Saurian champion (archetype) — КиберПедия 

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Saurian champion (archetype)

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These primeval рыцарьs idolize dinosaurs as apex predators and value them as powerful, overразмерd Скакунs.

Class Skills: A saurian champion gains Акробатics, Знание (природа), Внимание, and Выживание as class skills.

This alters the рыцарь’s class skills.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A saurian champion does not gain proficiency with Средний or Тяжелая Броня.

This alters the рыцарь’s weapon and armor proficiencies. Savage Combatant (Экс): A saurian champion does not rely on lethal charges or firing from afar as more “civilized” рыцарьs do, preferring to rampage among his foes instead. Saurian champions do not deal Двустороннее damage when charging with a lance (or similar weapon) while Скакунed.

While Скакунed, a saurian champion cannot attack with ranged Оружие other than Метательное weapons.

Titanic Бросить Вызов (Экс): A saurian champion considers only the Крупныйst creatures a true Бросить Вызов. His titanic Бросить Вызов adds only half his level on damage rolls against Средний or Небольшойer creatures, but he adds a +1 bonus on attack rolls against a target of his Бросить Вызов that is at least two размер categories Крупныйr than himself (Огромный for Средний saurian champions) and a +2 bonus on attack rolls against a Колоссальный target of his Бросить Вызов.

This alters Бросить Вызов.

Wild Боец (Экс): A saurian champion hails from primeval lands where the civilized orders hold little sway. He does not select an Орден or gain any order-related benefits.

This replaces order.

Dinosaur Скакун (Экс): A saurian champion bonds with a dinosaur companion that willingly serves as his Скакун. This Скакун functions as a рыцарь’s normal Скакун with the following adjustments: The saurian champion’s Скакун must be a dinosaur (see the various Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes). The saurian champion can верховая езда Скакунs of his размер category and Крупныйr, rather than only those of a Крупныйr размер. Increase the Скакун’s Сила score by 8 for the purpose of determining its carrying capacity. Whenever an ability or черта allows the saurian champion’s Скакун to make a hoof attack, the Скакун can make a claw or Укус attack instead.

This alters the рыцарь’s Скакун and replaces Тактик, Великолепный Тактик, and Мастер Тактики.

Nimble Верховая ездаr (Экс): At 2nd level, a saurian champion gains a +1 уклонение bonus to AC when Скакунed. Anything that causes the saurian champion to lose his Dexterity bonus to AC also causes him to lose this уклонение bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 6 levels beyond 2nd (to a maximum of +4 at 20th level).

Fierce Верность (Экс): At 5th level, a saurian champion’s Скакун gains the Верность ability, and its effects also apply against Эмоция and Ужас effects. The Скакун is immune to the effects of unестественная броня Аура (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 303).

This replaces banner.

Quick Верховая ездаr (Экс): At 8th level, a saurian champion can attempt Верховая езда checks to fast Скакун or fast disСкакун his Скакун even if it’s more than one размер category Крупныйr than himself.

Titanic Скакун (Экс): At 10th level, a saurian champion’s Скакун increases in размер by one category (even if the base creature normally does not Досягаемость that размер). The creature receives the appropriate размер penalty on attack rolls and to AC (–1 if growing to Большой or –2 if growing to Огромный) and a –2 penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum Dexterity score of 1), its base damage increases by one размер category, and its Досягаемость increases to 10 feet (if it wasn’t already). It also gains a +2 размер bonus to its Сила and Constitution score. At 12th, 14th, 16th, and 18th levels, the bonus to Сила increases by 2 and the Скакун’s естественная броня armor increases by 1. At 14th and 18th levels, the bonus to Constitution increases by 2. At 15th level, the Скакун’s Досягаемость increases to 15 feet.

Primeval Верность (Экс): At 14th level, the bonus on испытания provided by the Скакун’s Верность Увеличение Способностиs by 2. In addition, the Скакун adds half this bonus to other испытания.

This replaces Великое Знамя.


While друидs often serve as protectors of the естественная броня world, there are a number of друидs who specialize in a type of terrain or manifestation of that естественная броня world. Characters of any race can select the season Мудрое archetype found on page 12.




The following Сферы are available to друидs with suitable archetypes or Божественная patrons.


Erosion Domain

Granted Powers: You Приказ the crumbling of Камень and revel in rust; the Распада and Уничтожение of Металл and Камень over Время appeals to and deСветs you.

