Enярость opponent (combat, panache) — КиберПедия 

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Enярость opponent (combat, panache)

2021-02-05 91
Enярость opponent (combat, panache) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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With a quip or a suggestive gesture, you send your enemy into a tizzy.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Amateur ГоловорезACG or panache class featureACG, Убедительность.

Benefit: As a быстрое действие, you can spend 1 panache point to enЯрость a creature with an Intelligence of 4 or more within 60 feet that can see or hear you. Attempt an Запугивание check as if to demoralize the creature. If you succeed, the creature takes a –2 penalty to its AC until it has made at least one attack against you (including area effects that include you) or until it can no longer see or hear you. You can have only one opponent enЯростьd at you with this черта at a time, and once you’ve enЯростьd a creature, you can’t enЯрость it again for 24 hours.



Your critical hit allows you a chance to make your foes brieполет see reason.

Предпосылки: Cha 15, Call Truce†, Критическая Точность, Убедительность, базовый модификатор атаки +11, Дипломатия 5 ranks.

Benefit: Whenever you confirm a critical hit, the грозы of the attack momentarily opens an opportunity to end hostilities with a quick entreaty. As an прерывающее действие immediately after confirming the critical hit, you can attempt a Дипломатия check to improve the target’s attitude as though you had spent 1 full round using the Call Truce черта. All other conditions and limitations of the Call Truce черта apply.



You mind is meticulous and sharp, making it easy for you to thoroughly search an area.

Предпосылки: Внимание 3 ranks, inspirationACG or Хранитель Знаний class feature.

Benefit: You can take 20 on a Внимание check in only 10 times the usual amount of time, and gain a +2 bonus on Внимание checks when you take 20.

Normal: It takes 20 times as long to take 20 on a skill check.



You know how to move silently even while wearing some forms of armor.

Предпосылки: Dex 15, Careful Sneak†, Скрытность 6 ranks.

Benefit: You do not apply the armor check penalty for Свет and Средний armor on Скрытность skill checks no matter how fast you move. You still cannot Использование Скрытность while Running or charging.



You can manage multiple Заготовка effects.

Prerequisite: Character level 19th.

Benefit: You can have two Заготовка effects active at one time. If they would both trigger on the same round, one (chosen randomly) does not trigger until 1 round later.

Normal: You can benefit from only a single Заготовка active at a time.



Your острое eyes help you find better deals on magical components for your spells.

Предпосылки: Заклинания Без Реагентов, Оценка 6 ranks, Колдовство 6 ranks.

Benefit: When in a Крупный city or Крупныйr settlement, you can search the markets carefully for 4 hours in Орден to purchase material components for your spells at a 10% discount. You can purchase up to 1,000 gp worth of material components (which costs you 900 gp) each day. These cheaper components work perfectly well for their spells, but their resЭль value is also 10% less.


You can fool others into believing you have ensorcelled them.

Предпосылки: Обманщик, Блеф 5 ranks, Колдовство 1 rank.

Benefit: As a основное действие, you can feign placing a Проклятие on a target. The target must attempt a Проницательность or Колдовство check (whichever skill that target has a higher bonus with) against a DC equal to 15 + your number of ranks in Блеф + your Модификатор Харизмы, with a bonus on his skill check equalto any conditional bonus he has onиспытания against наговоры or curses (like from the spell Наговор Опеки UM). If he fails, he becomes plagued by self-doubt and second-guesses himself. For his next two attack rolls, испытания, skill checks, or ability checks, he rolls twice and takes the lower result; for every 5 ranks of Блеф you possess beyond 5, this ability affects an additional roll. This is a Разум effect, and it doesn’t work if the target is immune to curses. Once you attempt to feign putting a Проклятие on a creature, you cannot do so again against the same creature for 24 hours, and if the target succeeds at detecting your ruse, he gains a +10 bonus against future attempts.



Your dashing style and fluid rapier forms allow you to Использование Ловкость rather than brute Сила to fell your foes.

Предпосылки: Dex 13, Фехтование, Уверенное Владение Оружием (rapier).

Benefit: When wielding a rapier one-handed, you can add your Dexterity modifier instead of your Сила modifier to that weapon’s damage. The rapier must be one appropriate for your размер. You do not gain this benefit while fighting with two Оружие or using Град Ударов, or anyВремя another hand is otherwise occupied.

In addition, if you have the panacheACG class feature, you gain a +2 bonus to your CMD against attempts to disarm you of your rapier while you have at least 1 panache point.



You have learned the treacherous spells employed by the fey.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Колдовство 1 rank, ability to cast друид spells.

Benefit: Add the following spells to your друид spell list at the indicated levels: 0— Пляшущие Огоньки, 1st— lesser Замешательство, 2nd— Приворот (Гуманоид), 3rd— Невидимость, 4th— Проклятие, 5th— Приворот (Чудовище), 6th— major curse UM, 7th— Полог Снов APG, 8th— Безумие, 9th— Безудержная Пляска.



You have learned magical Секреты from the fey.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Колдовство 1 rank, ability to cast следопыт spells.

Benefit: Choose a 1st-level spell, a 2nd-level spell, a 3rd-level spell, and a 4th-level spell from the бард, чародей/волшебник, or ведьма spell list that is either from the Очарование or Иллюзия school or a spell with the curseUM descriptor. Add those spells to your следопыт spell list. Once chosen, these spells cannot be changed.



