Polish of inconspicuous armor — КиберПедия 

Наброски и зарисовки растений, плодов, цветов: Освоить конструктивное построение структуры дерева через зарисовки отдельных деревьев, группы деревьев...

Двойное оплодотворение у цветковых растений: Оплодотворение - это процесс слияния мужской и женской половых клеток с образованием зиготы...

Polish of inconspicuous armor

2021-02-05 90
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SLOT none

CL 5th

WEIGHT 1/2 lb.

АУРА   faint Воплощение

This pungent, tar-black armor polish comes in a Небольшой, circular tin. The 1 dose contained in the tin is enough to apply to a single Средний suit of armor or two Небольшой suits of armor. Applying the polish takes 10 minutes, during which Время the user must visualize an alternative appearance for the armor to take on, such as a normal set of clothes or another set of armor. After the polish is applied, its noxious Нюх dissipates and the armor appears the way the user visualized, as the glamered Магия armor special ability. The armor maintains all properties other than its physical appearance, including weight, armor check penalty, and maximum Dexterity bonus. This Эффект remains for 24 hours before wearing off.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 375 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, изменение облика


PRICE 63,000 GP

SLOT none CL 11th

WEIGHT 500 lbs.

АУРА   moderate Преграждение and Превращение

This versatile wooden conveyance provides a safe Пристанище for its passengers, free from the Глаза-Разведчики of others. A private palanquin can be Приказed to change its appearance, including not only its decorations and appointments but also its physical form, taking the shПримат of an enclosed litter, two-wheeled cart, fourwheeled Свет or heavy wagon, carriage, or even a Небольшой cabin, though in all shapes it retains the dimensions of a Крупный object occupying a 10-foot cube.

When activated, a private palanquin moves on its own, following its passengers’ directions, and has the following statistics: hp 150; hardness 8; Быстрое 40 ft.; AC 18 (–1 размер, +9 естественная броня); Attack none; CMD 24; Fort +2, Ref +2, Воля +2. Once per day, a private palanquin can be Приказed to create a set of illusory draft Животные or litter bearers that last for 12 hours or until dismissed. These creatures look, sound, feel, and smell just like real creatures of their type, and they appear to move the private palanquin. Up to four Средний creatures (or a single Крупный creature) can fit inside a private palanquin, and creatures inside it are protected from observation, both mundane and magical, as if in a Кабинет Волшебника. The door to a private palanquin is locked, as per Мистический Замок, but opens with a Приказ word. If the door is opened without speaking the Приказ word, it triggers an audible Сигнал Тревоги.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 31,500 GP Ремесло Конструкций, Ремесло Wondrous Item, Сигнал Тревоги, Оживить Предметы, Мистический Замок, Кабинет Волшебника, Вуаль



SLOT Голова CL 5th


АУРА   faint Иллюзия

A wearer can remove this mask as a действие движения to change his appearance as if using изменение облика. The Эффект persists for 10 minutes. A каратель can instead remove a quick-change mask to sведьма his identity as a сопутствующее действие. If the mask is used in this way, the Эффект functions just like changing identities normally (except faster), and doesn’t have a limited duration. Regardless of which way he is using a quick-change mask, the user can attempt a Блеф check to create a diversion so he can Использование Скрытность as part of the same действие движения he uses to activate the mask. The mask dissolves when used.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 325 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, изменение облика, Орлиное Великолепие, Мелкие Фокусы



SLOT none CL 1st


АУРА   faint Превращение

Scheming nobles like to Использование raucous canards to Облако gossip about their enemies. An inactive raucous canard appears to be a Небольшой, nondescript piece of rolled-up parchment. Unrolling the parchment allows you to record a Сообщениеs up to 25 words long. Once you record a Сообщение, you can throw the parchment into the air, causing it to animate, sprout Небольшой чертаhery wings, and circle overГолова for 10 minutes while loudly repeating the Сообщение over and over in a booming voice. Alternatively, you can Тычковое the scroll, causing the animation to be triggered the next Время someone opens the scroll. After 10 minutes, the raucous canard disappears in a Небольшой shower of Искра s and is destroyed.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 50 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Оживить Предметы, Волшебный Рот



SLOT none CL 7th


АУРА   moderate Воплощение

This delicate metallic shell contains two sets of volatile alchemical substances, similar to those used in Дыма pelletsUE. When the sphere is сломан, the substances mingle and fill a 10-foot cube with a Облаков of dark gray Дыма that lasts for 1 minute. The user can throw the pellet as a ranged touch attack with an increment of 10 feet. Partially tangible hands of Дыма acСтоимость creatures in the cloud. These hands attempt to grapple anyone moving through the Дыма (CMB +7). Upon successfully grappling an opponent, the hands attempt to maintain the grapple every round until the Дыма dissipates.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 400 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Черные Щупальца, Непроглядный Туман


PRICE 1,000 GP

SLOT none CL 5th

WEIGHT 1 lb.