RuЖало Touch (Св): You can cause an opponent’s Металл armor or weapon to become dry and brittle as it magically corrodes and rusts. You make a melee touch attack against a creature wearing Металл armor or wielding a Металл weapon. If you hit, choose a Металл weapon, suit of Металл armor, or Металл щит carried or worn by that creature. The object takes an amount of hit point damage equal to 1d6 + half your друид level. If the item is not magical, or if your caster level is greater than the item’s caster level, this damage bypasses the item’s hardness. You can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + your Мудрость modifier.

Erosion Аура (Св): At 8th level, you can project an Аура of magically enhanced erosion as a основное действие. Objects made primarily of Металл or Камень within this Аура lose 10 points of hardness. Магия items retain a minimum hardness equal to twice their усиление bonus and can attempt a Стойкость saving throw (DC = 10 + half your друид level + your Мудрость modifier) to neВрата this effect.

A Конструкций made primarily of Металл or Камень must succeed at a Стойкость save or lose all Снижение Урона and hardness for 1 round. You can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + your Мудрость modifier.

Домен Spells: 1st— Оперативные Раскопки APG, 2nd— soften Земля and stone, 3rd— disable Конструкций ACG, 4th— Ржавящее Прикосновение, 5th— Превращение Камня В Грязь, 6th— Резонанс, 7th— Дезинтеграция, 8th— Землетрясение, 9th— Схлопывание.


Вредитель Domain

Granted Powers: You see the perfection of Природа in the spindly Конечности and strange forms of all vermin, great and Небольшой alike.

Вредитель Whisperer (Св): You can Использование your Понимание Животных ability on vermin. When you do so, you impart a modicum of implanted intelligence on the vermin, allowing you to interact with Вредитель as if they were animals. Вредитель whisperer functions only on Вредитель that are mindless or have an Intelligence score of 2 or lower.

Sudden Жало (Св): At 8th level, you can inflict a lingering, painful Жало as a быстрое действие that requires a successful melee touch attack. This Жало deals 1d4 points of Проницательность damage plus 1 point for every 2 друид levels you have, and the target must succeed at a Стойкость save (DC = 10 + half your друид level + your Constitution modifier) or become ошеломление for 1 round. This is a Боль effect. You can Использование this ability a number of times per Дня equal to 3 + your Мудрость modifier.

Домен Spells: 1st— Муравьиная Ноша APG, 2nd— Призыв Стаи Тварей, 3rd— Вредитель shПримат I, 4th— Вредитель shПримат II, 5th— Призыв Ос, 6th— Рой Кожи APG, 7th— Ползучая Погибель, 8th— verminous Преобразование HA, 9th— Призыв


The aerie protector guards nature’s nests and lairs in the highest Скакунains, and she is only ever truly at ease when under vast expanses of open sky.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: Aerie protectors are proficient with javelins and shortЛуки but not with scimitars or scythes. Aerie protectors are not proficient with Средняя Броня.

This alters the друид’s Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием.

Связь С Природой: If the aerie protector chooses an Верный Зверь as her Связь С Природой, she must choose an Сфера Животных with a полет быстрое. She can Использование spells or other effects to alter her companion’s полет быстрое, but it must be able to полет on its own before it becomes her companion.

If the aerie protector chooses a Домен as her Связь С Природой, she must choose the Air, EagleUM, Earth, СкакунainUM, or Сфера Погоды.

This alters Связь С Природой.

Понимание Животных (Экс): An aerie protector gains a +4 bonus on Понимание Животных checks on полетing animals, but she takes a –4 penalty on checks on other animals.

This alters Понимание Животных.

Небо and Камень (Экс): At 2nd level, an aerie protector gains a bonus equal to half her level on Знание (география) and Выживание checks involving Скакунainous terrain or high altitudes, and she cannot be tracked in such an environment.

This replaces woodland stride.

Ветер at Her Back (Св): At 4th level, an aerie protector gains a +4 bonus to CMD and on испытания against the effects of high altitude and effects that rely on Воздух pressure or strong Ветер to move her or impede her fСвет. This bonus also applies on Реакция saves against effects that deal Электричество damage.

This replaces Неподвластный Природе.

Природный Облик: An aerie protector gains this ability at 6th level, except her effective друид level is her друид level – 2. If she takes on the form of a полетing animal, she instead uses her друид level + 2.

In the Ветер (Экс): At 9th level, the лазание and полет быстроеs of forms the aerie protector assumes with her Природный Облик ability (if any) increase by 10 feet. The maneuverability of her полетing forms improves by one category.

