Video (very interesting lecture on Anatomy, Muscular System) — КиберПедия 

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Video (very interesting lecture on Anatomy, Muscular System)

2020-04-01 264
Video (very interesting lecture on Anatomy, Muscular System) 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Unit 7

Cardiovascular System

T opic Cardiovascular System

Grammar Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives and Adverbs Revision Past Participle, - ing forms

Vocabulary Cardiovascular System, Noun suffix –um, - ium – er, or, - ar; Adjective suffix –ary; Verbal suffix - ate Revision Adjective suffix – ic

Reading ‘Circulatory System’, ‘Normal Structure of Blood Vessels and their Functions’

Listening ‘Anatomy of the Heart’ (video)

Speaking Pair work, Group work (Conceptual Map), Summary 

Getting started

1. Study the facts relating to the Cardiovascular System and answer the questions:


ü What other facts do you know about human heart and cardiovascular system?

ü What parts does a cardiovascular system consist of?

ü Think of three functions of the heart and cardiovascular system. What is the main function of the heart?

ü What branch of medicine deals with cardiovascular system and the heart?

ü Who is a specialist, working in the field of the cardiology? (name of the specialty)

ü Do you want to become a cardiologist (a cardiosurgeon)?

ü Do you know anything about Meshalkina Health Research Center of Heart and Cardiovascular System located in Novosibirsk city?

Vocabulary for help ing you to cope with texts and tasks:

Word building:

Noun suffix - ium, - er (-or, - ar)

Adjective suffix –ar (-or); - ary

Verbal suffix - ate

See Unite 5 for the adjective suffix – ic

Suffix – ium

- is found in nouns borrowed from Latin: derivatives of verbs: odium,tedium, colloquium,delirium, deverbal compounds with the initial element denoting the object of the verb (nasturtium), other types of compounds: equilibrium,millennium, and derivatives of personal nouns, often denoting the associated status or office: collegium,consortium,magisterium.

- also occurs in scientific coinages on a Latin model, as in names of metallic elements: barium; titanium and as a Latinization of Greek –ion: pericardium.

Suffixes - er (-or, - ar) is usually added to verbs to make nouns with the meaning ‘a person or thing that does something’: builder, farmer, beeper, investigator,escalator, ventilator, beggar, liar

Suffix -ar means

- ‘near, or pertaining to’ and is appended to various words, often nouns, to make an adjective form: linear, alveolar, columnar

- ‘of, belonging to’: linear; polar; minuscular

Suffix- ary has the general sense “pertaining to, connected with”; sometimes with the additional senses “contributing to,” “for the purpose of,” and usually forming adjectives. Coronary, axillary

Suffix –ate occurres in loanwords from Latin, its English distribution paralleling that of Latin. The form originated as a suffix added to a- stem verbs to form adjectives (separate). The resulting form could be used as a stem on which a verb could be formed (separate; advocate; agitate). In English the use as a verbal suffix has been extended to stems of non-Latin origin: calibrate; acierate. Also this suffix means ‘to act’ in the specified manner formul ate — “to act by putting (something) in a formula”

2. Define the part of the speech of the words given below and translate them into Russian:

Circulatory, vascular, circulate, lymphatic, cardiovascular, systemic, pulmonary, oxygenate, aortic, thoracic, perineum, pulsate, hepatic, mesenteric, empty, atrium, muscular, locate, endocardium, epicardium, myocardium, pericardium, deoxygenate, interventricular, separate, atrioventricular, semilunar, coronary, operate, primary, elastic, brachiocephalic, cephalic, axillary, accommodate, regulate, avascular, endothelium, minimum, facilitate, similar, superior, inferior, diameter, layer,demonstrate,

3. Read and translate the anatomical terms of Latin-Greek origin. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the words:

