Type of Terrain Fo Ярость Factor Fo Ярость DC — КиберПедия 

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Type of Terrain Fo Ярость Factor Fo Ярость DC

2021-02-05 76
Type of Terrain Fo Ярость Factor Fo Ярость DC 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Standard           ×1                      15

Barren              ×2                       20  

Abundant          ×1/2                    10  

Terrain is rugged ×2                       +5


Время spent to foЯрость for supplies need not be consecutive and can be split over multiple days. Once the required Время has passed, attempt a skill check against the appropriate foЯрость DC as indicated on the table above; typically this is a Выживание check, but searching for some types of supplies sometimes allows the substitution of a different skill.

When a character attempts to foЯрость for supplies, he must choose what kind of supplies he is searching for from the broad categories detailed below.

Alchemical Supplies and Material Components: Many alchemical supplies and material components can be found in the wilderness. You can foЯрость enough supplies to approximate the contents of an Алхимия crafting kit or a spell component pouch with a successful Выживание check and 2d4 hours of effort, but the GM can rule that certain components simply aren’t available in an area (for example, bat guano cannot be foЯростьd in terrain where no bats live). If a component is unavailable in the area but its Стоимость remains negligible, you can create a rudimentary substitute component from your foЯростьd supplies with a successful Ремесло (алхимик) or Колдовство check and 1 hour of effort (DC = 15 + Двустороннее the level of the extract or spell). An extract or spell cast with such an improvised substitute has a 20% chance of failure (in addition to any other chance of failure). Focus components or costly material components cannot be foЯростьd.

Herbs: Foraging for specific herbs requires a Знание (природа) or Профессия (травник) check and follows special rules, as presented on page 152 of this book.

RepВоздух Materials and Improvised Tools: A period of 1d6 hours and a successful Выживание check are enough to foЯрость rudimentary supplies to выступление field repairs for damaged equipment when the proper tools and supplies are not available. On a successful check, a character gathers the equivalent of 2d6 gp in raw materials. She must still spend the Время and attempt Ремесло or Колдовство skill checks as normal to Использование these materials to repВоздух an object, but she takes a –5 penalty on the check due to the foЯростьd Природа of the materials used. RepВоздух materials gathered in this way cannot be sold.

If these gathered materials are instead used to ремесло improvised tools, a successful foЯрость check gathers only the equivalent of 1d6 gp in raw materials. A Ремесло or Колдовство check to repВоздух an object or to ремесло an improvised tool with foЯростьd supplies always fails on a естественная броня 1.

Weapons: Functional clubs and quarterstaves can be foЯростьd with 10 minutes of foraging in any area with trees or wood; in other regions, clubs and quarterstaves require 1d4 hours of searching and function as improvised weapons. At the GM’s discretion, other improvised Оружие can be foЯростьd.



Foraging is one way to gather resources in the wild, but you can also recycle or repurpose items and gear as well, salvaging materials from items you no longer need or are willing to Жертвоприношение. You can’t salvage materials from artifacts, проклятие items, or items you can’t destroy. Successfully salvaging an item requires a Ремесло or Колдовство check and takes an amount of Время as indicated in the specific type of salvage operation below.

Ammunition: You can Использование destroyed ammunition as raw materials for new ammunition. Five pieces of destroyed ammunition provide suitable material to create one new piece of ammunition using the normal crafting rules.

Potions: If you have the Создание Зелий черта, you can combine естественная броня catalysts with a potion to salvage it and create a different potion of a lower круг заклинания. Salvaging a potion requires raw Магия item materials (these can be salvaged from улучшения items, as detailed below). To salvage a potion, you must spend 1 hour per круг заклинания of the original potion and then attempt a Ремесло (алхимик) or Колдовство check with a DC equal to 15 + 3 × the original potion’s круг заклинания. If you succeed, you transmute the original potion into a new potion of a spell at least one круг заклинания lower, provided you know the spell in question (it need not be one you can currently cast). If you fail this check by 4 or less, the attempt fails and the catalyst is wasted, but the potion is unВред. If you fail by 5 or more, the raw materials are lost and the original potion is ruined.

Raw Crafting Materials: Anyone trained in the Ремесло skill can salvage raw materials from equipment for Использование in crafting or repair. You must carefully dismantle the item to be salvaged, resulting in the item’s Уничтожение. If the item’s price is 1 gp or less, its materials can be salvaged with only 1 hour of work; otherwise it takes 8 hours to salvage crafting materials. A successful Ремесло check against the item’s Созидание DC + 5 yields raw materials worth one-quarter the item’s price. If you fail the Ремесло check by 4 or less, the item is destroyed but the materials can still be salvaged in a future attempt. If you fail the Ремесло check by 5 or more, the item is destroyed and the materials are ruined. Salvaged raw materials can be used to create or repВоздух any item of the same materials and reduces the Конструкцийion Время by the proportion of the new item’s raw materials that are salvaged (minimum 8 hours).

