Cat and moиспользование (combat) — КиберПедия 

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Cat and moиспользование (combat)

2021-02-05 83
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You can forgo an obvious Контрудар against an opponent to better spot breaches in its defenses.

Предпосылки: Блеф 5 ranks, Проницательность 5 ranks, opportune parry and riposte deedACG.

Benefit: When you Использование the opportune parry and riposte deed to successfully parry an opponent’s attack, if you have your прерывающее действие available and choose not to attempt a riposte, you gain a +1 уклонение bonus to your AC and a +2 bonus on all combat maneuver checks against the opponent you successfully parried for 1 round.



Much like a cat, you can instantly Сдвиг your balance when you fall and roll with the impact, avoiding serious injury and landing on your feet.

Предпосылки: Dex 13, Акробатика 1 rank.

Benefit: When you succeed at a DC 15 Акробатика skill check to soften a fall, you ignore the first 20 feet of that fall and convert the damage from the next 10 feet of the fall to nonlethal damage. You land on your feet as long as you take less than 20 points of damage from the fall.

Normal: A successful DC 15 Акробатика check allows you to ignore the first 10 feet fallen, and you fall распластан if you take any falling damage.



You can bounce ranged attacks off objects to obscure their point of origin and surprise foes.

Предпосылки: Dex 19, Бой Вслепую, Прицельная Стрельба+, Стрельба Вблизи, Прицельная Стрельба, базовый модификатор атаки +11. Benefit: You can choose to take a –2 penalty on a ranged weapon attack to ricochet it off a Камень or Металл surface and Решимости the attack as if it originated from the chosen ricochet point for the purpose of determining cover (but not for determining concealment). Add the entire дальнобойное the weapon or ammunition traveled to determine range penalties for the attack. Bouncing a shot this way can potentially enable you to make ranged attacks against foes who have total cover against you by going around obstacles, but such a foe still has total concealment against your attack.



You are Опытный at moving quickly through forbidding parts of cities.

Prerequisite: Street Smarts†.

Benefit: You do not treat crowds as difficult terrain. You also gain an additional +2 bonus on Акробатика checks to move along rooftops and on Скользкий sections of city streets and sewers.



You can Побег an area Эффект by метательное an enemy in its path to Щит yourself.

Предпосылки: Int 13, Защитная Стойка, Improved RepositionAPG, Уклонение class feature.

Benefit: When you successfully Использование your Уклонение class feature to avoid taking damage from an Эффект that allows a Реакция saving throw, you can attempt a special repositionAPG combat maneuver check against any one foe Цель Близка as an прерывающее действие. If successful, you sведьма positions with the target of your combat maneuver. If your foe was not initially within range of the Эффект that you evaded, it must save against the Эффект as if it had been within the area of effect.



You can hide the evidence of spells you cast.

Предпосылки: Обманщик, Блеф 1 rank, Маскировка 1 rank, Ловкость рук 1 rank.

Benefit: When you cast a spell or Использование a spell-like ability, you can attempt to conceal словесный and жестовый компонентs among other speech and gestures, and to conceal the manifestation of caЖало the spell, so others don’t realize you’re caЖало a spell or using a spell-like ability until it is too late. The attempt to hide the spell Замедлениеs your caЖало sСветly, such that spells that normally take a основное действие to cast now take a действие полного хода, and spells that normally take longer than a основное действие take twice as long. (Быстрое действие spells still take a быстрое действие.)

To discover your ruse, a creature must succeed at a Внимание, Проницательность, or Колдовство check (the creature receives an automatic check with whichever of those Навыки has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Блеф or Маскировка (whichever is higher) + your Модификатор Харизмы; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell- like ability you are concealing.

If your spell has a жестовый компонент, any creature that can see you receives a Внимание or Колдовство check (whichever has the highest bonus) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Ловкость рук + your Dexterity modifier; the creature gains a bonus on its check equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability you are concealing. Since you are concealing the spell’s manifestation through other actions, others observing you realize you’re doing something, even if they don’t realize you’re caЖало a spell. If there is a словесный component, they still hear your loud, clear voice but don’t notice the spell woven within. If an opponent fails its check, your caЖало also does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and an opponent that fails its check can’t Использование readied actions that depend on realizing that you’re caЖало a spell or using a spell-like ability, or readied actions such as counterspelling that require Опознаниеing the spell you’re casting. Spells such as Огненный Шар that create an additional obvious Эффект (aside from the manifestation of caЖало that all spells and spell-like abilities share) still create that effect, though it might not be obvious who cast the spell unless it emanates from you.

If a character interacts with you long enough to attempt a Проницательность check without realizing you have been caЖало spells, that character can Использование Проницательность to gain a hunch that you’re behaving unusually.



Sometimes your second attempt at a Хитрости does the trick.

Предпосылки: Блеф 9 ranks, Проницательность 9 ranks.

Benefit: When you fail to deceive someone with a Блеф check, you can immediately attempt another version of the same basic Хитрости against that creature at a –5 penalty by downplaying the failed Блеф and quickly moving on to another one. You cannot Использование this ability if the first Блеф was so egregious that further checks would have been impossible (as per the Блеф skill). If you fail the second attempt, you cannot retry the Блеф check and all further attempts to perpetrate that particular Хитрости are impossible.

Normal: When you fail a Блеф check against a creature, that creature is innately suspicious. You take a –10 penalty on future attempts to deceive that creature, or at the GM’s discretion, such attempts may be impossible.


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