Cooperative disabling (teamwork) — КиберПедия 

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Cooperative disabling (teamwork)

2021-02-05 79
Cooperative disabling (teamwork) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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You are Опытный at working with an ally to disable traps.

Предпосылки: Механика 1 rank, Поиск Ловушек class feature.

Benefit: When you Использование the Механика skill and fail the check against a trap, a single adjacent ally with this черта who is also Цель Близка of the trap can attempt a Механика check against the same devЛьда as an прерывающее действие. The ally must have remained adjacent throughout the process of disabling the devЛьда and must have either Помощьed your Механика check or taken no other action. If your ally succeeds at the check, your attempt is considered to be successful. If your ally fails, your attempt is considered to have failed by 5 or more, even if the original check failed by 4 or less.



Your acts of audacious larceny have endeared you to the criminal underworld.

Предпосылки: Дипломатия 5 ranks, Запугивание 5 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Дипломатия and Запугивание checks when interacting with criminals, whether they’re individual thieves and cutpurses or criminal organizations.

If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, the bonus increases to +4 for that skill.

These bonuses do not stack with those granted by Убедительность, but this черта counts as Убедительность for the purposes of черты and other rules Стихии with Убедительность as a prerequisite.



You can read your foe’s body Языка to gauge your foe and gain an edge in combat.

Предпосылки: Бдительность, Улучшенная Инициатива, Светning Реакцияes, Быстрое Выхватывание, Ready for Anything†, базовый модификатор атаки +13 or плут level 13th, Проницательность 13 ranks.

Benefit: When you ready an action, you do not need to declare what Действие you воля take, only the trigger for that Действие and an Действие type (either standard, move, swift, or free). If you choose the основное действие type, you can take a действие движения instead when your readied Действие triggers. When the condition triggers, you can choose a specific Действие of the appropriate type to take.



You know how to cut a foe deeply with humiliation.

Предпосылки: Убедительность, Запугивание 5 ranks.

Benefit: When you successfully demoralize a target by using a словесный Запугивание check in a social situation (rather than an Запугивание check you can make via an ability such as Демонстрация Силы or EnforcerAPG), you can instead humiliate the target, causing it to take a –2 penalty on Charisma-based skill checks and Charisma ability checks for 1 hour + 1 additional hour for every 5 by which the result of your check exceeds the DC. The target can remove the Эффект early by taking 10 minutes to compose herself. If you fail this check, any creature who Свидетельed the failure is immune to your humiliation from this черта for 24 hours. If you fail by 5 or more, you become humiliated for 1 hour instead of your target.



You can manipulate the luminescence of Волшебное Оружиеs.

Предпосылки: Использование магического устройства 5 ranks, ability to cast Тьма.

Benefit: When wielding a Волшебное Оружие that sheds Свет or that features a lumineНюх quality, such as a огненное or сияющее weapon, you can deactivate that illumination as a быстрое действие. You can reignite the illumination at any Время as a свободное действие. Any intrinsic Магия properties that would Сила the weapon to shed Свет, such as the extra damage of a огненное weapon, do not function while the illumination is deactivated, and the “significant portion” of a сияющее weapon that is normally made ofСвет ceases to exist.

If a weapon affected by this ability ever leaves your possession (for instance, if you drop the weapon or pass it to another creature), its illumination and related abilities instantly return.



You possess a preterестественная броня skill for catching items that slip from your grasp.

Prerequisite: Эксперт (Ловкость рук).

Benefit: Whenever you drop or are forced to drop an item you possess (other than by an Эффект that disarms or steals the item), you can attempt a DC 20 Ловкость рук check as an прерывающее действие to catch the item before it falls away. If you are targeted by an Эффект that would disarm or steal an item you’re holding, such as a disarm or stealAPG combat maneuver or the effects of a spell like Телекинез, you can also attempt a Ловкость рук check as an прерывающее действие to maintain possession of the errant item (DC = 10 + the combat maneuver check result if there was a combat maneuver check, or 20 + the DC of the spell if there was no combat maneuver check). In either case, if you fail the Ловкость рук check by 10 or more, you fall распластан.



You need only a swallow of strong drink to bring you back from the brink of death.

Prerequisite: Con 13.

Benefit: If you are при смерти and a creature gives you at least a sip of alcohol (a основное действие for an adjacent creature), you immediately Первая Помощь.


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