Raw Магия Item Materials: Anyone with an item creation черта can salvage the raw materials from Магия items for the Созидание of new ones or repВоздух of улучшения ones. You must have the item Созидание черта required for that item to salvage its raw materials. Each attempt requires destroying a Магия item and 8 hours of work. If the item’s price is 500 gp or less, you can salvage its materials in only 2 hours. A successful Ремесло or Колдовство check with a DC equal to 10 + the item’s caster level yields raw materials worth two-thirds the Созидание Стоимость of the destroyed item (one-third the market price). If you fail the skill check by 4 or less, the item is destroyed but the materials can still be salvaged in a future attempt. If you fail the skill check by 5 or more, the item is destroyed and the materials are ruined. Salvaged raw materials can be used to create or repВоздух any item made of similar materials or that shares any of the Созидание requirements as the original. Including the majority of the materials allows you to automatically meet any Конструкцийion requirements of a new item that the salvaged item also required and reduces the Конструкцийion or repВоздух Время by the proportion of the new item’s Конструкцийion materials that are salvaged (with the usual minimum Созидание time). Книги Заклинаний and formula books can be salvaged for Магия inks and paper usable in formula books, scrolls, and Книги Заклинаний.

Costly Spell Components: Anyone trained in Колдовство can salvage costly material or focus spell components from Магия items. Each attempt requires destroying the item and 8 hours of work. An item can be сломан down into a powder that can be used in place of gemКамень dust as a material component. Otherwise, the item must have a spell requiring the component in its Конструкцийion requirements to salvage that component. A successful Колдовство check with a DC equal to 10 + the item’s caster level yields materials usable in place of that spell component worth two-thirds the item’s Созидание Стоимость (one-third its market price). If you fail the check by 4 or less, the item is destroyed without yielding spell components, but you can try to salvage them again. If you fail the check by 5 or more, the item is destroyed and the spell components are ruined.


Options for Foraging

At the GM’s discretion, the following additional rules can be applied to foraging.

Encounters while Foraging: If you use wandering monsters in your game, you should consider checking for a random encounter once per foraging expedition.

Exhausting Resources: At the GM’s discretion, a region can eventually be exhausted of supplies viable for foraging.

Foraging while Traveling: You can forage while traveling, but doing so doubles the amount of time required to forage and halves your overall distance traveled. If you move through multiple types of terrain, use the least advantageous forage factor and forage DC of the terrains traveled through.

Group Foraging: Characters can always take the aid another action to improve a character’s skill check to forage; when they do so, they need not remain adjacent to the creature they are aiding.

Swift Foraging: A character can attempt to forage more quickly by increasing the required DC by 10; doing so cuts the time taken to forage in half.

The Green Faith

The Green Faith is a multifaceted set of beliefs centered on admiration for the естественная броня world, teaching that all living things are connected and that естественная броня changes in the weather, the seasons, and individuals are to be respected and celebrated rather than Ужасed. To the followers of the Green Faith, all aspects of the естественная броня world are священный, even those that are confusing or dangerous. Even Смерть is just another change that connects one generation to the выживание of the next. Though often dismissed as not being a “real” faith by those who follow specific deities, the Green Faith is a very old and very real religion.

Some scholars of the Божественная believe that друидism is older even than the concept of worshiping a deity. In the earliest days of the world, before mortals could even enВидение such abstract ideas as gods or philosophies, the environment was a constant presence in every life. The heat of the sun, the chill of rain, the violence of a storm, the Сила of a beast, and the Красота of a wildflower were all physical proof of the complexity and power of nature. Whether observing the procession of Дня to night, the birth of a child, or the Уничтожение of a raging forest fire, mortals Свидетельing the Чудоs of the естественная броня world deemed them proof of something greater than individual lives, and reverence for that source is the origin of the first друидs, wise folk who put their faith in an unnamed power that drove all of these events.

Legends hold that the Green Faith grew out of an ancient conflict between four sects of друидs who battled for control of a vast wilderness. One sect put its faith in the Шторма of the sky, a second in the Земля that provides a Домашняя to all living things, a third in the Сила and Чистота of wild beasts, and a fourth in the cleansing quality of fire. These sects gathered for war, intent on finishing their conflict once and for all. As the rising Солнце shone its rays in the war-torn vale, the друид leaders gathered their strength, but before any of them could strike, a Гейзер erupted from the ground. Made of equal parts bubbling water, rich soil, and snapping flames, this Гейзер spiraled up from the earth, and a host of multicolored birds emerged from it, полетing away as the Гейзер sank down. The друидs realized that although their methods differed, their beliefs all took Корень  in the same concept; though they had come to do battle, they instead forged a laЖало peace. From this alliance grew the Green Faith, and in the thousands of years since then, it has changed little, deОзлобленность cataclysms, planar invasions, and mortal wars, for the cycles of Природа are a Узор more reliable than the most Крошечныйly tuned clockwork device.