АУРА   faint Разрушение

A Время Бомбы consists of an 6-inch-tall hourglass in an obsidian frame etched with Маленький Бегунes. To activate it, the user must uncap one end and place an amount of ground sulМеха sand inside. The hourglass can hold as little as 1 minute’s worth of sand to as much as 1 hour’s worth. Once the sand is inside and the Время Бомбы is recapped, the Магия is activated. If left undisturbed, after the sand has Бегун down, the Время Бомбы explodes as a Огненный Шар spell dealing 5d6 points of Огонь damage (Реакция DC 14 half). If an activated Время Бомбы is сломан, tipped over, or otherwise disturbed before its sand drains completely and it Детонация s, the Магия is ruined. If it is disarmed in this manner without being damaged, the item can thereafter function as a normal hourglass.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 500 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Сигнал Тревоги, Огненный Шар


PRICE 6,000 GP

SLOT none CL 13th

WEIGHT 1 lb.

АУРА   strong Разрушение

A greater Время Бомбы functions as a Время bomb, but deals 13d6 points of Огонь damage (Реакция DC 20 half).


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 3,000 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Сигнал Тревоги, Отложенный Огненный Шар


PRICE 27,000 GP

SLOT body CL 8th

WEIGHT 5 lbs.

АУРА moderate Иллюзия

This priestly garment can be Приказed to alter its appearance as a основное действие, able to reshПримат itself into ceremonial garb or the everyДня habit of a religious functionary of any faith. Vestments of false faith are always emblazoned with the священное symbol and colors of the faith chosen by the wearer, and she can маскировка an object held in a hand as a священное symbol, censer, candle, or similar item of religious paraphernalia. This change is a visual Иллюзия (glamer) Эффект akin to изменение облика. The wearer of vestments of false faith gains a +10 bonus on Маскировка checks to impersonate a member of the faith she has chosen (this doesn’t stack with изменение облика and similar effects). She also gains a +5 бонус мастерства on Использование магического устройства checks to activate items that duplicate Божественная spells or emulate a specific religion or alignment, provided they fit the religion she’s imitating. If she uses a Магия item to produce the Эффект of a Божественная spell, she can make it appear to observers as though she were caЖало the spell, though a Колдовство check to Опознание the spell being cast can Опознание it as coming from a Магия item if the result exceeds the DC by 5 or more. The wearer’s alignment is маскировкаd while wearing vestments of false faith, so that it appears identical to that of the deity whose священное symbol she bears, and her Аура is as strong as if she had a number of жрец levels equal to her Кости Здоровья.

This primarily affects alignment detection; however, once per Дня as an прерывающее действие, she can function as if she actually had that alignment when she would normally be affected by an alignment-based effect, such as Вердикт, Молот Хаоса, Зывапоет, or an unсвященное Волшебное Оружие. This Эффект persists until the end of the wearer’s next turn, after which any non-instantaneous effects (such as Сокрушение Зла) suddenly revert to having the effects they would normally have on a creature of her true alignment.


REQUIREMENTS СТОИМОСТЬ 13,500 GP Ремесло Wondrous Item, Благословение, изменение облика, Перен ывапо авление




Since the first campfire, as the first myths were spun, the wilderness has been where heroes find adventure. While people huddle behind walls, locking their doors at night, the creatures and perils of the world abound in a harder, meaner existence. This is what makes the vast expanses of wildlands truly dangerous. The only wild things that accept the presence of потусторонние существа see such interlopers as exotic meals. Surviving in the wilderness often requires the Помощь of one who knows its ways and its dangers, as well as careful planning and the ability to improvise. This book prepares you for such Бросить Вызовs. Within you воля find allies, equipment, and other tools to confront the wilderness and not only survive but thrive.

