Естественная броня                                                                                                    Damage Attack — КиберПедия 

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Естественная броня                                                                                                    Damage Attack

2021-02-05 102
Естественная броня                                                                                                    Damage Attack 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Attack Крошечный Миниатюрный Маленький Небольшой Средний Крупный Огромный Гигантский Колоссальный Type Type
Bite 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 4d6 B/P/S Primary
Claw 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 B/S Primary
Gore 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 4d6 P Primary
Slam 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 B Primary
Sting 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 P Primary
Talons 1 1d2 1d3 1d4 1d6 1d8 2d6 2d8 S Primary

Indomitable Скакунain Style (Combat, Style)

Like a rugged Скакунain, you are impassable and unmovable.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, Combat Реакцияes, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, базовый модификатор атаки +4.

Benefit: As long as you do not take a сопутствующее действие, you gain a +4 боевой дух bonus to your CMD and to the DC of Блеф checks used for feint attempts against you. Additionally, you are considered to be one размер category Крупныйr for the purpose of calculating your CMD when creatures attempt Акробатics checks to move through spaces you threaten without provoking attacks of opportunity.


Запугивание Животные (Combat)

You are Опытный at intimidating Животные with your bluster and fury.

Предпосылки: Greater Понимание ЖивотныхUM, Запугивание 5 ranks, Знание (природа) 5 ranks, Понимание Животных class feature.

Benefit: You add your Мудрость modifier on Запугивание checks against Животные in addition to your Модификатор Харизмы. An Сфера Животных with 4 or fewer Кости Здоровья is испуг instead of потрясение on a successful Запугивание check to demoralize it.


Jaguar Наскок (Combat)

Your ambushes are especially lethal.

Prerequisite: Базовый модификатор атаки +4.

Benefit: When making a charge or using Удар На Проходе against an opponent who is застигнут врасплох or беспомощьность, you treat your first melee attack against that target as if you had the Улучшенный Критический Удар черта.


Jungle Выживаниеist

Normally pestilential rain forests are a safe haven and Домашняя to you.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (jungle) class feature.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on испытания against diseases, Ядs, and the Отвлечение ability of creatures with the swarm subtype. You also gain a +2 bonus on Акробатics and Лазание checks when лазаниеing trees and a +2 bonus on Внимание checks against creatures that gain a народ bonus on Скрытность checks in vegetation.


Live Off the Land

You can easily pудача what you need from nature’s bounty as you travel.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность class feature.

Benefit: You (and any allies whom you assist with the Выживание skill) can move at full быстрое while using Выживание to gather food and water, and you gain a +4 bonus on Выживание checks to do so. If you cast create food and drink, Создание Воды, or any similar spell that creates edible and potable proВидения while you are in your Излюбленная Местность, your caster level increases by an amount equal to half your Излюбленная Местность bonus.



MoonСвет has a strange Эффект on you, making your body stronger but your mind weaker.

Benefit: At Ночи when at least part of the Луна is showing and you can see it, you gain a +2 bonus on Стойкость and Реакция saves but take a –2 penalty on Воля saves.



You are thoroughly at Домашняя in the high peaks and precipices of alpine territory.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (Скакунains) class feature.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Лазание checks on естественная броня Камень surfaces and a +4 bonus on Стойкость saves to avoid high-altitude fatigue and altitude sickness. If you spend 24 hours at a dangerous altitude, you treat that altitude as if it were one category lower. If you spend at least 1 week at that altitude, you are immune to altitude fatigue or sickness. If you go to a lower altitude for more than 1 week, you lose this acclimation.


Mutated Shape

Your Природный Облик form gains an additional appendage you can Использование to attack your foes.

Предпосылки: Wis 19, базовый модификатор атаки +6, Природный Облик class feature.

Benefit: When you Использование Природный Облик, you grow an additional appendage of your choice that can be used to make one of the following attacks: bite, claw, gore, slam, sting, or talons. The appendage can be used as part of a full attack using your highest базовый модификатор атаки, and it deals damage as described in Table 3–2: Mutated ShПримат Appendage Attacks. This appendage lasts for as long as you stay in the same form with this Использование of Природный Облик.


Естественная броня Отрава Antitoxin

You have learned how to create antitoxin that can resist естественная броня Ядs.

Предпосылки: Естественная броня Отрава Harvester, Ремесло (алхимик) 8 ranks, Выживание 8 ranks.

Benefit: When you succeed at a Ремесло (алхимик) check to create an antitoxin (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 100) using a dose of a естественная броня Отрава you harvested, you increase the duration of the antitoxin to an amount equal to 4 hours plus an additional hour for every 5 by which your result exceeds the DC.


