Whipхвост многоножка, гигант — КиберПедия 

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Whipхвост многоножка, гигант

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The long thin tendrils that lПраха out from this centipede’s Хвост can Сбивание С Ног foes with surprising ease.

Starting Statistics: Размер Средний; Быстрое 40 ft., лазание 40 ft.; AC +3 естественная броня armor; Attack Укус (1d6 plus Яд); Ability Scores Str 9, Dex 13, Con 13, Int —, Wis 10, Cha 2; Special Attacks Отрава (frequency 1 round [4]; Эффект 1d2 Dex damage; cure 1 save; Con-based DC); Special Qualities Ночное Зрение 60 ft.; CMD can’t be tripped.

7th-Level Advancement: Размер Крупный; AC +2 естественная броня armor; Attack Укус (1d8 plus Яд), Удар Хвостом† (1d2 nonlethal plus trip); Ability Scores Str +8, Dex –2, Con +4.

† This attack gains no bonus from the creature’s Сила score on damage rolls.

 Верный Зверь Archetypes

Верный Зверь archetypes modify Верный Зверьs’ standard abilities, similar to how class archetypes modify player characters’ class features. You can typically apply these archetypes to Верный Зверьs, рыцарь Скакунs, and паладин Связанный Скакунs. These archetypes function by swapping out certain abilities that are common to standard companions and replacing them with new abilities tailored to a particular theme; if a particular Верный Зверь alters, replaces, or simply doesn’t have the appropriate feature, you can’t apply the Верный Зверь archetype to that Верный Зверь. A рыцарь or samurai Скакун can take Верный Зверь archetypes that replace Общие Заклинания by replacing the Скакун’s Легкие-доспехи Proficiency черта and its master’s ability to ignore the armor check penalty on Верховая езда checks, but only if the master didn’t alter or replace those abilities with an archetype. Верный Зверьs with more than one естественная броня attack and only primary естественная броня attacks can’t take a companion archetype that trades out Мультиатака. Where levels are referenced in archetype descriptions, they refer to the class level of the companion’s master in whichever class grants the companion as a class feature.



There’s something oddly wrong about aberrant companions. Yet though they’re touched by eldritch Магия or mutated by strange influences, they are still loyal, if unестественная броня, allies.

Aberrant Skills: Aberrant companions treat Изворотливость and Запугивание as class skills.

Not Quite Animal: The DC to Использование Дрессировка on an aberrant companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonСфера Животных with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.

Aberrant Sight (Экс): An aberrant companion gains Ночное Зрение with a range of 60 feet.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Alien Mind (Экс): At 6th level, an aberrant companion is immune to Разум effects that specifically target animals, such as Обольщение animal. Anyone who attempts to Использование such an Эффект against it takes 1d4 points of Мудрость damage (Воля DC 20 half).

This replaces devotion.

Fluid Кости (Экс): At 9th level, an aberrant companion gains compression as per the Универсализм monster rule, though it can Использование the ability while carrying a верховая ездаr only if the верховая ездаr has compression.

This replaces Мультиатака and the +2 естественная броня armor increase at 9th level.



Ambushers sneak up on unsuspecting prey, pouncing on targets when they least expect it.

Камуфляж (Экс): An ambusher gains a +4 народ bonus on Скрытность checks in its естественная броня environment (if this is unclear, Использование the environment in its Bestiary entry). At 15th level, an ambusher can Использование the Скрытность skill to hide in its естественная броня environment, even if the environment doesn’t grant cover or concealment.

This replaces Общие Заклинания and Уклонение+.

Хитрое Ambusher (Экс): At 3rd level, an ambusher gains uncanny уклонение. At 6th level, an ambusher gains a +2 народ bonus on initiative checks, and during the предбоевой раунд, opponents are always considered застигнут врасплох against the ambusher’s attacks, even if they have already acted. At 9th level, an ambusher gains a +2 боевой дух bonus on attack and damage rolls during a предбоевой раунд.