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Wilderness contains a wealth of new options for those Желаниеing to bring the wilderness to life. Players can choose a new class, the shifter, which allows a character to harness the power of Природа and transform her body. There are archetypes for nearly every class in the game, including a bounty of archetypes for the shifter. Players can also find new черты, items, and spells aplenty, as well as extensive entries on new Верный Зверьs and фамильяры. Game Masters can find compelling new options to round out their villains and NPCs in those sections, as well as new tools for exploring the wilderness and bringing its wonders and dangers to life. Ultimate Wilderness is a companion book to Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue, and Pathfinder RPG Предельная Магия, each of which provides new options and tools relevant to that book’s theme in the same way this one deals with the theme of wilderness.



Each chapter in this book contains rules grouped by type or theme for easy reference. The following overview summarizes the new options you’ll find in each section. If you’re looking for a specific topic, check the index located on page 252.

Chapter 1—Wilderness Heroes: Ultimate Wilderness features three new PC races: gathlains, ghorans, and vine leshys. Each race features a special connection to the wilderness and presents unique opportunities to play a creature unlike most others. Each of these races is presented in an expanded write- up similar to those found in the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Проводник, presenting the basic information for the race followed by sections of options either specific to or complementing the new race. A section detailing this book’s feature class—the shifter—follows the new races. These shapechanging боецs of the wildlands are closely tied to друид circles and enclaves. Serving as the protectors of священный groves and other sites revered by Первобытное religions, they’re Помощьed in this goal by their ability to take the shПримат of and gain advantages from their aspects, each of which is keyed to a specific type of animal. The shifter is tailor-made for those who want to both dabble in the strange Магия of Природа and tear across the battlefield with animalistic might.

Chapter 2—Archetypes and Class Options: Within this chapter is a bevy of options for various classes. The more robust sections grant greater options for the варвар, друид, hunter, следопыт, and shifter, but this chapter also features sections for the бард, рыцарь, kineticist, монах, паладин, skald, ведьма, and others. Each new section, especially those for classes not typically connected with the wilderness, features archetypes and options that allow these classes to interact with, fight against, or harness the power of nature. If there is not a full section for a class, new options for it can likely be found in the Other Archetypes and Class Options section at the end of this chapter.

Chapter 3—Черты: One’s ability to survive in the wild often depends on having the right training. From combat, style, and teamwork черты that imitate the Свирепости of Природа to метамагические черты  that exploit its rules or Мощное Заклинаниеs with its essence, many of the черты presented here allow you to gain the unflinching savagery of nature. Rounding out the chapter is a new Магия item Созидание черта—Cultivate Магия Plants— that grants the power to grow magic.

Chapter 4—Mastering the Wild: This chapter presents a number of ways to enhance adventures into the wilderness.

Открытие and Исследование: When you want to Бросить Вызов PCs as they expЗнание a section of wilderness, whether through a dense jungle or amid the rubble of remote Скакунain passes, this section presents rules on how to do that narratively. It can even be used with the hex-based Исследование rules presented on page 154 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign.

The First World: The mysterious land of the Фея holds many treasures and great peril. This section provides details about this strange plane, including Божественное Наставление on Running adventures within it and a sampling of some of its dangers.

Foraging and Salvaging: Far from civilization, adventurers can find raw materials for crafting or repairing hard to come by. This section gives Проводникlines on foraging for materials and reclaiming items through salvage.

The Green Faith: A primordial religion older than most gods, the Green Faith is the chosen philosophy of many друидs, hunters, следопытs, and shifters. This section gives an overview of the faith and a look into its goals, hierarchies, practitioners, and tenets.

HarveЖало Ядs: Herbs, toxic substances, and venoms that can be distilled for nefarious purposes abound in wildlands. This section provides details on harveЖало Ядs and creating antivenoms, as well as a list of new Ядs.

Hazards and Естественная броня Disasters: While the creatures of the wild are often Ужасsome Бросить Вызовs, the environment itself can rise up to thwИскуство interlopers. This section provides rules for some of the most dangerous aspects of nature.

Herbalism: While some herbs can contain смертельный Ядs, others can provide beneficial power. This section details useful Сфера Растений Жизнь in the wild and how to harvest its benefits.

Spells of the Wild: Many spells have the power to grant succor within the wild or can be used against your enemies with devastating effect. This section provides information on how spells can enhance or thwИскуство adventures in the wild.