Естественная броня Отрава Harvester

You are exceedingly proficient at harveЖало and distilling Отрава from venomous monsters.

Предпосылки: Ремесло (алхимик) 6 ranks, Выживание 6 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Ремесло (алхимик) checks when creating Отрава harvested from Poisonous monsters. When you successfully ремесло such Ядs, the DC of the Отрава increases by 2.


Nature’s Свобода

Creatures affected by your Божественная Сила are not affected by difficult terrain.

Предпосылки: Сфера Животных or Сфера Растений; Божественная Сила class feature.

Benefit: When you Расход one additional Использование when you Божественная Сила, you enable affected creatures to move freely through undergrowth as per the друид’s woodland stride class feature. This Эффект lasts a for number of minutes equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1). Multiple uses of this черта extend the duration of the woodland stride effect.


Nature’s Оружие (Combat)

You can make a weapon out of nearly anything that can be found in the wild.

Предпосылки: Мастер Импровизации; базовый модификатор атаки +2; Знание (природа) or Выживание 2 ranks.

Benefit: You can turn nearly anything you might find in the wilderness into an improvised melee weapon. This improvised melee weapon is one-handed and deals 1d6 points of damage for Средний creatures and 1d4 for Небольшой creatures. Depending on the weapon, it deals bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage (at the GM’s discretion). Grabbing an object to Использование as a weapon is the same Действие as drawing a weapon. The weapon must be of a material that is естественная броняly occurring in that terrain.


Ночи Небо Hex

You Использование the mystical network of power that blazes in the Ночи Небо to empower your наговоры.

Предпосылки: Наговоры class feature; moonUM, starsUM, or winterUM patron.

Benefit: When you gain this черта, choose one Наговоры that you can Использование to affect no more than one opponent. When you are in view of the Ночи Небо and Использование that hex, increase the save DC of that Наговоры by 2.


One Eye Open

Your senses seek out threats even while you Сон.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, Бдительность.

Benefit: The DCs of your Внимание checks don’t increase when you are спящий. If you succeed at a Внимание check to notice something dangerous while спящий, you can wake up to confront the danger.

Normal: The DC for a Внимание check attempted by a Сонing creature increases by 10.


One with the Land

Your connection your Излюбленная Местность is so intense that you draw Сила from the power of Природа itself.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность class feature.

Benefit: In your Излюбленная Местность, you require only half the normal amount of food, water, and Сон, and your rate of естественная броня healing is doubled. You add half your Излюбленная Местность bonus as a bonus on испытания and Constitution checks to stave off the effects of Холод exposure, heat exposure, starvation, and thirst in your Излюбленная Местность.


Out of the Солнце (Teamwork)

You and your allies Использование the sun’s glare to your advantage.

Предпосылки: Блеф 3 ranks, Скрытность 3 ranks.

Benefit: When you hit with a melee attack, you can attempt a Блеф check as a действие движения to feint. You do not gain the benefits of this feint; instead, if you succeed at your Блеф check, an ally with this черта who is adjacent to you or your opponent gains the benefits, such that the opponent is denied its Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) against your ally’s next melee attack against that opponent. This attack must be made before the end of your ally’s next turn. You gain a +2 ситуативный bonus on your Блеф check in bright Свет. This bonus increases to +4 in естественная броня sunlight. You cannot Использование this черта in dim Свет or Тьма.

Special: If you have the Финт+ черта, you can feint with Out of the Солнце as a быстрое действие after you hit with a melee attack.


Plains Nomad

You are a native of the wide and endless prairie, savanna, or steppe.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (plains) class feature.

Benefit: You and a Скакун you are riding gain a +2 bonus on Constitution checks to avoid damage and fatigue from hustling or a forced march. In plains terrain, this bonus is doubled and also applies on Выживание checks to avoid getting lost, to find food and water, to protect yourself from severe weather, and to predict the weather.


River RПомощьer (Combat)

You’re Опытный at creeping up on waterремесло without being noticed and getting the Прыжок on their occupants.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Плавание and Скрытность checks while плаваниеming in calm or rough Вода (but not while плаваниеming in stormy water). In addition, if you’re able to act in a предбоевой раунд and you start the предбоевой раунд in water, you can take both a move and a основное действие. You still cannot take a действие полного хода during the предбоевой раунд.

Normal: You can take only a move or a основное действие if you can act in the предбоевой раунд.


Rubble Стрелец (Combat)

You Использование difficult terrain to your advantage when исполнение combat maneuvers.

Предпосылки: Dex 13, Легкая Поступь, базовый модификатор атаки +2. Benefit: When you are in a square that has естественная броняly occurring difficult terrain (bushes, rubble, undergrowth, and so forth), you gain a +2 ситуативный bonus on combat maneuver checks and to your CMD.

