Disaster Благословение ings (warpriest Благословение ings) — КиберПедия 

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Disaster Благословение ings (warpriest Благословение ings)

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Disaster Благословение ings (warpriest Благословение ings) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Зло deities that offer the Air, Earth, Fire, and Вода Благословениеings or nonЗло deities with disasters in their portfolios might also offer these disaster Благословениеings as options for their warpriests.


Землетрясение Благословениеing

The fury of the quaking Земля infuses your faith.

Stone’s Base (Minor): You can touch an ally to Благословение it with the Непоколебимый resilience of stone. For 1 minute, the creature gains a +4 bonus to its CMD against maneuvers that would move the ally or Стук it распластан.

Земля Hammer (Major): At 10th level, you can touch a weapon to Благословение it with the Сила of a mighty Землетрясение for 1 minute. When the weapon hits a creature, the target must succeed at a Реакция save or fall распластан; either way, the creature is immune to this ability for 24 hours.


Flood Благословениеing

You see proof of your Непреклонностьs in the churning waters of a flood.

LaЖало Breath (Minor): You can touch an ally to Благословение it with an extra reserve of breath. For 1 minute, while the ally holds its breath, standard and действие полного ходаs don’t decrease the number of rounds the ally can hold its breath (see page 445 of Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).

Цунами Взрыв (Major): At 10th level, when you are hit by a melee attack, you can invoke this Благословениеing as an прерывающее действие. A wave of Удар Водойs out from you at your attacker, attempting a bull rush combat maneuver check using your CMB but adding your Мудрость modifier instead of your Сила modifier.


Tornado Благословениеing

The howling Гнев of a tornado inspires your religion.

Dust Дьявол (Minor): When you hit with a weapon attack, you can Использование a быстрое действие to cause a sudden Взрыв of Ветер and debris to swirl around your target. The target is растерянность for 1 minute.

Howling GЭль (Major): At 10th level, you can invoke a howling windstorm around yourself as a основное действие. For 1 minute, any Большой or Небольшойer creature takes twice as much movement to enter a space adjacent to you due to the winds, and thus can’t take a 5-foot step to move adjacent to you.


WildОгонь Благословениеing

In the flames of a wildОгонь you take inspiration.

Leaping Flames (Minor): You touch an ally to Благословение it with the быстрое of a wildОгонь for 1 minute. The ally gains a +10-foot усиление bonus to its base быстрое, and the ally gains a +1 уклонение bonus to its AC against attacks of opportunity.

Fiery Wake (Major): At 10th level, when you move, you can Использование a быстрое действие to invoke a blazing Благословениеing on yourself. For the rest of your turn, your movement leaves behind a 10-foot-tall wall of opaque Огонь in your path. The wall burns for 1 minute. A creature that touches the wall takes 2d6 points of Огонь damage.


3 чертаX


eltyiel’s eyes glowed blue, and magical Искра s of the

same color flickered up and down his blade. He glared, and the boggards paused in their croaking charge, caught off guard by the Свирепости of his gaze. He pointed his sword at the murderous amphibians and spoke. “There’s mud in my boots.”

The boggards looked at each other, замешательство.

“There’s mud... in... my... boots !”

Светning shot from the магус’s blade, sizzling through two of the boggards and Светing them up from the inside. With a scream, Seltyiel launched himself at the attackers.

From the tree, Adowyn loosed another огненное arrow. “I know I sПомощь you being uptight about the swamp was going to be a problem, but I take it back.”


Черты represent special abilities that characters acquire through training, удача, or a quirk of birth. They grant abilities and benefits in certain situations, and some черты are more useful to certain types of characters than others; many of them have Предпосылки.



Though most of the черты presented in this chapter are general and have no special rules governing them, some черты belong to a type or types of черты that share special rules. A черта’s types appear in parentheses after the черта name. This chapter features the following types of черты.


Combat Черты

Brawlers, воинs, gunslingers, Головорезs, and warpriests can select combat черты as bonus черты. Members of other classes can take combat черты provided they meet the Предпосылки.


Style Черты

Style черты were first introduced in Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat. The style черты presented in this chapter are suited for those who have learned to fight or grew up fighting in the wilderness.

As a быстрое действие, you can enter the stance employed by the fighting style that a style черта embodies. Although you can’t Использование a style черта before combat begins, once you’ve entered a stance, the style you are in persists until either you Использование a быстрое действие to sведьма styles or until the end of the combat encounter, whichever occurs first. You can Использование a черта that has a style черта as a prerequisite only while you are in the stance of the associated style.

The styles presented in this book follow, along with specific черта paths—the progression of черты that complement each style.

Beastmaster Style: While in this style, you have greater control over your non-Скакун Верный Зверь.

Черта Path: Beastmaster Style, Beastmaster Salvation, Beastmaster Ire.

Crashing Волна Style: Someone Опытный in this style jostles and pulls her opponents about, inspired by the power of Океан Волны churning upon the shore.

Черта Path: Crashing Волна Style, Crashing Волна Buffet, Crashing Волна Fist.

Indomitable Скакунain Style: A practitioner of this style stands like a mighty Скакунain, difficult to move and punishing those who try.

Черта Path: Indomitable Скакунain Style, Indomitable Скакунain Peak, Indomitable Скакунain Лавина.

