Сфера Растений master (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Сфера Растений master (archetype)

2021-02-05 94
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Some hunters form a bond with Сфера Растений Жизнь instead of an Сфера Животных and take on those aspects instead. These hunters form potent bonds with Сфера Растений creatures, and their leafy or fungal friends are more than capable of anything another hunter’s Сфера Животных allies can accomplish.

Сфера Растений Companion (Экс): A Сфера Растений master forms a mystic bond with a Сфера Растений companion. A Сфера Растений master can begin play with any Сфера Растений companion (see page 182 and page 26 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Проводник). Except for the companion being a creature of the Сфера Растений type, this ability otherwise works like the друид’s Верный Зверь.

This replaces Верный Зверь.

Сфера Растений Focus (Св): A Сфера Растений master can take on the Аспект of a Сфера Растений as a быстрое действие. He must select one type of Сфера Растений to emulate, gaining a bonus or special ability based on the type of Сфера Растений emulated and his hunter level. The Сфера Растений master can Использование this ability for a number of minutes per Дня equal to his level. This duration does not need to be consecutive but must be spent in 1-minute increments. He can emulate only one Сфера Растений at a time.

The Сфера Растений master can also apply one of these aspects to his Сфера Растений companion. An Аспект applied in this way does not count against the hunter’s minutes of duration per day—it remains in Эффект until he changes it. The companion’s Аспект can be the same Аспект the hunter has taken on or a different one. A Сфера Растений master can select or change the Сфера Растений foci on both himself and his Сфера Растений companion as part of the same быстрое действие.

Ассасин Vine: The creature gains a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks to grapple. This bonus increases to +3 at 8th level and +4 at 15th level.

Brambles: When the creature is hit by an Мастер Кулачного Боя or естественная броня attack, the attacker takes 1 point of Проницательность damage. This increases to 2 points at 8th level and 3 points at 15th level.

Creeping Vine: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Лазание checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Giant Полетtrap: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Скрытность checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Mushroom: The creature gains a +4 усиление bonus on saves against Яд. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Oak: The creature gains a +2 усиление bonus to CMD. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.

Shrieker: The creature gains  Ночное Зрение with a range of 60 feet. At 8th level, the range increases by 30 feet. At 15th level, the creature also gains Слепое Чувство with a range of 10 feet.

Spore: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Полет checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Вода Lily: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Плавание checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

This replaces Сфера Животных focus.

Green Empathy (Экс): A Сфера Растений master can improve the attitude of a Сфера Растений creature. Green empathy functions like a Дипломатия check to improve the attitude of a person. The Сфера Растений master rolls 1d20 and adds his hunter level and his Модификатор Харизмы to determine the Понимание Животных check result. The typical wild Сфера Растений creature has a starting attitude of indifferent.

To Использование green empathy, the Сфера Растений master and the Сфера Растений creature must be within 30 feet of each other under normal conditions.

Generally, influencing a Сфера Растений creature in this way takes 1 minute, but as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

A Сфера Растений master can also Использование this ability to influence an animal, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check. He has no ability to influence magical beasts.

This replaces the Понимание Животных class feature.

Сфера Растений Щит (Экс): At 17th level, a Сфера Растений master and his companion are distasteful to Сфера Растений creatures. Creatures of the Сфера Растений type with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower воля not willingly attack either the Сфера Растений master or his companion unless magically compelled to do so or the Сфера Растений master or his companion attacks the creature first.

This replaces one with the wild.

Великий Охотник (Экс): At 20th level, when a Сфера Растений master prepares spells for the day, he chooses one Сфера Растений focus to be active for the entire day.

This alters Великий Охотник.



The forgotten ruins in the desert sands have given rise to a breed of hunters who call upon the powers of the pyramids to protect and expЗнание the ancient sites of their people. These hunters form священный bonds with desert- dwelling denizens.

Священный Сфера Животных Focus (Св): A scarab stalker can select from the bull, falcon, and snake Сфера Животных foci, as well as the following new Сфера Животных foci.

Bee: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Полет checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Cat: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Акробатics checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and

+8 at 15th level.

Cow: The creature gains a +1 сопротивляемость bonus on Стойкость испытания. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 15th level.

Крокодил: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Плавание checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +3 at 15th level.

Ibis: The creature gains a +2 сопротивляемость bonus on испытания against disease. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.

Jackal: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Выживание checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and

+8 at 15th level.

Kite: The creature recovers 1 additional hit point whenever it receives magical healing. This increases to 2 additional пункты здоровья at 8th level and 3 additional пункты здоровья at 15th level.

Leopard: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Изворотливость checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Lion: The creature gains a +4 мастерство bonus on Запугивание checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 8th level and +8 at 15th level.

Ram: The creature gains a +1 bonus on damage rolls when making charge attacks. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 15th level.

Scarab Beetle: The creature gains a +1 усиление bonus to its естественная броня armor bonus. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 15th level.

Scorpion: The creature gains a +2 сопротивляемость bonus on испытания against Яд. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.

Sha: The creature ignores the Внимание penalty from sandШторма and can see twice as far in sandstorms. This increases to three times as far at 8th level and four times as far at 15th level.