Cardiovascular[,kRdIqu`vxskjulq], circulatory [,sE:kju`leIt(q)rI], homeostasis[,hqVmIq(V)steIsIs], aorta[eI`Otq], artery [`RterI], arteriole [R`tIqrIqVl], vein [veIn], venule [`vFnjHl], capillary [kq`pIl(q)rI], diaphragm [`daIqfrxm], perineum [,perI`nJqm], carotid [kq`rOtId], hepatic [hI`pxtIk], mesenteric [,mesqN`terIk], renal [`rJn(q)l], femoral [`fem(q)r(q)l], superior vena cava[s(j)H`pIqrIq,vJnq `keIvq], inferior vena cava[In`fIqrIq,vJnq `keIvq], atrium [`eItrIqm] (pl. atria [`eItrIq]), portal [`pLt(q)l], apex [`eIpeks], endocardium [,endeV`kRdIqm], epicardium [,FpI`kRdIqm], myocardium [,maIqu`kRdIqm], pericardium [,perI`kRdIqm], interventricular [,Intqven`trIkjelq], septum [`septqm], interatrial [,Intq`eItrIql], tricuspid [trAI`kAspId], mitral [`maItr(q)l], semilunar [,semi`lHnq], aortic [eI`LtIk], pulmonary [`pAlmqn(q)rI], coronary [`kOrqn(q)rI], lumen [`lHmqn], intima [`IntImq], media [`mJdIq], adventitia [,advFn`tISq], lamina [`lxmInq], brachiocephalic [`breIkIq(V)sI`fxlIk], axillary [xk`sIl(q)rI], endothelium [,Fndq(V)`TJlIqm].

Useful vocabulary

cardiovascularsystem [,kRdIqu`vxskjulq `sIstqm] - сердечно-сосудистаясистема

circulatory system[,sE:kju`leIt(q)rI `sIstqm]– кровеноснаясистема

topermit[`pE:mIt]– позволять, разрешать, допускать

tocirculate[`sE:kjqleIt]- циркулировать

totransport [trxn`spLt]- переносить, транспортировать

carbondioxide[`kRb(q)ndaI`OksaId]– углекислый газ, диоксид углерода

nourishment[`nArISmqnt] - питание

red blood cell - эритроцит

white blood cell - лимфоцит

platelet[`pleItlqt] - тромбоцит

systemiccirculation[sI`stemIk,sE:kjq`leIS(q)n] (systemic circuit[`sE:kIt]) - большойкругкровообращения

pulmonary circulation [`pAlmqn(q)rI,sE:kjq`leIS(q)n] (pulmonary circuit) – малыйкругкровообращения

loop[lHp] (a circulatory loop) – петля, кольцо, замкнутыйкруг, цикл

tooxygenate[`OksIGqneIt]– окислять, насыщатькислородом

thick[TIk] – толстый, густой

thin[TIn] – тонкий, редкий

toarch[RC] – образовыватьдугу

branch[brRnC]– ветвь, ответвление

tobranchinto – разветвлятьсяна

topassthrough[pRsTrH]– проходитьчерез

tosupply[sq`plaI]– снабжать, обеспечивать

tomerge (into) [mE:G]- сливаться, объединяться (в)

toincrease[In`krJs]– увеличиваться, повышаться

todecrease[dI`krJs]– уменьшаться, понижаться

toempty (into) [`emptI]– опустошаться, опорожняться (в)

ventricle[`ventrIkl] - желудочек

pulmonarytrunk[`pAlmqn(q)rItrANk]– лёгочныйствол

liver[`lIvq]- печень

stomach[`stAmqk] - желудок

digestion[daI`GesC(q)n]– пищеварение, усвоениепищи

base[beIs] - основание

chamber[`CeImbq]- камера

valve[vxlv] – клапан

semilunar valve [,semi`lHnq vxlv]- полулунныйклапан

aortic valve [eI`LtIk vxlv]- аортальныйклапан

pulmonary valve [`pAlmqn(q)rI vxlv]- клапанлёгочногоствола

coronary circulation[`kOrqn(q)rI,sE:kjq`leIS(q)n]– венечноекровообращение

adventitia[,advFn`tISq] – адвентициальнаяоболочка

layer[`leIq]– слой, тонкийслой, мембрана

endothelial[,Fndq(V)`TJlIql]- эндотелиальный

lamina[`lxmInq] – листоваяпластинка, тонкийслой, мембрана

border [`bLdq] - граница

liquid[`lIkwId], fluid[`flHId]- жидкость

dissolve[dI`zOlv] – растворять, разжижать

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