Wild Talents: At 2nd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a Вода dancer selects a new utility wild talent from the list of options available to the kineticist class, treating his монах level – 2 (minimum 1) as his kineticist

level for the purpose of fulfilling Предпосылки as well as for level- dependent effects of the utility talent. He can select only Универсализм wild talents or those that match his element (see elemental focus above). At 6th, 10th, and 16th levels, he can replace one of his utility wild talents with another wild talent of the same level or lower. He can’t replace a wild talent that he used to qualify for another of his wild talents.

This replaces the bonus черты at 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th levels.

Вода Dance (Св): At 4th level, a Вода dancer can move across any liquid surface as though it were solid ground up to a maximum дальнобойное of 20 feet before falling through the liquid’s surface as normal. This дальнобойное increases by 10 feet at 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 90 feet at 18th level. Additionally, at 10th level the Вода dancer can even move vertically up Вода surfaces (such as a flowing waterfall) as though under the effects of spider лазание. If he Бегунs out of movement before reaching a solid surface when лазаниеing a vertical Вода source, he immediately falls.

This replaces Замедление Падения.

Metakinesis (Св): At 9th level, a Вода dancer gains the ability to alter his kinetic blasts as the kineticist’s metakinesis (empower) class feature.

This replaces Уклонение+.

Вода Stride (Пс): At 12th level, a Вода dancer can leap from one source of Вода to another as per Дверь В Пространстве as a действие движения by Expending 1 point of ki from his ki pool. He must begin and end his movement in a space of Вода equal to his размер. He cannot take other creatures with him when he uses this ability.

This replaces Беспрепятственный Шаг.



Many occultists Сфера Путешествий the world searching for treasured relics through which they can Поток their power. While for most occultists these must be artifacts ремеслоed by mortal hands, some occultists can tease out the psychic significance hiding within естественная броня wonders such as a mesmerizing geode or a piece of fossilized Дерево twisted into an interesting shape. These occultists learn to make contact with the Приведение of Природа or draw Магия from the land itself.



A geomancer studies every type of land, deriving power from the differences between types of terrain.

Class Skills: A geomancer adds Знание (география), Знание (природа), and Выживание to his list of class Навыки instead of Механика, Знание (инженерное дело), and Знание (религия).

This alters the occultist’s class skills.

Geomantic Focus (Св): When a geomancer invests mental focus into his implements for the day, he can store some of it in the surrounding terrain. As long as he remains in physical contact with the terrain, he gains the выживаниеist resonant power and the ability to Использование the terrain stride, dominion, and wall of terrain focus powers as appropriate for his level.

This alters mental focus.

Geomancy (Св): A geomancer learns one fewer implement school at 1st level. Instead, the spells that he knows are partially determined by the type of terrain he is currently in (and the level of spells he can cast). When he leaves a type of terrain, he loses знание of the spells that terrain grants and instead knows the spells granted by the new type of terrain he has entered. If a specific terrain falls into more than one category, the geomancer chooses which list of spells he receives when he enters the terrain. The spells at each круг заклинания for the various types of terrain are listed below.

Cold: 1st— ледяноеbite UM, 2nd— Ошеломляющее Касание UM, 3rd— Пурга, 4th— creeping ice ACG, 5th— Ледяная Тюрьма UM, 6th— Морозный Шар.

Desert: 1st— Солнце metal UC, 2nd— Зыбучий Песок APG, 3rd— Проклятие Жажды APG, 4th— Огонь щит, 5th— Пламя strike, 6th— Сирокко APG.

Forest: 1st— Опутывание, 2nd— Облик Дерева, 3rd— Разговор С Растениями, 4th— Древесный Молот UM, 5th— tree stride, 6th— Сторожевой Дуб.

Jungle: 1st— nauseating dart ACG, 2nd— sickening Опутывание ment ACG, 3rd— Ядовитый Болт APG, 4th— Яд, 5th— Змеиный Посох APG, 6th— Рой Кожи APG.

Скакун ain: 1st— Камень fist APG, 2nd— Камень call APG, 3rd— Камень shape, 4th— Поток Обсидиана UC, 5th— cave fangs *, 6th— Движение Грунта. Plains: 1st— Скакун, 2nd— Порыв Ветра, 3rd— Сфера Растений growth, 4th— Аспект of the stag APG, 5th— Управление Ветрами, 6th— whip of

ants ACG.

Planes (Other Than the Material Plane): 1st— Защита От Непогоды, 2nd— Фокус С Веревкой, 3rd— Мерцание, 4th— Пространственный Якорь, 5th— Планарная Адаптация APG, 6th— Планарный Переход.

Swamp: 1st— mudball ARG, 2nd— Взрыв of nettles UM, 3rd— lily pad stride APG, 4th— Замедление ing mud ACG, 5th— Призыв Ос, 6th— mass Загноение APG.

Underground: 1st— Оперативные Раскопки APG, 2nd— Ночное Зрение, 3rd— Слияние С Камнем, 4th— Эхолокация UM, 5th— Удушение APG, 6th— Вызов Черного Пудинга UM.

Urban: 1st— urban Благодать ARG, 2nd— Поделиться Языком APG, 3rd— urban step UI, 4th— Укромное Место, 5th— Телепатическая Связь, 6th— Статуя.

Water: 1st— Воздух bubble UC, 2nd— На Гребне APG, 3rd— Вода breathing, 4th— Жидкая Форма APG, 5th— Гейзер APG, 6th— Власть Над Водой.

This alters implements.

Выживание ist (Св): At 2nd level, a geomancer gains a +1 bonus on Выживание checks for every point of mental focus invested in the terrain (to a maximum equal to his occultist level).

This replaces Магия item skill.

Terrain Stride (Св): At 5th level, as a быстрое действие, a geomancer can Расход 1 point of mental focus invested in the terrain to increase all of his movement быстроеs by 10 feet. At 5th level, the geomancer can Расход 2 points of mental focus invested in the terrain to instead increase all of his movement быстроеs by 20 feet. This affects only movement быстроеs he already has.

This replaces Аура sight.

Dominion (Св): At 7th level, as a основное действие, a geomancer can Расход 1 or more points of mental focus invested in the terrain to infИспользование himself and each of his allies within 30 feet of him with the might of the land. Affected creatures gain a +1 боевой дух bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Стойкость saves for every point of mental focus Expended. These bonuses last for 1 minute and can’t exceed one-quarter the geomancer’s occultist level.

This replaces the focus power gained at 7th level.

Wall of Terrain (Пс): At 13th level, as a основное действие, a geomancer can Расход 3 points of mental focus invested in the terrain to fashion a solid wall of the surrounding terrain, no matter its actual composition. This functions as per Каменная Стена, using the geomancer’s occultist level as his caster level. By Expending an extra point of generic mental focus, he can increase the hardness of the wall to 10 and give it an extra 5 пункты здоровья per inch of thickness.

This replaces the focus power gained at 13th level.


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