Волк Style: This style mimics the harrying Тактики that wolves Использование when they hunt: Замедлениеing, tripping, and then savaging a foe.

Черта Path: Волк Style, Волк Trip, Волк Savage.


Item Созидание Черты

An item Созидание черта lets a character create a Магия item of a certain type. Regardless of the type of item, the various item Созидание черты have several features in common, primarily the Стоимость in money, raw materials, and Время required to create the item. Other costs may apply, and each item requires a specific skill check. Full information on these common features can be found on page 112 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Метамагические черты

Метамагические черты  allow spellcasters to modify and enhance their spells, granting the spells new powers and effects. Such spells generally take up a higher-level spell slot than the normal spell. For complete rules on how to apply метамагические черты  to spells, see page 112 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook.

Teamwork Черты

Teamwork черты grant significant bonuses, but they function only under specific ситуативныйs. In most cases, these черты require an ally with the same черта to have a specific position on the battlefield. Teamwork черты provide their benefit only if the given conditions are met. Allies who are паралич, шок, без сознания, or otherwise unable to act don’t count for the purpose of these черты. Рыцарьs, hunters, and инквизиторs have special class abilities that allow them to Использование teamwork черты even if their allies don’t have those черты.



The черты in this chapter and those found in the race sections of Chapter 1 are summarized on Table 3–1: Черты on pages 101–105. The Предпосылки and benefits of the черты listed in this table are abbreviated for ease of reference. See the черты’ description for full details. Additionally, numerous черты for specific races appear in Chapter 1.

All черта descriptions Использование the following format.

Черта Name: The черта’s name also indicates what type or types, if any, the черта belongs to, and is followed by a basic description of what the черта does.

Prerequisite: This entry lists the minimum ability score, черты, minimum базовый модификатор атаки, minimum number of ranks in one or more skills, or anything else required in Орден to take the черта. This entry is absent if a черта has no Предпосылки. A черта can have more than one prerequisite. Предпосылки from this book, such as classes, class abilities, and черты, are marked with an asterisk (*).

Benefit: This entry describes what a черта enables the character (“you” in the черта description) to do. If a character has the same черта more than once, its benefits do not stack unless indicated otherwise in the description.

Normal: This entry states what a character who doesn’t have this черта is limited to or restricted from doing. If not having the черта causes no particular drawback, this entry is absent.

Special: Additional unusual facts about the черта.


Table 3–1: Черты


Ambush Awareness

You are always on your toes and are rarely caught off-guard for long, even when an enemy gets the Прыжок on you.

Prerequisite: Бдительность.

Benefit: If you are unable to act in the предбоевой раунд because you failed a Внимание check, you can still act on your initiative count in the предбоевой раунд, but only to take the total Оборона action.

Normal: If you are unable to act in the предбоевой раунд because you failed a Внимание check, you can’t take any actions during the предбоевой раунд.


Сфера Животных Call

You’ve learn how to replicate a number of Сфера Животных calls native to wilderness environments.

Предпосылки: Блеф 1 rank, Знание (природа) 1 rank.

Benefit: Pick one of the следопыт’s Излюбленная Местностьs. You can Использование your Блеф skill to mimic the calls of Животные native to that terrain. Creatures with ranks in Знание (природа) can Использование that skill in place of

Проницательность to detect your mimicry and realize that the sound is false.

Special: You can take this черта multiple times. Each Время you do, select an additional Излюбленная Местность to which this черта applies.


Сфера Животных Маскировка

With a little work, you can convincingly маскировка yourself as an animal.

Предпосылки: Маскировка 6 ranks, Знание (природа) 6 ranks.

Benefit: You can Использование Маскировка to маскировка yourself as an Сфера Животных  of your размер category. You must have an appropriate pelt and any other Сфера Животных parts needed to complete the маскировка. You also gain a +2 bonus on Маскировка checks when you маскировка yourself as an animal. Creatures with ranks in Знание (природа) can Использование that skill in place of Проницательность to detect this type of маскировка.


Сфера Животных Свирепости (Combat)

When cornered and wounded, you fight like a feral beast.

Предпосылки: Базовый модификатор атаки +3, Свирепости народ ability.

Benefit: When your пункты здоровья are reduced below 0, you can make attacks, but you take a –5 penalty on each attack roll.


Водная Combatant (Combat)

You have trained to fight while submerged in water.

Prerequisite: Плавание 1 rank.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Плавание checks and don’t take the usual penalties on melee attack rolls made underwater. Your slashing melee attacks and unarmed bludgeoning attacks deal full damage underwater.

Normal: When you’re underwater, most of your melee attacks take a –2 penalty and deal only half damage.


Водная Spell (Metamagic)

You can cast your spells underВода or into Вода with little difficulty.

Benefit: An Водная spell functions normally underВода and requires no caster level check to cast, even if it has the Огонь descriptor. In addition, the spell can be cast from the surface into Вода and still be effective. An Водная spell uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.


Arctic Adaptation

You are comfortable in the driving snow and glaring Льда of frigid climes, and you can survive much longer in such harsh environments than those who are unaccustomed to the cold.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (cold) class feature.