Scion of the Land (Teamwork)

You are strongly linked to естественная броня terrain and to others who share your link.

Prerequisite: Выживание 1 rank.

Benefit: When traveling through terrain in which you can leave no trail and be impossible to Выслеживание (as a result of Излюбленная Местность, Тайные Тропы, or a similar class feature), you grant that ability to allies within 60 feet who also have this черта.

If an ally within 60 feet who has this черта is also able to move normally through the current terrain without leaving tracks, you gain a +1 bonus on Знание (природа), Внимание, and Выживание checks while in that terrain.


Shifter’s Edge

You Использование your shapechanging powers to make your естественная броня attacks especially lethal.

Предпосылки: Dex 13, Фехтование, shifter claws* class feature.

Benefit: Whenever you Использование Фехтование to make a melee attack with your Когти or a естественная броня attack augmented by your claws, you also add your shifter level to the damage.


Shifter’s Rush

You can Использование you Природный Облик ability as you are moving toward your enemy.

Предпосылки: Природный Облик class feature, shifter* level 4th

Benefit: When you Использование a действие движения to move 10 feet or more or when you charge, you can Использование Природный Облик as a free

Действие during that movement.


Storm Survivor

You know how to survive and thrive in even the stormiest of weathers.

Предпосылки: Знание (природа) 2 ranks, Выживание 2 ranks.

Benefit: When you are in a storm of any type, you gain a +2 ситуативный bonus on Внимание checks, Выживание checks, and испытания regarding adverse effects from the storm itself. If you have 10 or more ranks in one of these skills, this bonus increases to +4.



The soft ground and flowing reeds of fetid bogs and misty marshes are as comfortable to you as any sunny meadow would be for others.

Prerequisite: Излюбленная Местность (swamp) class feature.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Лазание checks, Плавание checks, and Акробатics checks to maintain your balance when moving across a Скользкий surface, and you can move at full быстрое through sПосвящение Добру and deep bog terrain. You can see twice as far as normal in fog, mist, murky water, vegetation, and similarly obscuring conditions, and creatures adjacent to you never gain concealment from fog, mist, murky water, or vegetation.


Thrill of the Hunt (Combat)

The pursuit of prey Бодрость s you. You revel in tracking down and slaying your quarry.

Предпосылки: Выживание 1 rank; базовый модификатор атаки +4 or track* class feature.

Benefit: Once per day, when you succeed at a Выживание check to find or follow a creature’s tracks, you can designate that creature to be your prize for a number of hours equal to 4 + your ranks in Выживание. You gain a +2 боевой дух bonus on Выживание checks to follow your prize’s tracks and on weapon damage rolls against your prize. If you find and subsequently render your prize мертв or беспомощьность,  you gain a +2 боевой дух bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks for a number of hours equal to your ranks in Выживание.

Special: An Верный Зверь can choose this черта as if it were an animal черта (Core Rulebook 53).


Torrid Tolerance

You relish hot climates, as the equatorial heat does not sap your strength.

Prerequisite: Desert Dweller* or Jungle Выживаниеist*.

Benefit: You treat hot environments (Core Rulebook 444) as though they were one step less severe; if you have a similar ability from another черта (like Desert Dweller), the benefits stack and you treat hot conditions as if they were two steps less severe. You do not take a penalty on Constitution checks for wearing armor in hot climates.


Totemic Disciple

Your understanding of your barbaric totem flourishes as your combat prowess grows.

Предпосылки: Str 15; Dex 13; Атлет, Totemic Initiate*; базовый модификатор атаки +9; no варвар totem Дары Ярости except those chosen with this черта or Totemic Initiate; nonПринципиальность alignment.

Benefit: Choose one варвар totem Дар ЯростиAPG that requires that you have the totem Дар Ярости you selected with Totemic Initiate. While gaining the benefits of Totemic Initiate, you also gain the benefits of this new Дар Ярости.


Totemic Initiate

You were born to or have lived among the варвар tribes of the wild and passed the trials of their священный totems.

Предпосылки: Str 13; Dex 13; Атлет; базовый модификатор атаки +5; no варвар totem Дары Ярости except the one you choose with this черта; nonПринципиальность alignment.

Benefit: Choose one варвар lesser totem Дар ЯростиAPG (such as lesser Тотем-ЗверьAPG). As a быстрое действие, you can gain the benefits of that Дар Ярости as though you were raging. For the purpose of determining that Дар Ярости’s effects, your варвар level is equal to your базовый модификатор атаки. You do not gain any other benefits or penalties of Ярость. You can gain these benefits for a number of rounds per Дня equal to your базовый модификатор атаки plus your Constitution modifier; these rounds do not need to be consecutive.


