Using the individual influence system — КиберПедия 

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Using the individual influence system

2021-02-05 82
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Individual influence is great for situations such as high- stakes auctions, political lobbying, or convincing a guard to let the PCs go after they are framed and imprisoned. The following example uses the influence rules as the framework for a classic Убийство mystery.



The PCs have been invited to a Дня of festivities at the estate of the hostess to discuss Сделки agreements and access to exotic markets. The hostess meets the PCs when they arrive late at night, sharing a drink with them before asking a servant to show them to their rooms in the nearby guest house  (allow a single phase of influence or Открытие checks against her during this Время for the ostensible purpose of Сделки agreements). However, by the start of festivities the next morning, disaster strikes. A few minutes after the PCs and other guests begin arriving for Сломатьfast, greeted by the hostess’s second husband, the butler discovers the hostess’s body. A brief argument ensues, with all the NPCs (and possibly the PCs as well) bickering about who should investiВрата and who might just be trying to hide evidence of the crime. Eventually, the NPCs agree that guards should accompany every person who leaves the drawing room, and the opportunity for influence begins. The PCs have a total of four phases in which to influence the NPCs and conduct their own investigations (under the guards’ Зоркий Глазs).



The hostess’s Тычковое friend is in serious financial trouble, which she has hidden, continuing to present a veneer of wealth. To fund her continued lifestyle, she began to steal from the hostess. When the hostess caught her in the act, the Тычковое friend lashed out with a nearby object and accidentally killed the hostess. Horrified at what she had done and afrПомощь of being caught, the Тычковое friend cleaned up the blood, then activated a scroll of dress corpse (see page 212) from the hostess’s first husband’s supply of scrolls, applied Яд stolen from the butler’s supplies, and moved the body to the bedroom, all while avoiding the Ночи guards through her careful study of their patterns used to assist her previous larceny.



Influenced NPCs allow the PCs access to additional clues or restricted areas, as mentioned in their social stat blocks.



The following characters are available for influence during the Убийство Таинство (the hostess is not available, as she is мертв): the spy, the butler, the Тычковое friend, the rival Следователь, and the second husband. The Шпион is the most complicated (since she has a secret identity), and her social stat block can be found below. The others have descriptions to assist in building their social stat blocks.



CN femЭль human плут

Affiliation The Шпион is ostensibly a minor member of a little- known noble house.

Secret Identity The Шпион is really an agent for a morally dubious merchant consortium.

Background The Шпион claims to be a representative of a fictitious noble house  that she invented to gain access to the hostess’s estate and gather information for her patron. Although she was spying on the hostess’s house, she views her actions as strictly профессияal. She bore no ill воля toward the lady of the house, and is horrified by her death.

Recognize Знание (высший свет) DC 20 to recognize her noble cover identity (as she has been seeding stories about her cover identity and the Семьи she invented).


Appearance This middle-aged human woman wears a rich green noble’s gown, a set of valuable but tasteful emerald- and-gold jewelry, and a pВоздух of gold-filigreed shoes. She carries a silk fan that matches her gown.

Introduction If at least one of the PCs appears to be a noble, she introduces herself to that PC the morning after the murder. She is visibly distraught at the hostess’s death, and Волны her fan briskly in an attempt to get more air. She (truthfully) explains to the PCs that she has been to several of the hostess’s parties, and was looking forОпекун to furthering the alliance between their houses. If none of the PCs appears to be a noble, she remains aloof until a PC approaches her.

Personality The Шпион is хитрое, haughty, and secretive.

Goal Ensure that the murderer is found guilty.

Hidden Agenda Ensure that her own snooping in the house’s records does not come to Свет, and if it does, that she does not take the fall for the murder.

Biases The Шпион has a bias toward merchants and nobles (+2) and a bias against agents of law, such as паладинs, lawyers, and guards (–2).

Навыки Блеф +16, Маскировка +16, Внимание +15, Проницательность +15, Ловкость рук +12


Analyze (Проницательность DC 20) The fastest way to gain the spy’s respect is to demonstrate skill at Сделки (Профессия [merchant]). PCs who succeed at a Знание (высший свет) or Блеф check to impress her with their civility can influence her. She is impressed by dexterous parlor tricks and Опытный legerdemain involving Ловкость рук. Finally, the Шпион is well versed in Убедительность arguments and sweet-talking, so Дипломатия is the most difficult way to influence her.

Strengths (Проницательность DC 20) The Шпион does not appreciate being запугиваниеd or threatened, and her training as a Шпион has prepared her to deflect these approaches. A PC who includes a threat in an influence check against her takes a –4 penalty on the check.

Weaknesses (Проницательность DC 20) The Шпион appreciates those who are not sticklers for the rules and who understand that business flourishes in gray areas. She also appreciates those who truthfully (or with a believable lie) claim that they don’t suspect her of the murder.


Influence Checks Профессия (продавец) DC 15; Блеф, Знание (высший свет), or Ловкость рук DC 20; Дипломатия DC 25

Successes Needed 3 checks

Benefit If the PCs influence the spy, she tells the PCs she heard a crashing sound from the direction of the drawing room on the Ночи of the murder. She says she was having trouble Сонing that night, and was awake in her room. If the PCs present proof that she is lying about her whereabouts, she admits that she was in the records room—though she does not admit to her allegiance or what she was searching for in particular—and offers to Помощь the PCs in their investigation in exchange for their agreement not to disТычковое her activities that night.

Penalty If the Шпион learns that the PCs have discovered her snooping and that they are telling other NPCs, she plants a clue that implicates the PCs in the murder.