Benefit: You treat Холод environments (Core Rulebook 442) as though they were one step less severe than they normally are. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on Внимание checks against creatures that gain a народ bonus on Скрытность checks in snowy conditions, and you gain a +4 bonus on испытания and checks to avoid becoming слепота or растерянность by ice or snow glare.


Beast Hunter (Combat)

Thanks to your experience Охота in the wilds, you are capable of tracking Животные in your most often traveled terrains, and you can easily take down Животные Крупныйr than yourself.

Предпосылки: Базовый модификатор атаки +1; Знание (природа) or Выживание 1 rank.

Benefit: Pick one of the следопыт’s Излюбленная Местностьs. You gain a +2 bonus on Выживание checks to Выслеживание Животные native to that terrain. Additionally, against Животные native to that terrain that are at least one размер category Крупныйr than you, you gain a +1 уклонение bonus to your AC and a +1 интуитивный bonus on attack rolls.

Special: You can take this черта multiple times. Each Время you select this черта, you can choose an additional Излюбленная Местность to gain the listed benefits in.

Beastmaster Ire (Combat)

Seeing your Верный Зверь attacked or hurt causes you to retaliate with a bestial fury of your own.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Бдительность, Beastmaster Salvation*, Beastmaster Style*, Дрессировка 9 ranks, Проницательность 5 ranks.

Benefit: When you activate Beastmaster Style’s benefit, you gain a +2 боевой дух bonus on melee weapon attack rolls and +4 боевой дух bonus on weapon damage rolls against the attacking creature. If the enemy attack dealt damage to your Верный Зверь, these bonuses increase to +4 and +8, respectively. These bonuses last until the end of your next turn.


Beastmaster Salvation (Combat)

Your presence grants your companion the Живучесть and воля to resist all manner of threats.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Бдительность, Beastmaster Style*, Дрессировка 5 ranks, Проницательность 5 ranks.

Benefit: If you are adjacent to your Верный Зверь when it attempts a saving throw, you can attempt a Дрессировка check as an прерывающее действие. Your Верный Зверь does not attempt the saving throw, but instead uses your Дрессировка result as its result for the save.


Beastmaster Style (Combat, Style)

Your Верный Зверь is your most treasured friend, and you steadfastly protect it from your foes.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Дрессировка 1 rank, must have an Верный Зверь.

Benefit: When you are adjacent to your Верный Зверь and an attack is made against it, if you are also adjacent to the attacking creature, you can attempt a Дрессировка check as an прерывающее действие to neВрата the hit. The hit is neВратаd if your Дрессировка check result is greater than the attacker’s attack roll.

Special: You cannot Использование this style if you are Скакунed on your Верный Зверь.


Branch Наскок (Combat)

You are адепт at exploiting higher ground to its greatest advantage in battle, and can leap from above to deal incredible damage to your foes.

Предпосылки: Лазание 3 ranks, Скрытность 3 ranks.

Benefit: When charging a target by Прыжокing down from above (such as when Прыжокing out of a tree), you can soften your fall with a melee attack. If the attack at the end of your charge hits, the attack deals damage as normal and you also deal the amount of falling damage appropriate to your fall to the target (1d6 points for a 10-foot fall, 2d6 points for a 20-foot fall, and so on). This falling damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. You land in an unoccupied square of your choosing adjacent to the target, and you take falling damage as if your fall had been 10 feet shorter. You can attempt an Акробатics check as normal to treat the fall as an additional 10 feet shorter for the purpose of determining the damage you take from the fall. If your attack misses, you land распластан in a random square adjacent to the target and automatically take the full amount of falling damage.

Bristling Bull Rush (Combat)

You deal damage to opponents when bull rushing them through difficult terrain, using the environment itself to Повреждение your targets.

Предпосылки: Str 13, Таран+, Сокрушительный Удар, базовый модификатор атаки +3.

Benefit: When you successfully bull rush a creature, it takes 1d4 points of damage for every 5 feet it is pushed through естественная броняly occurring difficult terrain. This damage is in addition to any damage the creature might normally take from moving through the difficult terrain. Creatures with the woodland stride special ability or who are otherwise unaffected by difficult terrain are immune to this extra damage.


Bristling Drag (Combat)

You deal damage to opponents when dragging them through difficult terrain.

Предпосылки: Str 13, Improved DragAPG, Сокрушительный Удар, базовый модификатор атаки +3.

Benefit: When you successfully drag a creature, it takes 1d4 points of damage for every 5 feet it is dragged through естественная броняly occurring difficult terrain. This damage is in addition to any damage the creature might normally take from moving through the difficult terrain. Creatures with the woodland stride special ability or who are otherwise unaffected by difficult terrain are immune to this extra damage.


Камуфляжd Trap

You excel at hiding your traps in the wilderness, making them more difficult for your enemies to locate and avoid.

Предпосылки: Ремесло (мастер ловушек) 4 ranks, Выживание 4 ranks.

Benefit: When you ремесло and set a trap in a wilderness environment, you increase the DC of the Внимание check required to find it by 5.


Clinging Лазаниеer (Combat)

Using leveЯрость and pure brawn, you can cling to a cliff face, ladder, or rope with your legs to free both of your hands to take other actions.

Предпосылки: Str 13, Лазание 3 ranks.