Totemic Master

Through both might of arms and spiritual wisdom, you have attained full understanding of your barbaric totem.

Предпосылки: Str 17; Dex 13; Wis 13; Атлет; Totemic Disciple*; Totemic Initiate*; базовый модификатор атаки +13; no варвар totem Дары Ярости except those chosen with this черта, Totemic Disciple, or Totemic Initiate; nonПринципиальность alignment.

Benefit: Choose one greater totem Дар ЯростиAPG that requires the totem Дар Ярости you chose with Totemic Disciple. While gaining the benefits of Totemic Initiate, you also gain the benefits of this new Дар Ярости as well as the one you chose with Totemic Disciple. If you gain the Наскок ability this way, you can make only естественная броня attacks using your Наскок ability.


Tree Leaper

You Использование the flexibility of tree branches to Помощь in making arboreal leaps.

Benefit: When you are in a tree, you count as having a Running start when you Прыжок.

Normal: You must have at least 10 feet of space for a Running start.


Tribal Hunter (Combat, Teamwork)

From watching pack Животные hunt, you learned to take down Большой prey as part of a group.

Prerequisite: Сфера Животных Affinity.

Benefit: When either you or an ally with this черта is adjacent to and flanking an opponent that is Крупныйr than either of you, you both are considered to be flanking the opponent as long as you remain adjacent to it.

Normal: You must be positioned opposite an ally to flank an opponent.


Verdant Spell (Metamagic)

Your magical connection to Природа allows you to entice, fool, and misdirect plants and fungi as though they were people.

Предпосылки: Любимая Школа Магии (Очарование), Знание (природа) 6 ranks.

Benefit: A verdant spell affects Сфера Растений creatures (even mindless Сфера Растений creatures) as if they weren’t immune to Разум effects, but it has no Эффект on other types of creatures. A verdant spell uses up a spell slot 2 levels higher than the spell’s actual level. This черта works only on mind- affecting spells.

Normal: Creatures of the Сфера Растений type are immune to Разум effects.


Vigilant Charger (Combat)

You can ready yourself to spring an attack against your enemies at a moment’s notice.

Предпосылки: Str 13, Dex 13, Combat Реакцияes.

Benefit: You can ready an Действие to charge when an enemy enters a specific space you designate. You must be able to charge the square both when you ready the charge and when the readied Действие triggers, or you cannot attempt the readied action. When you make a readied charge, you can move only up to your быстрое.

Normal: You can’t ready an Действие to charge. Charging allows you to move up to twice your быстрое.


Voice of Beasts

Your deep connection with Природа allows you to speak with all manner of living creatures.

Prerequisite: Природный Облик class feature.

Benefit: While you are using Природный Облик, you gain the ability to communicate with all animals. This acts as Разговор С Животными, though the Эффект is superестественная броня in Природа and can’t be dispelled.


Waterway Caster

You’ve learned to cast spells while on a waterремесло or even while плаваниеming in turbulent waters.

Benefit: You automatically succeed at concentration checks required to cast a spell while being subjected to Энергия ous or violent motion while either плаваниеming or on a ship. You gain a +4 bonus on concentration checks to cast spells underwater.


Wild Роста Channel

When you Божественная Сила, you cause vines to grow and enСилки enemies.

Предпосылки: Божественная Сила class feature, Сфера Растений.

Benefit: By Expending two additional uses when you Божественная Сила, you cause the ground in the area of Эффект to erupt in a Роста of vines. You create a number of vine growths (AC 10, 5 hp) equal to your Модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1). Each Роста of vines occupies 1 5-foot square of your choosing. As an прерывающее действие when you Использование this ability, and again as a свободное действие at the start of your turn, you can Приказ the vines to wrap around the legs of a creature occupying the square. The creature must succeed at a Реакция save (DC = 10 + half your class level + your Модификатор Харизмы) or become Корень ed to the spot. The vines last a number of rounds equal to your Модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1). The ground must be composed of a material able to support Сфера Растений Жизнь (such as soil).


Wild Роста Hex

Hexing your enemies causes them to be enСилкиd in tangling vines.

Предпосылки: Наговоры class feature; summer*, thorns*, or woodlands* patron.

Benefit: When you gain this черта, choose one Наговоры that you can Использование to affect no more than one opponent. If the target of your Наговоры fails its saving throw to resist your hex, the square it occupies becomes overgrown with thorny plants that count as difficult terrain. A creature moving in or out of the square must succeed at a Реакция save or Акробатics check (DC = 10 + half your level + your Модификатор Харизмы) or take 1d6 points of Проницательность damage and immediately end its movement. For every 5 by which the target fails its save against your hex, you can create 1 additional square of difficult terrain adjacent to any square the target occupies. The difficult terrain lasts a number of rounds equal to your Модификатор Харизмы (minimum 1). The ground must be composed of a material able to support Сфера Растений Жизнь (such as soil).