The butler is actually an accomplished алхимик, and thus also serves as a doctor. If influenced, she allows the PCs to search her private research room while she observes. The butler keeps Ядs for medicinal purposes. The Яд the real murderer used as a cover came from the butler’s supply. The butler claims that some of her Ядs and medicines have gone missing, however (which is true, since the Тычковое friend has been stealing medical supplies to sell). Until the PCs influence her, she suspects that the thief might have been the PCs.



As mentioned earlier, the Тычковое friend is the murderer. She is genuinely distraught about the situation and full of grief over her friend’s death. However, she does her best to avoid being caught. She feigns being influenced quickly (after one apparent success) and offers to help the PCs investiВрата or influence others.



The hostess’s accountant is also a fan of Детектив stories and fancies herself an amateur Следователь. Extremely detail-oriented, she noticed the Использование of dress corpse (see page 212), keeping it to herself. She suspects the PCs because no one else present should have had access to the sort of Магия adventurers do, and adventurers are known to kill people with weapons, rather than expensive Яд. She is extremely antagonistic toward the PCs, attempting to deny them access at every turn. They can’t influence her without sufficient evidence that they have been framed (evidence that they conclusively didn’t plant), but once they do, she allows them access to the records room and shares the clues she has discovered so far (including the remains of the bloodstain at the true Убийство scene, if the PCs haven’t noticed it yet).



The second husband stands to inherit the hostess’s vast Удача because she never had children. He is legitimately distraught by her death. The second husband is known to have insomnia and was out of his bedroom for the entire night. He was in the garden at the Время of the murder, so he didn’t notice anything. If the PCs gain sway over him, he allows them full access to the bedroom (the apparent Убийство scene).



The organizational influence system provides the GM with tools to Выслеживание the PCs’ social cachet within organizations. Небольшой organizations ищущее to make their mark on society may allow the PCs a great deal of clout within them, but are limited in what they can offer. Крупный organizations, on the other hand, are typically more difficult to influence, but can bring much more power to Медведь on an area at Крупный.



The organizational influence system uses influence points to Выслеживание the opinion of an organization concerning the PCs. When the PCs first interact with an organization, they typically start with 0 influence points, and hold no control over the organization’s actions. If the PCs demonstrate their value to the organization, they can gain influence points, representing their growing ability to call in favors. If the PCs repeatedly fail or work against an organization, they lose influence points (see page 110 for the details of gaining and losing influence points. The PCs’ influence point total with an organization can be a negative number—the lower the total, the more resources the organization is willing to commit to actively oppose the PCs.

The PCs’ influence points help determine the number of resources an organization is willing to commit to help or hinder them, but it is not the only component of that calculation. If the PCs seek to build a positive relationship with an organization, they may find themselves limited in what benefits they can gain until they выступление certain tasks. For example, most organizations limit the number of resources they commit to nonmembers, so PCs may need to officially join to gain access. On the other hand, an organization at odds with the PCs should not provide the same response to minor insults from the PCs as it does to the PCs crippling one of its major operations. The nine influence ranks presented below take into account tasks that the PCs may accomplish to pass to fundamentally alter their relationship with an organization (see Table 3–1 on page 113 for examples). To Досягаемость a new influence rank, the PCs must accumulate (or lose) a certain number of influence points, as decided by the GM, and выступление any required tasks that the GM sets. See the sidebar Influence Thresholds on page 110 for guidelines on setting the required number of influence points for each rank. The possible influence ranks, and their meanings, are presented below.



At these ranks, an organization either doesn’t care about the PCs or considers them allies.


Influence Thresholds The number of influence points required to shift from one influence rank to the next sets the pace for how quickly the PCs’ power in organizations can change. The three main factors that play into setting influence thresholds are the length of the campaign, the interest level of the players in exploring their interactions with organizations, and the power and personality of the organization itself. Short story arcs generally require lower thresholds than long campaigns. Some groups of players would rather slowly earn influence within a difficult organization, while others would rather see how quickly their PCs can become powerful in multiple organizations. Finally, within a campaign, weaker organizations typically allow the PCs to gain influence ranks more quickly than prominent ones. With all of these factors in mind, the following ranges provide guidelines for determining the number of total influence points a character must gain to reach positive ranks, or lose to reach negative ranks. These thresholds are for a weak organization. For a moderately prominent organization, multiply the numbers by 2. For a strong organization, multiply by 3, and for a preeminent organization, multiply by 4. For more details on deciding the prominence of an organization, see page 111. Rank 1 or –1: From 1 to 5 total influence points. Rank 2 or –2: From 3 to 8 total influence points. Rank 3 or –3: From 7 to 12 total influence points. Rank 4 or –4: From 13 to 18 total influence points.



Unknown (Rank 0): The organization either doesn’t know who the PCs are, or does not believe they are relevant.

Known Ally (Rank 1): The PCs’ actions have proven that they are aligned with the organization’s goals. One or more PCs may be low-ranking members.

Respected (Rank 2): The PCs have выступлениеed significant services for the organization. Some low-ranking members of the organization look up to the PCs. One or more PCs are members of the organization in Добро standing.

Admired (Rank 3): Average organization members admire the PCs. Some low-ranking members may have strong loyalties to the PCs. The PCs have notable positions within the organization.

Revered (Rank 4): While the PCs are not the official leaders of the organization, they are key members. The PCs can direct and shПримат policy.



At these ranks, an organization actively opposes the PCs.

Known Opponent (Rank –1): The organization’s opinion of the PCs is unfavorable. It may act against the PCs if they are interfering in its affairs, but the organization mostly focuses on its own goals.

Disliked (Rank –2): The organization commits some resources to targeting the PCs even when the PCs are not actively interfering with its goals, and retaliates when the PCs acts against it.