Trophies and Treasures: Raw materials harvested from Монстры can be worth as much as any treasure trove. Many are provided in this section.

Weather: One of the chief Бросить Вызовs of adventuring in the wilderness is dealing with the elements. This section provides a system of generating Погода in a region and details the dangers the extreme manifestations of Погода present.

Wilderness Traps: This section presents a number of traps that выживаниеists and trappers can deploy in the wild.

Chapter 5—Верный Зверьs and Фамильяры: This chapter expands your choices for both Верный Зверьs and фамильяры. Not only does it provide you with dozens of each type of companion, but it also presents Божественное Наставление on Магия item slots for Верный Зверьs and фамильяры, Проводникlines on Сфера Растений and Вредитель companions, and a number of archetypes and черты for companions and фамильяры.

Chapter 6—Spells: Магия thrums through places that are undefiled by civilization. This chapter presents new spells that either tap into the Первобытное powers of Природа or Помощь in conquering it, as well as new Природа rituals that Использование the rules for Оккультизм rituals found in Pathfinder RPG Оккультизм Adventure s.

Chapter 7—Gear and Магия Items: The Линия between выживание and Смерть in the wilderness often depends on how equipped one is to face it. This selection of new gear and Магия items includes many items wilderness adventurers воля find indispensable for forays into the rough. It also presents the full rules and numerous examples for the cultivation of Магия plants.



This book refers to several other Pathfinder Roleplaying Game products using the following abbreviations, yet these additional supplements are not required to make Использование of this book. Readers who don’t have access to the Pathfinder RPG hardcovers referred to in this book can find the complete rules of these resources available onЛиния for free at paizo.com/prd. When a rules element presented in Ultimate Wilderness appears in a spell list, ability, or other location in this book, it is noted with an asterisk (*).

Advanced Class Проводник                                  ACG

Advanced Player’s Guide                                      APG

Advanced Race Проводник                                  ARG

Bestiary 2                                                                B2

Bestiary 3                                                                B3

Bestiary 4                                                                B4

Bestiary 5                                                                B5

Bestiary 6                                                                B6

Horror Adventures                                                  HA

Оккультизм Adventures                                        OA

Ultimate Combat                                                      UC

Ultimate Equipment                                                  UE

Ultimate Intrigue                                                        UI

Предельная Магия                                                UM



Another of Adowyn’s arrows struck home, lancing through the creature’s palm, yet the monster barely seemed to notice.

She roared in frustration. “It’s not working! They’re not even hurting it!” “Well, what did you expect?”

Behind the creature, Zova launched herself onto its back, using the protruding branches to лазание it like a ladder. “It’s a mosslord. Your arrows are just adding more Дерево to it.” Adowyn raced forward, following Leryn as the Волк leapt for the mosslord’s nonexistent throat. “Got any Внушениеs?”

From atop the monster’s back, Zova smiled. With one talon, she grabbed a handful of the mosslord’s head-twigs and ripped. “Sometimes, you’ve just got to get your hands dirty...”


While Города spawn innovation and ingenuity through the works of artisans and philosophers, Природа breeds strange diversity through the persistent processes of Жизнь itself. This chapter presents four examples of such evolution and естественная броня magic, consiЖало of three races and a new class called the shifter that serves as a друидic defender of the wilderness.



The first part of this chapter details three races to Использование in your campaigns. Here, you’ll find the rules you need to play these races, including expanded options like those presented in Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Проводник, so you can add them seamlessly to your game—these include alternate народ rules, народ class options, and additional народ rules. The races covered in this chapter include the mysterious Фея gathlains, the delicious vegetable ghorans, and the curious vine leshys.



Alternate народ rules allow you, with your GM’s permission, to exchange улучшения народ traits for new ones or gain new favored class rewards based on your character’s race. The general rules for alternate народ traits and favored class options are summarized below.

Alternate Народ Traits: To take one of these alternate народ traits, you must exchange one or more of the standard народ traits available to the race. You can exchange one or several of the standard народ traits, but you can’t exchange the same народ trait more than once.

Favored Class Options: These rules allow each race to take alternate rewards when a member of that race gains a level in her favored class. Each of these replaces the normal reward for having a level in a favored class—either gaining 1 extra hit point or 1 extra skill rank each Время a member of the race takes a level in that class. Unlike those general rewards, the alternate favored class options usually speak directly to the features and options of the class in question.