The Green Faith doesn’t personify Природа in an anthropomorphic way. Nature’s voice is the burbling of a stream, the buzzing of a bee, the clattering of stones, the crackle of flame, the cry of an eagle, the hСова of the wind, the grСова of a bear, and the rustling of branches. Deciding that a man or a woman somehow incarnates Природа is seen as Небольшой minded and as overvaluing one’s role within the cycle of nature. Жизнь exists on such a Большой and Небольшой scЭль that no one person can adequately represent its greatness and complexity; Природа has created mighty trees older than civilization and countless Маленький creatures in the Вода and Воздух that live and die in but a few days. A друид may be proud of her Навыки or arrogant about her aspect’s role in the cycles, but the ageless wheel of Жизнь that consumes and renews humbles all друидs. What lesser beings might Ужас, hate, or covet in this bounty, друидs admire and treat with the utmost respect. Most followers of the Green Faith believe in reincarnation— that Души are immortal and go through life’s journey many times in countless different forms. All living things are part of this cycle, and a humanoid in one Жизнь may be animal, plant, or even elemental in another. The Green Faith does not teach a strict hierarchy of Жизнь but rather that in each Жизнь there are new lessons to be learned. One must therefore respect all life, for one never knows what an individual’s past or future lives might hold.

The Green Faith is itself true neutral, though individual members can have any alignment that includes a neutral element (Хаос neutral, Принципиальность neutral, neutral, neutral evil, or neutral good). Its core is the друидic belief in protecting Природа and understanding the cycles of seasons, elements, and mortality. Its favored Оружие are those used by друидs. Its священное symbols are mistletoe, holly, and green faces made out of leaves. Lay members of the Green Faith may indicate their allegiance by hanging a bundle of herbs outside their door, carving a face on a building’s eastern corner, or planting oaks or holly along the road to a settlement.

Formal dress for the clergy is a robe, vestment, cowl, and ceremonial wooden staff, all in greens and Земля tones. This clothing may be plain or elaborate, and priests with advanced magical powers may incorporate living plants into their ceremonial garb. Adventuring priests wear clothing appropriate for travel, and they adorn their clothing or Оружие with a sprig of holly or mistletoe or wear a священное symbol as a necklace or hanging from a belt.

The Green Faith celebrates the solstices, equinoxes, and planetary alignments. Specific orders may have additional holidays, usually the anniversaries of important events in the order’s history. Some orders of the Green Faith also celebrate full and new moons by исполнение rituals such as marriages or naming days on nights when the Луна is at an auspicious point in its cycle. Certain members of the Green Faith hold the Луна in such high regard that they eschew the solar calendar and instead Использование a lunar calendar that has been passed down for generations.

The Green Faith finds allies among those devoted to gods of nature, the elements, and the fey. They are often at odds but rarely in open conflict, with the followers of Добро and neutral gods of Города and civilization. They openly oppose religions that seek to corrupt or shackle nature, especially those that promote the Облако of aberrations or нежить.

The Green Faith is very protective of its secrets, and it’s естественная броня that some потусторонние существа might grow suspicious of what its members are hiding. In areas where modern religions are practiced and the Old Ways are forgotten or suppressed, slanderous conspiracy theories may arise about what the друидs know or what they do unseen in the woods. Green Faith adherents strive to disabИспользование people of these notions before they lead to violence against their order.


Members of the Green Faith do not build temples in the traditional sense. In fact, most of their священный sites are practically невидимость to those not of the faith, for they are simply places of great естественная броня Красота or wonder. A shrine might be a tree bent into an unusual shape, an upthrust rock in a bare plain, or a clean spring in a dry badlands, while a crashing waterfall, giant oak, or semidormant volcano could become a temple of the faith. Друидic carvings in Камень  or Дерево might mark these sites, but just as often they are simply recognized by those in touch with nature. Though any member of the Green Faith may recognize and worship at these sites, these places of worship are often kept by a single Орден of друидs whose area of concern matches the Природа of the священный site.

Instead of gathering in enclosed buildings for important rituals, members of the Green Faith build henges, perfect circles of Камень blocks or wooden pillars surrounding a central altar or totem. Henges are open to sky, and the stones or poles are erected to perfectly align with celestial objects at specific times during the year. Henges often mark the convergence of ley lines (Pathfinder RPG Оккультизм Adventures 232). Using a henge grants a +4 ситуативный bonus on Знание (природа) checks to determine the timing of celestial events such as dawn and dusk, equinoxes and solstices, and Повреждениеonic convergences. A character standing within a henge gains a +2 ситуативный bonus on Колдовство checks to attune to any of the ley lines Running through it. The henge also grants a +2 bonus on skill checks attempted as part of an Оккультизм ritual (Оккультизм Adventures 208) related to the elements, fey, or Природа (this bonus does not stack with any bonus gained from being attuned with a ley line). In addition, worshipers of the Green Faith treat any henge dedicated to their philosophy as a tree of any type for the purpose of Телепортация spells such as Путешествие Сквозь Растения or tree stride.

Followers of the Green Faith rarely live or otherwise build structures near their священный sites. Some Ужас that to do so would make the wondrous become mundane, while others believe that the presence of humanoids (even those who revere nature) would despoil these places.



Друидs, hunters, and следопытs make up the majority of the Green Faith’s priests, though certain other spellcasters can serve in the role as well. Green Faith priests are keepers of ancient wisdom. The Green Faith has collectively accumulated vast знание of the естественная броня and spiritual worlds, much of which has never been written down. It is the job of every priest to learn from the elders and to teach the next generation.

The знание acquired by priests of the Green Faith is not purely academic. They Использование their Мудрость to protect Природа and to Помощь those who live Тычковое to it. These worshipers serve rural and tribal communities as spiritual advisers and лечениеers, but they also lend more practical Помощь, teaching such folk how to work in Повреждениеony with Природа to get the best results. Priests of the Green Faith are known for their neutrality, and they are often called upon to serve as diplomats or impartial judges when disputes arise.