This replaces Невосприимчивость К Ядам.



A dinosaur друид speaks for the spirit of prehistoric nature, even taking the form of great beasts of legend.

Summon Dinosaur (Пс): A dinosaur друид can summon a wide range of dinosaurs and related prehistoric beasts using Призыв Природного Союзника spells. She adds the following options to these spells when using spontaneous caЖало to cast such a spell.

Призыв Природного Союзника I: CompsognathusB2.

Призыв Природного Союзника II: DimorphodonB4, troodonB5.

Призыв Природного Союзника III: PlesiosaurusB5, ВелоцирапторB4.

Призыв Природного Союзника IV: DimetrodonB3,pachycephalosaurusB3, parasaurolophusB2.

Призыв Природного Союзника V: AmargasaurusB6, ceratosaurusB5, iguanodonB3, kentrosaurusB6, styracosaurusB4.

Призыв Природного Союзника VI: AllosaurusB2, quetzalcoatlusB6, tylosaurusB2.

Призыв Природного Союзника VII: TherizinosaurusB5.

Призыв Природного Союзника VIII: DiplodocusB4, spinosaurusB3.

Призыв Природного Союзника IX: GiganotosaurusB6. This alters spontaneous casting.

Dinosaur Bond (Экс): A dinosaur друид must choose an Верный Зверь as her nature’s bond, and the Верный Зверь must be a dinosaur (including those detailed in Pathfinder RPG Bestiary volumes).

This alters nature’s bond.

Dinosaur ShПримат (Св): A dinosaur друид specializes in assuming the form of dinosaurs when using Природный Облик. When she assumes the form of a dinosaur via Природный Облик, she gains a +2 размер bonus to her Constitution in addition to the other modifiers granted by beast shape. When she uses Природный Облик to assume the form of a creature other than a dinosaur, the Природный Облик Эффект lasts for only 1 minute per level, rather than 1 hour per level.

This alters Природный Облик.

Primeval Voice (Св): At 4th level, a dinosaur друид gains the ability to speak with dinosaurs (as per Разговор С Животными) at all times.

This replaces Неподвластный Природе.



The естественная броня world is full of bodiless Природа Приведение connected to the forces of glades, springs, and individual plants. Some друидs hear their call keenly and are able to effortlessly incarnate them as the miniature creatures known as leshys (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 176). The leshy warden serves as these spirits’ ally, defender, and voice.

Leshy Фамильяр (Экс): A leshy warden forms an intimate bond with a Природа spirit, incarnating the spirit as a leaf leshy (Bestiary 3 179). She gains a leaf leshy as a фамильяр and treats her друид level as her effective волшебник level for the purpose of this ability. If the leshy dies, the leshy warden can incarnate the same spirit again by paying the normal Стоимость to replace a фамильяр. So long as the leshy lives, the leshy warden gains access to the Сфера Растений as if through a друид’s Связь С Природой class feature, but she can’t choose the Распада subdomain.

This replaces Связь С Природой.

Green Empathy (Экс): A leshy warden can improve the attitude of a Сфера Растений creature as if using wild empathy. The typical wild Сфера Растений creature has a starting attitude of indifferent. If the Сфера Растений creature is mindless, the leshy warden imparts a modicum of intellect to the Сфера Растений so that it can be interacted with as if it were an animal. A leshy warden can also Использование this ability to influence an animal, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check to do so.

This replaces Понимание Животных.

Leshy Призыватель (Экс): A leshy warden is an умелец at Призывание and growing leshys. She counts as a Сфера Растений creature for the purpose of growing leshys. She adds leaf leshys, gourd leshys, fungus leshys, seaweed leshys, and lotus leshys to her list of creatures she can summon with Призыв Природного Союзника I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively.

This alters spontaneous casting.

Leshy Tender (Экс): At 4th level, a leshy warden can either grant her leaf leshy a +2 increase to Сила and Dexterity or transform it into a gourd leshy. At 8th level, the leshy warden can either grant her current leshy a +2 increase to Сила and Dexterity or transform it into a fungus leshy. At 12th level, she can either grant her current leshy a final +2 increase to Сила and Dexterity or transform it into a seaweed leshy. If the leshy is transformed, it gains the normal ability scores of its new form; Повышение Характеристикиs granted by this ability don’t carry over to its new form.

This replaces Неподвластный Природе.