Benefit: As a действие движения while лазаниеing, you can cling to your лазаниеing surface with your legs by succeeding at a Лазание check with the same DC as that of лазаниеing the surface as a сопутствующее действие. If successful, you can make attacks with a two-handed ranged weapon and reload ranged Оружие until you resume лазаниеing. The GM can rule that this черта doesn’t work on certain лазаниеing surfaces.


Приказ Animals

You Божественная Сила to get Животные to do your bidding.

Предпосылки: Сфера Животных, Божественная Сила class feature.

Benefit: As a основное действие, you can Использование one of your daily uses of Божественная Сила in an attempt to control Животные within 30 feet. Животные can attempt a Воля save (DC = 10 + half your class level + your Модификатор Харизмы) to neВрата the effect. Животные that fail their saves fall under your control, obeying your Приказs to the best of their ability as if under the effects of a Обольщение monster spell with a caster level equal to your class level. An affected Сфера Животных can attempt a new saving throw each Дня to Побег this effect. You can control any number of animals, so long as their total Кости Здоровья do not exceed your class level. If you Использование Божественная Сила in this way, it has no other Эффект (it does not лечение or Повреждение nearby creatures). If an affected Сфера Животных is controlled by or a companion of another creature, you must attempt an opposed Charisma check whenever your orders conflict.


Приказ Plants

You Божественная Сила to bring plants under your control.

Предпосылки: Божественная Сила class feature, Сфера Растений.

Benefit: As a основное действие, you can Использование one of your daily uses of Божественная Сила to Приказ plants within 30 feet of you. Plants can attempt a Воля save (DC = 10 + half your class level + your Модификатор Харизмы) to neВрата the effect. This functions as the Приказ Сфера Растений spell with a caster level equal to your class level. Each affected Сфера Растений can attempt a new saving throw each Дня to Побег this effect. You can control any number of plants, so long as their total Кости Здоровья do not exceed your class level. If you Использование Божественная Сила in this way, it has no other Эффект (it does not лечение or Повреждение nearby creatures). If an affected Сфера Растений creature is controlled by or a companion of another creature, you must attempt an opposed Charisma check whenever your orders conflict.


Cover Tracks

You are very difficult to follow in the wild, leaving few tracks in your wake.

Prerequisite: Выживание 3 ranks.

Benefit: You increase the DC of Выживание checks to Выслеживание you by 5 when moving at full быстрое and by 10 when moving at half быстрое. You can cover the tracks of a number of allies within 30 feet equal to your Мудрость modifier plus half your character level, increasing the DC to Выслеживание them by 2 if they are moving at full быстрое or by 5 if they are moving at half быстрое.

Special: If you have the Излюбленная Местность class feature and you are in that terrain, you also add your Излюбленная Местность bonus to the DC to Выслеживание you or your allies.


Crashing Волна Buffet (Combat)

You disorient your opponents by pushing and pounding them mercilessly, just like how the Море beats relentlessly against the rocks.

Предпосылки: Wis 15, Crashing Волна Style*, Improved DragAPG, Improved RepositionAPG, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, базовый модификатор атаки +6.

Benefit: When dragging or repositioning an opponent, you Использование your full body to Стук your opponent around like a constant wave. At the end of the drag or reposition maneuver, your opponent must succeed at a Стойкость + 2 for every 5 feet you drag or reposition your opponent). On a failed save, your opponent becomes disorientated from the movement and takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, and Dexterity-based skill checks until the end of its next turn.


Crashing Волна Fist (Combat)

In addition to simply moving it, you are able to strike your enemy while pushing it around.

Предпосылки: Wis 15, Crashing Волна Buffet*, Crashing Волна Style*, Improved DragAPG, Improved RepositionAPG, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, базовый модификатор атаки +9.

Benefit: When dragging or repositioning an opponent, at any point during the movement, you can make one unarmed attack against the opponent using your highest бонус атаки. You can make one additional attack for every 5 feet you drag or reposition the opponent beyond the first 5 feet. You take a cumulative –5 penalty on each additional attack made in this way.


Crashing Волна Style (Combat, Style)

You relentlessly Толчок your enemies around, as the Море moves those within and upon it against their воля.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, Improved DragAPG, Improved RepositionAPG, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя.

Benefit: When you successfully drag or reposition an opponent while using this style, at any point during the dragging or repositioning of the opponent, you can move 5 feet as an прерывающее действие, including moving into a square previously occupied by the opponent, even if you have already taken a действие движения this round. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity.


Cultivate Магия Plants (Item Creation)

You combine a естественная броня green thumb and знание of Магия in Орден to grow Магия plants.

Предпосылки: Создание Зелий, Ремесло Wondrous Item, Знание (природа) 1 rank.

Benefit: You can cultivate Магия plants—see Chapter 7 for several example types of Магия plants. Cultivating a Магия Сфера Растений takes 1 week per 1,000 gp in its base price. When you create a Магия plant, you make the same choices that you would normally make when caЖало the spell. Whoever consumes the fruit of the Магия plant is the target of the spell. See page 247 for full rules for cultivating Магия plants.


Смертельный Trap

Your traps are especially смертельный, either through their increased accuracy or the свирепоеness of their blades and bludgeons.

Предпосылки: Ремесло (мастер ловушек) 8 ranks, Выживание 8 ranks.