Wild Энергия

The forces of Природа Поддержка your vitality when you Использование Природный Облик.

Prerequisite: Природный Облик class feature.

Benefit: A number of times per Дня equal to your Бонус Мудрости (minimum 1), when you Использование Природный Облик, you can gain a number of temporary пункты здоровья equal to your базовый модификатор атаки. These temporary пункты здоровья last for the duration of the Природный Облик or until they are lost.



You were touched by Природа at an early age and share a kinship with wild creatures. Your body might Медведь animalistic features, such as bestial ears or a tail, or your presence may be subtly unlike that of others.

Предпосылки: Any neutral alignment, must be taken at 1st level.

Benefit: You gain the друид’s Понимание Животных ability, using your character level as your друид level. If you have one or more levels in a class that grants Понимание Животных, you gain an additional +3 bonus on Понимание Животных checks. You are treated as an Сфера Животных for the purpose of Вредныйl Разум effects that target Животные (such as Обольщение animal).

Special: A character who has this черта can select the

Сфера Животных SoulACG or Аспект of the BeastAPG черты without meeting the Предпосылки.


Wilding Mind

You can repress your conscious mind in favor of a Первобытное state that helps you resist mental influence.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, Wilding*.

Benefit: Whenever you fail a saving throw against a Ужас or Разум effect, you can take 1d3 points of Intelligence damage as an прерывающее действие and reroll the saving throw. This damage cannot be reduced or avoided in any way. You must take the new result, even if it is worse.


Wilding Senses

The wilderness speaks to you, giving you a preterестественная броня sense of approaching danger.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, Wilding*.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on Внимание checks; this bonus increases to +4 when determining if you can act during a предбоевой раунд. If you have 10 or more ranks in Внимание, this bonus increases to +4 (or +8 when determining whether you can act during a предбоевой раунд). This bonus does not stack with that granted by the Бдительность черта, though Wilding Senses counts as the Бдительность черта for the purpose of fulfilling черта Предпосылки and prestige class requirements.


Wilding Stride

Your wild-hearted drive and honed physique allow you to move with great swiftness.

Предпосылки: Con 13, Wilding*.

Benefit: Your base быстрое increases by 10 feet. This does not stack with the Быстрое Перемещение class feature or similar effects, unless that class feature or Эффект provides an усиление bonus.


Wilding Strike (Combat)

Filled with the might of nature, you need no Оружие of steel or wood. Your fists and feet are as potent as any Созидание of the forge.

Предпосылки: Str 13, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Wilding*.

Benefit: The damage die of your Мастер Кулачного Бояs increases to 1d6 (or 1d4 if you are Небольшой). This does not stack with any other effects that increase the damage die of your Мастер Кулачного Бояs, including levels in classes such as монах. Increases to your actual размер category (such as Увеличение person) still increase your damage die as normal.


ВедьмаРазрушитель (Combat)

You are trained to be resilient to and disrupt the Магия of hags and ведьмаes.

Prerequisite: Стальная Воля.

Benefit: You gain a +2 bonus on испытания against the наговоры, spells, spell-like abilities, and superестественная броня abilities of hags and ведьмаes. In addition, whenever you confirm a critical hit against a hag or a ведьма, any of your allies affected by a Разум Эффект from that creature can attempt a new saving throw against the Эффект as an прерывающее действие.


Волк Верховая ездаr

Others can keep their horses. You know that wolves are better Скакунs.

Предпосылки: Underразмерd СкакунACG or effective level 7th in the class that grants the Скакун or Связь С Божеством (Скакун) class feature; Знание (природа) 1 rank; Скакун or Связь С Божеством (Скакун) class feature.

Benefit: You can select a Волк in place of the normal Скакун available via your Скакун or Связь С Божеством (Скакун) class feature. In addition, Знание (природа) is always a class skill for you.


Волк Savage (Combat)

You savage your foes so badly that they can become superестественная броняly disfigured.

Предпосылки: Wis 17, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Волк Style*, Волк Trip*, Знание (природа) 9 ranks.

Benefit: While using Волк Style, when you deal at least 10 points of damage to a распластан opponent with a естественная броня weapon or an Мастер Кулачного Боя, as a быстрое действие you can savage that creature. When you do, your opponent must succeed at a Стойкость save (DC = 10 + half your character level + your Мудрость modifier). If the target fails the saving throw, it takes either 1d4 Charisma damage or 1d4 Constitution damage, or it becomes утомление (your choice). Ability score damage dealt with this ability cannot equal or exceed the victim’s actual ability score total.


