Forest preserver (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Forest preserver (archetype)

2021-02-05 96
Forest preserver (archetype) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Forest preservers are священный defenders of the woodlands and of the wild creatures and естественная броня Красота within them.

Class Skills: A forest preserver adds Лазание, Знание (природа), and Выживание to her list of class skills. She does not gain Дипломатия, Знание (высший свет), or Проницательность as class skills.

This alters the паладин’s class skills.

Излюбленная Местность (Экс): At 3rd level, a forest preserver gains the следопыт’s Излюбленная Местность ability but must select either forest or jungle as her Излюбленная Местность. The bonuses granted by this Увеличение Способности by 2 for every 5 levels after 3rd, but she does not gain additional Излюбленная Местностьs.

This replaces Аура Доблести.

Woodland Stride (Экс): At 3rd level, a forest preserver (as well as her Связь С Божеством creature, if she has one) gains woodland stride, as per the друид class feature.

This replaces Божественная health.

Священный Botany (Экс): At 4th level, a forest preserver adds the following spells to her spell list: 1st— detect Животные or plants, Опутывание, Вкусные Ягоды, Шиллейла; 2nd— Дубовая Кожа, Орёл eye APG, Облик Дерева, Коробление, Дерево shape; 3rd— Угнетение Растений, Сфера Растений growth, Силки, Разговор С Растениями, Шипастая Поросль; 4th— antiСфера Растений shell, Пробуждение (trees only), Увядание, Приказ plants, Единение С Природой, Колючее Тело APG, tree stride, Терновая Стена. In addition, she treats her caster level as 1 higher when caЖало these spells in her Излюбленная Местность.

This replaces Божественная Сила.

Fireproof Аура (Св): At 8th level, a forest preserver and creatures within 10 feet of her gain a +2 bonus on испытания against Огонь effects and gain Огонь сопротивляемость 5; these are doubled for Сфера Растений allies, which also gain Уклонение against Огонь effects only. Whenever a Огонь spell would affect a creature within the fireproof aura, the forest preserver can Расход three uses of her Возложение Рук ability as an прерывающее действие to attempt to counter the effect, as if she had readied a dispel Магия spell (caster level = her паладин level) to counterspell. This ability functions only if the forest preserver is conscious.

This replaces Аура Решимости.

Священный Grove (Св): At 11th level, a forest preserver can Расход two uses of her Сокрушение Зла ability to Освящение a 20-foot-radius area that must contain a living tree. This fills the area with dense undergrowth, though it does not impede her allies’ movement. In addition, animals, fey, and plants allied with the forest preserver gain a +1 священный bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and испытания, and animals, fey, and plants called or summoned within this area gain 1 hit point per Кость Здоровья as long as the Воззвание or Призывание Эффект lasts or until the священный grove Эффект ends (whichever comes first). If the area contains a shrine or Посвящение Добруed area dedicated to a good-aligned deity (or at the GM’s discretion, a place of естественная броня magical power, such as a естественная броня portal to the First World), these bonuses are doubled.

When she uses this ability in her Излюбленная Местность, she can also imbue plants in the area with limited animation, allowing them to obscure Видение and impede movement and attacks as if the area were affected by Плотный Туман.

A священный grove remains enhanced in this way for a number

of minutes equal to the паладин’s level. This replaces Аура Справедливости.

Аура of Preservation (Св): At 14th level, a forest preserver grants Животные and plants within 10 feet spell сопротивляемость equal to 11 + her паладин level. This spell сопротивляемость doesn’t apply against Повреждениеless effects created by the forest preserver or allies within 10 feet of her. This ability functions only if the forest preserver is conscious.

This replaces Аура Веры.



Охота паладинs are tenacious trackers and Проныра stalkers in pursuit of evildoers.

Class Skills: A Охота паладин adds Знание (природа), Внимание, Скрытность, and Выживание as class skills. She does not gain Дипломатия, Лечение, Знание (высший свет), or Колдовство as class skills.

This alters the паладин’s class skills.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A Охота паладин is not proficient with Тяжелая Броня.

This alters the паладин’s armor proficiencies.

Hunt Зло (Св): Once per day, a Охота паладин can designate a single Зло creature within her sight or one that she has determined to be Зло by declaring it the target of her hunt and following its tracks; this allows her to add her Модификатор Харизмы as a bonus on Выживание checks to follow that creature’s tracks and on Внимание and Скрытность checks opposed by the target of her hunt. She can sense her target’s presence and location, which lets her pinpoint her target’s location when within 10 feet; if the target has concealment, she can roll twice and Использование the better result on rolls to determine whether she misses due to the concealment. She gains uncanny уклонение as per the варвар class feature against her target.

If the Охота паладин targets a nonЗло creature with hunt evil, the ability fails and it is wasted. This ability ends after 24 hours (unless she spends the next day’s Использование of this ability to continue Охота the same target), after the Охота паладин or the target is killed or when she designates a new target for her hunt.

This replaces the Использование of Сокрушение Зла gained at 1st level.

Определение Мировоззрения (Зло) (Св): A Охота паладин cannot Использование this ability as a сопутствующее действие. However, when a Охота паладин has successfully followed a creature’s tracks for at least 1 minute, she can discern whether the tracked creature’s alignment was evil, as if she had cast Определение Мировоззрения (Зло) in its presence and Концентрацияd for 3 rounds.

This alters Определение Мировоззрения (Зло).

Сокрушение Зла (Св): A Охота паладин gains this ability at 4th level, and it functions at her паладин level – 3. She can Расход a daily Использование of Сокрушение Зла to gain an additional daily Использование of hunt evil. She can Использование Сокрушение Зла and hunt Зло against the same target.

This alters Сокрушение Зла.

Spells: For each level of spell she can cast, a Охота паладин can prepare and cast one spell per Дня from the следопыт spell list rather than the паладин spell list.

This alters spells.

Tireless Аура (Св): At 8th level, a Охота паладин becomes immune to fatigue and Сон effects, and allies within 10 feet gain a +4 bonus on испытания to avoid becoming утомление or falling спящий.

This replaces Аура Решимости.


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