Green Faith priests are also mediators between Природа and civilization. They intervene whenever an environment is threatened by the encroachment of humanity, such as excessive logging or hunting, and attempt to curb such activity through дипломатия and education. When such methods fail, however, they often feel no guilt at resorting to intimidation or more drastic measures. They also teach lay followers how to defend themselves and their property from естественная броня dangers, such as floods or predators, using methods that work with Природа rather than destroy it.

Priests may be nomadic or sedentary. Some treat a geographic region—such as a forest, river, or valley—as their parish, protecting the creatures that live there. Others serve as the religious leaders of rural and tribal communities.

Still others wander the land, observing Природа in all its varied forms, or follow the migration of birds or beasts. Like their sedentary counterparts, nomadic priests provide advice and mediation to those they encounter along the way.



Although some Green Faith priests are independent, most belong to an Орден that focuses on a particular Аспект of nature, such as air, beasts, or plants. The orders are commonly known as the Друидs of the Leaf, Друидs of the Flame, Друидs of the Fang, and so on—although these orders include priests from various classes, not just друидs. The orders informally patrol and protect естественная броня territories, which may overlap to a Небольшой or Большой extent depending on the orders’ focuses. For example, a Большой forest’s birds might be protected by Друидs of the Wing, its plants by Друидs of the Leaf, and its predators by Друидs of the Fang, though all three orders would come together against something that threatened the entire forest.

The following are the Крупныйst orders and their areas of interest and practices.

Друид s of the Earth: These друидs trace their traditions back to one of the original factions that formed the Green Faith. Друидs of the Земля watch over Бурениеing creatures, caves, soil, worms, and herd animals. They advise farmers and ranchers when to Сфера Растений and graze and when to let the land lie fallow. They may work with miners to make sure their activities are not too Помеха Для Заклинаний to nature.

Above ground, Друидs of the Земля mark their священный sites with menhirs or stelae. Below ground, cave paintings preserve their ancient wisdom—some are untouched since prehistoric times. Priests of this Орден specialize in earth-based magic. They often bond with herd Животные and Животные that Рыть or dwell in caves. Друидs of the Fang: One of the Green Faith’s founding factions, the Друидs of the Fang revere predatory beasts such as lions, snakes, and wolves. Many seek to emulate these creatures, living off the land by their wits alone. Others work with rural communities, protecting them from dangerous predators while at the same Время protecting those predators from vengeful humanoids.

Places священный to the Друидs of the Fang are often marked with the claw marks or footprints of predatory Животные or with the Кости of prey animals. Друидs of the Fang specialize in animal-related magic, and almost all of them form a bond with a predatory animal. Hunters, следопытs, and shifters form a Крупныйr percentage of the Друидs of the Fang than of any other order.

Друид s of the Flame: The Друидs of the Пламя descend from another of the Green Faith’s original factions. Often misunderstood by потусторонние существа, these priests revere Огонь as a Сила of change. They recognize wildfires as necessary to clear away old Роста and make way for new life. They are arguably the most militant order, using Огонь to Очищение  the world of aberrations and нежить. Counter to expectation, they also work to protect wilderness and rural communities from both arson and negligent fires.

Major rituals by Друидs of the Пламя typically include a baleОгонь or wicker effigy, and residual Праха often marks their священный sites. These priests often specialize in Огонь magic. Few take Верный Зверьs, and no Сфера Животных is particularly favored among those that do.

Друид s of the Leaf: These priests revere trees and green plants and the bounty they provide. Друидs of the Leaf are gardeners of the wilderness, fighting the Облако of Сфера Растений diseases and encouraging reРоста in areas affected by extreme Погода or negligent humanoids. They work with farmers, gatherers, and loggers to ensure sustainable land use, and they teach that even weeds may have beneficial uses. Rituals conducted by Друидs of the Leaf often take place in естественная броня clearings or around particularly Большой or fecund trees. The path to these sites may be marked with blazes, abstract symbols cut into living wood. Друидs of the Leaf focus on plant-related magic. Сфера Растений companions are more common among Друидs of the Leaf than in other orders.

Друид s of the Storm: Only a few centuries old, the Друидs of the Storm model their Орден after the storm друидs who were a founding fДействие of the Green Faith. These priests focus on storms, winds, and weather, and they are Тычковое allies with the Друидs of the Wing. Друидs of the Storm teach followers of the Green Faith how to predict coming Погода and how to alleviate or exploit the prevailing conditions.

Друидs of the Storm meet in places marked by the weather, from Светning-struck trees to rugged Скакунaintops. Percussion and Ветер instruments often feature in their rituals. Воздух and Погода Магия are the specialties of this order, and those who choose to bond with an Сфера Животных favor crows and seabirds.

Друид s of the Wave: The priests of this Орден devote themselves to rivers, to seas, and to fish and other плаваниеming creatures. Друидs of the Волна are steОпеки of the watery world who are quick to point out that more of the globe is covered by Вода than land. Друидs of the Волна act against overfishing and pollution, but they also protect those who respect Природа against drowning and dangerous Море creatures.