This replaces evasion, devotion, and Мультиатака.



Augmented companions have suffered an injury, such as the Потери of a wing, and parts of their bodies have been replaced by a master Конструкций ремеслоer. This procedure grants them unusual abilities.

Not Quite Animal: The DC to Использование Дрессировка on an augmented companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonСфера Животных with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.

Augmented Body (Экс): An augmented companion лечениеs only half as much as normal from positive energy healing effects but also лечениеs half the usual amount from effects that specifically лечение Конструкцийs.

Augmented Sight (Экс): An augmented companion gains Сумеречное Зрение and Ночное Зрение to a range of 60 feet.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Конструкций ed Form (Экс): At 6th level, an augmented companion gains a +4 боевой дух bonus on Стойкость saves against effects that could not normally affect objects or Конструкцийs, and it takes only half damage from кровотечение effects. However, it can be affected by attacks that specifically target Конструкцийs.

This replaces devotion.



Auspices were born with a birthmark or other feature that seems to be in the shПримат of their master’s deity’s священное symbol; they are usually Сфера Животных священный to that deity’s religion.

Aligned (Экс): Even though an auspЛьда is an animal, its connection to its associated deity allows it to be Хаос neutral, Принципиальность neutral, neutral evil, or neutral good, whichever is closest to the deity’s alignment, or it can remain true neutral.

Auspicious Boon (Sp, Su): At 1st level, the auspЛьда can cast Божественное Наставление as a spell-like ability at воля as a действие полного хода. At 3rd level, the auspЛьда can access a Искра  of its associated deity’s favor. Choose one of that deity’s Сферы that grants a 1st-level Домен power usable a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + the user’s Мудрость modifier. The auspЛьда can Использование that power once per day.

This replaces Общие Заклинания and evasion.

Aligned Strike (Экс): At 15th level, an auspice’s attacks count as chaotic, evil, good, or Принципиальность (whichever matches its alignment) for the purpose of overcoming Снижение Урона, unless the auspЛьда is true neutral.

This replaces Уклонение+.



Some companions live lives of faithful Верность and steady vigilance, standing watch through long hours and always ready to leap into Действие to protect their masters.

Сфера Животных Черты: In addition to the standard черты available to Верный Зверьs, a Телохранитель can select ТелохранительAPG, Combat PatrolAPG, Heroic DefianceAPG, Heroic RecoveryAPG, and In Повреждение’s WayAPG.

Shared Vigilance (Экс): Both a Телохранитель and its master gain Бдительность as a bonus черта whenever they are adjacent.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Tenacious Guardian (Экс): At 3rd level, a Телохранитель can always act in a предбоевой раунд (though it remains застигнут врасплох until it acts). As long as its master is adjacent, a Телохранитель remains conscious (though it becomes ошеломление) when its пункты здоровья fall below 0. While below 0 пункты здоровья, the Телохранитель loses 1 hit point per round but gains a +2 боевой дух bonus on attack rolls, испытания, and skill checks, при смерти only if its пункты здоровья Досягаемость a negative total equal to its Constitution score plus its master’s class level.

This replaces evasion.

Uncanny Уклонение (Экс): At 9th level, a Телохранитель gains uncanny уклонение as per the плут class feature of the same name.

This replaces Мультиатака.

Greater Tenacity (Экс): At 15th level, a Телохранитель with fewer than 0 пункты здоровья gains a +4 боевой дух bonus on attack rolls, испытания, and skill checks; Иммунитет to Ужас effects; and temporary пункты здоровья equal to its master’s class level (maximum 20). It dies only if its пункты здоровья Досягаемость a negative total equal to twice its Constitution score plus its master’s class level.

This replaces Уклонение+.



Bigger than others of its kind, a bully is used to winning fights and displays of dominance for its choice of mates, territory, or other privileges.