Природный Облик (Св): A leshy warden gains this ability at 6th level, except her effective друид level for the ability is equal to her друид level – 2 for the purpose of determining the number of times per Дня she can Использование it. At 6th level, the leshy warden can assume the form of only Небольшой or Средний Сфера Растений creatures, as per Сфера Растений shПримат I. At 8th level, she can take the form of a Большой Сфера Растений creature, as per Сфера Растений shПримат II. At 10th level, she can take the form of a Огромный Сфера Растений creature, as per Сфера Растений shПримат III.

This alters Природный Облик.

Сфера Растений Whisperer (Св): At 13th level, a leshy warden’s connection to the Приведение of Природа becomes strong enough that she can always hear them whispering. She is treated as if constantly under the effects of Разговор С Растениями. Once per day, she can spend 10 minutes in communion with the Приведение to learn the answers to her questions, as Единение С Природой.

This replaces Тысяча Лиц.



These друидs are the guardians of rivers and the creatures that depend on them. Just as rivers pour from Скакунains to seas, river друидs adapt to many environments and cultures. They can be found wherever Вода flows, even among underground rivers or sewer systems.

Ferrier (Экс): A river друид adds Дипломатия to her list of class Навыки and gains a +2 bonus on Дипломатия and Знание (природа) skill checks.

This alters the друид’s class Навыки and replaces Чувство Природы.

Read the Currents (Экс): At 2nd level, a river друид gains a bonus equal to half her друид level on initiative checks and Акробатics, Знание (география), Внимание, Скрытность, Выживание, and Плавание checks when she is in, on, or adjacent to flowing water.

This replaces woodland stride.

Countercurrent (Экс): At 3rd level, a river друид takes no penalty to быстрое or on Акробатics or Скрытность checks in sПосвящение Добру Вода up to 2 feet deep (1 foot deep for Небольшой characters) such as sПосвящение Добру bogs, shorelines, streams, and partially flooded areas. A river друид (and any vehicle she pilots) isn’t moved by flowing Вода unless she allows it. Вода that has been magically manipulated to impede or boost motion still affects her.

This replaces Тайные Тропы.

Deep Breath (Экс): At 4th level, a river друид can hold her breath for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution score (after this, she must begin attempting Constitution checks to avoid Удушение as normal).

This replaces Неподвластный Природе.

Природный Облик (Св): A river друид gains this ability at 6th level, except her effective друид level for the ability is equal to her друид level – 2.

This alters Природный Облик.

Язык Луны И Солнца (Экс): At 15th level, a river друид can speak with any living creature.

This replaces Нестареющее Тело.



Guardians of the lonely paths between cities, road keepers protect the wild from travelers, and travelers from the wild.

One with the Road (Св): A road keeper casts the following spells as though her caster level were 1 higher: 1st— longstrider, 2nd— Нюх trail APG, 3rd— Изгнание Природы APG, 4th— Свобода of movement, 5th— tree stride, 6th— Поиск Пути, 7th— Ветер walk, 8th— Слово Возвращения, 9th— Мировая Волна APG. At 9th level, the bonus to her caster level for these spells increases to +2.

This replaces spontaneous casting.

Road Bond (Экс): If the road keeper chooses a жрец Домен as her Связь С Природой, she must choose from the Сфера Товарищества, Освобождение, Защита, Travel, or Сфера Погодыs. The road keeper can also choose any subДомен associated with these domains.

This alters Связь С Природой and replaces Понимание Животных.

Take the High Road (Экс): At 2nd level, a road keeper travels over roads and paths at an accelerated rate. She and her allies can hustle for 2 hours without taking nonlethal damage, instead of 1, provided they Сфера Путешествий along a road or path. Additionally, as long as they Сфера Путешествий on a road or path, the road keeper and her allies count as traveling along a highway regardless of the quality of the road or path on which they travel. Allies must remain within 30 feet of the road keeper to benefit from this ability.

This replaces woodland stride.

Trodden Path (Экс): At 4th level, a road keeper gains a +4 bonus on Выживание checks to follow or Опознание tracks. She also gains this bonus on испытания against severe Погода effects.

This replaces Неподвластный Природе.