Волк Style (Combat, Style)

While in this style, you hamper foes that turn their backs on you.

Предпосылки: Wis 13, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Знание (природа) 3 ranks.

Benefit: While using this style, whenever you deal at least 10 points of damage to a foe with an внеочередная атака, that foe’s base быстрое decreases by 5 feet until the end of its next turn. For every 10 points of damage your attack deals beyond 10, the foe’s base быстрое decreases by an additional 5 feet. If the penalty meets or exceeds the total base быстрое of the foe, you can attempt to Сбивание С Ног the foe as a свободное действие after the внеочередная атака is resolved.


Волк Сбивание С Ног (Combat)

You have studied the manner in which wolves bring down their prey.

Предпосылки: Wis 15, Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя, Волк Style*, Знание (природа) 6 ranks.

Benefit: While using Волк Style, you gain a +2 bonus when you attempt a Сбивание С Ног combat maneuver as part of an внеочередная атака. Whenever you successfully Сбивание С Ног a creature, as a свободное действие you can choose an available space that is both adjacent to you and the creature’s original space for the tripped creature to land распластан in.


Дерево Ремеслоer

Eschewing the Использование of metals in your ремесло, you excel at crafting armor from wood.

Предпосылки: Ремесло (бронник) 3 ranks, Знание (природа) 3 ranks.

Benefit: You gain a +4 bonus on Ремесло (бронник) checks to create armor and щитs from Дерево or special materials containing Дерево (such as darkwood). If you succeed at the check by 5 or more, you decrease the Стоимость to make the item by 10%.


Woodland Wraith (Combat)

You put the terrain between yourself and your opponents to avoid attacks.

Предпосылки: Dex 15, Уклонение, базовый модификатор атаки +6.

Benefit: If you take two actions to move or a withdrawal Действие in a turn while starting or ending your movement in either естественная броняly occurring difficult terrain (bushes, brambles, etc.) or a space with a естественная броня object providing at least partial cover (a tree, rock, etc.), you gain concealment until you attack, until you move out of that space, or until the end of your next turn, whichever occurs first.



ere, birdie!” Lini Прыжокed up and down, flapping her arms.

“Look over here, Mister Bird! One tasty gnome, fresh and juicy!” “Are you sure that’s a Добро idea?” Sajan ducked as one of the pteranodons swooped down, its massive beak barely missing his head. “And these aren’t birds.”

Lini snorted. “Of course they’re birds. They’ve got wings. They’ve got beaks. They’ve got eggs. Birds.” Sajan swung his staff, tearing a fleshy wing. “I think the Acadamae’s scholars would disagree with you.” Lini smirked as one of the beasts swooped toward her. “Okay, okay, you caught me. But you’re forgetting the most important qualification.” “Oh?”

“Cats eat birds.”

Behind her, Droogami pounced...

Открытие and Исследование

Unspoiled wilderness and uncharted lands represent an opportunity for Исследование and the Открытие of ancient secrets, lost treasures, естественная броня wonders, and the remote lairs of terrible beasts. As exciting as exploring wilderness can be, the fact that there are no city streets or dungeon walls to Проводник choices can make Running Исследование in uncharted wilds a Бросить Вызов. The rules presented in this section can be used when a group enters such uncharted lands to discover what lies within, and at your discretion can serve as an expansion on the rules for Исследование as presented on pages 154–159 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign. Brief definitions of terms used in this section are listed below.

Открытие Points: As the PCs expЗнание a territory, they’ll accumulate Открытие Points—an abstract measure of how thoroughly they have explored the region. Note that while gazetteers, maps, research, and rumors can grant bonus Открытие Points for a region even before the PCs set foot within the wild, inaccurate information gleaned from such sources can penalize the accumulation of Открытие Points.

Исследование Check: As the PCs search a territory, they’ll attempt Исследование checks to determine how many Открытие Points they accumulate. Исследование checks are typically Выживание checks, though unusual territories may require other specialized skills. A character can attempt an Исследование check using Внимание in place of the required skill with a –5 penalty.

Location: A location is an adventure site or other point of interest within a territory—it could be an ancient ruin, a dragon’s cave, a друидic monument, a hidden treasure, a portal to the First World, or anything else of note. Each location has a Открытие score equal to the number of Открытие Points required to find the location.

Territory: Territories are discrete geographic areas with defined boundaries. These can be political borders or geographical transitions. If you’re using the Исследование rules from Ultimate Campaign, a single Наговоры constitutes a territory. Alternately, a territory can be a much Крупныйr region; in this case, the PCs’ Исследование of the territory is a much more abstract concept and doesn’t involve tracking exact locations on a map. In either case, each territory has its own Бросить Вызов Rating, which determines the danger of wandering Монстры in the territory as well as the DC for Исследование checks to earn Открытие Points.