Bully Черты: In addition to the standard черты available to Верный Зверьs, a bully can select Таран++, Вторжение++, Greater RepositionAPG, Сбивание С Ног++, Improved Reposition, and Сбивание С Ног+. It can Использование Сокрушительный Удар instead of Combat Expertise as a prerequisite to qualify for черты on this list.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Bullying Thrill (Экс): At 9th level, whenever a bully succeeds at a bull rush, overБегун, reposition, or Сбивание С Ног combat maneuver check, after fully resolving the combat maneuver, it gains a +2 боевой дух bonus on attack and damage rolls until the end of its next turn.

This replaces Мультиатака.



DareДьявол companions join the fray with Благодатьful leaps or swooping dives, heedless of the danger.

Artful Акробат (Экс): A dareДьявол gains a мастерство bonus on Акробатics checks equal to half its Кости Здоровья.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Uncanny Уклонение (Экс): At 6th level, a dareДьявол gains Подвижность as a bonus черта without needing to meet the Предпосылки. If it already has Подвижность, it gains Удар На Проходе instead.

This replaces devotion.

Дьявол May Care (Экс): At 9th level, a dareДьявол can’t be flanked. This replaces Мультиатака.



Whether the result of a partially successful attempt at revival, a strange Увядание, or repeated exposure to нежить, deathtouched companions are living Животные with a trace of the нежить, somewhat like dhampirs.

Deathtouched Skills: Deathtouched companions treat Запугивание as a class skill.

Not Quite Animal: The DC to Использование  Handle Сфера Животных on a deathtouched companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonСфера Животных with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2. It doesn’t count as an Сфера Животных for the purpose of an нежить’s unестественная броня aura.

Мертв Sight (Экс): A deathtouched companion gains Ночное Зрение to a range of 60 feet.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Negative Energy Affinity (Экс): Though a living creature, a deathtouched companion reacts to positive and negative energy as if it were нежить—positive energy Повреждениеs it, while negative energy лечениеs it.

One Foot in the Grave (Экс): At 6th level, a deathtouched companion gains a +4 боевой дух bonus on Стойкость saves against effects that could not normally affect objects or нежить, and it takes only half damage from кровотечение effects. However, it can be affected by attacks that specifically target нежить, such as halt нежить.

This replaces devotion.



Draconic companions Медведь a faint trace of Дракон Крови that grants them special abilities.

Draconic Skills: Draconic companions treat Запугивание as a class skill.

Not Quite Animal: The DC to Использование Дрессировка on a draconic companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonСфера Животных with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.

Draconic Sight (Экс): A draconic companion gains low- Свет Видение and Ночное Зрение to a range of 60 feet.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Draconic Сопротивляемость (Экс): At 3rd level, choose acid, cold, Электричество, or fire, based on the draconic companion’s draconic ancestor. The draconic companion gains сопротивляемость 5 against the chosen energy type, as well as a +2 народ bonus on saves against paralysis and Сон.

This replaces evasion.

Improved Draconic Сопротивляемость (Экс): At 6th level, a draconic companion becomes immune to paralysis and Сон, and its energy сопротивляемость increases to 10. At 15th level, its energy сопротивляемость increases to 20.

This replaces devotion.

Губительное Дыхание (Экс): At 9th level, a draconic companion gains a Губительное Дыхание, usable once per day, that deals 1d6 points of damage per Кости Здоровья of the energy type matching its draconic сопротивляемость in either a 30-foot Конус or a 60-foot Линия (chosen when the draconic companion gains this ability). At 15th level, it can Использование the Губительное Дыхание three times per day, but it must wait 1d4 rounds between uses. Targets of this Губительное Дыхание can attempt a Реакция save (DC = 10 + half the draconic companion’s Кости Здоровья + the draconic companion’s Constitution modifier) for half damage.

This replaces Мультиатака and Уклонение+.