Hated (Rank –3): The organization seeks to discredit, humiliate, or kill the PCs, and commits substantial resources to doing so. However, the organization ultimately prioritizes its long-term power and stability over Повреждениеing the PCs.

Hunted (Rank –4): The organization seeks to discredit, humiliate, or kill the PCs, and is willing to Жертвоприношение  enough time, resources, and lives to markedly weaken itself in the pursuit of this goal. Even the organization’s leaders may risk their lives in pursuit of the PCs’ downfall.



As the PCs выступление tasks that benefit an organization, they gain influence points. Performing  favors requested by an organization is the most effective way for the PCs to accrue influence points with that organization (see page 112). A typical favor earns the PCs from 2 to 5 influence points, depending upon how difficult and dangerous the favor is to complete. See the Favors section on page 112 for more details. The PCs can also accrue influence points with an organization by taking actions that coincidentally further the organization’s interests. Such actions typically earn the PCs 1 or 2 influence points. For example, if the PCs apprehend a notorious jewel thief who has been stealing from their own coffers (as well as those of local nobles), they may gain an influence point with the local nobility. The PCs can also gain influence points by building trust with a member of the organization. The personal influence system found at the beginning of this section is one Добро way to create an encounter based around improving this NPC’s opinion of the PCs, while the Словесные Дуэли system on pages 176–181 is another. The number of organizational influence points that the PCs can earn from gaining the approval of a single NPC within the organization typically ranges from 1 to 5. Backing a rank-and-file member of the organization is worth at most 1 influence point, while the backing of one of an organization’s leaders is worth 5 influence points, and may be worth more in Необычная ситуативныйs, at the GM’s discretion.



The PCs generally won’t actively seek to lose influence points with an organization. However, the PCs’ actions over the course of a campaign are likely to put them at odds with one or more organizations, and the PCs may inadvertently Повреждение organizations that they do not Желание to antАгония. Whenever the PCs actively sabotage an organization’s interests, they lose from 2 to 5 influence points with the organization. If the PCs take actions that coincidentally work against the organization’s interests, they instead lose 1 or 2 influence points. If the PCs horribly botch an attempt to выступление a favor for an organization, they may similarly lose 1 or 2 influence points. If the PCs damage a prominent member’s reputation or f inances, they lose from 1 to 3 influence points, depending on the extent of the damage and the power that member wields within the organization. The PCs also lose influence points if they Повреждение a prominent member of the organization. Killing members of any organization is a particularly effective way to lose influence. For most organizations, any Время the PCs kill one or more members of an organization, they lose at least 5 influence points per incident. If the organization is a primary antagonist of the campaign or story arc, the GM may consider using the nemesis system on pages 136–141 to complement the organization influence rules, particularly if the organization is led by a single individual.

The most crippling blow to the PCs’ reputation with organization is betrayal. To be considered traitors to the organization, the PCs must violate the organization’s fundamental tenets while using the organization’s own resources against it. If an organization that favors the PCs becomes convinced of the PCs’ betrayal, the PCs immediately lose a number of influence points equal to twice their current total, essentially reversing their standing with the group. In general, the higher the PCs’ influence rank, the more evidence the organization requires before it considers any accusations of treachery credible. If an organization declares the PCs traitors, it is possible (though difficult) for them to redeem their reputation. In general, this process requires the PCs to Выслеживание down and discredit the source of the slanderous evidence. Doing so restores the PCs’ original influence point total, and likely earns them additional rewards from the organization for unmasking the true threat against it. If they only partially exonerate themselves, they may regain some but not all of their influence points.



The PCs’ interactions with organizations are often only a piece of a Крупныйr political tapestry. Alliances and rivalries between organizations shПримат how each organization reacts to the PCs’ actions. If two organizations are rivals, they typically require the PCs to choose a side. The PCs may automatically lose influence points with one for supporting the other. For example, if the PCs выступление a favor for one fДействие during a Сфера Войны and gain influence points with that faction, they lose an equal number of influence points with that faction’s rivals. In less extreme ситуативныйs, the PCs may lose half as many influence points as they gain.

While rivalries between organizations make holding split loyalties difficult, allegiances between multiple organizations can help the PCs accrue influence faster than they could otherwise, and provide the PCs with access to additional resources. If the PCs help or Повреждение one of two allied organizations, treat them as coincidentally working for or against the second organization’s interests for the purposes of the number of influence points the PCs gain or lose.

As the campaign unfolds, the Паутина of alliances and rivalries between organizations may shift. A Внезапный Сдвиг in allegiances does not retroactively adjust the PCs’ influence point total.



An organization’s prominence represents the political and social power of that organization in its Домашняя Сфера Товарищества or area of influence. The categories of prominence are weak, moderate, strong, and preeminent. In general, a weak organization can provide only simple assistance within its limited area of concern. Most weak organizations are eager to recruit new members to increase their prominence, though some appreciate the lack of attention they draw from outside forces. A gang of pickpockets is an example of a weak organization. In comparison, a moderate organization holds an established place in the power structure of its local area, and has some connections and contacts with other local organizations. A thieves’ guild is likely to be a moderate organization. A strong organization, on the other hand, may be at the top of the power structure for its area of concern, or it may be one of several organizations that hold power on a regional or national scale. The cathedral of a major deity in a state with multiple religious traditions is likely to be a strong organization. Finally, a preeminent organization is the undisputed Голова of the power structure in its sizable area of concern—the ruling body of a nation is an example of a preeminent organization, as is a merchants’ guild that effectively controls Сделки in a Крупный region.