Benefit: If you ремесло a trap that requires an attack roll to hit, you can either increase the threat multiplier of the trap by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, and so on) or grant the trap’s attack a +4 bonus to confirm a critical hit.



You are accustomed to diving deeper than most would dare плавание and can do so with less risk of drowning than even other experienced плаваниеmers.

Prerequisite: Двужильный.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Акробатics checks to reduce falling damage when diving into Вода and on Внимание checks in dim Свет or Тьма underwater. When attempting a Плавание check to плавание downОпекун (at least 45 degrees down from the horizontal), on a successful check you can плавание half your быстрое as a сопутствующее действие, or your быстрое as a действие полного хода. If you have a плавание быстрое, it increases by 10 feet when you spend a действие движения to плавание only downward.

In addition, you can hold your breath for a number of rounds equal to three times your Constitution score, and you gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks to continue holding your breath after this Время and to resist the effects of the Холод environment underwater. Pressure damage you take from deep Вода is halved.


Desert Dweller

The endless sands and waterless wastes are your home, and neither the heat nor dehydration presents as lethal of a threat to you as it does to other travelers.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (desert) class feature.

Benefit: You treat hot environments (Core Rulebook 444) as though they were one step less severe; if you have a similar ability from another черта, such as Torrid Tolerance*, the benefits stack and you treat hot conditions as if they were two steps less severe. You need to consume only half the normal amount of Вода for a creature of your размер, and you gain a +4 bonus on Constitution checks to resist the effects of thirst. You also gain a +4 bonus on испытания and checks to avoid becoming слепота or растерянность by glare or being deceived by a desert miЯрость.



Your дальнобойное Видение is exceptionally острое, enabling you to see well in both normal and dim Светing conditions and providing you an advantage when making ranged attacks.

Prerequisite: Внимание 3 ranks.

Benefit: Your дальнобойное modifier to the DC of Видение-based Внимание checks is decreased to +1 per 50 feet in bright Свет or normal Свет, or +1 per 20 feet in dim Свет. You also gain a +2 ситуативный bonus on ranged attacks against targets that are more than 100 feet away.


Земля Magic

You can draw raw magical energy from the ground to empower your spells.

Предпосылки: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Излюбленная Местность class feature.

Benefit: While you’re in your Излюбленная Местность, your effective caster level increases by 1 for the purpose of improving spell effects dependent on caster level. This increase in effective caster level doesn’t grant you access to more spells.


Эйдолон Скакун (Combat)

Your Эйдолон is capable of carrying you into combat with great skill.

Prerequisite: Эйдолон able to choose Четвероногий or Змеевидный as a Базовая Форма.

Benefit: Your Эйдолон is capable of serving you as a combat-trained Скакун. If the eidolon’s base form is not Четвероногий or Змеевидный, it also gains the ability to transmute its physical body into a form suitable for you to верховая езда. This functions as the Смена Формы ability, except the eidolon’s Базовая Форма changes to either Четвероногий or Змеевидный and its размер changes to be one размер category Крупныйr than its призыватель’s base размер. Unlike other changes to размер, this ability doesn’t increase the eidolon’s ability scores, reach, or weapon damage beyond that of its Истинная Форма. (However, if the eidolon’s размер is reduced by this ability, its Досягаемость and weapon damage are adjusted accordingly.)

If the eidolon’s Базовая Форма is not Четвероногий or Змеевидный when it gains this черта, it chooses which Базовая Форма (Четвероногий or Змеевидный) to assume when using this ability. The Эйдолон cannot choose a Базовая Форма that is not available to its subtype with this ability. If both Базовая Формаs are available to the eidolon’s subtype, it can change which Базовая Форма it assumes when using this ability whenever it gains a new Кость Здоровья. The Эйдолон can select evolutions that have either Базовая Форма as a requirement, but any evolutions that require one of the Базовая Формаs (but not the other) provide no benefit while the Эйдолон is assuming the shПримат of its other Базовая Форма.


Energized Природный Облик

Your Природный Облик form gains the benefits of one energy type for both offensive and defensive purposes.

Предпосылки: Wis 19, базовый модификатор атаки +6, Природный Облик class feature.

Benefit: When you assume a Природный Облик form, choose one of the following energy types: acid, cold, Электричество, or fire. You gain сопротивляемость 10 to that energy type. Also, one of your естественная броня attacks deals an additional 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type. If you choose a Природный Облик form that already has energy сопротивляемость of the same type you choose, it increases by 5 instead. If you choose a Природный Облик form that deals damage of the same energy type you choose, increase the energy damage you deal by one die размер (1d6 becomes 1d8, and so on).

Special: You can take this черта more than once. Each Время you take this черта, choose a different energy type.


Enhanced Gnome Magic

Your ties to the First World manifest in the form of magical abilities that tap into a естественная броня element.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Знание (природа) 3 ranks, gnome, gnome Магия народ trait.

Benefit: Add one of the following to your gnome Магия spell-like abilities: Пылающие Руки, коррозийное touch UM, gentle Бриз ACG, Льдинка dagger UM, or грозыing grasp. You can Использование this spell-like ability once per day.


Exotic Heritage

Your Крови carries hints of an extraplanar ancestor, granting you a talent for a certain skill.