The Сфера Растений type features immunities that, when granted to a player character race, can be Помеха Для Заклинаний and overpowered. Both Сфера Растений races presented in this chapter, ghorans and vine leshys, feature modifications to the Сфера Растений type and, in the case of the vine leshys, to the leshy subtype. This opens up these races to expanded play experiences (for instance, without these modifications, neither race could fully interact with the new shifter class or aspects of other classes and archetypes that Использование Природный Облик due to the Сфера Растений type’s Иммунитет to Полиморф effects), and ensures they’re compatible with classes and effects that rely on granting боевой дух bonuses and other Разум effects. Lastly, it puts them on an equal footing with the other playable races in the game.


When choosing one of these favored class options, the reward is gained at each new class level attained. Unless otherwise noted, these benefits always stack with themselves. In some cases, these rewards have a fixed numerical limit, after which selecting such a favored class option again has no effect. In these cases, you can always select the standard reward for taking a level in a favored class.

Some of these favored class options add only 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, or 1/6 of a benefit (rather than a full benefit) each Время the reward is selected. When applying this type of benefit, always round down (minimum 0). For example, a vine leshy with алхимик as her favored class can add a +1/4 bonus to her естественная броня armor while affected by her Мутаген each Время she selects that favored class bonus. The net Эффект is +0 after she selects it once, twice, or three times (because a frДействие rounds down to 0). After she selects it four times, however, this benefit gives the vine leshy a +1 bonus to her естественная броня armor while under the Эффект of her Мутаген (in addition to the base value from the class itself); after she selects it 20 times, it grants her a +5 bonus.


Народ Class Options

This section presents new class options and archetypes for a race. Typically, only members of that race can take the listed archetype, Наследие, or subdomain, though such options rarely interact with that race’s народ traits or alternate народ traits. An archetype usually features a thematic Связь to the race, granting it class features that complement the abilities and background of the race. Because adventurers are often societal outliers, these archetypes sometimes feature a theme that is the exception to the norm for народ tendencies.


Additional Народ Rules

Additional народ rules are split up into four sections, each described below.

Equipment: The equipment section provides new rules for standard and alchemical equipment available to members of the race. Often such equipment is available on the open market and members of other races can purchase it, but many times, especially in the case of alchemical equipment, it has no effect, lesser effects, or even detrimental effects on members of other races.

Черты: This section provides new черты for members of this race. These черты often play off a particular theme of the race and in many cases expand or empower the race’s народ traits. All of these черты have the race in their Предпосылки, so members of other races cannot take them.

Магия Items: Магия items provided in this section are often created and used by members of the race. Some have effects that interact with народ traits, but others have broader purposes and can be used by members of other races.

Spells: The spells in this section are common to spellcasting members of the race. Sometimes they target only members of the race, but often they are just the race’s well-guarded secrets; members of other races can learn to cast them with the GM’s permission.

Сделки respect and token offerings to godlike Фея in exchange for Защита, but they see little difference between that and offerings to lesser kings and queens.

According to some Фея ballads, gathlains were one of the first peoples Пробуждениеed in the First World, the Первобытное realm of the fey. Gathlains grow from the seeds of an enormous magical tree—seeds that often drift for hundreds of miles before developing into adoleНюх gathlains, with the tree’s mistletoe grown into their flesh to form their strange wings. DeОзлобленность being born with a basic understanding of their world, gathlains are inquisitive to a fault. They are known to be invaluable Проводникs and знаниеable explorers, if one can put up with their numerous questions and strange japes.

Physical Description: Крылья of Дерево and vines grow out of the bodies of these lithesome fey. Gathlains prefer to wear a mix of clothing, with a base of естественная броня materials like grass skirts or simply woven tunics combined with bits of Finery gathered from a variety of sources.

Society: Gathlain society is built around art, Открытие, experimentation, and storytelling.

These Фея constantly seek new ways to look at the world. Gathlain leaders are often popular explorers followed primarily as idols worth emulating and as sources of intriguing gossip. Although gathlains tend to engage in raucous romances born of melodramatic or fanciful encounters, they do not procreate conventionally from such pairings, even when the two happen to be of different physical sexes. Gathlains show little interest in gender, finding it quaint when other races Использование it as a basis for assigning roles or choosing partners.

