Define the part of speech of the words given below. Could you explain their meaning? — КиберПедия 

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Define the part of speech of the words given below. Could you explain their meaning?

2020-04-01 207
Define the part of speech of the words given below. Could you explain their meaning? 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Horizontal, costal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, elastic, epithelium, terminal

Compose three pairs of synonyms from the given words below:

Upper, middle, lower, inferior, medial, superior

25. Match the word combinations (1-9) with definitions (a-i):

1) Adjacent structures 2) lymphatics 3) autonomic nerves 4) pass of respiration 5) terminal branches 6) to diffuse 7) hemoglobin molecules 8) exhalation 9) a root of the lung


a) structures locating close or near

b) referring to the autonomic (вегетативная) nervous system

c) to spread over a wide areas, not to concentrate

d) a process of breathing out

e) part of a lung located at the hilum

f) forming at the end bronchioles

g) molecules of a red substance attaching and carrying oxygen in the blood

h) vessels of lymphatic system

i) a rout of the air through the respiratory system


26. Try to predict answers to the following questions:

v How many lobes does the right lung consist of?

        2 lobes – 3 lobes - 5 lobes  

v How many lobes does the left lung consist of?

        1 lobe - 3 lobes - 2 lobes

v What is the function of oblique fissure?

covers the respiratory tree - divides the lobes of the lung - surrounds the alveoli

v How many surfaces does each lung have?

1 surface - 2 surfaces - 3 surfaces

v What are respiratory airways and lungs lined with?

respiratory epithelium - connective tissue - fibrous bands

v What is the rout of air through the respiratory system?

from larynx to the stomach - from larynx to alveoli - from larynx to bronchioles

v What do the terminal branches of bronchioles contain?

bronchi and bronchioles - alveolar ducts, sacs and terminal alveolar – oxygen and carbon dioxide

27. Watch the video ‘Lungs: Definition Location and Structure’ and check your predictions:

28. Watch again and answer the following questions:

ü What kind of tissue are the lungs made of?

ü What are the names of lobes in the right lung?

ü What are the names of lobes in the left lung consist of?

ü What is the function of horizontal fissure?

ü What are the names of surfaces in each lung have?

ü According to what features are surfaces given their names?

ü What does a root of the lung contain?

ü What happens to oxygen and carbon dioxide in the alveoli?


Work in small groups. Divide the video into logical parts and entitle each. Label the Diagram according to the video:

Describe the Structure of Lungs using a Diagram.


Name 5 words that you associate with the title of the text.

Look through the text (quickly read the text). Does it contain any interesting information for you? What information?

33. Try to understand the meaning of the words and word combinations in italic according to the general idea of the text (поконтексту) Check in the Dictionary.

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