Benefit: Choose a skill. You gain a +2 bonus on skill checks with that skill. If you have 10 or more ranks in the chosen skill, this bonus increases to +4. This bonus does not stack with that granted by Эксперт. This черта counts as Эксперт with the chosen skill for the purpose of meeting the Предпосылки of the Eldritch HeritageUM черта. When you select Eldritch Heritage, if you Использование this черта as a prerequisite, you can choose a mutated version of your chosen Наследие as though you were a чародей with the ОдичалыйUM archetype. All other restrictions and requirements of Eldritch Heritage still apply.


Умелец Cartographer

You are Опытный at drawing quality maps, making your cartographic works both more useful and more valuable when sold.

Prerequisite: Ремесло (maps) 3 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Ремесло (maps) checks when creating a map, as well as 1 additional Открытие Point (see page 124 for more information about Открытие Points). If you succeed at the check by 5 or more, the list price of the map increases by 20%.


Умелец Explorer

You are trained to seek out the unknown places of the wild and can expЗнание more efficiently than your untrained rivals.

Prerequisite: Знание (природа) or Выживание 5 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on skill checks when using the Исследование rules presented on pages 124–125 to detect features in a territory. If you succeed at such a skill check by 5 or more, you gain an additional 1d4 Открытие Points.


Умелец Salvager

You are адепт at foraging and salvaging raw materials from even the most Seemingly sparse of environments.

Предпосылки: Ремесло (any) 2 ranks, Колдовство 2 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Ремесло checks for Ремесло Навыки in which you have at least 2 ranks and Колдовство checks when crafting items by foraging alchemical supplies and material components, salvaging raw crafting materials, and salvaging raw magical item materials.


Extended Сфера Животных Focus

You can assume the aspects of an Сфера Животных for longer stretches of Время than most of your rivals and allies.

Prerequisite: Сфера Животных focus class feature.

Benefit: Add your Бонус Мудрости (minimum 1) to the number of minutes per Дня that you can Использование your Сфера Животных focus ability to assume the aspects of an animal.


Extended Aspects

You can invoke your aspect’s minor form longer than most.

Prerequisite: Shifter aspect* class feature.

Benefit: Add your Бонус Мудрости (minimum 1) to the number of minutes per Дня that you can Использование your shifter Аспект ability to assume a minor form.


False Trail

You create a false trail to throw off pursuers, enabling you to increase your lead on those following you or make them lose your trail entirely.

Prerequisite: Выживание 3 ranks.

Benefit: You can create a false trail in the wilderness via a combination of Обманкаing footprints, discarded items, torn scraps of clothing, and other signs. When you create a false trail, you determine the direction it leads. A creature tracking you must succeed at a Внимание or Выживание check (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Мудрость modifier) to determine the trail is fake when first encountering it. On a success, the creature can continue to Выслеживание you as normal. The Эффект of a failure to Опознание the trail as false depends on the Время and effort spent making it.

Quick: A quick false trail takes 10 minutes to complete. A creature that fails to Опознание the trail as false follows it for 1d4×1,000 feet.

Normal: A normal false trail takes 1 hour to complete. A creature that fails to Опознание the trail as false follows it for 1d4 miles.

Elaborate: An elaborate false trail takes 4 hours to complete. A creature that fails to Опознание the trail as false follows it for 2d6 miles.

After a creature that fails to Опознание a false trail follows it for the determined дальнобойное, it can attempt another Внимание or Выживание check with a +5 bonus. On a success, the creature realizes it’s following a false trail and can continue to Выслеживание you as normal after backtracking to the start of the false trail (or wherever you diverged from the false trail). On a failure, the creature continues to move in the direction of the false trail for an additional mile. After each mile, it can attempt a new check with a cumulative +5 bonus.


Фея Интуитивный

You have интуитивный into the Жуть, alien minds of Фея and can Использование this знание to more handily negotiate with or manipulate the capricious creatures.

Предпосылки: Wis 13; Знание (природа) or Знание (планы) 2 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Блеф, Дипломатия, and Проницательность skill checks when interacting with creatures of the Фея type. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus gained when interacting with creatures of the Фея type increases to +4 for that skill.


Фея Performance

The wind, trees, earth, and local wildЖизнь join in on your бардic выступления.

Prerequisite: Выступление барда class ability.

Benefit: You can enhance your performance with nature’s sights and sounds by Expending an extra round of выступление барда at the start of the performance. The range of the performance increases by 30 feet. Furthermore, for the purposes of affecting blind and Глухота creatures, this performance counts as having both audible and visible components. This черта doesn’t function in environments devoid of Сфера Животных and Сфера Растений life.



You have trained your mind to resist Магия Фей—both that cast by Фея creatures and that cast by other denizens of the First World.

Prerequisite: Знание (природа) or Знание (планы) 3 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 боевой дух bonus on испытания against Очарование and Иллюзия spells and spell-like abilities cast by creatures of the Фея type.


Flinging Charge (Combat)

You hurl a weapon during your charge before drawing a new one to strike, enabling you to make another attack at the expense of the latter attack’s accuracy.

Предпосылки: Быстрое Выхватывание, базовый модификатор атаки +6.