Relations: Gathlains associate with a variety of other Фея as freely as among their own kind. These mixed communities of Фея are called courts and feature elaborate titles for those members deemed most interesting or most worthy of admiration. When a gathlain chooses to join a different Сфера Товарищества, it is generally a temporary membership, whether it lasts only a season or persists for decades. Adventuring gathlains frequently seek out and attempt to mingle with like-minded гномы; however, гномы often find gathlains too flighty, foolish, and undisciplined for their tastes.

Alignment and Religion: Mischievous and capricious, gathlains have discordant temperaments. Most are chaotic, and they tend to be morally neutral. The typical gathlain finds mortal religions strange; like many fey, they trade respect and token offerings to godlike fey in exchange for protection, but they see little difference between that and offerings to lesser kings and queens. Adventurers: Gathlains strive to entertain themselves and sate their immense curiosity about the world around them, and those who decide to become adventurers often migrate to the Material Plane to explore. Those who remain in the First World seek the strangest parts of their home plane and try to learn about its most unusual inhabitants. They favor spellcasting classes and skilled classes such as bard or rogue.


Adventurers: Gathlains strive to entertain themselves and sate their immense curiosity about the world around them, and those who decide to become adventurers often migrate to the Material Plane to explore. Those who remain in the First World seek the strangest parts of their Домашняя plane and try to learn about its most unusual inhabitants. They favor spellcasting classes and Опытный classes such as бард or плут.

Names: Gathlains lack gender-specific names, but instead attempt to create unique names for each individual. Some examples are Agollia, Armath, Arnonwy, Brazial, Dwynnen, Eirgara, Finnath, Gummow, Inirha, Marcanth, Nirialu, Sollowy, Tiltiu, and Urhiod.


Gathlain Racial Traits +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, –2 Constitution: Gathlains are quick, with dynamic and engaging personalities, but are rather fragile. Small: Gathlains are Small and gain a +1 size bonus to their AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty on combat maneuver checks and to CMD, a +2 bonus on Fly checks, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. Normal Speed: Gathlains have a base speed of 30 feet and a fly speed of 40 feet (poor maneuverability). Low-Light Vision: Gathlains can see twice as far as humans in dim light. Natural Armor: Gathlains have a +1 natural armor bonus. Spell-Like Abilities: 1/day— entangle, feather step APG (caster level equals the gathlain’s character level). Languages: Gathlains speak Common and Sylvan. A gathlain with a high Intelligence score can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Elven, Goblin, Halfling, and Orc.



The following народ traits can be selected in place of the typical gathlain народ traits.

Flighty: Some gathlains are too easily distracted to miss anything going on around them. They gain Внимание as a class skill and gain a +2 народ bonus on испытания against patterns and effects that cause the завороженность condition.

This replaces естественная броня armor.

Honey Whisperer: Some gathlains keep bees of all размерs, collecting their honey and sometimes even riding the Крупныйst of them. They can Использование Дрессировка and Понимание Животных to influence Вредитель as if they were Животные with an Intelligence score of 1.

This replaces естественная броня armor.

Intense Curiosity: Some gathlains habitually fixate on someone or something nearby and examine its every detail. When taking 20 on the check, they gain a +4 народ bonus on Внимание and Выживание checks to find and follow tracks and to predict the weather.

This replaces spell-like abilities.

Otherworldly Gossip: Many gathlains excitedly share every last bit of gossip they can find. These gathlains gain a +2 народ bonus on Дипломатия checks to gather information and on checks with one Знание skill of the gathlain’s choice. Once the choice of Знание skill is made, it can’t be changed.

This replaces spell-like abilities.

Titled: Certain gathlains play at the games of courtly intrigue that dominate much of First World culture, assuming titles that other Фея may or may not recognize. These gathlains treat Блеф, Дипломатия, and Знание (высший свет) as class skills.

This replaces the чертаher step spell-like ability.

Tree-Born: Some gathlains take after their tree Предки, standing more firmly but moving more Замедлениеly. They have no Constitution penalty but have a base быстрое of 20 feet and a полет быстрое of 30 feet (clumsy maneuverability).

This replaces the penalty to Constitution and alters быстрое.

Tree Dialect: A rare few gathlains are born with the знание of an ancient way of speech that allows them to communicate with trees. Once per day, they can cast Разговор С Растениями (trees only) as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to the gathlain’s character level. This replaces spell-like abilities.


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