Your spells Исчезновение with unusual быстрое.

Benefit: A Быстроногийing spell’s duration becomes dismissible, if it is not already. You can dismiss your own Быстроногийing spell as a быстрое действие. When you dismiss a Быстроногийing spell, its lingering Аура cannot be detected by Магия unless the caster succeeds at a caster level check against a DC equal to 11 + your caster level. The DC of dispel checks to counter a Быстроногийing spell is reduced by 2, and once active, Рассеивание Магии removes a Быстроногийing spell without a caster level check. A Быстроногийing spell has half its normal duration (with an extended Быстроногийing spell, these duration adjustments cancel out). Only spells with a duration of at least 2 rounds can be made Быстроногийing, and instantaneous or permanent spells cannot be Быстроногийing spells. A Быстроногийing spell does not Использование up a higher-level spell slot than the spell’s actual level.

Normal: It is a основное действие to dismiss a dismissible spell, and only spells whose Duration entry is marked with a D are dismissible.



You can Обманка Магия items by Благо of your маскировка.

Предпосылки: Обманщик, Маскировка 1 rank, Использование магического устройства 1 rank.

Benefit: When you are in маскировка as a member of a particular race or a person of a particular alignment, you can Использование your Маскировка bonus instead of your Использование магического устройства bonus to emulate that race and alignment for the purpose of attempting to activate a Магия item.



Your foxlike movements protect you from your opponents’ attempts to manipulate you.

Предпосылки: Int 13, Fox Style†.

Benefit: While using Fox Style, you can Использование your базовый модификатор атаки in place of your ranks in Проницательность to determine your Проницательность skill bonus when foes attempt to feint against you, and creatures attempting to demoralize you don’t gain a bonus for being bigger than you (though they still take a penalty for being Небольшойer). If your Intelligence score is at least 19, the DC to demoralize or feint you increases by 4.



Your martial training helps you manipulate foes.

Prerequisite: Int 13.

Benefit: While using this style, you can Использование your базовый модификатор атаки in place of your ranks in Блеф on Блеф checks to feint in combat and to create a Отвлечение to hide. If your Intelligence is at least 19, you gain a +4 bonus on such Блеф checks when adding your Модификатор Харизмы.



Whenever a foes drops his guard, you can make him suffer with a dirty trick.

Предпосылки: Int 13, Защитная Стойка, Fox Интуитивный†, Fox Style†, Improved Dirty TrickAPG.

Benefit: While using Fox Style, you can выступление dirty trick combat maneuvers (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 320) as attacks of opportunity. If your Intelligence is at least 19, you gain a +4 bonus on dirty trick combat maneuver checks.



The power of your psychic stare Опеки you from the potent gazes of your enemies.

Предпосылки: Колдовство 10 ranks, bold stareOA and mesmerist tricksOA class features.

Benefit: When you avert your eyes from a creature with a gaze attack (including one produced by a spell like Грозные Очи or Пылающий Взгляд or by a Магия item), you can roll twice and select the better result when checking to see whether you are exposed to that gaze attack and when rolling your miss chance on attacks made against that creature (the latter doesn’t stack with Бой Вслепую). In addition, as a быстрое действие, you can Расход one mesmerist trick to make yourself immune to that creature’s gaze until the beginning of your next turn. If you Расход two mesmerist tricks instead, you gain Иммунитет to that creature’s gaze and also reflect its gaze back at it, affecting it with its own gaze.

Special: A mesmerist’s hypnotic stare, a ведьма’s or hag’s Зло eye, and a vampire’s dominate ability are treated as gaze attacks for the purpose of this черта, as are abilities that are triggered when looking at a creature, such as a nymph’s blinding Красота or a Море hag’s horrific appearance. Spending two mesmerist tricks on this черта does not bypass any Иммунитет the creature might have to its own gaze, such as a vampire’s Иммунитет to Разум effects or the fact that the nymph’s blinding Красота works only on humanoids.



You can steal with surprising subtlety.

Предпосылки: Dex 13, Ловкий Маневр, Improved StealAPG, Ловкость рук 3 ranks.

Benefit: When attempting Ловкость рук checks to lift or palm objects, you can Использование your Combat Maneuver Bonus for a stealAPG combat maneuver in place of your Ловкость рук modifier, though if you do so, you must Использование your Dexterity modifier and not your Сила modifier. You can steal items with the steal combat maneuver even if they are hidden in a bag or pack (provided you can Досягаемость the item within), but the opponent gains at least a +5 bonus to its CMD (as for a fastened object) in this case.



Your Храбрость protects you from more than just Ужас.

Предпосылки: Cha 13, Храбрость class feature.

Benefit: Add your Храбрость bonus against all Разум effects instead of just against Ужас.



You can conceal the mightiest spells in the subtlest fashions.

Предпосылки: Conceal Spell†, Обманщик, Блеф 5 ranks, Маскировка 5 ranks, Ловкость рук 10 ranks, ability to cast 3rd-level spells or Использование a 3rd-level spell-like ability.

Benefit: When you Использование Conceal Spell, creatures no longer gain a bonus equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability on their checks to notice the hidden spell.

Normal: Creatures attempting to notice a spell hidden with Conceal Spell gain a bonus equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability on their Внимание, Проницательность, and Колдовство checks.


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