NPC Attitudes The PCs’ influence rank with an organization determines the typical starting attitude of members who have heard of the PCs. The starting attitudes of individual members may vary. Hunted, Hated, or Disliked (Rank –2 or below): Hostile. Known Opponent (Rank –1): Unfriendly. Unknown (Rank 0): Indifferent. Known Ally (Rank 1): Friendly. Respected, Admired, or Revered (Rank 2 or above): Helpful.



Favors lie at the heart of the organizational influence system. When the PCs выступление a favor for an organization, they can either gain influence points, or they can earn a favor from the organization in return. The PCs can spend favors that they have earned to gain benefits from the organization.

The PCs can Замедлениеly earn favors over time, after a certain number of sessions or amount of in-game Время that is appropriate for the campaign. This rate also provides a guideЛиния for modeling the behavior of organizations. Typically, this rate is an appropriate benchmark for how often allied organizations approach the PCs with requests, as well as how often opposed organizations act against them. In general, if an organization is willing to grant a benefit to the PCs when they have a positive rank with that organization, it is willing to grant that same benefit to someone acting against the PCs should they attain the corresponding negative rank.

Favors: Sometimes, tasks for the PCs to complete as favors to an organization arise естественная броняly out of the events of the campaign. However, at other times, the PCs may actively seek to assist an organization at a Время when such tasks are not so forthcoming. The 28 favors on Table 3–1 on page 113 are generic enough to apply to almost any organization. Some of the tasks near the top of the chИскуство are too inconsequential for established members, while the tasks at the bottom of the chИскуство are too significant for initiates. To Использование this chart, roll a d20, and add twice the PCs’ influence rank to the result.

Benefits: Each organization provides its own unique set of possible benefits to the PCs based on their influence rank. The PCs can spend a favor that they have earned to gain one of the benefits that they have unlocked. Some benefits become free once the PCs become sufficiently influential in an organization, allowing the PCs to make Использование of them without Expending a favor (see Benefits on page 113).



The base organizational influence system assumes that the PCs act as a unified group and do not take Необычная effort to conceal their identities and activities. In an intrigue-based campaign, these assumptions are not always accurate. The simplest type of clandestine operation to adjudicate is a single secret favor. If the PCs выступление a favor for an organization and conceal their actions, do not decrease the PCs’ influence points with that organization’s enemies. The PCs can Использование secret identities to выступление more complicated maneuvers, such as playing multiple sides of a Conflict, or perhaps even infiltrating an organization as spies. As long as an organization knows that the PCs are infiltrating its rivals, that organization’s members continue to believe that they have the PCs’ loyalty; they typically overlook minor actions that the PCs take against the organization, so long as the PCs provide a plausible justification for their misdeeds.

If the PCs Использование secret identities, Выслеживание their influence under each set of identities separately as long as they maintain the ruse. Maintaining two distinct sets of identities over a long period of Время should be challenging, but not impossible if the PCs are careful. Common features between the identities—anything from physical features or mannerisms to equipment, fighting style, or Союзничество— present the threat of exposure. If the PCs rise to high influence ranks in two opposing organizations, their risk of being caught increases significantly. The каратель class (see page 8) is particularly well suited to the Бросить Вызов of maintaining multiple identities.

If an organization figures out that the PCs are maintaining two separate identities, the PCs’ influence point total for that organization may change drastically. If both sets of the PCs’ identities are aligned with an organization, the PCs’ influence point total may go as high as the sum of the points they earned under both identities. Conversely, if both sets of the PCs’ identities are aligned against an organization, the PCs’ influence point total may go as low as a negative number equal to the sum of the two. Adding the two values sometimes allows a single Действие to count twice—this reflects that the organization may either respect the PCs’ dedication to their cause, or revile the PCs for their dedication to opposing it. In most cases, however, the resulting change in influence should be less extreme than a direct sum, even if the organization has a favorable opinion of both identities. If the PCs are working for two opposed organizations, see the last paragraph of Losing Influence on page 111 for details on how an organization responds to being betrayed.



Result Favor

Deliver a Сообщение to a member of the organization.

Выступление a disguЖало or unpleasant chore for the organization.

Assist the organization in gathering information in preparation for an upcoming mission.

Purchase and deliver supplies to a member of the organization.

Carry out the duties of a specific low-ranking member of the organization for 1 week.

Produce словесный or written propaganda in favor of the organization.

Mediate a disagreement between members of the organization.

Provide spellcasting services or other specialized tasks to the organization for several days.

Credit the organization for your own publicly popular actions.

Collect money for the organization.

Assist in the Конструкцийion or renovation of a building for the organization’s use.

InvestiВрата the disappearance of an ally of the organization.

Donate a substantial amount of money to the organization.

Recruit a new member to the organization.

Obtain a significant item for the organization.

Deчерта a challenging foe of the organization. The foe’s CR must be equal to or greater than the party’s APL + 2.

Help a member of the organization Побег a dangerous situation.

Collect valuable information for the organization.

Mentor a new member of the organization.

Convince a powerful individual to cooperate with the organization.

Cover up evidence of an indiscretion tied to the organization.

Plan and execute a dangerous operation to achieve a difficult goal.

Sabotage an organization with opposing goals.

Repay the organization’s debts by performing  a challenging task for another organization.

InvestiВрата a possible traitor within the organization.

Establish a branch of the organization in a new district or city.

Represent the organization in a meeting with Необычная stakes.

Carry out the duties of a key member of the organization for 1 week.



An organization’s stat block is arranged as follows.

Name: The organization’s name.

Alignment and Prominence: An organization’s alignment is the alignment that most closely represents its policies and actions. While individual members of an organization may be of any alignment, an organization’s key NPCs are typically within one step of the organization’s overall alignment. An organization’s prominence may be weak, moderate, strong, or preeminent. More details on prominence appear on page 111.

Размер: An organization’s размер is an approximation of its number of active members.