Waterfalls and secluded bays serve as shrines for the Друидs of the Wave, though the ever-moving priests rarely form permanent congregations. Друидs of the Волна specialize in water-based magic, and those who bond with an Верный Зверь or фамильяр most often choose one that is Водная or amphibious.

Друид s of the Wing: Друидs of the Wing watch over winged creatures, both domesticated and wild. Though the well-being of these creature is their primary concern, Друидs of the Wing also observe полетing creatures as a form of Прорицание, finding hidden meaning in their movement through the air. Of course, many initiates of this Орден are drawn by the Сновидение of полетing.

The neЖало grounds of birds and other winged creatures are священный to Друидs of the Wing, and many of their most important sites are virtually inaccessible without fСвет. Друидs of the Wing specialize in Магия related to Животные and Прорицание, though some learn wind-altering Магия from the allied Друидs of the Storm. Друидs of the Wing who take an Верный Зверь or фамильяр inevitably choose one that can полет.

Minor Orders: The Небольшойer orders of the Green Faith include both relatively new orders and older orders with very specific focuses. If a minor Орден grows in popularity, it may eventually become a major order. Examples of minor orders include the Друидs of the Hive (focusing on bees and wasps), Isle (islands and island life), Rift (geothermal and volcanic areas), Scarab (crawling insects), ScЭль (dinosaurs, reptiles, and snakes), Spore (fungi rather than plants), and Паутина (spiders).



Each Орден of the Green Faith maintains an oral record of its history, its знание of the естественная броня world, and Знание of the realms of elementals and fey. For many of the major orders, this знание has been accumulated over thousands of years. It can take a lifeВремя of study to understand all the Секреты of the друидs, so this знание is divided into “circles.”

A new member of an Орден is called an initiate of the first circle, and she is taught a broad history of the Орден and its most basic techniques. As a priest demonstrates greater understanding, Предрасположенность К Магии, and loyalty to the order, she is initiated into a higher circle, each Время gaining access to more of the order’s history and знание. The major orders are divided into nine circles, while minor orders typically have only three or five circles.

Each Орден has its own ritual for initiating a priest into the next circle, though it almost always involves the object of the order’s focus. It is up to the GM to determine when a character is ready to be initiated into the next circle. A character must have a caster level at least equal to the new circle (though she may not necessarily advance at every new character level, particularly if she belongs to a minor order). Kineticists and shifters treat their Кости Здоровья as their caster level for the purposes of this advancement. The character must also demonstrate her dedication to the Green Faith and the order, usually by adventuring on its behalf or by spending downВремя изучение with more advanced priests. Barring unusual ситуативныйs, a character cannot rise more than one circle per season (3 months).

Within each successive circle there are fewer priests. In some orders (notably the Друидs of the Fang and Друидs of the Flame), the higher circles have specific number of priests. Though this number may increase if the Орден expands into new territory, more often a priest who wants be initiated into a circle without an opening must Бросить Вызов an улучшения initiate of the circle. The Бросить Вызов may be hand-to-hand combat, a competition of spells, or some other formalized contest as determined by the order. Such a Бросить Вызов is usually nonlethal, and causing permanent Повреждение тto one’s opponent is typically grounds for disqualification (and possibly other forms of censure). If the Бросить Вызовr wins, she is allowed to advance to the next circle, while the loser is demoted to the lower circle. Бросить Вызовs are limited to one per lunar month to prevent them from becoming a Отвлечение from other duties.

Though all priests of the Green Faith are considered peers, it is generally expected that when conflict occurs, deference is given to the initiate of the highest circle. Priests who Досягаемость the highest circle of their Орден are known as archдруидs. The Голова of each Орден is called the great друид, chosen from among the order’s archдруидs. The head of all the Green Faith is called the grand друид. Traditionally, the grand друид is chosen from among the great друидs, though in times when the orders have been in conflict, a wise and powerful independent друид has been chosen. The titles grand друид and great друид are held for life, though rarely a titleholder may abdicate or be Бросить Вызовd by another priest of sufficient rank.



The vast majority of Green Faith followers belong to NPC classes, primarily простолюдинs and умелецs. They are farmers, herders, hunters, and woodcutters. Adventurers who follow the Green Faith often come from such humble beginnings and retain their Предки’ reverence even as they Сфера Путешествий the world. Those who exhibit magical ability may even become priests of the Green Faith.

Варвар: The Green Faith is common among варвар cultures. As they are not spellcasters, варварs do not act as priests, though they may serve the Green Faith in other ways, such as guarding traveling priests or священный sites.

Бард or Skald: The Green Faith is not contained in paper books. Indeed, much of their священный знание predates the invention of writing. Some of the Green Faith’s священный знание is carved into Камень monuments, but most of it exists only in the memories of the initiated. Бардs and skaldsACG serve the Green Faith as keepers of oral tradition, from practical bushремесло to священный rituals to secret Таинства of the higher circles.

Bloodrager or Чародей: Чародейs or bloodragersACG with the elemental or Наследие Фейs (or чародейs with the stormbornAPG or verdantAPG Наследиеs) are often drawn to the Green Faith. Most such initiates are born into cultures where the Green Faith is prevalent, but others find the Green Faith while ищущее the origins of their magical blood. Though admitted into the priesthood, чародейs and bloodragers are relatively rare in the Green Faith, and not always recognized by the more conservative factions.

