Wilderness explorer (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Wilderness explorer (archetype)

2021-02-05 84
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Wilderness explorers are адепт at making peaceful contact with remote societies.

Class Навыки (Экс): A wilderness explorer gains Дипломатия and Знание (краеведение) as class skills, but he does not gain Запугивание or Знание (подземелья) as class skills.

This alters the следопыт’s class skills.

Cultural Contact (Экс): A wilderness explorer gains the ability to communicate with creatures with which he doesn’t share a common language. Only basic concepts can be conveyed or understood, such as “I need help,” “I come in peace,” “Come over here,” “Go over there,” and the like. This allows the wilderness explorer to ignore the common Языка requirement of social interДействие and Язык spells and effects, but he can do so only when the information being shared is relatively simple. The creature with which the wilderness explorer communicates must understand at least one Языка for this ability to function.

Additionally, a wilderness explorer can peacefully influence the initial attitude of humanoids that have Intelligence scores of 2 or lower. This ability functions just like Понимание Животных, but it works on humanoids instead of on animals. The wilderness explorer can also Использование this ability to influence a monstrous humanoid with 2 or lower Intelligence, but the wilderness explorer takes a –4 penalty on the check.

This replaces Понимание Животных.

Hazard Sense (Экс): At 4th level, a wilderness explorer gains an intuitive understanding of естественная броня hazards and traps fashioned from a естественная броня environment. He gains a +1 bonus on Реакция saves against естественная броня hazards and wilderness traps and a +1 уклонение bonus to AC against attacks from wilderness traps. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

This replaces Совместная Охота.

Indigenous Spirit (Св): At 8th level, a wilderness explorer attracts the Помощь of native spirits, which reward his appreciation of their Домашняя with whispered warnings. The wilderness explorer gains uncanny уклонение as long as he remains within one of his chosen Излюбленная Местностьs. This works like the варвар ability of the same name.

This replaces Ищейка and alters Излюбленная Местность.

Guardian Spirit (Св): At 11th level, a wilderness explorer gains the Помощь of indigenous spirits, which favor him when he is защитное himself against multiple foes that surround him. He gains Невероятное Уклонение+; this ability functions only while the следопыт is within one of his Излюбленная Местностьs.

This replaces Добыча and alters Излюбленная Местность.

Manifest Spirit (Св): At 19th level, a wilderness explorer is щитed from Магия by those guardian Приведение that favor him. He gains spell сопротивляемость equal to 11 + his следопыт level. This ability functions only while the wilderness explorer is within one of his Излюбленная Местностьs.

This replaces Добыча+ and alters Излюбленная Местность.



Hailing from primitive Корень s in the wild, some следопытs venture to more civilized lands and learn their ways. Wild Души carry these more reКрошечныйd teachings back to the frontier lands of their birth, and they employ that знание in Оборона of their homes.

Освобождение ed Soul: A wild soul swears to himself never to make Использование of advanced technology, alchemy, мистическая магия, or firearms. He also must oppose their Использование on his person, refusing to be a willing target and attempting a saving throw if possible (even if the Эффект is Повреждениеless or beneficial). Violating this oath causes a wild soul to lose the abilities granted by this archetype until he atones.

Nemesis (Экс): A wild soul gains a +2 bonus on Запугивание, Знание, Внимание, Проницательность, Колдовство, and Выживание checks against creatures that wield advanced technology, alchemical Оружие (including an алхимик’s bombs), or firearms and against those that cast мистические заклинания (this does not apply to creatures that Использование spell-like abilities). Likewise, he gains a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against such opponents. The wild soul can attempt Ремесло (алхимик), Знание (магия), and Колдовство checks untrained when attempting to Опознание enemy Магия or advanced technology.

At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1 (to a maximum of +5 at 20th level).

This replaces Заклятый Враг.

Nemesis Оборона (Экс): At 8th level, a wild soul adds his nemesis bonus on испытания against advanced technology, alchemical items (including an алхимик’s bombs and extracts), and мистические заклинания. He also adds this bonus to his AC against advanced technological items, alchemical items (including алхимик bombs), мистические заклинания that require attack rolls, and firearms.

This replaces Ищейка.

Сломать the Interloper (Св): At 11th level, when a wild soul hits an мистический заклинатель, a creature with extract slots, or a creature with grit (but not grit-like pools such as panache) with a weapon attack, the target either loses its highest-level available spell or extract slot or loses 1 point of grit, and the wild soul gains 5 temporary пункты здоровья. A target of this ability can neВрата this Эффект with a successful Стойкость save (DC = 10 + half the следопыт’s level + his Мудрость modifier). Regardless of the outcome of the saving throw, the target is immune to this ability for 24 hours.

This replaces quarry.

Dizzying Onslaught (Экс): At 19th level, a wild soul lands punishing blows that devastate his nemeses’ ability to focus. When he confirms a critical hit against a creature against whom his nemesis bonus applies, for 1 minute the target must succeed at a concentration check (DC = 20 + the wild soul’s Мудрость modifier + twice the круг заклинаний) to cast an Скрытнсти spell, create an extract, or Использование an алхимик’s bomb, and the target can’t spend or gain grit.

This replaces Добыча+.

Nemesis Убийца (Экс): At 20th level, a wild soul becomes Смерть incarnate to his nemeses. As a основное действие, he can make a single attack against a nemesis at his full бонус атаки. If the attack hits, the target takes damage normally and must succeed at a Стойкость save (DC = 10 + half the wild soul’s level + his Мудрость modifier) or die. The wild soul can instead deal an amount of nonlethal damage equal to the creature’s current пункты здоровья, which the target can neВрата with a successful save at the same DC. The следопыт can Использование this ability up to five times per day, but he cannot Использование it against the same creature more than once in a 24-hour period.

This replaces Великий Охотник.



Though плутs are common in the courts and streets of bustling cities, many prefer the wilderness as a place to avoid the authorities, hide their treasure, or waylay travelers. Stories of highway banditry, charming wildland robbers, and mischievous tricksters who enjoy playing pranks on travelers often rise from the antics and actions of wilderness-dwelling плутs. Плутs with the Фея type can also select the Фея prankster archetype found on page 11.


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