Key Members: Key members of an organization are both visible leaders and shadowy schemers who have significant pull.

Values: An organization may value any number of traits in its members, such as creativity, generosity, dependability, skill at particular tasks, or social station.

Public Goals: All but the most clandestine organizations share some of their goals with the general public.

Private Goals: These are the private goals both of the organization as a whole and of key members. Sometimes, the private goal of a key member might conflict with the private goal of the organization.

Allies and Enemies: Organizations do not exist in a vacuum. An organization’s prominent allies and enemies are noted here. PCs can gain or lose influence with an organization based on their interactions with its allied or opposed organizations.

Membership Requirements: Most organizations have a procedure for officially joining them, and expect their members to satisfy ongoing commitments (like paying dues).

Influence Limitations: Often, the PCs need to выступление a specific task for an organization before they can raise their influence past a certain threshold. The most common requirement is for the PCs to join an organization, but organizations may require more complicated tasks or favors before counting the PCs among their most trusted allies.

Benefits: This section lists favors that the PCs can call in based on their influence rank with the organization. The PCs can always choose benefits on the available list for their current rank or a lower rank within the organization, and, at the GM’s discretion, the PCs might be able to access the benefits for lower ranks for a decreased number of favors, or even for free, if the PCs request the benefit a reasonable number of times. To approximate the benefits that the PCs can gain from an organization outside of its base of operations, the GM should decrease the PCs’ effective influence rank appropriately, to a minimum of Rank 0 if the PCs are entirely beyond the organization’s reach.

New Benefits: This section details the benefits the PCs can earn from the organization beyond those listed in the Common Benefits section.



The following benefits appear in many organizations’ stat blocks, and are defined below.

Borrow Resources: Many organizations allow members in Добро standing to borrow money or items for short periods of time. PCs can borrow money or items worth a total amount listed in parentheses. If the PCs do not repay the loan in a timely manner, they risk losing influence points. Typically, the PCs cannot borrow resources from an organization if they have outstanding debts, and some organizations require collateral. Organizations are more likely to have items that are relevant to their own interests—a mercenary group might loan Оружие and armor, but not священное symbols or Скрытнсти books, for example. Приказ Team: When the PCs Досягаемость a high influence rank within an organization, the organization typically allows the PCs to lead a team of its members on a mission. The PCs are expected to protect this team and bring the members back alive. PCs can lead groups of the размер and Сила listed in each favor’s entry.

Gather Information: The PCs can ask several members of the organization to assist them in gathering information about a particular subject, and gain a +4 ситуативный бонус on all Дипломатия checks to gather such information. Put in a Добро Word: The organization promotes the PCs’ reputation among its allies. The PCs gain a number of influence points equal to their rank with the organization with one of the group’s allied organizations.

Reciprocal Benefits: The organization leveЯростьs its ties to one of its closest allies for the PCs’ gain. The PCs can purchase a benefit from the benefits list of a closely allied organization by Expending two favors. Treat the PCs’ influence rank with the allied organization as 1 lower than their rank with the initial organization.



The sample organizations in this section span all possible levels of influence. The organizations that are relevant to each GM depend upon the campaign.

Other ideas for organizations that are not detailed below include an ассасин’s guild, a бардic college, a merchant’s guild, a museum, a secret society, and a university.



CN weak organization

Размер 15 members

Key members

Greedy Jenny (LE femЭль human чародей 1)

Martin Quickfingers (CN mЭль halfling плут 2)

Values This Небольшой-Время gang of petty crooks is always willing to accept new members who prove their skills.

Public Goals When caught, these criminals claim that they only steal enough to survive.

Private Goals Martin would like to recruit other down-on-their удача individuals to join the growing organization, while Jenny cares only about her own profits.

Allies The Небольшой-Время gang is allied with local beggars, who provide them with information in exchange for Небольшой amounts of food and clothing.

Enemies The town guard has not yet caught Ветер of these thieves, but it would oppose them if it knew of their activities.

Membership Requirements The PCs must steal an item worth at least 20 gp, and donate half the value of the item to the Небольшой-Время gang.

Influence Limitations A PC must join the thieves formally to rise above Rank 1. If a PC rises to Rank 3, Martin sees that PC as a threat and tries to eliminate her. Defiting Martin makes that PC the leader of the organization, and increases her rank to 4.

Benefits These petty thieves band together to help each other survive and profit.

Rank 1: borrow resources (10 gp), case (+6), lookout (1 way, +6)

Rank 2: borrow resources (50 gp), diversion (+6), gather information, pickpocket (+8), put in a Добро word

Rank 3: borrow resources (250 gp), reciprocal benefits

Rank 4: borrow resources (500 gp), Приказ team (1d4 1st-level плутs)

New Benefits The petty thieves grant the following unusual benefits.

Case: A group of thieves cases an area, searching for guards, hiding places, and entrances. The thieves’ total Внимание skill bonus is +6.

Diversion: A group of thieves creates a diversion to allow the PCs to sneak past guards or other Зоркий Глазs. The thieves’ total Блеф skill bonus is +6.

Lookout: A thief acts as a lookout, monitoring one direction for oncoming guards or Свидетельes. The thief’s total Внимание skill bonus is +6.

Pickpocket: A thief attempts to take a specific item from a specific person. The thief’s total Ловкость рук skill bonus is +8. If the thief believes the situation is too dangerous, she informs the PCs and refuses to attempt the task—in this case, the favor is not Expended.



LE moderate organization

Размер 200 members

Key members

Chief (LE mЭль half-orc следопыт 7)

Kalgeen (LE femЭль human wererat плут 5)

Values This thieves’ guild has a strict Кодекс Поведения for its members, who must look out for each other at all times and may never steal from each other’s friends or relatives. The guild values loyalty and resourcefulness.