Uraeus: The creature gains a +2 сопротивляемость bonus on испытания against Губительное Дыханиеs. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.

This alters Сфера Животных focus.

Desert Walker (Экс): At 5th level, a scarab stalker and her Верный Зверь can move through desert terrain at normal быстрое without taking damage or suffering any other impairments unless that terrain has been enchanted or magically manipulated.

This replaces woodland stride.



Some hunters are masters of the wild. Whether raised by apes or having some other Связь with simian creatures, these hunters Скольжение through the wilderness with ease.

Верный Зверь: As a свободное действие, a treestrider must select an Примат as her Верный Зверь.

This alters Верный Зверь.

Брахиация (Экс): A treestrider can gain a лазание быстрое equal to half her base быстрое as a свободное действие for 1 minute per hunter level per day. This duration must be spent in 1-minute increments. In addition, she can Использование  her лазание быстрое to move through the canopies of forests or jungles, provided the Конечности of the trees are strong enough to support her weight. The treestrider’s companion gains a +10-foot усиление bonus to its лазание быстрое. At 8th level, the treestrider’s лазание быстрое increases to equal her base быстрое, the duration of her Брахиация increases to 10 minutes per hunter level per Дня (usable in 10-minute increments), and the усиление bonus to her companion’s лазание быстрое increases to +20 feet. At 15th level, she can Использование Брахиация with no limit on the duration.

This replaces Сфера Животных focus and second Сфера Животных focus.

Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя (Экс): At 2nd level, a treestrider gains Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя as a bonus черта.

This replaces precise companion.

Tree Stride (Пс): At 10th level, a treestrider can Использование a full- round Действие to move between two trees, as per the spell tree stride. Unlike the spell, this ability has a duration of instantaneous and the treestrider can make only a single transfer. She can bring her Верный Зверь with her, but if she does, her companion can’t take any actions that round. Tree stride can be used a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + the hunter’s Мудрость modifier.

This replaces raise Верный Зверь.



Следовательs are best known as intensely curious people who live to solve urban Таинства, such as finding out who committed a crime or where a fugitive is hiding. Sometimes investigations lead out of the city and into the wild, and for this reason, some Следовательs seek to master scientific and esoteric methods better suited for естественная броня settings.



Cartographers are eager trailblazers who expЗнание uncharted terrain, study landmarks, and find new paths through the wilderness. They record this information meticulously so that those who follow in their footsteps can Сфера Путешествий swiftly and safely within the studied area. Rather than изучение Ядs like many Следовательs do, cartographers Использование their alchemical expertise to create better inks that allow them to draw maps with incredible level of detail.

Studied Terrain (Экс): At 2nd level, a cartographer can Расход one Использование of inspiration to sketch a map and take notes of his surroundings. Drawing the map takes 10 minutes. While he is within the studied area, the cartographer can Использование inspiration on Акробатics, Лазание, Полет, Верховая езда, Скрытность, Выживание, and Плавание checks without Expending a Использование of inspiration, provided he is trained in the skill. If he already has the ability to Использование inspiration on any of these Навыки without Expending a Использование of inspiration, he gains an additional +1 bonus on checks with that skill while in the studied area.

A cartographer can draw three types of maps. He cannot combine different map types in the same map, and areas within range that would belong in the other categories are excluded.

Dungeon Map: While indoors, underground, or in any other type of environment where visibility is limited by walls, the radius is 100 feet per level, and only areas that the cartographer has explored within the past 24 hours count as studied terrain. Areas explored after drawing the map do not retroactively become part of the studied terrain.

Overland Map: In естественная броня terrain, the radius of the mapped area is equal to 1 mile per Следователь level. If he is unable to see the whole area, he extrapolates and uses his знание of geography to fill in the blanks.

Town Map: While in an urban area or ruins, the radius is 1,000 feet per level or the entirety of the urban or ruined area, whichever is Небольшойer.

Much like alchemy, cartography requires materials, but the Стоимость of those materials is negligible. However, knowing an area so well as to gain these benefits requires more than just paper and ink—a great deal of memorization and a bit of inspiration are also required. For this reason, a cartographer can maintain these benefits in only one area at a time. The benefits remain in Эффект until the cartographer studies a new area or refreshes his inspiration pool.

This replaces Отрава Знание and Отрава сопротивляемость.

Geographic Знание (Экс): At 3rd level, a cartographer gains a deeper understanding of wilderness terrain. Whenever he is on the Material Plane, he can determine where true north is as a действие полного хода. Furthermore, he can create and sell maps to earn a number of gold pieces per week of dedicated work equal to half his Знание (география) check result per week.

This replaces острое recollection.

Swift Travels (Экс): At 4th level, while in studied terrain, a cartographer intuitively knows the easiest, shortest, and fastest way through the wilderness. For the purpose of determining overland быстрое, the cartographer treats any trackless terrain as though he were on a trail, and he treats any terrain with a road or trail as though it were a highway. He can extend the benefit to up to one creature per Следователь level traveling with him.

This replaces Быстрая Алхимия.


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