Ghoran archetypes and class options — КиберПедия 

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Ghoran archetypes and class options

2021-02-05 125
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The following народ archetypes are available to ghorans. The verdant* Наследие, which is favored by ghorans, is available to characters of all races.


Verdant (Bloodrager Наследие)

Your body is suffused with raw Сфера Растений life. When you bloodЯрость, your plantlike characteristics Поддержка your durability and grant you some control over vegetation.

Bonus Черты: Bolstered ResilienceUC, Крепкий Орешек, Двужильный, Внушительная Стойкость, Сокрушительный Удар, Raging VitalityAPG, Живучесть.

Дополнительные заклинания: Опутывание (7th), greensight * (10th), Взрыв of nettles UM (13th), Приказ plants (16th).

Дар Наследия s: While bloodraging, you gain plantlike abilities and immunities as you become overgrown with jagged branches, rugged bark, and thick vines.

Verdant Роста (Св): At 1st level, you gain fast healing 1 while bloodraging. Your fast healing increases by 1 at 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level. If you have a bloodrager class feature that also grants you fast healing (such as the spelleater’s Крови of Жизнь class feature), you can stack up to half of your fast healing from such abilities with the fast healing gained from this ability, but you cannot do so by an amount that exceeds your Бонус Харизмы (minimum 0).

Oaken Skin (Экс): At 4th level, when entering a bloodЯрость, your skin thickens like bark and you gain a +2 усиление bonus to your естественная броня armor. At 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1.

Botanical Plasticity (Св): At 8th level, as a быстрое действие you can bend and twist the Сфера Растений Жизнь within your body to elongate your limbs. Your reach increases by 5 feet until the end of your turn.

Verdant Call (Sp): At 12th level, when entering a bloodrage, as a swift action you can animate nearby plants to aid you in combat, functioning as wilderness soldiersUC, using your Charisma modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier. This effect lasts for as long as you continue bloodraging, regardless of the spell’s normal duration.

Nature’s Thorns (Su): At 16th level, creatures that hit you in melee (other than those using manufactured reach weapons) take 4d6 points of piercing damage. A creature takes this damage only on its first successful attack against you in a combat round, and not on subsequent attacks in that round.

Verdant Apotheosis (Su): At 20th level, verdant power surges throughout your being. While bloodraging, you gain tremorsense out to 30 feet. In addition, you gain immunity to paralysis, poison, sleep, and stunning effects, even while you are not bloodraging.


Ghoran Racial Traits +2 Constitution, +2 Charisma, –2 Intelligence: Ghorans are hardy, guileful, and eager to explore their emotions, but they process complex thoughts slowly.

Medium: Ghorans are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

+2 Natural Armor: Ghorans have tough, rugged skin. Plant: Ghorans have the plant type but lack the immunities to mind-affecting, paralysis, poison, polymorph, sleep, and stunning effects that type usually has.

Delicious (Ex): Ghorans take a –2 penalty on Escape Artist and combat maneuver checks to escape a grapple against a creature that has a bite attack with the grab ability.

Natural Magic (Sp): Ghorans with a Charisma score of 11 or higher gain the following spell-like abilities: 1/day—detect poison, goodberry (created berries bud from the ghoran’s own body), and purify food and drink. The caster level is equal to the ghoran’s level. The DC for these spells is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the ghoran’s Charisma bonus.

Seed (Ex): As a full-round action, a ghoran can expel the seed from an orifice in its abdomen. If planted in fertile ground and left undisturbed for 2d6 days, the seed grows into a healthy duplicate of the original ghoran, save that the duplicate can reallocate all skill ranks upon sprouting. Once a ghoran expels this seed, it gains 1 negative level, and it dies as soon as the duplicate sprouts. This duplicate replaces the previous ghoran character.

Light Dependent: Ghorans take 1d4 points of Constitution damage each day they go without exposure to sunlight.

Past-Life Knowledge (Ex): Ghorans have memories encoded in their seeds. They treat all Knowledge skills as class skills. Languages: Ghorans begin play speaking Common and Sylvan. Ghorans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages such as Druidic).



Aromaphile (Mesmerist Archetype)

Rather than employ the baleful glares of the typical mesmerist, aromaphiles hypnotize others using an array sickeningly sweet scents developed from their unique ghoran physiology.

Hypnotic Aroma (Св): As a быстрое действие, an aromaphile can Использование unique aspects of ghoran biology to release intoxicating aromas in a 10-foot-radius Взрыв centered on him. All creatures within this area, as well as creatures with Нюх within 30 feet, take a –2 penalty on Воля испытания. This penalty becomes –3 at 8th level. The aroma hovers around the aromaphile, moving with him, and lasts for 1 minute. The hypnotic aroma must be inhaled to be effective, and creatures that choose to hold their breath, do not breathe, or are immune to inhaled Ядs are immune to its effect.