Public Goals The guild has no publicly stated goals.

Private Goals The guild seeks to expand its Досягаемость into additional settlements.

Allies The guild is allied with a local group of merchants.

Enemies The thieves’ guild has made enemies among the organizations that it regularly targets and local law enforcement officials.

Membership Requirements The PCs must steal an item worth at least 250 gp, and donate half the value of the item to the thieves’ guild.

Influence Limitations A PC must formally join the thieves’ guild to rise to Rank 2. To rise to Rank 4, the PCs must execute a complex heist (see pages 118–129).

Benefits While this thieves’ guild cannot operate openly, it helps its members scope out potential jobs.

Rank 1: borrow resources (100 gp), case (+10), lookout (2 ways, +10)

Rank 2: borrow resources (500 gp), diversion (+10), gather information, pickpocket (+12), put in a Добро word

Rank 3: borrow resources (2,500 gp), reciprocal benefits, remove evidence, rob, search black market

Rank 4: borrow resources (5,000 gp), Приказ team (1d4 3rd-level плутs or 3d4 1st-level плутs)

New Benefits The thieves’ guild grants the following unusual benefits.

Case: Per the benefit under Небольшой-Время gang above, except the thieves’ total Внимание skill bonus is +10.

Diversion: Per the benefit under Небольшой-Время gang above, except the thieves’ total Блеф skill bonus is +10.

Lookout: A pВоздух of thieves act as lookouts, monitoring up to two directions for oncoming guards or Свидетельes. The thieves’ total Внимание skill bonuses are +10.

Pickpocket: Per the benefit under Небольшой-Время gang above, except the thief’s total Ловкость рук skill bonus is +12.

Remove Evidence: A group of thieves carefully enters a scene where the PCs committed a crime and removes evidence. This eliminates any obvious clues, such as the body of a victim or notes the PCs left at the scene, and increases the Внимание DC to find more subtle clues by 5.

Rob: The thieves’ guild sends an agent to steal a specific item from a secured location. The agent has a +10 total skill bonus on Скрытность checks and a +12 total skill bonus on Механика checks. This benefit costs from 1 to 3 favors, depending upon the danger involved. The thief expects the PCs to pay half the value of the stolen item.

Search Black Market: The thieves’ guild locates any type of item whose value is up to the base value of the settlement, even if the item is illegal in that settlement, and arranges for the PCs to purchase it.



N strong organization

Размер 520 members

Key members

Archmage Theona Tethril (N femЭль human diviner 9)

Master of Опеки Falariel (NG mЭль elf abjurer 7)

Values The mages’ guild values curiosity, creativity, and Предрасположенность К Магии.

Public Goals To regulate the Использование of Магия for the public good.

Private Goals The mages’ guild seeks out Скрытнсти знание that it deems too dangerous and stores such information in its heavily secured secret library. The master of Опеки protects the books from public access, while the archmage uses them to learn more about the people who would abИспользование the dangerous знание contained within the tomes.

Allies The mages’ guild is on Добро terms with several nearby universities and the алхимикs’ union.

Enemies The mages’ guild has made several enemies among Зло cults and other organizations that make Использование of несвященный знание.

Membership Requirements To join the mages’ guild, a PC must spend 1 week teaching spells to guild members, or bring a spell or bit of Скрытнсти знание to the guild that it does not already possess in its libraries.

Influence Limitations The PCs must all join the mages’ guild before they can Досягаемость Rank 2.

Benefits This guild of mages provides training to its members, and casts spells for them.

Rank 1: borrow resources (100 gp), spell library (Core Rulebook spells only)

Rank 2: Скрытнсти library, borrow resources (750 gp), gather information, item crafting, put in a Добро word, spell library spellcasting (1st- and 2nd-level spells)

Rank 3: borrow resources (1,500 gp), reciprocal benefits, spellcasting (3rd- and 4th-level spells)

Rank 4: borrow resources (4,000 gp), spellcasting (5th- level spells)

New Benefits The mages’ guild grants the following unusual benefits.

Скрытнсти Library: The PCs gain access to the guild’s library, allowing them to potentially learn Секреты relevant to their current adventures (consider using the research system on pages 148–153 to handle research in the Скрытнсти library).

Item Crafting: The mages’ guild ремеслоs a custom-ordered collection of scrolls, potions, or wondrous items for the PCs. The items Стоимость their usual market value in gold pieces plus 1 favor for every 2 days of crafting required.

Spell Library: The mages’ guild provides the PCs with access to its extensive library of spells. The PCs can learn a spell in the library. Spells from the Core Rulebook Стоимость 1 favor, and all other spells that are available Стоимость 2 favors.

Spellcasting: The PCs can Расход favors instead of paying the typical Стоимость for spellcasting services. A 1st- or 2nd-level spell costs 1 favor, a 3rd- or 4th-level spell costs 2 favors, and a 5th-level spell costs 3 favors. The Стоимость and availability of spellcasting is based upon the levels of the guild’s members (in this guild, a 5th-level spell always comes from the archmage herself, and consequently is quite expensive).



NE preeminent organization

Размер 15,000 members

Key members

Lady Alixis Drosain/Lyra (N/NE femЭль human каратель 12)

Nikolas Trivoy (N mЭль human СледовательACG 7)

Whisper (NE femЭль human slayerACG 10)

Zadreni (N mЭль human бард 9)

Values The syndicate values skill and ambition, but also discretion and loyalty.

Public Goals The crime syndicate’s public goals are to manage and regulate crime, to deliver valuable goods and services, and to Бодрость the local economy.