Друид: The Green Faith originated among друидs, and the vast majority of its priests are друидs. Lay folk (who may know little of the intricacy of magic) commonly refer to all priests of the Green Faith as друидs, regardless of their actual class. The Green Faith shares much in common with other forms of друидism (such as those who worship specific deities) and its priests are generally forgiving of those who can’t tell the difference.

Hunter or Следопыт: After друидs, следопытs are the most common adventuring class to practЛьда the Green Faith. As spellcasters, следопытs and huntersACG can serve as priests of the Green Faith, though they tend to focus more on the practical aspects of the philosophy than on the spiritual. Следопытs and hunters often defer to друидs in matters of faith, but may lead Green Faith communities where друидs are absent.

Kineticist:   Arguably  none have a closer connection to the Стихии than kineticistsOA. Kineticists are often drawn to the Green Faith as a means of understanding their powers. Though they’re not technically spellcasters, kineticists’ power over the raw Стихии is sufficient for them to serve as priests of the Green Faith.

Оракул or Shaman: Not all priests of the Green Faith connect to Природа through the practЛьда of друидism. Some are shamansACG who allow the spirits of Природа to dwell within them. Others are оракулsAPG, chosen by Природа itself to Медведь its Благословениеing and its curse. In the Green Faith, reverence for Природа is more important than any specific form of worship, so оракулs and shamans are treated with the same respect as their друид peers.

Shifter: Shifters serve the Green Faith as crusaders against civilization, emissaries to the естественная броня world, and scions of the wild. Those who choose the path of the shifter as their Воззвание are rare, but most of those who take up the mantle serve the Green Faith in some way.

Ведьма: Though not Божественная casters, ведьмаesAPG nevertheless gain their power from an external source. For ведьмаes of the Green Faith, that external source is Природа itself. Such a ведьма’s patron may represent only a single Аспект of nature, but she recognizes the interconnectedness of all things.

Other Classes: Though members of almost any class can practЛьда the Green Faith, those other than the ones listed above are relatively rare. Most other classes are too often tied to the people or products of civilization to embrace the Green Faith. Жрецs and warpriests, whose powers are tied to a personified deity, can never truly be part of the Green Faith, though they may share similar outlooks and may ally with the faith. Паладинs’ adherence to the tenets of Law and Добро may put them at odds with the Green Faith’s strict neutrality.



The Green Faith encouЯростьs an individualized approach to worship while at the same Время guiding its followers to find common ground with others. Though followers of the Green Faith must be at least partially neutral in alignment, this still allows for a wide variety of opinions. The following represent the major schools of Размышления within the philosophy.

Neutral Good: Добро followers of the Green Faith revere Природа for its ability to create and sustain life. They believe that living in Повреждениеony with Природа produces the greatest Добро for all living things. They accept that difficulty and Боль are part of nature, but they do what they can to reduce suffering. If they must kill—whether to eat or in Оборона of nature—they do so as quickly and painlessly as possible. Many are vegetarians.

Принципиальность Neutral: Принципиальность followers of the Green Faith revere nature’s unchanging cycles: the movement of the Солнце and moon, the tides, and the seasons. The Жизнь cycles of Животные and plants are also important to them, and they oppose actions that disrupt these, such as Конструкцийion that blocks migration and Магия that alters Погода over the long term. Many believe that all living creatures (except aberrations) have a purpose, and they encouЯрость others to find contentment in the roles for which they were born.

Neutral: This is the most common alignment among followers of the Green Faith. Neutral adherents revere the beneficial side of Природа while accepting that it doesn’t come without the dangerous side. They are pragmatic, doing what they must to survive and thrive with little Размышления for the moral implications of their actions. They know that hardship can lead to reward and that overindulgence ends in suffering.

Хаос Neutral: Though they accept the immutable cycles of nature, Хаос followers of the Green Faith revere things which are in constant flux, such as the competition between predator and prey or the churning boundary between Море and shore. Balance, they believe, is achieved not through stasis but through opposing forces continually pushing against each other.

Neutral Evil: Зло followers of the philosophy revere nature, red in tooth and claw. They believe that Природа is an uncaring force, and that selfishness is a necessary trait for выживание and evolution. Зло followers of the Green Faith agitate for the Использование of violence and terrorism against those who despoil nature, though they are usually (but not always) reined in by their more moderate peers.



While characters of any class may follow the ways of the Green Faith, друидs are most common among their ranks. Those who go the extra step beyond simple faith and actively join the organization often take the following archetypes.


Green Faith Initiate (Друид Archetype)

Друидs who are initiated into the Магия of Природа  as strict students of the Green Faith’s traditions sometimes demonstrate abilities unique to their organization.

Mediator’s Ear (Экс): By 3rd level, a Green Faith initiate is respected for her neutrality and even-handed attitude toward all people as well as other living things. She quickly develops a sense of other peoples’ attitudes, much as she does with animals. A Green Faith initiate gains a bonus on Дипломатия and Проницательность checks equal to half her друид level.

This replaces Тайные Тропы.

Zephyr MesМудрое (Пс): At 6th level, once per day, a Green Faith initiate can cast whispering Ветер as a spell-like ability, treating her друид level as her caster level.

