Орден of the Green (рыцарь order) — КиберПедия 

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Орден of the Green (рыцарь order)

2021-02-05 88
Орден of the Green (рыцарь order) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Рыцарьs of the Орден of the Green are dedicated to protecting wild places and creatures, embracing the Green Faith in all its Сфера Славы and естественная броня wonder.

Edicts: The рыцарь knows his place in the естественная броня Орден and strives to defend the balance of nature. He must be willing to allow Природа to take its course, and he must stop all those who would do Повреждение to its delicate balance. He воля not tolerate aberrant creatures, нежить, or the irresponsible and greedy consumption of естественная броня resources. He may be farsighted and seek to establish agreements that lead to laЖало Защита of the естественная броня world, but resorts to violence if it is the most effective way to enСила such Защита.

Бросить Вызов: An Орден of the Green рыцарь can’t issue a Бросить Вызов against any creature of the Сфера Животных or Сфера Растений type. Whenever he issues a Бросить Вызов, he receives a +1 боевой дух bonus on attack rolls against the target of his Бросить Вызов. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the рыцарь has. If the target of his Бросить Вызов is of the aberration or нежить type, each round he can roll his first attack roll against the target creature twice and take the higher result.

Skills: An Орден of the Green рыцарь gains Знание (природа) and Выживание as class skills. In addition, whenever an Орден of the Green рыцарь attempts a Выживание check to Выслеживание foes of the aberration or нежить type, he receives a bonus on the check equal to half his рыцарь level (minimum +1).

Способности Ордена: A рыцарь belonging to the Орден of the Green gains the following abilities.

Излюбленная Местность (Экс): At 2nd level, an Орден of the Green рыцарь chooses a Излюбленная Местность from the list of следопыт Излюбленная Местностьs (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 65). He gains this as a Излюбленная Местность, as the следопыт class feature of the same name. At 8th level and every 6 levels thereafter, he selects another Излюбленная Местность. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus in any one Излюбленная Местность (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by 2.

Cut the Corruption (Св): At 8th level, an Орден of the Green рыцарь can touch a weapon and enhance it as a свободное действие once per day. For 1 minute, the weapon glows with a deep-green Свет and deals an additional 1d6 points of damage against aberrations and нежить. This damage does not stack with the additional damage granted by the убийцы weapon special ability. At 16th level, the рыцарь can Использование this ability a second Время each day.

End of the Cycle (Св): At 15th level, things killed by an Орден of the Green рыцарь tends to stay мертв. When the рыцарь kills a creature, it is treated as if it were killed by a Смерть Эффект for the purposes of Магия that can restore it to life. In addition, it’s placed under the effects of a permanent Освящение Трупа UM Эффект (using the рыцарь’s level as the spell’s caster level).



Some knights serve Природа itself and can be found protecting unspoiled естественная броня places or serving Фея beings.

Beast Tongue (Экс): A green kНочи can Использование Дипломатия to improve an animal’s attitude. Beast tongue otherwise functions like the друид’s Понимание Животных ability, using the green knight’s Дипломатия modifier and using her рыцарь level as her effective друид level, and it counts as that ability for the purpose of other effects (such as черта Предпосылки or effects that alter or improve Понимание Животных).

This replaces Тактик.

Implacable KНочи (Экс): A green kНочи gains Двужильный and Крепкий Орешек as bonus черты.

This replaces Скакун.

Nature’s Servant (Экс): A green kНочи must select the Орден of the Green.

This alters order.

Ferocious (Экс): At 3rd level, a green kНочи is not ошеломление when below 0 пункты здоровья. At 9th level, taking actions when below 0 пункты здоровья does not cause her to lose пункты здоровья.

This replaces рыцарь’s charge.

Woodland Stride (Экс): At 4th level, a green kНочи gains the друид’s woodland stride ability.

This replaces умелец trainer and banner.

Непоколебимый (Экс): At 9th level, whenever a green kНочи succeeds at a Стойкость or Воля save against an Эффект that has a reduced Эффект on a successful save, she instead negates the effect.

This replaces Великолепный Тактик.

Oaken Vitality (Св): At 11th level, Природа protects a green kНочи from many afflictions. The green kНочи becomes immune to disease, infestations (Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Проводник 245), and Яд.

This replaces Мощный Натиск and Великое Знамя.

Take Their Heads (Св): A green knight’s blade is Благословениеed by mighty Фея powers and unerringly seeks out foes’ necks. At 17th level, any slashing weapon a green kНочи wields gains the стрижающее weapon special ability.

This replaces Мастер Тактики.

Indestructible (Св): At 20th level, a green kНочи is virtually impervious to death. She gains a +6 bonus to her Constitution score. In addition, the green kНочи becomes immune to Смерть effects and to effects that would kill her without reducing her to 0 пункты здоровья, unless the Эффект involves decapitation. If she is decapitated, the green kНочи can continue to act normally. Reattachment requires the Голова and body to be joined and the application of any Эффект that restores пункты здоровья.

This replaces Превосходный Натиск.


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