This replaces hypnotic stare, painful stare, and towering ego.

Debilitating Aroma (Св): At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, an aromaphile can imbue his hypnotic aroma with other effects. These effects are the same as those listed within the bold stare mesmerist class feature, but they affect creatures affected by his hypnotic aroma for as long as they are affected by that ability. The aromaphile chooses one option each Время he gains a new debilitating aroma improvement, and the choice can’t be changed later. The aromaphile can’t choose the same debilitating aroma more than once unless otherwise noted.

This replaces bold stare.

Aromatic Manipulation (Св): At 3rd level, the aromaphile can touch a creature affected by his hypnotic aroma to alter its mental state. This functions as the touch treatment class feature, except the aromaphile cannot remove the замешательство, оцепенение, or шок conditions, and he cannot Сломать Очарованиеs using this ability.

Instead, he adds утомление to his list of minor conditions and бессилие to his list of greater conditions.

An aromaphile can also Использование this ability to inflict hampering      conditions on a target by touching it. At 3rd level, he can cause his target to become завороженность by his aroma. At 6th level, he can мертвen the target’s emotions (as per Спокойствие). At 10th level, he can cause the target to become шок. At 14th level, he can cause the target to fall спящий (as per Глубокий Сон, except the Кость Здоровья limit is equal to the aromaphile’s level + 2). The target can attempt a Воля save to neВрата these effects (DC = 10 + half the aromaphile’s level + the aromaphile’s Модификатор Харизмы). On a failed save, the target gains the chosen condition for a number of rounds equal to the aromaphile’s level. Each round that the target is affected, it can attempt a new Воля save at the same DC to end the Эффект early. If the target succeeds at such a save, its turn immediately ends.

This alters touch treatment and replaces mental potency.


Leafshifter (Shifter Archetype)

Rather than assume aspects taken from the traits of естественная броня animals, a leafshifter transforms into plant-Сфера Животных hybrids that resemble living topiaries. This affords the leafshifter the savage power of the Сфера Животных kingdom while also granting her the Сила and timelessness of Сфера Растений life. (The shifter class can be found on page 26.)

Shifter’s Удар (Экс): This ability functions as the shifter Когти class feature, except the leafshifter gains two Удар attacks instead of two claw attacks. These Удар attacks are made with her arms, which are covered in jagged bark and thorns, so these attacks deal bludgeoning and Проницательность damage.

This alters shifter claws.

Leafshifter’s Аспект (Св): This ability functions as the shifter Аспект ability of the standard shifter, except a leafshifter doesn’t gain the minor forms of her aspects. Instead, whenever she gains a new aspect, she chooses one of the Сфера Растений focus abilities from the Сфера Растений Великий Охотник archetype (see page 53) to associate with her new aspect. This choice cannot be changed once made.

This alters shifter aspect.



Ghorans have access to the following черты.


Delectable Feint

You can distract opponents with your delectable rinds.

Предпосылки: Con 15, delicious народ trait, ghoran.

Benefit: Other creatures find you so tasty that they become distracted in combat, allowing you to exploit their momentary lapses in concentration. You gain a +2 bonus on Блеф checks to feint living herbivorous or omnivorous creatures. In addition, whenever you successfully feint such an opponent, in addition to the normal effects of being feinted in combat, that opponent takes a –2 penalty on Внимание checks and concentration checks until the start of your next turn.


Inner Свет

Some ghorans glow with a nurturing inner Свет.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, ghoran.

Benefit: Once per day, you can cast daylight as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your character level. If you have the Свет dependent народ trait, you can instead cast this spell without the usual effect, but you are considered to be exposed to sunlight for that day.



You are able to sprout more quickly than most, though your body is underdeveloped.

Предпосылки: Cha 15, seed народ trait, ghoran.

Benefit: Whenever you Использование your seed ability to grow a new body, you can choose to sprout in half the normal amount of Время (1d6 days instead of 2d6 days). If you do, your new body is Небольшой instead of Средний, your естественная броня armor bonus from народ traits (if any) is reduced by half, and you take a

–2 penalty to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution. These modifications last 1d3 weeks, after which your body matures to its proper размер and loses all penalties associated with sprouting early.



Ghorans have access to the following Магия item.



48,000 GP

SLOT none CL 15th WEIGHT 250 lbs.