Way Sign: Way signs are events, objects, or terrain features that give a hint to find a location. Discovering a way sign, either by stumbling across one in the wild (such as by reaching a vantage point that gives an excellent view of the lay of the land, or by stumbling across an old road sign) or by researching a region beforehand (such as by consulting gazetteers, maps, or the rumor mill), can grant bonus Открытие Points or reveal the existence of previously unknown locations—but some way signs may be inaccurate or Обманкаing.



Typically, explorers come to a territory to seek out a specific location within its reaches. Sometimes they know of multiple locations reputed to lie within the region and needs only find them. Other times, some or all the locations remain unknown until the explorers stumble across them or find clues as a result of their investigations in the territory. In either case, before explorers can discover a location, they must first accumulate enough Открытие Points (either by succeeding at Исследование checks or by correctly interpreting way signs).

Once the explorers Досягаемость the territory in question, they can begin Исследование and Открытие. Their efforts result in the accumulation of Открытие Points, which they can spend to discover locations, and in finding way signs, which provide additional Открытие Points and sometimes also reveal the existence of further locations to be discovered. Открытие Points earned in a given territory are tied to that territory; the PCs cannot apply points earned in one territory to a new territory. The party’s accumulated Открытие Points remain indefinitely, even if the PCs leave the territory and return later.


Character Actions

At the start of each day, each character must decide if she воля spend the Дня documenting the territory, exploring, ищущее a location, or taking another Действие (such as crafting Магия items, guarding a campsite, resting, or the like). Only the first three options—documenting, exploring, and ищущее a location—directly contribute to the Исследование process. Uncovering way signs can also contribute to the process, but the actions required to earn Открытие Points via way signs vary widely and depend on the way signs in question.

Documenting: The character spends the Дня mapping the territory or recording its features in a gazetteer and can attempt one skill check for each Дня spent documenting. Creating a map requires one or more successful Профессия (cartographer) checks, while creating a gazetteer requires one or more successful Языкознание checks (at the GM’s discretion, other skill checks can be used in place of these). The number of checks needed equals the territory’s CR, and the DC equals the territory’s Исследование check DC. Once the character has succeeded at the required checks, she has created a detailed map or gazetteer of the region, which grants a +5 ситуативный bonus on future Исследование checks in that territory (bonuses from multiple maps or gazetteers don’t stack).

Exploring: The character spends the Дня exploring the territory. At the end of the day, the character attempts an Исследование check against the territory’s DC. An Исследование check is usually a Выживание check, but in some unusual regions or ситуативныйs, it could require another skill check. A character can always attempt an Исследование check using the Внимание skill, but doing so is more difficult since this represents a more generalized method of Исследование, and the player attempting a Внимание-based Исследование check takes a –5 penalty on the roll as a result.

If the character succeeds at the Исследование check, she earns 1 Открытие Point for the group, plus 1 additional point for every 5 points by which the result of the check exceeds the DC. Failing the check by 5 or more reduces the group’s Открытие Point total by 1, plus 1 additional point for every additional 5 points by which she failed the check. Unless every character in the group is Опытный at the territory’s Исследование skill, it’s often prudent for one character to attempt the primary Исследование check and for others to engage in other tasks or Использование the Помощь another Действие to improve the primary check’s result.

Ищущее a Location: If the PCs Желание to seek out a location, they can do so by spending Открытие Points at the start of the day. If they are ищущее a specific location that they know exists in the territory (typically having found clues to it in the form of way signs), they must spend a number of Открытие Points equal to the location’s Открытие score—a number that determines how difficult that location is to find (with higher values representing locations that are more difficult to discover). If the PCs want to attempt to uncover an unknown location at random, they choose how many Открытие Points from their total that they want to spend. Once the points are spent, divide the total spent in half, then compare that result to the Открытие scores of all the locations in the territory. If any of those locations have a Открытие score lower than that total, the PCs discover one of those locations (chosen at random if more than one location is a potential Открытие). If none of the locations have a Открытие score lower than that total, the group recovers half the Открытие Points they spent, but the other half is lost. Once the party discovers a location, Сфера Путешествий Время to the site varies according to the GM’s discretion and the overall размер of the territory.

