Elemental influx (CR varies) — КиберПедия 

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Elemental influx (CR varies)

2021-02-05 77
Elemental influx (CR varies) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Powerful magic, superестественная броня disasters, the influence of potent monsters, or the whim of a demigod can cause the boundaries between the Material Plane and an Elemental Plane to wear thin, resulting in an elemental influx that transforms normal wildlands into a dangerous region. Often, creatures such as dragons or other Монстры with energy сопротивляемостьs or immunities seek out regions of elemental influx as their domains, and such a creature’s presence can enhance or expand an улучшения influx.

The following list describes only some of the types of effects an elemental influx might have on the landscape. GMs are encouraged to expand on this list as they see fit.

Acidic Миазмы (CR 3): An acidic Миазмы wafts up from the waters of a swamp infused with toxins leaching in from the Plane of Earth. Exposure to low concentrations of the foul vapors in the swamp causes a mildly uncomfortable burning sensation on exposed skin. Higher concentrations of the Миазмы are more смертельный, usually appearing in pockets 1d6+1 � 10 feet in radius. Upon entering the area of a highly Концентрацияd acidic miasma, a creature must immediately succeed at a DC 15 Стойкость save or become дезориентация for 1d4 minutes. Creatures that fail the save by 5 or more become тошнота instead. These effects last even if the creature leaves the area of the miasma. Additionally, each round a creature starts its turn in a highly Концентрацияd area of miasma, it takes 1d6 points of Кислота damage. Highly Концентрацияd miasmas can be identified from 10 feet away by their distinctive stench with a successful a DC 20 Знание (природа) or Выживание check.

Acidic Plants (CR 3): Acidic plants—usually bushes, mosses, vines, and other undergrowth—are found in clusters with a radius of 1d6+1 � 10 feet. They become active when they are disturbed by creatures moving through their squares. Acidic plants gain a реакцияive ability to Захват at intruders, and they attempt to grapple creatures moving through their square. The plants have a CMB of +10, and their grapple attempts do not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures захват by acidic plants take 1d6 points of Кислота damage each round and can’t move without first Сломатьing the grapple (the acidic plants’ CMD is 20). The acidic plants receive a +5 bonus on grapple combat maneuver checks against opponents they are already grappling, but they can’t move or pin foes. Each round that acidic plants succeed at their grapple combat maneuver check, they deal an additional 1d6 points of Кислота damage. A cluster of acidic plants has AC 10 and 10 пункты здоровья. Acidic plants have Кислота Иммунитет and vulnerability to cold. Burning a square of Кислота plants causes them to release an acidic gas that spreads in a 10-foot radius; any creature in this gas takes 1d4 points of Кислота damage. The Облаков dissipates in 2d4 rounds unless dispersed earlier by a strong Ветер or a gust of Ветер spell. Acidic plants secrete a nearly transparent layer of Кислота that can be identified with a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) or Выживание check.

Electrified Duststorm (CR 5): An electrified duststorm begins suddenly, scouring the area in a fierce but short- lived storm laЖало 1d6+1 rounds. In addition to the effects of a duststorm (Core Rulebook 438), arcs of Электричество crackle throughout it. Each round a creature is caught in the storm, it must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save or take 2d6 points of Электричество damage. The onslaught of an electrified duststorm is presaged by a sudden crackle of Повреждениеless Искра s across the ground 1 minute before it starts and can be identified with a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) or Выживание check.

Огонь Storm (CR 5): Occurring in Скакунainous areas, Огонь Шторма Ярость with strong winds, raining Праха and Пламя across the landscape. A Огонь storm usually forms somewhere near a Скакунain peak and travels downward, but it persists for only 1d6+1 rounds. A creature caught in a Огонь storm takes 2d6 points of Огонь damage per round and must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save or any flammable items that it has catch on fire. Additionally, the Праха mixed in with the Огонь makes the ground difficult terrain and reduces visibility by half, imposing a –6 penalty on Внимание checks. Огонь Шторма move quickly, at a rate of 60 feet per round, and have a radius of 1d4�100 feet. A Огонь storm can be identified as it begins forming over the course of 1d4+1 rounds with a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) or Выживание check to detect the telltЭль increase in heat and gently falling ash.

Freezing Eruption (CR 5): Freezing gouts of super- chilled Воздух erupt from Небольшой vents in the ground, blaЖало   a 5-foot square with subzero temperatures. A creature occupying the square must succeed at a DC 15 Реакция save to avoid the freezing eruption. On a failed save, the creature takes 2d6 points of Холод damage and becomes опутывание, as it is encrusted with ice. A creature can Сломать free from the encruЖало Льда with a successful DC 20 Изворотливость or Сила check, but it takes 1d4 points of Холод damage at the start of each turn it remains encrusted. The encruЖало Льда melts away in 1d6 rounds in regions where the ambient temperature is above freezing. Freezing eruptions occur from the same vent every 1d4 minutes. A square containing a freezing eruption can be identified by the shards of Льда around it with a successful DC 20 Знание (природа) or Выживание check.



In the wild, one cannot count on a handy bridge or access to boats when the need to cross a river arises. While Магия such as полет or Вода walk can Помощь in the crossing of a river, at other times the traveler has no choice but to attempt to плавание, unless the river is sПосвящение Добру enough to cross by wading. Fording a river in this way can be dangerous, especially when Скакунs or vehicles are involved.

When wading through moving water, a creature must succeed at a Сила check each round to avoid losing its footing and being dragged along by the current. The DC for this check depends on the relative depth of the Вода and the быстрое of the current, as outlined on the table below. Deeper Вода usually has a higher CR, as determined by the GM.


Table 4–6: Fording a River

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