Read the following sentences and choose a correct word. — КиберПедия 

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Read the following sentences and choose a correct word.

2020-04-01 321
Read the following sentences and choose a correct word. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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1. The upper tract\lower tract includes the nose, nasal cavities, sinuses, pharynx and the part of the larynx above the vocal folds.

2. As we breathe, carbon dioxide\oxygen enters the nose or mouth.

3. Sinuses help regulate the temperature and humidity\heat balance and ph of the air we breathe.

4. The lower floor of the pharynx is the nasopharynx \ hypopharynx.

5. At its lower\upper end, the trachea divides in an inverted Y into the two stems bronchi.

6. Two lungs rest with their bases on the rib cage\ diaphragm.

7. The space between the lungs is filled by the stomach\ mediastinum.

8. The lung lobes are subdivided into smaller units, the bronchopulmonary segments\stem bronchi.

9. Functions of the respiratory system is to digest food\to provide oxygen for metabolism in the tissues.

Complete words with missing letters

R_spir_tory s_stem, nas_lcav_ty, l_ng, bron__us, subd_vid_, pal_te,s__llow, w_ndp_pe, c_nduct, sp_ngy,dia__ragm, m_diast_num, ser__s.


14. Match the verbs (1-7) with the correct meaning (a-g):

1) to breathe 2) to moisten 3) to subdivide 4) to line with 5) conduct to 6) to surround 7) to expand


a) to take air into the lungs and expel it

b) to cover the surface with smth

c) to divide into several smaller parts

d) to make slightly wet (humid)

e) to lead or guide to or around a particular place

f) to become larger or more extensive

g) to be all round with smth\smb



15. Make a word combination, match the words:


gas                                       tract



heat                         cords


oblique system


16. Replace Russian words with English equivalents:

The tract is divided into an upper and a lower дыхательныепути. The upper tract includes the нос, nasal cavities, пазухи, pharynx and the part of гортани above the голосовымискладками. The upper airway helps to увлажнять and warm the air before it reaches yourлёгкие. The lower tract includes the lower part of the larynx, трахею, bronchi, bronchioles and альвеолы. The nose, носоваяполость, is subdivided into a left and right canal by a bony wall, the носоваяперегородка. The глотка can be divided into three parts the носоглотка, the ротоглотка and the подглоточник. The branching airways of the нижниедыхательныепутиare often described as the дыхательныйствол or tracheobronchial tree consisting of the трахея and the bronchi, as well as the largerбронхиолы. Вгруднойклетке, the two lungs rest with their bases on the диафрагма, while their верхушки extend above the first ребра.The right lung has three доли, the left lung is smaller in volume because of the ассиметричногорасположенияof the heart and has only two доли.



17. Label the respiratory system diagram below with the terms from the Word bank:

Word bank: diaphragm, alveoli, bronchioles, trachea, lung, bronchi, larynx


18. Fill in the table using information from the text ‘Respiratory System’

Component Part Function
Upper Respiratory Tract    
Lower Respiratory Tract    


Group work. Look at the list of functions performing by the respiratory system. Why are the first two functions considered to be primary but others are secondary? Give your reasons. Use a map to help you.

Primary functions:

o To provide oxygen for metabolism in the tissues.

o To remove carbon dioxide, the waste products of metabolism

Secondary functions:

· To facilitate sense of smell.

· To produce speech.

· To maintain acid-base balance.

· To maintain heat balance.



Modal Verbs and Modal Equivalents

Can (could) = be able to

Must = have to

May (might)

Human being can breathe.          Human being is able to breath.

Human being must have air for breathing.    Human being has to have air for breathing.

The patient may recover soon.

20. Fill in gaps with can (could), may (might), be able to, have to, must:

1.Respiratory system _______ provide oxygen for metabolism in the tissues. 2. All waste materials ______ be carried away from all body tissues. 3. The veins of the stomach and intestines __________ perform a unique function. 4. The liver ___________ remove toxins, stores sugars, and processes the products of digestion before they reach the other body tissues. 5. Circulatory system ________ provide cells with nutrients. 6. Muscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin that _____________ slide past one another, producing a contraction. 7. The term muscle ________ be derived from the Latin musculus meaning "little mouse". 8. Muscle action _____________ be classified as being either voluntary or involuntary. 9. The human skeleton ___________ be divided into the axial skeleton, and the appendicular skeleton. 10. There are usually 25 bones in the chest but sometimes there _________ be additional cervical ribs in humans.


21. Put the sentences into Past and Future Tense:

1. Students must learn the skeleton. 2. Blood must be stopped by the bandage. 3. Your must do cardio exercises to strengthen your heart. 4. A patient may present with pneumonia. 5. A broken leg must be put in plaster. 6. A student may forget all the anatomical terms.

22. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1.The upper airway is important because it must always stay open for you to be able to breathe. 2. The pharynx can be divided into three floors. 3. The alveoli are the dead end terminals of the "tree", meaning that any air that enters them has to exit via the same route. 4. The muscles can expand and contract the internal space of the thorax 5.  Respiratory system can maintain acid-base balance. 6. When a baby is born, it must convert from getting all of its oxygen through the placenta to absorbing oxygen through its lungs. 7. This is because the baby’s lungs may not yet be mature enough to cope with the transition. 8. This reduces the area across which oxygen and carbon dioxide can be exchanged, and not enough oxygen will be taken in. 9. The baby may develop something called ‘Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome’ (NRDS). 10. NRDS can be treated by giving the baby artificially made surfactant. 11. These changes mean that an older person might have more difficulty coping with increased stress on their respiratory system. 12. When a baby is born before or around this age, it may not have enough surfactant to keep its lungs open.13. All blood vessels contain a hollow area called the lumen through which blood is able to flow. 14. Around the lumen is the wall of the vessel, which may be thin in the case of capillaries or very thick in the case of arteries.




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