Feytouched companions are strangely colored fauna native to the First World, the Первобытное realm of the fey. They gain strange abilities tied to the fey.

Feytouched Skills: Feytouched companions treat Выступление as a class skill.

Not Quite Animal: The DC to Использование Дрессировка on a feytouched companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonСфера Животных with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.

Небольшой but Fierce (Экс): A feytouched companion must be an Верный Зверь that normally starts as Небольшой or Небольшойer. At 4th or 7th level, whenever the feytouched companion would normally gain the choice of a listed advancement or a +2 bonus to its Dexterity and Constitution scores, it instead gains a +2 bonus to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores.


This replaces the 4th- or 7th-level ability score and размер advancement.

Магия Фей (Пс): A feytouched companion can cast пляшущее Светs at воля as a spell-like ability as a действие полного хода. At 3rd level, a feytouched companion can ready an Действие for its master’s spellcasting while adjacent to its master, to allow its master to spontaneously cast one of the following spells by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher level: faerie Огонь (1st), Блестки (2nd), deep Сон (3rd), Полноценный Образ (4th), Замешательство (5th), Слабоумие (7th), Обманка (8th). A feytouched companion’s master can cast each of the spells on the list only once each Дня in this way.

This replaces Общие Заклинания and Мультиатака.

Iron Убийцы (Экс): At 3rd level, a feytouched companion gains Снижение Урона 1/Холод iron. This Снижение Урона increases by 1 for every 3 levels beyond 3rd. Any creature holding or wearing an item made out of Холод iron takes a –10 penalty on Дрессировка checks to handle the feytouched companion.

This replaces evasion, devotion, and Уклонение+.



Precocious companions are able to learn far more tricks than other companions; this ability to learn allows their masters to Использование them for a wider variety of tasks.

Expanded Tricks (Экс): At 3rd level, a precocious companion gains twice as many бонусные трюки as normal for an Верный Зверь. A hunter’s Верный Зверь can’t Использование the additional бонусные трюки to learn hunter’s tricks. At 15th level, the DC of the Дрессировка check to Толчок a precocious companion to выступление an unlearned trick is only 15, instead of 25.

This replaces Уклонение and Уклонение+.

Perspicacious Mind (Экс): At 4th or 7th level, whenever the precocious companion would normally gain the choice of a listed score advancement or a +2 bonus to Dexterity and Constitution, it instead gains a +2 bonus to its Intelligence score and a +4 bonus to +4 its Мудрость and Charisma scores.

This replaces the 4th- or 7th-level ability score advancement.



Some companions have uncanny быстрое, providing their masters with swift transport.

Racer Черты: In addition to the standard черты available to Верный Зверьs, a racer can select Акробатic Steps, Charge ThroughAPG, Improved Светning Реакцияes, Стремительность+, Легкая Поступь, and Ветер Stance.

Быстрое Перемещение (Экс): A racer’s быстрое is 10 feet greater than that of typical Животные of its kind when it is wearing no armor and carrying a Свет load.

This replaces Общие Заклинания.

Sprint (Экс): At 6th level, once per hour a racer can move at 10 times its normal быстрое when it makes a charge or uses the Бегун action.

This replaces devotion.



Totem Проводникs embody the Мудрость and spirituality of the естественная броня world, providing Божественное Наставление as well as Помощь in combat. Once a totem Проводник is chosen, a character can replace the companion if it is slain but must choose the same kind of totem Проводник.

Spiritual Божественное Наставление (Пс): At 3rd level, a totem Проводник can Использование Божественное Наставление as a spell-like ability at воля as a действие полного хода, targeting itself or its master. In addition, a totem Проводник’s master can spontaneously cast the following spells while adjacent to the totem Проводник by sacrificing a spell slot of equal or higher level: detect Животные or plants (1st), Предвидение (2nd), Рука Помощи (3rd), Прорицание (4th), Божественное Откровение with Природа (5th), and Поиск Пути (6th). The totem Проводник serves as a Божественная focus for these spells, but costly material components must still be provided.