АУРА strong Превращение

This urn-shaped object is Большой enough for a full-grown human to crouch inside. The bottom half of the pod is ringed in Друидic glyphs and layered with ever-fertile soil, while the top is ремеслоed from stained glass that magically cycles between depictions of rainy, starry, and sunny skies. A ghoran can expel its seed into a propagation pod and seal the pod as a действие полного хода; this does not cause the ghoran to gain a negative level. Over the next 2d6 days, the ghoran’s seed sprouts into an exact replica of his current appearance. After maturing, this new ghoran remains in stasis indefinitely, acting in all ways as a fully grown Клон of the ghoran as per the Клон spell. If the ghoran dies and its soul transfers to the Клон as a result, the propagation pod Разбивающий Звукs into shards of powerless clay and glass.

While a ghoran’s seed is expelled into a propagation pod, it cannot Использование its seed народ trait, nor can it Использование any черты or abilities dependent upon its seed. If the ghoran has the Sproutling* черта, he can allow his Клон to develop after 1d6 days instead of 2d6 days, though his размер is adjusted and his ability scores modified as described by the Sproutling черта should he die and subsequently inhabit his Клон.


Ремесло Wondrous Item, Клон, Сфера Растений growth


Ghorans have access to the following spell.


DELECTABLE FLESH                                        

School Превращение [Разум, Полиморф];

L evel друид 7, shaman 7, чародей/волшебник 6, ведьма 6

Casting time 1 основное действие

Ra n g e Тычковое (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)

Targets all creatures in a 15-foot-radius Взрыв centered on a single living creature

D u r at i o n 1 minute/level (D)

Saving Throw Воля negates;

Spell Сопротивляемость yes

Choose a creature within range as the object of hunger. All other creatures within 15 feet of the target that can see or smell the target’s delectable flesh must succeed at a Воля save or spiral into a depraved state from which they gain a single purpose—to consume as much of the target’s delicious flesh as possible. The creature chosen as the target of this spell is not affected by this depravity.

A depraved creature gains a Укус attack, two claw attacks, and the Нюх ability if it didn’t already have them. It drops any items it was carrying and attacks the target of the spell with these естественная броня weapons, acting as if it were замешательство and the target had attacked it first. This Эффект lasts for the spell’s duration or until the depraved creature can no longer see or smell the object of its hunger for a full minute. Additionally, a depraved creature can attempt a new saving throw to end this Эффект at the end of any turn in which the affected creature makes an attack against the object of its hunger. If a creature that eats for nourishment succeeds at a save to end the depraved Эффект early, it takes a –2 penalty on ability checks, attack rolls, concentration checks, испытания, and skill checks whenever it is within 15 feet of the target.


Vine Leshys

Vine leshys are born by ritual, called forth when a друид channels a Природа spirit into a plant’s form. The Природа spirit that answers the call for a vine leshy Созидание ritual is always one that has keenly felt the influence of mortal beings. Compared to other leshys, vine leshys have an easier Время relating to non-Сфера Растений creatures and a deeper sense of curiosity about the wonders of the естественная броня world beyond those plants closely related to them, as well as a fascination with the societies of люди and other creatures.

Physical Description: A vine leshy’s body is made of masses of twisted vines and leaves, sometimes incorporating flowers and fruits as well. Their appearance is mostly determined by the species of vine used in their creation, but most have a Большой cluster of leaves that forms a face with round eyes, a Небольшой mouth, and no visible nose.

Society: Because of their ritual-based genesis, vine leshys do not have a traditional Семьи structure. They form strong friendships with those who accompany them on Исследованиеs or who assist them in protecting a естественная броня site. Unlike most leshys, vine leshys usually feel a strong desire to seek out the one who created them. They see their creators as friends and allies rather than as parents.

While most leshys devote themselves to protecting a particular Опекун for long stretches of time, vine leshys are far more likely to Сфера Путешествий and explore, stopping to care for many different Опеки for short periods throughout their lifetime. Vine leshys Любовь storytelling, but they place more importance on the meaning and message of the story than the details, both because they can’t always remember the details and because they find many details to be unnecessary. A story that has passed through several vine leshys is likely to undergo significant changes in characters and setting but usually retains its core Сообщение.

Relations: Vine leshys are interested in learning about the cultures of many other races. Their initial attitudes when they encounter new races are based on biases from the Природа spirit’s past incarnations, but they evolve over Время through the leshy’s experiences. In unфамильяр situations, vine leshys prefer to blend in with vegetation to observe before venturing out and introducing themselves.

Consistent with the Сфера Растений species from which they derive their bodies, vine leshys recognize a spectrum of genders. Some vine leshys are exclusively femЭль or male, while many vine leshys are both. The biological features of a leshy’s flowers do not necessarily indicate its gender, as the Природа spirit that inhabits the leshy plays a strong role in determining the leshy’s identity.

