Gathlain favored class options — КиберПедия 

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Gathlain favored class options

2021-02-05 96
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The following options are available to all gathlains characters who have the listed favored class, and unless otherwise stated, the bonus applies each Время you select the favored class reward.

Варвар: Add 1/4 to the варвар’s Снижение Урона. If the варвар would not otherwise have Снижение Урона, this Снижение Урона can be bypassed by Холод iron.

Бард: Add one spell from the друид spell list to the бард’s spell list and known spells. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell the бард can cast.

Bloodrager: Add 1 additional round of bloodЯрость per day. Рыцарь: Add a +1/2 bonus to the рыцарь’s Знание (природа) and Знание (высший свет) checks relating to fey courts and Фея courtiers.

Друид: Add a +1/2 bonus to Понимание Животных checks.

Hunter: The hunter’s Сфера Животных   companion gains DR 1/Холод iron. Each Время the hunter gains another level, this DR increases by 1/3 (maximum DR 5/Холод iron). If the hunter replaces this Верный Зверь, the new companion gains this Снижение Урона.

Следопыт: Add 1/4 to the damage dealt by the следопыт’s Верный Зверь’s естественная броня attacks.

Плут: Add a +1/2 bonus to Блеф checks to pass secret Сообщениеs or create a Отвлечение to hide and on Ловкость рукs checks to pickpocket.

Shaman: Add one spell from the друид spell list to the shaman’s spell list. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell the shaman can cast.

Skald: Add a +1/2 bonus to Акробатics checks to avoid attacks of opportunity and to Выступление checks while исполнение a raging song.

Призыватель: Add 1/4 evolution point to the eidolon’s evolution pool. These bonus evolution points must be spent on evolutions that grant spell-like abilities or protect the Эйдолон from spells.

Ведьма: Add one spell from the друид spell list to the ведьма’s фамильяр. This spell must be at least one level below the highest круг заклинания the ведьма can cast. If the фамильяр is ever replaced, the new фамильяр knows these дополнительные заклинания.


These archetypes are typically only taken by gathlains, but members of other races, with the GM’s permission, can take them as well.


Фея Courtier (Бард Archetype)

Фея who associate with courts often become бардs Опытный at navigating the inhuman societies of the trackless wilds.

Выступление барда: The Фея courtier has access to the following бардic выступления.

Scorn of the Wilds (Пс): At 8th level, the Фея courtier can Использование выступление барда to permanently mark a creature with nature’s displeasure by spending 2 rounds исполнение while the target remains within 30 feet. The performance includes a litany of the target’s misdeeds against Фея and nature. Unless the target succeeds at a Воля saving throw (DC = 10 + half the бард’s level + his Модификатор Харизмы), it is проклятие as per Изгнание Природы APG or Проклятие. At 14th level, the Фея courtier’s options expand to include Губительный Полиморф and green caress HA. As part of the performance, the Фея courtier must deКрошечный a condition under which the Проклятие воля be lifted, which must relate to making amends for the crime against Фея or Природа and cannot be suicidal to carry out. A creature that succeeds at its saving throw is immune to the Фея courtier’s scorn of the wild for 24 hours. This is a Проклятие effect.

This replaces Погребальная Песнь and Пугающая Мелодия.

Камень Dance (Пс): At 15th level, the бард’s performance can move even the features of the естественная броня world. This performance functions as Оживить Растения (DC = 10 + half the бард’s level + his Модификатор Харизмы) except it can also animate unworked Камень and Вода from естественная броня bodies of Вода (with statistics equivalent to an appropriate plant).

This replaces Героическое Воодушевление.

Фея Contacts: At 2nd level, thanks to his Фея contacts and знание of the byzantine Сделки customs of the Фея courts, a Фея courtier can treat any wilderness area with Фея residents as a settlement with a certain base value and purchase limit based on his бард level for the purpose of buying and selling Магия items. See page 205 of the Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Проводник for rules on settlement base values and purchase limits. The Фея courtier can also Использование these contacts to gather information about the residents, geography, and nearby areas with Дипломатия.

This replaces Прикладное Искусство.


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