Uncovering Way Signs: Every way sign the characters uncover has an associated skill check with a DC determined by the complexity of the way sign. The amount of Время necessary to interpret a given way sign varies; some checks can be attempted with an insignificant Время Расходiture (such as reВоззвание information about a territory using a Знание skill), while some require significant Время to complete (like translating ancient texts or visiting a nearby settlement to gather information), which takes away from Время spent documenting, exploring, or ищущее a location. On a successful skill check, the PCs earn Открытие Points for the territory to which the way sign is linked. A simple way sign grants 1 Открытие Point, a moderately complex way sign grants 3 Открытие Points, and a complex way sign grants 5 Открытие Points. However, misinterpreting a way sign can complicate Исследование— if a PC fails a check to interpret a way sign by 5 or more, the misinformation he obtains reduces the PCs’ current Открытие Point total for that territory by 1d4 points. This can result in negative values. The PCs can attempt to interpret a way sign multiple times, but once they have successfully interpreted it, further attempts do not grant additional Открытие Points.


Additional Factors

Some factors can affect both the rate and effectiveness of Исследование, as detailed below.

Careful Исследование: Some groups might choose to expЗнание more Замедлениеly and methodically in Орден to make a more careful search. This allows the group to attempt one extra Исследование check for each Дня spent in careful Исследование, but it limits the total number of Открытие Points that can be gained to 1 (a character using careful Исследование cannot earn additional Открытие Points by exceeding the DC by 5 or more). Typically, careful Исследование can be выступлениеed only if the terrain is relatively clear and free of obstructions. The GM is free to limit this option if she believes that a Замедление search would not garner much benefit due to the terrain.

Тьма: Unless the explorer has Ночное Зрение or another ability to Видеть Во Тьме, he takes a –4 penalty on Исследование checks he attempts when some but at most half of the hours spent exploring that Дня occur after nightfall. Explorers take a –8 penalty on checks attempted when more than half of the hours spent exploring occur after nightfall.

Extending the Day: A Дня of Исследование typically takes 8 hours; the rest of each Дня is assumed to be split between 8 hours of rest and 8 hours spent eating, making and Сломатьing camp, relaxing, and the like. It’s possible to increase the amount of Время in a Дня used for exploring by spending an additional 8-hour session exploring, but for every additional stretch of Время up to 8 hours by which the PCs extend their Время spent exploring, they take a cumulative –4 penalty on Исследование checks to earn Открытие Points until they next rest for 8 hours. At the GM’s discretion, fatigue and exhaustion can also set in if the PCs don’t rest enough.

Weather: Inclement Погода hampers Исследование checks if it is the predominant Погода of a given Исследование period. For example, the PCs would take a –1 penalty in the case of Свет fog or Свет rain, but a –10 penalty in the case of a Метель or hurricane.


Исследование Rewards

Finding a location is often its own reward, but given the time, energy, and sometimes the resources needed to successfully conduct an Исследование, you should consider the following additional rewards for parties that successfully discover all of the locations hidden in a territory.

Experience Points: The PCs should earn experience points equal to what they would have normally earned for defiting a monster of a CR equal to the territory’s CR once all locations within the territory are discovered. (If you’re using this system with the Исследование rules in Ultimate Campaign, you should decide if you want to Использование this method of XP reward, the one detailed in Ultimate Campaign, or both, as appropriate for your game table.)

Maps and Gazetteers: The successful completion of a map or gazetteer can generate a monetary reward if the PCs sell their hard work back in civilization. A complete map or gazetteer of a region that has never before been explored can be sold for a number of gold pieces equal to 100 × the territory’s CR; once a map or gazetteer of a region has been sold, further copies of a map or gazetteer of that region (regardless of whether the first item sold was a map or gazetteer) are generally worth only 10% of that value or less, depending on GM’s discretion and supply and Требование.


The steps listed below present all the information you need to generate territories for your PCs to explore. If you’re using the hex-based Исследование rules from Ultimate Campaign, follow these steps for every Наговоры in your map, though you can reИспользование information for similar наговоры.


Step 1: DeКрошечный the Territory

The first step is to determine your territory’s Бросить Вызов Rating. Typically, this should be the same value as the PCs’ Average Party Level, but you might want to make it easier or harder for the sake of the story. The territory’s CR helps Проводник the Созидание of random encounters, but it also determines the base DC of Исследование checks, which can be found on Table 4–1. Though most Исследование checks Использование the Выживание skill, you can assign a different skill for particularly unusual or magical territories (for example, exploring a complex extraplanar library might require a Знание check, while exploring the mindscПримат of a slumbering god in which the PCs are trapped could require a Проницательность check).

Исследование check DCs are intended to be moderately difficult. Characters who are heavily invested in the relevant skill for a given check should have a reasonable chance of success, while those who are not адепт with the necessary Навыки are in danger of leading the PCs off Выслеживание by providing erroneous information or misinterpreting way signs. Often, characters who lack the relevant Навыки for a particular Исследование are better off using their abilities for other tasks or helping more skillful PCs via the Помощь another action.

Table 4–1: Исследование DCs

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