Vine leshys have an unusual relationship with other leshys, for unlike standard leshys, vine leshys are not grown to be servants. They are free-воляed and individualistic creatures. Whether or not an individual vine leshy views the servitude other leshys endure as akin to Рабство or as something more like an honorable tradition of service to a powerful друид depends on the vine leshy’s opinion and alignment. While it’s unusual for a vine leshy to take on another leshy as a minion in the traditional way, it’s not unusual to see vine leshys take on sponsorship of a sort over other leshys, treating them almost as adopted children or wayОпекун exiles in need of Божественное Наставление and Защита from those who would Сила their servitude.

Alignment and Religion: Vine leshys see themselves as part of the ancient cycle of nature. They care for their friends and any естественная броня areas under their care, but rarely feel compelled toward either charity or malice. Most vine leshys are truly neutral, and they almost always have at least one neutral Аспект to their alignments. Religion is not particularly important to vine leshys. Those who do find faith tend toward worship of Gozreh, a green man (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 6 152), or one of the Eldest of the First World (see page 130), but the Green Faith is the most common philosophy followed by vine leshys.

Adventurers: Like most leshys, vine leshys typically do not Ужас death. They know that if their bodies die, their Приведение воля return to the естественная броня world and may someДня find themselves in new bodies. This lack of Ужас combined with their curiosity leads them to take risks. However, they typically avoid excessively dangerous activities, as they would rather gather a story from their adventures to tell later. Vine leshys gravitate toward classes that let them Использование their connection to nature, such as друид and следопыт.

Names: Vine leshys’ names change throughout their lives. A young vine leshy typically names herself after her physical characteristics or a естественная броня feature that she particularly enjoys. As vine leshys age, they modify their names to better reflect their personality and experiences. A leshy may even have several names that she cycles among, such as one name for each season. Most vine leshys select names that are at least two words long. Example vine leshy names include Burbling Waterfall, Lovely Triple Leaves, Masterful Солнце Drinker, Snowy Pine Branches, Verdant Taleweaver, and Vibrant Tree Лазаниеer.



The following народ traits can be selected instead of улучшения vine leshy народ traits. Consult your GM before selecting any of these options.

Agile: Agile vine leshys are quicker but less tough than a typical vine leshy. Replace the leshy’s +2 народ bonus to Constitution with a +2 народ bonus to Dexterity.

This alters the vine leshy’s ability scores.

Poisonous: Vine leshys made from Отрава ivy vines carry естественная броня Отрава in their bodies. As a быстрое действие, the leshy can imbue its vines with this irritating substance. The next Время the leshy hits a creature with an Мастер Кулачного Боя, the creature is affected by the following Яд.

Vine Leshy Toxin: Мастер Кулачного Боя—injury; save Fort DC 10 + half the vine leshy’s Кости Здоровья + the leshy’s Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; Эффект дезориентация for 1 round; cure 1 save.

The leshy can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1). A vine leshy is immune to its own Яд, but not to those of other vine leshys.

This replaces plantspeech and Смена Формы.

Swamp Leshy: Some vine leshys are made from plants that естественная броняly grow in swamps. These leshys gain a +2 народ bonus on Плавание checks and a +4 народ bonus on Скрытность checks in swamps.

This replaces лазаниеer and alters unassuming foliage.

Grapevine: A vine leshy made from a grapevine can produce magically infused fruit that can лечение her allies. She can cast Вкусные Ягоды once per Дня as a spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to her character level.

This replaces Бесследный Шаг.



The following options are available to all vine leshys who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each Время you select the favored class reward.

Growing a Vine Leshy

Vine leshys grow best in areas where they can receive ample sunlight. After a vine leshy sprouts, the leshy’s creator must use a sturdy tree, trellis, or other support to guide it as it grows. For more information about growing leshys, see page 176 of Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3.

VINE LESHY                                                                       

CL 5th; Price 1,500 gp


Requirements Knowledge (nature) 5 ranks, entangle, plant growth, summon nature’s ally I; Skill Knowledge (nature) DC 13; Cost 750 gp


Следопыт: Add a +1/2 bonus to Знание (природа) checks in the следопыт’s Излюбленная Местность.

Плут: Add a +1/2 bonus to Лазание checks and on Скрытность checks in forests.

Shaman: Shamans with the Природа or Дерево spirit add one spell from the друид’s spell list that isn’t on the shaman spell list to the shaman’s spell list; she still must select this spell as one of her spells known in Орден to cast it. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest круг заклинания the shaman can cast.


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