Road Less Traveled (Св): At 4th level, a road keeper can discouЯрость creatures from entering or exiting the wild. Once per Дня as a основное действие, she can target a creature within 30 feet and Проклятие it with clumsiness and disorientation. The road keeper chooses whether to punish her target for entering the wild from a road or building, or vЛьда versa. If her target is entering the wild, it treats every square of wilderness not on a road or in a building as difficult terrain. If her target is exiting the wild, it treats every square on a road or inside a building as difficult terrain. In either case, the ground feels uneven and the target suffers extreme vertigo during movement. The victim of this Проклятие can attempt a Воля saving throw (DC = 10 + half the road keeper’s level + her Мудрость modifier) at the beginning of its turn each round to end the effect. The Эффект lasts until the target successfully saves or for a number of minutes equal to the road keeper’s level. A creature’s movement isn’t affected if it is Бурениеing, лазаниеing, Земля gliding, полетing, or плаваниеming. This is a Разум curseUM effect.

At 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter, the road keeper can target an additional creature per Дня with this ability (to a maximum number of nine targets per Дня at 20th level). She can target more than one creature with a single Использование of this ability or the same target more than once in the same Дня (though its effects do not stack), but her total number of targets per Дня cannot exceed this daily maximum. If she targets more than one creature at one time, each target must be within 30 feet of the road keeper.

This replaces Природный Облик.



Harbingers of decay, rot wardens live in damp lands where insects and rot Сломать down the мертв to feed the living. They see in the process of rot the Красота of nature’s capacity to recycle

and repurpose material into something wondrous and new.

Invoke Распада (Св): A rot warden can Поток stored spell energy into specific spells he hasn’t prepared aГолова of time. He can “lose” a prepared spell in Орден to cast the following spells at the indicated levels: 1st— Разлогающийся Труп UM, 2nd— Коробление, 3rd— Грибковое Заражение UM, 4th— explosion of rot*, 5th— Призыв Ос, 6th— Рой Кожи APG, 7th— Ползучая Погибель, 8th— Жуткое Иссушение, 9th— massacre HA.

This alters spontaneous casting.

Связь С Природой: A rot warden who chooses a жрец Домен as his Связь С Природой must choose from the Уничтожение, Erosion*, Repose, or Vermin* domains.

This alters Связь С Природой.

Эмпатия Паразитов (Св): A rot warden can improve the attitude of Вредитель as a normal друид can with animals. Вредитель have a starting attitude of unfriendly. The rot warden can also improve the attitude of Вредитель swarms, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check unless the swarm consists of the same kind of Вредитель as his Вредитель companion or his current Природный Облик.

This replaces Понимание Животных.

Swarmcaller (Пс): At 3rd level, a rot warden can summon a swarm of Вредитель once per Дня as a основное действие. This functions like Призыв Стаи Тварей, except the swarm the rot warden summons must be a cockroach, locust, or spider swarm. If he uses this ability during the предбоевой раунд of combat, nearby Животные and Вредитель become hushed until the first round of combat ends; during this предбоевой раунд and first round of combat, застигнут врасплох creatures also gain the потрясение condition (this doesn’t stack with other Ужас effects).

At 9th level, he adds army ant, centipede, and wasp swarms to the list of swarms he can call with this ability.

This replaces Тайные Тропы and Невосприимчивость К Ядам.

Enduring Друид (Св): At 4th level, a rot warden gains a +4 bonus on испытания against attacks and special abilities of Вредитель and swarms with the Вредитель type. This bonus also applies on испытания against effects that would age or Распада the rot warden or his equipment.

This replaces Неподвластный Природе.

Природный Облик: A rot warden gains this ability at 6th level, except his effective друид level is his друид level – 2. He cannot take the form of an elemental.

At 8th level, a rot warden can assume the form of a Небольшой or Средний Вредитель as if using Вредитель shПримат I UM. At 10th level, the rot warden can assume the shПримат of a Маленький or Большой Вредитель as if using Вредитель shПримат II UM. At 12th level, he can take the form of a Огромный Вредитель as if using Вредитель shПримат III. This alters Природный Облик.



Many cultures employ highly trained soldiers or bands of grizzled mercenaries, but not all воинs are the same. Local climate, geography, vegetation, and the level of technology often dictate what Тактики and equipment are practical or even available. The following воин archetypes are suited for wilderness боецs who Использование spiritual devotion, subterfuge, or unbridled fury to make up for what they lack in equipment.



Not all battles are fought between armies; sometimes, a settlement or nation faces a threat too dire to fight in the open. In Орден to repel a much Крупныйr enemy force, some soldiers must безрассудства equipment and Тактики designed for open-field warfare and instead rely on ambushes, hit-and- Бегун tactics, and sabotage to whittle down their enemies’ Сила and боевой дух. Стрелецs Использование harsh Погода and unforgiving terrain to their advantage, attacking isolated groups of enemies that cannot flee or fight back effectively. Many tribal боецs also employ Небольшой-unit Тактики because it is part of their боец culture, because they cannot field a Большой army, or simply because they refИспользование to fight on the enemy’s terms.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A Стрелец is proficient with легкие-доспехи and щитs but not with Средняя Броня, Тяжелая Броня, or tower щитs.