Benefit: If you have a Метательное weapon in hand when you begin charging, you can make a ranged attack with that weapon against the target of your charge at any point during your charge. You gain the +2 bonus for charging on the attack roll for this ranged attack. You can then immediately draw a melee weapon during your charge. You take a –5 penalty on the melee attack made at the end of the charge. When charging this way, you cannot Использование any Эффект that would grant you more than one attack at the end of your charge (such as pounce), nor can you Использование abilities that grant you other ranged attacks on a charge, such as the Метание С Разбега Дар Ярости.


Foeубийцы Magic

The spells you cast are particularly effective against your favored enemies.

Предпосылки: Ability to cast 1st-level spells, Заклятый Враг class feature.

Benefit: Your favored enemies take a –1 penalty on испытания against spells you cast. Furthermore, you gain your Заклятый Враг bonus on Колдовство checks to Опознание spells cast by favored enemies.



You are a master of woodремесло and forest Знание and can move through even the densest of trees with ease and Благодать.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (forest) class feature.

Benefit: You ignore difficult terrain created by Свет or heavy undergrowth, and you ignore increased DCs for Акробатics and Скрытность checks in Свет or heavy undergrowth. In addition, you can Использование trees to щит yourself from attacks, gaining a +1 cover bonus to your AC whenever you are adjacent to a tree (including while лазаниеing). If you are adjacent to two or more trees simultaneously, you gain a +2 cover bonus to your AC and a +1 bonus on Реакция испытания.


Frightful Shape

Your Природный Облик form strikes Ужас into your opponents.


Предпосылки: Wis 19, базовый модификатор атаки +9, Природный Облик class feature.

Benefit: When you Использование Природный Облик, it is superестественная броняly ferocious and disquieting in appearance, such that when you attack a creature, you can Использование this Свирепости to frighten observers. Opponents within 30 feet of you when you attack must succeed at a Воля save (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Модификатор Харизмы) to resist being affected by your frightful shape. On a failed save, creatures with fewer Кости Здоровья than you become потрясение, or паникует if they have 4 Кости Здоровья or fewer; in either case, the Эффект lasts for a number of rounds equal to your character level. An opponent that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to your frightful shПримат for 24 hours. This is a Разум Ужас effect.


Greater Beast Hunter (Combat)

You are an apex hunter.

Предпосылки: Beast Hunter*; Improved Beast Hunter*; базовый модификатор атаки +6; Знание (природа) or Выживание 6 ranks.

Benefit: If you are surprised by an Сфера Животных native to the terrain you have chosen for Beast Hunter, you can act normally in the предбоевой раунд, though you are still considered застигнут врасплох until it is your turn to act. You also gain a +4 bonus to confirm critical threats against Животные native to the terrain you have chosen.

Special: If you have selected Beast Hunter multiple times, you gain the benefits of this черта for all of the terrains you have chosen for those черты.

Greater Совместная Охота (Combat)

Your allies can target additional foes.

Предпосылки: Improved Совместная Охота*, Совместная Охота (Охота companions)* class feature, следопыт level 12th.

Benefit: When you activate Совместная Охота, you can select a number of targets equal to your Мудрость modifier as long as they all count as your Заклятый Враг.

Normal: You select one target against which your allies receive your Заклятый Враг bonus.


Greater Удар На Проходе (Combat)

You are a scything Ветер cutting through the battlefield as you topple your foes.

Предпосылки: Dex 17, Акробатic Steps, Уклонение, Improved Удар На Проходе*, Подвижность, Легкая Поступь, Удар На Проходе, базовый модификатор атаки +16.

Benefit: When you Использование Удар На Проходе, you can select three targets to attack during your movement instead of one. The second attack made this way is made at your full базовый модификатор атаки – 5, and the third attack made this way is made at your full базовый модификатор атаки – 10. All restrictions of Удар На Проходе apply to each target, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from any of your targets. You can’t target the same creature more than once.

Special: A монах of at least 18th level can select this черта as a монах bonus черта, but only if he has Improved Удар На Проходе and Удар На Проходе.


Greater Wilding Strike (Combat)

You Досягаемость the pinnacle of your wilding strike abilities.

Предпосылки: Str 18, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Improved Wilding Strike*, Wilding*, Wilding Strike*, базовый модификатор атаки +16.

Benefit: The damage die of your Мастер Кулачного Бояs increases to 1d10 (or 1d8 if you are Небольшой). This does not stack with any other effects that increase the damage die of your Мастер Кулачного Бояs, including levels in classes such as монах. Increases to your actual размер category (such as Увеличение person) still increase your damage die as normal.

Group Shared Spells (Teamwork)

You and your allies can cast spells through each other’s фамильяры as if they were your own.

Prerequisite: Фамильяр with the Общие Заклинания ability.

Benefit: You and any of your allies with this черта can cast spells with a target of “you” on each other’s фамильяры as touch spells. Both the target фамильяр and that фамильяр’s master must be willing for the spell to take effect. You can cast spells on each other’s фамильяры even if the spells would not normally affect creatures of the targeted фамильяр’s type.


Harder They Fall (Combat, Teamwork)

You can work with an ally to move or Стук over a foe that’s too Большой for either of you to overcome alone.

Предпосылки: Str 13, Int 13, Combat Expertise, Сокрушительный Удар.

Benefit: When you Использование the Помощь another Действие to grant an ally who also has this черта a +2 bonus on a bull rush or Сбивание С Ног combat maneuver check, the ally can attempt that maneuver even against foes two or more размер categories Крупныйr than herself.