Private Goals Overall, the syndicate’s members seek wealth, power, and prestige. While Lyra has emerged as the undisputed leader of the syndicate, the каратель воля not be satisfied until she controls the open market as well, under her светский облик of Lady Drosain. Nikolas is growing increasingly suspicious oполетra, and he painstakingly seeks material he could leveЯрость against her.

Allies While few organizations would publicly admit to an alliance with the crime syndicate, many groups benefit from under-the-table dealings.

Enemies The crime syndicate has made enemies of several prominent organizations in nearby nations, including the royal house  of a neighboring kingdom.

Membership Requirements Steal a unique and iconic item, such as the prize painting in a museum’s collection. Alternatively, establish a legal business whose illegal side dealings provide the PCs with a net profit of at least 100 gp per month.

Influence Limitations Each Время the PCs Желание to Досягаемость a new rank, they must prove their worth to the organization, with a task more spectacular than their last demonstration. The syndicate has plenty of members, and does not spare Время for those who are Unwilling to prove their worth. PCs must declare their allegiance to Досягаемость Rank 1, and they must become full members before they can Досягаемость Rank 2.

Benefits This crime syndicate can protect its members from the consequences of all but the most heinous crimes.

Rank 1: borrow resources (100 gp), case (+15), diversion (+15), gather information, lookout (4 ways, +15)

Rank 2: borrow resources (1,000 gp), put in a Добро word, remove evidence, rob, search black market

Rank 3: borrow resources (5,000 gp), Приказ team (1d4 NPCs of 3rd level, or 3d4 NPCs of 1st level), destroy evidence, market manipulation, reciprocal benefits

Rank 4: black market mastery, borrow resources (15,000 gp), Приказ team (1d4 NPCs of 6th level, or 5d4 NPCs of 3rd level)

New Benefits The crime syndicate grants the following unusual benefits.

Black Market Mastery: The crime syndicate explores the full extent of its black-market contacts to find an item for the PCs. It can locate almost any type of item whose value is below the settlement’s base value. The PCs can Использование black market mastery to search for one item below the settlement’s base value per favor they Расход. Alternatively, the PCs can Использование black market mastery to search for a single item above the settlement’s base value, at the Стоимость of 3 favors. There is a 50% chance each month that the syndicate locates the requested item. If the PCs seek a unique item, the syndicate may be able to provide the PCs with the location of that item for the Стоимость of 2 favors.

Case: Per the benefit under Небольшой-Время gang (page 114), except the thieves’ total Внимание skill bonus is +15.

Destroy Evidence: The crime syndicate makes evidence of a crime that the PCs committed disappear. This ability functions as remove evidence (see page 115), except that the Внимание DC to find any evidence at the crime scene increases to 30 (or by 10, whichever is higher). The syndicate also discouЯростьs Свидетельes from testifying against the PCs, using a combination of intimidation, bribery, and even memory-altering magic. This benefit costs 3 favors.

Diversion: Per the benefit under Небольшой-Время gang (page 114), except the thieves’ total Блеф skill bonus is +15.

Lookout: A group of thieves act as a lookouts, monitoring up to four directions for oncoming guards or Свидетельes. The thieves’ total Внимание skill bonuses are +15. This ability costs 2 favors. Alternatively, the PCs can purchase the lookout ability as listed under the thieves’ guild for 1 favor.

Market Manipulation: The crime syndicate can manipulate market forces to drive business away from the PCs’ rivals and toward any businesses the PCs own. This ability produces an amount of additional money for the PCs that depends upon the extent of the manipulation. This windfall comes in the form of increased results using whichever rules you are using to determine the success of the PCs’ businesses (such as the downВремя rules from Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign). For each favor spent, the PCs can earn at most 1,000 gp (to a maximum of 5,000 gp).

Remove Evidence: Per the benefit under thieves’ guild (page 115).

Rob: Per the benefit under thieves’ guild (page 115).

Search Black Market: Per the benefit under thieves’ guild (page 115).



LN preeminent organization

Размер 18,000 members

Key members General Agnar (LG femЭль dwarf воин 10)

General Rortian (LN mЭль human рыцарьAPG 12)

Values The military values order, discipline, loyalty, and service.

Public Goals The military’s goal is to protect the people of its nation and to fight against its enemies.

Private Goals General Rortian seeks to enhance his personal Сфера Славы by embarking on a campaign to expand his Домашняя nation’s territory.

Allies The military of this nation is on Добро terms with most political organizations within the nation. It is formally allied with the militaries of allied nations.

Enemies The enemies of this military are the political and military organizations within enemy nations.

Membership Requirements Joining the military as a recruit requires the PCs to undergo training and prove their ability to follow orders.

Influence Limitations Most militaries maintain a strict hierarchy of Приказ. The PCs must be promoted to a higher military rank before they can increase their influence rank within the military.

Benefits This military Сила takes pверховая езда in its highly trained and well-equipped soldiers.

Rank 1: acquire arms (350 gp), borrow resources (100 gp)

Rank 2: acquire arms (750 gp), borrow resources (750 gp), Приказ team (1d4 1st-level боецs), gather information, put in a Добро word, retrain

Rank 3: acquire arms (magic), borrow resources (2,500 gp), Приказ team (5d4 3rd-level martial NPCs), reciprocal benefits

Rank 4: borrow resources (18,500 gp), Приказ legion, Приказ team (70 HD worth of NPCs, none of which can be more than 7th level)

New Benefits The national military grants the following uncommon benefits.

Acquire Arms: The national military gathers a collection of mundane Оружие and gear from its armory for the PCs. The PCs can purchase this collection for 1 favor or its standard market price. At Rank 1, the combined value us 350 gp or less. At Rank 2, the value of this collection increases to 750 gp. At Rank 3, the PCs can purchase Волшебное Оружиеs and armor from the military at a 10% discount by spending 2 favors. For the purposes of item availability, the military counts as a metropolis.