This replaces the друид’s additional daily Использование of Природный Облик gained at 6th level.

Path to Пристанище (Пс): At 9th level, once per day, a Green Faith initiate can Сфера Путешествий as if with Путешествие Сквозь Растения to any major Green Faith друид circle or important священное site. Each of these sites is marked with special standing stones that allow all Green Faith followers within range using Путешествие Сквозь Растения or tree stride to sense their дальнобойное from it and the direction to it. At 14th level and again at 19th level, she can Использование this ability one additional Время per day.

This replaces Невосприимчивость К Ядам.

Секреты across Lifetimes (Пс): At 10th level, a Green Faith initiate can Использование legend Знание once per week as a spell- like ability, drawing upon the знание of Green Faith archдруидs recorded in secret across the generations in places where Магия such as this can retrieve it. This ability does not require material components.

This replaces the друид’s additional daily Использование of Природный Облик gained at 10th level.

A Thousand Voices (Св): At 13th level, a Green Faith initiate can communicate with any creature that has a Языка or with any stone, as if using Языки or Камень tell, respectively, for up to 1 minute per друид level each day. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.

This replaces Тысяча Лиц.


Green Faith Marshal (Инквизитор Archetype)

The Green Faith marshal serves as a literal Сила of nature, Охота down and punishing those who have committed sins against Природа through enslavement and mistreatment of Животные or Уничтожение of wild places.

Power of Nature: A Green Faith marshal gains one Домен selected from the Сфера Животных and terrain Сферы (Pathfinder RPG Предельная Магия 33). The 1st- though 6th-level дополнительные заклинания  from this Домен are added to the Green Faith marshal’s spell list.

This alters the инквизитор’s Домен ability and replaces Непреклонный Взор.

Wild Знание (Экс): A Green Faith marshal adds her Мудрость modifier to her Знание (природа) skill checks, in addition to her Intelligence modifier.

This replaces Знание Монстров.

Nature’s Ally (Пс): At 5th level, a Green Faith marshal gains the ability to cast Божественное Откровение with Природа once per week.

This replaces Выявление Лжи.

Wild Step (Экс): At 11th level, a Green Faith marshal can move through any sort of естественная броняly occurring difficult terrain (such as естественная броня thorns, briars, overgrown areas, and similar terrain) at her normal быстрое without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Terrain that is enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affects her.

This replaces stalwart.

HarveЖало Ядs

While some think of Отрава as an ассасин’s tool, the herbalists and естественная броняists of the world know that Отрава carries in it no more врожденный Зло than Огонь or water. Indeed, in the wildlands of the world, harveЖало Отрава to give a hunter an edge or to Помощь in the production of antivenom is a time-honored practice.

While Ремесло (алхимик) is necessary to brew long-Длительный Ядs, there are many естественная броня sources of Отрава in the world, and Отрава ремеслоers who Желание to avoid the expense of purchasing raw ingredients may seek to harvest Отрава from естественная броня sources instead. The following section presents rules for harveЖало Ядs from the wild.

Unless a dose of harvested Отрава is preserved (see Preserving Harvested Отрава on page 143), it remains potent for 24 hours after it is harvested.

HarveЖало from Мертв Creatures: Once a venomous creature is slain, its venom sacs can be removed, allowing 1 or more doses of its venom to be harvested for later use. In Орден to harvest venom, the creature must have been мертв for less than 24 hours. Every hour the source creature has been мертв reduces the lifespan of the harvested Отрава by an hour. Removing venom sacs is a messy and time- consuming process, requiring 10 minutes of work, access to surgical tools, and a container to store the venom in. If proper surgical tools are not available, a dagger or other Свет slashing weapon can be used, although this imposes a –2 penalty on checks to harvest the venom. The harvester must succeed at a Выживание check (DC = 15 + the мертв creature’s CR) in Орден to successfully harvest Яд. On a success, the harvester acquires a single dose of the creature’s venom, plus 1 additional dose  for every 5 by which the result of this check exceeded the DC (to a maximum number of doses equal to the creature’s Constitution modifier, minimum 1). Failing the check causes all of the venom to be lost. Failure by 5 or more exposes the harvester to 1d3 doses of the creature’s venom unless she has the Специалист По Ядам class feature.

HarveЖало Отрава from Hazards: Some hazards, such as Отрава oak and spider vines, feature Ядs that can be harvested by those who

know how to do so. This process requires 1 hour and an алхимик’s lab or Алхимия crafting kit. If the harvester succeeds at a Выживание check (DC = 15 + the hazard’s CR), she collects 1 dose of Яд. HarveЖало Отрава from a hazard in this way requires getting Тычковое enough to it to touch it, which may expose the harvester to the hazard’s effects.

Milking Venom: Venom can be harvested from a living creature without Повреждениеing the creature, although the process is dangerous unless the creature has been trained for that specific purpose (see Milk Venom on page 216). For most venomous creatures, this involves stretching a thin canvas over a jar or vial and then coaxing the creature to Укус into the canvas before massaging its venom glands, causing the venom to drip from its fangs into the container. Similar methods are used for creatures that deliver venom in other ways, such as with a stinger.