This replaces evasion.

Beast Speech (Экс): At 6th level, a totem Проводник can speak with its master as though the two share

a common language, and it can speak with other Животные of its species (or, at the GM’s discretion, other creatures with similar types).

This replaces devotion.

Eldritch Claws: At 9th level, a totem Проводник gains Eldritch ClawsAPG as a bonus черта.

This replaces Мультиатака.

Ghost Guardian (Экс): At 15th level, a totem Проводник’s естественная броня Оружие deal full damage to бестелесность creatures, and its естественная броня armor bonus applies against бестелесность touch attacks. A totem Проводник can never be transformed into or animated as an нежить creature.

This replaces Уклонение+.



Some companions are умелец trackers, able to Использование their Нюх ability to follow any trail.

Острое Nose: A tracker must be an Верный Зверь with the Нюх ability.

Tracker Skills: Trackers treat Выживание as a class skill.

Умелец Tracker (Экс): A tracker gains a мастерство bonus on Выживание checks to Выслеживание via Нюх equal to half its total Кости Здоровья. At 6th level, it can move at its normal быстрое while using Выживание to follow tracks without taking the normal –5 penalty. It takes only a –10 penalty (instead of the normal –20 penalty) when moving at up to twice its normal быстрое while tracking.

This replaces Общие Заклинания and devotion.



Favorites of друидs who balance their responsibilities between flora and fauna, verdant companions are Животные with some of the abilities and physical aspects of plants.

Not Quite Animal: The DC to Использование Дрессировка on a verdant companion is 5 higher, as if it were a nonСфера Животных with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2.

Фотосинтез (Экс): As long as it stays in the sunlight for at least 8 hours per day, a verdant companion doesn’t need to eat. Otherwise, it eats normally for an Сфера Животных of its kind.

Verdant Сопротивляемость (Экс): A verdant companion gains a +1 народ bonus on испытания against Разум effects, paralysis, Яд, Полиморф, Сон effects, and stunning. This bonus increases to +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 6th level, and +4 at 15th level. At 6th level, a verdant companion gains Корень s it can Сфера Растений or retract as a быстрое действие. With its Корень s planted, it can’t move, but it gains a +4 bonus to its CMD against bull rush, pull, push, reposition, trip, and other combat maneuvers that would Стук it over or move it.

This replaces Общие Заклинания, evasion, devotion, and Уклонение+.



Like unruly pets, some companions have a tendency to destroy nearby objects while unsupervised, and their masters can Поток these Разрушительный impulses into an advantage in battle.

Wrecker Черты: In addition to the standard черты available to Верный Зверьs, a wrecker can select Разрушение+ and Разрушение++.

Разрушительный Wrecker (Экс): A wrecker’s естественная броня attacks ignore an inanimate object’s first 5 points of hardness. At 9th level, a wrecker’s естественная броня attacks count as if they were adamantine for the purpose of overcoming a Конструкций’s Снижение Урона.

This replaces Общие Заклинания and Мультиатака.


Spellcasters who have the ability to gain фамильяры have a wide range of options. Many фамильяры beyond those presented in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook exist in the various Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes and Pathfinder RPG Предельная Магия, and the following pages expand those options even more.



While most фамильяры are Маленький Животные or magical beasts, spellcasters can acquire Крупныйr or more unusual creatures during their travels, which impart certain rules effects that should be considered at the table.

Небольшой фамильяры threaten the areas around them like other Небольшой creatures do, and they can be used to flank enemies— though both фамильяры and their masters are generally loath to employ such tactics, as the result is often a мертв фамильяр. Небольшой фамильяры are also harder to keep on a master’s person than Маленький or Небольшойer фамильяры; some form of specialized or magical conveyance is usually required.