This replaces the воин’s Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием.

Wilderness Training (Экс): A Стрелец relies on his Навыки and the element of surprise rather than the heaviest щитs and armor. He gains Акробатics and Скрытность as class skills. In addition, the Стрелец gains a number of skill ranks at each level equal to 4 + his Intelligence modifier, instead of 2 + his Intelligence modifier.

This alters the воин’s class Навыки and skill ranks per level.

Conditioning (Экс): At 2nd level, a Стрелец becomes more resistant to mental and physical threats that are commonly employed by his enemies or often encountered in the terrain in which he operates. The Стрелец must choose one of the specializations below, gaining a +1 bonus on испытания of the appropriate type. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd.

Alpine Training (Экс): A Стрелец operating in Скакунainous terrain becomes resistant to Холод climates and the rigors of long treks at high altitudes. He gains a bonus on Стойкость испытания against altitude sickness, exposure to Холод weather, and other effects that cause fatigue or exhaustion.

Counter-Допрос Training (Экс): A Стрелец undertaking infiltration missions learns to resist Допрос and persuasion. The Стрелец gains a bonus on Воля испытания against charms and Прорицаниеs.

Jungle Training (Экс): Through repeated exposure, a Стрелец operating in jungles and wetlands builds up a tolerance against pathogens and toxins. He gains a bonus on Стойкость испытания against Болезнь and Яд.

Свет Infantry Training (Экс): A Стрелец fighting in a Свет infantry unit learns to avoid Огонь from enemy artillery, siege weapons, and spellcasters. He gains a bonus on Реакция испытания against attacks that deal half damage on a successful save (such as the Огненный Шар spell) but not against traps, естественная броня hazards, or environmental effects.

This replaces the bonus черта the воин normally receives at 2nd level.

Reconnaissance Training (Экс): A Стрелец operating in heavily trapped or естественная броняly hazardous areas learns to умелецly avoid them. At 2nd level, he gains a +1 bonus on Реакция испытания to avoid traps, естественная броня hazards, and environmental effects. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd.

This replaces bravery.

Подвижность Training (Экс): At 3rd level, a Стрелец learns to be more maneuverable while wearing Свет or no armor. He gains a +1 уклонение bonus to AC while wearing Свет or no armor and while carrying no more than a Свет load. Anything that causes the Стрелец to lose his Dexterity bonus to AC also causes the Стрелец to lose this уклонение bonus. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 3rd (to a maximum of +4 at 15th level).

In addition, a Стрелец gains an усиление bonus of +5 feet to his base быстрое. At 7th level, the bonus increases to +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor or легкие-доспехи, and when he is carrying no more than a Свет load.

This replaces Мастерство Ношения Брони.

Mobile Mastery (Экс): At 19th level, a Стрелец learns to position his body and conceal his body proportions with clothes so well that it is difficult to hit him. He gains a 20% miss chance on attacks against him. Mobile mastery functions even when the Стрелец is застигнут врасплох, but not when he is immobilized or беспомощьность, when he wears Средний or Тяжелая Броня, or when he carries a Средний or heavy load.

This replaces Истинный Мастер Брони.



A tribal воин knows that it is not the weapon that matters but the hand that wields it. Instead of encasing himself in Металл armor like the soldiers fighting and при смерти for the so- called civilized lands do, he prefers to wear something he or his Предки have killed. These relics and trophies help the tribal воин attain a Битва focus that allows him to выступление incredible черты of violence with the simplest of weapons.

Forbidden Armor: A tribal воин favors traditional armor and щитs, avoiding other types out of spiritual devotion, Суеверный suspicion, or respect for tradition. He can attain his Битва focus (see page 51) only while using armaments of the appropriate types. Like a друид, a tribal воин is prohibited from wearing Металл armor and using Металл щитs. A tribal воин who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited щит loses the benefits of the Битва focus and tribal Мастерство Владения Оружием abilities while doing so and for 24 hours after removing the prohibited armor or щит.