Milking a single dose of Отрава from a creature takes 10 minutes of work and requires a successful Дрессировка check (DC = 10 + the donor’s Кости Здоровья + the donor’s Мудрость modifier). Failure by less than 5 indicates that the venom is not collected, but the handler suffers no other ill effect. Failure by 5 or more indicates that the creature bites, stings, or otherwise injects the handler with its venom. It automatically hits the handler with one of its естественная броня attacks that delivers its Яд, and it applies the effects of the attack normally. The creature might continue to attack the handler after doing so, possibly initiating combat. Milking venom from a cooperative intelligent creature doesn’t require a Дрессировка check but presents a 5% chance of exposure to the venom.

A creature can produce a number of doses of venom in this way each Дня equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum 1). A creature that is milked of venom this many times in one Дня (whether or not the attempts are successful) loses its Отрава special ability until the next Время it rests.

Preserving Harvested Яд: Отрава harvested from a creature or hazard remains potent for 24 hours. If a character Желаниеes to preserve harvested Отрава for a longer period, she must treat it alchemically, as if crafting the Отрава with Ремесло (алхимик) but using the Отрава dose as the raw ingredients normally needed to brew a dose of the Отрава and thus avoiding the gp Стоимость to ремесло the Яд.



While antitoxin, as presented in the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, presents a generalized tool for protecting oneself from Яд, more specialized antivenoms can provide even greater Защита against specific Ядs. Creating a dose of antivenom requires a dose of the specific Отрава that the antivenom is designed to protect against.

Antivenom Effects: A single dose of antivenom automatically neutralizes the first exposure of the specific Отрава it is made to combat and provides a +8 алхимический бонус on испытания against additional exposure to that specific Яд; this bonus decreases by 1 every hour, until the Эффект ends after 8 hours.

Crafting Antivenom: To create a dose of antivenom, a living creature must first be exposed to a half dose of the Отрава in question. The creature suffers the Яд’s effects normally, except the saving throw DC to resist the Отрава is reduced by 2. In Орден to be able to produce antivenom, the creature must succeed at the necessary испытания to be cured of the Яд. If the Яд’s duration expires without the creature being cured, no antivenom can be harvested.

Once the creature has resisted the Яд’s effects, a viable sample of the creature’s Крови can be extracted with a successful DC 20 Ремесло (алхимик) or Лечение check. This Крови must then be reКрошечныйd to extract the естественная броня antibodies that combat the Отрава in a process that takes 1 hour and requires a successful Ремесло (алхимик) check (DC = 5 + the Яд’s saving throw DC). Success yields 1 dose of antivenom.

Antivenom can also be harvested in the same fashion from a creature that has been afflicted by a full dose of Яд, rather than a creature deliberately given a half dose for this purpose. Regardless of how much Отрава the creature is exposed to, the antibodies in its system can be harvested only for 24 hours after it has recovered from the Яд.

Purchasing Antivenom: Antivenom is not particularly expensive, but because it is highly specialized, it can be difficult to find. A dose of antivenom has a market price equal to half the market price of a dose of the Отрава in

question, but it is treated as though its price were five times the market price of the Отрава for the purposes of determining its availability in any given settlement. Alternatively, if 1 or more doses of the Отрава in question can be provided, most алхимикs воля supply as much antivenom as they can produce from the doses for a fee of 10% of the market price of the Яд.



The following Ядs are commonly encountered in Природа or can be distilled alchemically from естественная броня ingredients. They are presented in alphabetical order.

Table 4–5: Естественная броня Ядs

Яд                                           Price

Blistercap spore                        1,125 gp

Blue star                                 500 gp       Cloudthorn venom 400 gp

Crone’s curse                             600 gp       Draughtcap fungus            150 gp Goblin’s eye                         75 gp                                                Jackal Корень essence                 600 gp Nymph’s lure           250 gp Red bedlam                                                   1,200 gp       Starving nettle               300 gp Styx sap      2,600 gp Third eye                                                    900 gp       Violet venom                 800 gp Ведьма hunter’s sword         850 gp




Type Яд, contact; Save Стойкость DC 20

Frequency 1/round for 6 rounds

Initial Эффект 1d2 Dex drain and 1 Con drain; Secondary Effect дезориентация for 1 minute; Cure 2 consecutive saves

Found in remote regions deep underground, the blistercap takes its name from the blisters on the bruise-colored cap atop its stem, which weep a toxic yellow fluid. The spores it produces often contribute to the dangers of underground Исследование.




Type Яд, ingested; Save Стойкость DC 15

Onset 10 minutes; Frequency

1/minute for 6 minutes

Эффект 1d2 Con damage. In addition, the creature takes a –2 penalty on испытания to resist Отрава for 1 week. Cure 2 consecutive saves

This Небольшой bright-blue flower has five petals arrayed in a star shПримат and looks remarkably similar to several other species of blue flowers that live in similar regions, requiring a successful DC 15 Знание (природа) or Выживание check to correctly Опознание. The Отрава causes severe liver damage, making it even more difficult to resist future Ядsthat a victim may encounter. Although rarely a direct danger to humanoids, the flowers are sometimes consumed by livestock. When this occurs, the venom can be passed on through milk the Животные produce for the next week, affecting those who drink it as though they had consumed a dose of blue star.

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