Конструкций, plant, and Вредитель фамильяры gain an Intelligence score, and they lose the mindless trait if they had it. If such фамильяры lack a language, they communicate with their masters and other creatures of their kind (greenЖало scorpions with other scorpions, mobile Сфера Растений creatures with other mobile Сфера Растений creatures, and so on) by way of a strange combination of behaviors, sСвет changes in coloration, and sometimes even the excretion of scents or pheromones. Other types of creatures can’t understand this communication without magical Помощь.



The фамильяры presented below are variants of улучшения creatures, modified as indicated.

ARCTIC FOX                                                                  CR 1/4

Variant Использование the statistics for a fox (Bestiary 3 112). An arctic fox’s white Меха allows it to blend in with its snowy environment. It receives a +4 народ bonus on Скрытность checks in snow.

This clever predator is known as a хитрое hunter of Небольшой mammals and birds, with a thick coat of white Меха that allows it to blend with the Зима landscape. An arctic fox is typically 2 feet long and weighs 15 pounds.

ERMINE                                                                     CR 1/2

Variant Использование the statistics for a weasel (Bestiary 133). An ermine receives a +4 народ bonus on Скрытность checks in snow.

Also called a stoat, this type of weasel has a coat of white fur. Ermines are typically a foot long and weigh about half a pound.

MARINE IGUANA                                                         CR 1/3

Variant Использование the statistics for a dwarf caiman (see page 194), but increase its base быстрое and плавание быстрое by 10 feet each. Marine iguanas do not have the sprint ability.

These iguanas have craggy scales that allow them to blend in with volcanic rock. Unlike other iguanas, they are strong плаваниеmers and can dive as deep as 30 feet below the Океан surface in the search for algae and moss. Marine iguanas are usually around a foot long (not counting their long tails) and can weigh as much as 10 pounds.

MONGOOSE                                                                  CR 1/2

Variant Использование the statistics for a weasel (Bestiary 133), but it has a +4 bonus on испытания against Отрава from snakes.

These creatures are well known for their сопротивляемость to snake venom and are often trained to hunt snakes. They are typically 2 feet long from nose to Хвост and weigh about 6 pounds.

OSPREY                                                                     CR 1/3

Variant Использование the statistics for a Ястреб (Bestiary 131).

Sometimes called Море hawks, these white-bellied predatory birds have brownish-gray чертаhers on their Крылья and back. Their diet consists of mostly fish. Ospreys are about 2 feet long and weigh 3 pounds.

PARROT                                                                     CR 1/6

Variant Использование the statistics for a raven (Bestiary 133).

These rather intelligent birds come in a variety of colors. They are prized for their colorful чертаhers and their talent for mimicking sounds, including human voices and words. They are typically about 1 foot in length, though some are Крупныйr, and weigh between half a pound to 3 pounds.

SEA KRAIT                                                                  CR 1/2

Variant Использование the statistics for a Гадюка (Bestiary 133), but it has a плавание быстрое of 30 feet.

This semiВодная snake has a flat, paddle-shaped tail, giving it greater быстрое and Ловкость in the water. Though it can’t breathe underwater, it does all of its Охота in the Вода and is more agile there than on land. The Крупныйst Море kraits can grow to 5 feet long.

SNAIL KITE                                                                 CR 1/3

Variant Использование the statistics for a Ястреб (Bestiary 131).

A snail kite uses its hooked beak to dig sНогти out of their shells. While femЭль snail kites have more brown and muddled coloration, the males boast distinctive blue-gray чертаhers. These birds can grow to be 1-1/2 feet long and weigh nearly 2 pounds.

TOUCAN                                                                      CR 1/6

Variant Использование the statistics for a raven (Bestiary 133). Toucans cannot talk.

These short-necked, rather stout birds have bills that are often nearly the length of their body. They Использование these long bills to eat fruit. A toucan is typically about a foot long and weighs between half a pound and 1 pound.




Table 5–1: Фамильяр Special Abilities

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