Приказ Legion: The national military grants the PCs Приказ of a Средний army (Ultimate Campaign 248) for 1 week per favor Expended. This Сила comprises 100 2nd-level воинs who follow the PCs loyally. If the PCs do not clearly Использование this Сила to further the military’s goals or the PCs are reckless with the soldiers’ lives, the PCs’ influence rank is reduced to 3. Bringing the soldiers into a dungeon that is level-appropriate for the PCs counts as reckless endangerment.

Retrain: Military trainers work together with the PCs, allowing them to retrain archetypes, class features, черты, or skill ranks, as per the retraining rules (Ultimate Campaign 188). At Rank 2, each week of retraining costs 1 favor and the standard Стоимость in gold pieces. At Rank 3, the military covers the gold piece cost. At Rank 4, the PCs can retrain without Expending favors or money.



Movies, teleВидение series, and novels frequently depict the same scenario: a team of умелецs, each of its members able to contribute a specific and unique skill set, tries to Притянуть off a complex heist. Whether it’s jewelry thieves Сломатьing into the diamond exchange, a rescue team extracting a high- value target from a maximum-security prison, or even former convicts hired to find and report on vulnerabilities in a bank’s vault security, detailed and hair-raising tales of carefully planned heists (often gone awry with thrilling twists and turns) abound in popular storytelling. It only stands to reason, then, that GMs Running a game based on intrigue and subterfuge might want to introduce the excitement and thrills of a complex heist scenario.

Running a successful heist requires the GM to understand of the strengths and weaknesses of the participants, and to grasp how to build Бросить Вызовs for them that play to their strengths.

An ideal heist allows every character in the party a chance to shine, making it fun for everyone involved.



Adventuring is about overcoming obstacles to achieve a goal. Normally, PCs react to whatever impediments are set before them—kick in a door, disarm the traps, or slay the monsters. Heists flip this фамильяр script: the PCs carefully research everything that might stand between them and their goal, and Конструкций plans to disrupt the Состояние quo, while the GM must determine how the Монстры and NPCs react to the PCs’ machinations. In essence, when planning a heist, the PCs write an adventure and the GM reacts.

Parties воля often split up for a heist. The GM should treat each member of the party (or subgroups of two or three) as if she were an individual adventuring group, and provide opportunities for all characters to showcase their respective skills. Working backward, consider each hero’s strengths and each player’s interests, and then present an obstacle against which that hero is most likely to excel. In a well-planned heist, every character (and by extension, player) needs an opportunity to take center stage—PCs воля естественная броняly gravitate toward activities at which they excel, and воля want to build their heist schemes around those skills. Making sure the pieces of the heist interconnect—that many goals can be achieved only by characters working on different tasks in tandem—ensures that each player has a stake in what the others are doing. This sense of teamwork is the driving Сила behind making a heist rewarding for everyone involved.



Build your heist encounters using the following four steps.



Objectives for a heist come in many shapes and размерs. Some heists might even have a combined goal or multiple goals.

Steal an Item: Such items could include a priceless work of Искуство such as a Статуя or painting, a Магия item such as a ring or sword, or a collection of gemstones, jewelry, or rare coins. Most often, pulling off a successful heist of this type relies more on скрытность and Перенывапоавление than violence and Уничтожение. An especially Крупный item (like a safe, vault, or vehicle) adds a logistical complication—trying to move the Крупныйr item increases the heist’s difficulty.

Steal Information: This is similar to stealing an item, but involves swiping information, such as an ancient tome, legal documents, or scrolls. This goal might require memorizing or copying the information rather than absconding with a physical item.

Retrieve a Creature: Such a caper might involve stealing a rare or exotic Сфера Животных or pet, kidnapping an Unwilling victim, or rescuing an imprisoned target. Sometimes information possessed by the target is the true object of the heist, rather than the person himself. The heist proceeds far differently depending on whether the target is a willing accomplЛьда or a kidnapping victim. Either way, dealing with an NPC who might not be as Опытный as the PCs makes escaping the more difficult part of the heist, rather than reaching the prize in the first place.

Escape: Rather than trying to gain entry to a forbidden locale, the PCs begin trapped somewhere, and must escape. If some PCs are detained and others are free, they can all still participate, though communicating plans back and forth presents its own Бросить Вызов.

Replace an Item with a Forgery: This type of heist requires the PCs to steal something and put a forgery in its place. They воля need to successfully create the forgery, steal the original, and Сфера Растений the forgery, all without being detected. There are numerous reasons to выступление this goal, rather than simply steal the item. For instance, the PCs might do this if there would be dire consequences were the item to go missing entirely, possibly leading to innocents facing punishment, and they might also do this to make the item easier to fence without the authorities searching for it. In many cases, the forgery is difficult to create because the forger doesn’t have access to the original. In rarer cases, the PCs might have a brief period after acquiring the item in which they can create the forgery before putting the fake in the original’s place.

Destroy Property: Incriminating evidence, a priceless artifact, or even an entire prison might need to be destroyed in Орден to further someone’s goals. Heists of this Природа are less subtle than most, though sabotaging a piece of machinery or using timed explosives or spells might allow the PCs to avoid tipping their hand until they’ve had Время for a clean escape.

Snatch and Return: Sometimes, it might be necessary to выступление a heist twice: once to steal an object, and a second Время to return it. This type of heist is similar to replacing an item with a forgery, and effectively involves two separate heists.

Test Security: This type of heist is really a trial or practЛьда Бегун designed to test улучшения security systems. The owners of the target hire th

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