Hide Worker

You excel at crafting armor made from the hides of Животные or monsters.

Предпосылки: Ремесло (бронник) 3 ranks, Знание (природа) 3 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Ремесло (бронник) checks to create armor or щитs from the hides of living creatures (such as dragonhide). If you succeed at a Ремесло (бронник) check to create armor or щитs from the hides of living creatures by 5 or more, you also decrease the Стоимость to make the item by 10%.


Льда Лазаниеer

You can move or clamber across Скользкий surfaces with great skill.

Предпосылки: Arctic Adaptation* or Горец*; Лазание 2 ranks.

Benefit: When moving across a Скользкий surface (including but not limited to icy surfaces), you gain a +5 bonus on Лазание checks and on Акробатics checks to maintain your balance. If you fail a Лазание check, you fall only if you fail the check by 10 or more. You also gain a +5 bonus on Внимание checks to notice an Лавина and a +2 ситуативный bonus on Реакция saves to avoid an Лавина.


Improved Beast Hunter (Combat)

You are well trained in stalking and Охота the Животные of the wild.

Предпосылки: Beast Hunter*; базовый модификатор атаки +3; Знание (природа) or Выживание 3 ranks.

Benefit: When fighting Животные that are at least one размер category Крупныйr than you and that are native to the terrain you have chosen with Beast Hunter, you gain a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks and a +4 to your CMD against such animals’ attempts to Использование combat maneuvers against you. Additionally, you gain a +2 bonus on Реакция saves against attacks by the Сфера Животных that allow a Реакция save (such as attempting to avoid a Затаптывание attack).

Special: If you have selected Beast Hunter multiple times, you gain this benefit for all of the terrains you have chosen for those черты.


Improved Совместная Охота (Combat)

You deepen your connection to your allies, granting them higher bonuses.

Предпосылки: Совместная Охота (Охота companions) class feature, следопыт level 9th.

Benefit: When you activate Совместная Охота, you can grant your allies your full Заклятый Враг bonus against a single target.

Normal: Your allies receive half your Заклятый Враг bonus against a single target.


Improved Естественная броня Отрава Harvester

You excel at harveЖало Отрава from the many toxic creatures of the естественная броня world.

Предпосылки: Естественная броня Отрава Harvester*, Ремесло (алхимик) 9 ranks, Выживание 9 ranks.

Benefit: When you successfully harvest Отрава from a hazard or мертв creature, you gain an additional 1d4 doses of Яд.


Improved Удар На Проходе (Combat)

You dИскуство through the press of Битва like a Бриз, assaulting foes as you pass.

Предпосылки: Dex 15, Уклонение, Подвижность, Легкая Поступь, Удар На Проходе, базовый модификатор атаки +9.

Benefit: When you Использование Удар На Проходе, you can select two targets to attack during your movement instead of one. The second attack made this way is made at your full базовый модификатор атаки – 5. All restrictions of Удар На Проходе apply to both targets, and your movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity from either target. You can’t target the same creature twice.

Special: A монах of at least 14th level can select this черта as a монах bonus черта, but only if he has Удар На Проходе.


Improved Wilding Strike (Combat)

You gain greater skill with the естественная броня power of your blows.

Предпосылки: Str 16, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Wilding*, Wilding Strike*, базовый модификатор атаки +11.

Benefit: The damage die of your Мастер Кулачного Бояs increases to 1d8 (or 1d6 if you are Небольшой). This does not stack with any other effects that increase the damage die of your Мастер Кулачного Бояs, including levels in classes such as монах. Increases to your actual размер category (such as Увеличение person) still increase your damage die as normal.


Indomitable Скакунain Лавина (Combat)

You are an impassable Скакунain, Метатель your enemies back. Предпосылки: Wis 15, Combat Реакцияes, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Indomitable Скакунain Peak*, Indomitable Скакунain

Style*, базовый модификатор атаки +9.

Benefit: If an opponent fails at a combat maneuver against you, you can Использование an внеочередная атака to make a melee attack against the opponent using your highest бонус атаки. If the attack hits, instead of dealing damage, you can Толчок the opponent back 5 feet for every 5 by which it failed its combat maneuver check (minimum 5 feet). Additionally, when you hit with an unarmed melee attack against an opponent who provoked an внеочередная атака by failing its Акробатics check to move through a space you threaten, you can Толчок the opponent back 5 feet instead of dealing damage. The opponent moves back in a straight line, but stops before hitting any obstacle or hazard.


Indomitable Скакунain Peak (Combat)

You become more difficult to move or pass, an Неуловимый peak your enemies cannot surСкакун.

Предпосылки: Wis 15, Combat Реакцияes, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Indomitable Скакунain Style*, базовый модификатор атаки +6.

Benefit: Whenever an opponent succeeds at a combat maneuver against you or at an Акробатics check to avoid provoking an внеочередная атака when moving through a square you threaten, you immediately gain a +2 боевой дух bonus to your CMD against the next combat maneuver against you or to the DC of the next Акробатics check to avoid an внеочередная атака when moving through a square you threaten. This bonus stacks until either attempt fails against you.

Table 3—2: Mutated ShПримат Appendage Attacks

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