Битва Focus (Экс): A tribal воин learns to fight with his bare hands and wield traditional tribal Оружие so effortlessly that they are almost extensions of his arms. He gains Improved Мастер Кулачного Боя as a bonus черта. For the purpose of meeting the Предпосылки of style черты and черты that have style черты as Предпосылки, the tribal воин counts as having a number of skill ranks equal to his воин level in all Навыки in which he is trained.

This replaces the воин черта gained at 1st level.

Tribal Мастерство Владения Оружием (Экс): At 5th level, when a tribal воин gains the Мастерство Владения Оружием ability, he must choose the tribal weapon group and doesn’t later gain additional weapon groups, though the Мастерство Владения Оружием bonus for tribal Оружие still improves at 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter. Additionally, if the tribal воин has combat черты that apply to a specific weapon type (such as Улучшенный Критический Удар or Уверенное Владение Оружием) and he has selected a weapon that belongs to the tribal weapon group, he can apply the benefits of that черта to all Оружие that belong to the tribal weapon group that would legally apply (for instance, a черта that applies only to метательное Оружие wouldn’t apply to greatclubs). This benefit applies only to черты selected as воин bonus черты.

This alters Мастерство Владения Оружием.



Vikings seek to rПомощь “softer societies” and return with their longships filled with plunder. A viking strikes Ужас into the heart of her foes, and in Битва  she can полет into a terrible Ярость. Many vikings wear the pelts of bears or wolves, drawing on the Сила and Свирепости of these beasts in battle. Vikings do not wear Тяжелая Броня, but they are Опытный at fighting with an axe or spear in conjunction with a щит.

Ношение Брони И Обращение С Оружием: A viking is not proficient with Тяжелая Броня or tower щитs.

This alters the воин’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Ужас some (Экс): At 2nd level, a viking can attempt an Запугивание check to demoralize an opponent as a сопутствующее действие. At 10th level, she can do so as a быстрое действие. At 18th level, she can attempt to demoralize a foe as a свободное действие once per round. This replaces bravery.

Щит Оборона (Экс): At 3rd level, a viking learns the Искуство of fighting with a щит. Whenever she is wearing Средний, Свет, or no armor and using a щит, the viking’s щит bonus to AC increases by 1. At 7th, 11th, and 15th levels, this bonus increases by 1.

This replaces Мастерство Ношения Брони.

Berserker (Экс): At 5th level, a viking gains the Ярость ability as per the варвар class feature, and she uses her воин level as her варвар level for the purposes of determining her rounds of Ярость, qualifying for Дары Ярости, and determining the effects of Дары Ярости.

This replaces Мастерство Владения Оружием.


Tribal Weapon Group The following new fighter weapon group consists of traditional melee weapons used by many indigenous peoples. Tribal: Club, dagger, greatclub, handaxe, heavy shield, light shield, shortspear, spear, throwing axe, and unarmed strike.


Дары Ярости (Экс): At 6th level, whenever a viking gains a воин bonus черта, she can instead gain a single Дар Ярости, as the варвар class feature, in place of the bonus черта. Once selected, these Дары Ярости cannot be changed.

This alters the воин’s bonus черты.


Hunters roam the world stalking their prey with trusty companions, often serving a dualistic role between the естественная броня world and civilization. Those hunters who see themselves more as agents of the wild often take on unusual Сфера Животных allies or develop truly exotic powers to Помощь them in their wilderness roles.



Some hunters are masters of blending into every situation, even making their companions appear humanoid for brief periods of time.

Skills: A chameleon адепт adds Дипломатия to her list of class skills.

This alters the hunter’s class skills.

Shifting Companion (Св): At 3rd level as a основное действие, a chameleon адепт can cause her companion to assume a humanoid form of the same race as herself. This functions as Иной Облик, except it is used on an adjacent Верный Зверь to have it assume a humanoid form. The companion always assumes the same form, selected when the hunter reaches 3rd level. The hunter can change this form when she gains a new level, but the companion loses the old form and can’t resume it unless the chameleon адепт chooses that form when she reaches a new level. The companion is no more intelligent or less savage than normal; the hunter still needs to control it as normal, and it still can’t activate Магия items or wield manufactured weapons. The hunter can Использование this ability for 10 minutes per Дня per hunter level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 10-minute increments.

This replaces teamwork черты and hunter’s tactics.

Terrain Chameleon (Св): Choose one type of terrain from the следопыт’s list of Излюбленная Местностьs. When in the specified type of terrain, a chameleon адепт gains a bonus equal to half her hunter level on Скрытность checks.

This replaces Понимание Животных.

Savage Дипломатия (Экс): At 2nd level, while in humanoid form, a chameleon адепт’s Сфера Животных  companion grants its master a +2 ситуативный bonus on Дипломатия and Запугивание checks. Savage дипломатия functions only as long as the creature being influenced can see both the companion and the master. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +6 at 17th level.

This replaces precise companion.

Сфера Животных ShПримат (Св): At 5th level as a основное действие, a chameleon адепт can assume a form superficially identical to her Верный Зверь’s Сфера Животных form. She gains no bonuses or естественная броня attacks while in this form, only forms of movement. Her размер category does not change. This is a Полиморф effect. She can assume this form for 1 minute per level per day, in 1-minute increments. She can dismiss this ability at any point as a основное действие.

This replaces woodland stride.

Improved Shifting Companion (Св): At 10th level, a chameleon адепт’s Верный Зверь improves its ability to Смена Формы. It can Использование Природный Облик, as a друид of half the hunter’s level, to gain the effects of beast shПримат I. Unlike a друид’s Природный Облик, this ability does not improve to encompass Крупныйr or Небольшойer Животные or elementals.

This replaces raise Верный Зверь.

One with the Wild (Экс): At 17th level, when the companion is using Природный Облик to appear as a different type of animal, it counts as being in that Сфера Животных focus

for the purpose of one with the wild. This alters one with the wild.



While all hunters have a bond with the естественная броня world, a forester has a stronger tie to her environment than to the Животные within it. While most foresters feel strong bonds with woodland regions, the archetype functions well in other terrains as well.

In such cases, a forester might refer to herself by a different name that more accurately reflects

her chosen terrain. For example, a forester who favors bogs and marshes might call herself a “swamper,” while one who favors frozen regions might call herself a “glacier guardian.” As foresters gain levels and take on new Излюбленная Местностьs, they often eschew such titles completely, viewing them as unnecessary, and merely refer to themselves as guardians of the wild or champions of nature’s воля—but regardless of the name, their Верность remains.

Сфера Животных Focus (Св): As a forester has no Верный Зверь, the aspects granted by this ability always apply to the forester herself, just as if a normal hunter’s companion were мертв.

This alters Сфера Животных focus.

Излюбленная Местность (Экс): A forester gains the следопыт’s Излюбленная Местность ability. She gains her first Излюбленная Местность at 5th level and a new Излюбленная Местность every 4 levels thereafter. In addition, at each such interval, the bonuses on initiative checks and skill checks in one Излюбленная Местность (including the one just selected, if so desired) increase by 2. Starting at 5th level, a forester adds half her Излюбленная Местность bonus on damage rolls while in her Излюбленная Местность and fighting a creature native to that terrain.

This replaces Верный Зверь.

Bonus Черта (Экс): At 2nd level, a forester gains one bonus combat черта. She must meet the Предпосылки for this черта as normal. She gains an additional bonus combat черта at 7th, 13th, and 19th levels.

This replaces precise companion.

Тактик (Экс): At 3rd level as a основное действие, a forester can grant the benefits of one teamwork черта to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear her. Allies retain the Использование of this bonus черта for 3 rounds plus 1 round for every 2 levels the forester has. Allies do not need to meet the Предпосылки of these bonus черты. The forester can Использование this ability once per Дня at 3rd level, plus one additional Время per Дня at 7th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

This replaces hunter tactics.

Уклонение (Экс): At 4th level, a forester can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Реакция saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage. Уклонение can be used only if the forester is wearing легкие-доспехи, Средняя Броня, or no armor. A беспомощьность forester does not gain the benefit of evasion.

This replaces Улучшенная Эмпатическая Связь.

Камуфляж (Экс): At 7th level, a forester can Использование the Скрытность skill to hide in any of her Излюбленная Местностьs, even if the terrain doesn’t grant cover or concealment.

This replaces бонусные трюки.

Breath of Жизнь (Пс): At 10th level, a forester can cast breath of Жизнь once per Дня as a spell-like ability.

This replaces raise Верный Зверь.

Уклонение+ (Экс): At 11th level, a forester’s Уклонение improves. Уклонение+ works like evasion, except while the forester still takes no damage on a successful Реакция saving throw against attacks, she takes only half damage on a failed save. A беспомощьность forester does not gain the benefit of Уклонение+.

This replaces Разговор С Хозяином.

Мастер Незаметности (Экс): At 14th level, while in any of her Излюбленная Местностьs, a forester can Использование the Скрытность skill even while being observed.

This replaces greater Эмпатическая Связь.


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