Think of the bones of the following parts (structures) of the skeleton and name them. — КиберПедия 

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Think of the bones of the following parts (structures) of the skeleton and name them.

2020-04-01 195
Think of the bones of the following parts (structures) of the skeleton and name them. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Upper arm (arm), lower arm (forearm), hand, shoulder girdle, pelvic girdle, thigh, leg, foot.

34. Match the definitions (1-10) with the anatomical terms:

Appendicular skeleton, humerus, carpals, phalanges, shin, tarsals, clavicle, synovial fluid, hip bones

1. wrist bones

2. bones of the fingers and toes

3. tibia

4. bones located in the ankle

5. color bone

6. a point at which two bones meet

7. a lubricating fluid which helps to avoid friction

8. a skeleton which consists of the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle, the forelimbs and the hind-limbs

9. a long bone in the upper arm

10. bones consisting of ileum, the ischium, and the pubis


35. Use mini-dictionary to help you:

Fore-limbs (верхниеконечности), hind-limbs (нижниеконечности), separate (отдельный), contain (содержать), inner (внутренний), outer (внешний), flat (плоский), triangular (треугольный), glenoid cavity (гленоидальнаяполость, относящийсяксуставнойямке), hip girdle (тазовыйпояс), weight (вес), pubic symphysis (лонноесочленение), male (мужчина), female (женщина), suture (шов), hinge joint (шарнирныйсустав), depression (суставнаяямка), pivot-joint (шарнирноесочленение), friction (трение)

36. Try to predict answers to the following questions:

1) How are we able to move our limbs?

- with help of bones

- with the help of joins

- with help of vertebrae

  2) What do joints connect to each other?

- ligaments and tendons

- vertebrae and intervertebral discs

- bones

3) How many bones are in the appendicular skeleton?

- 127

- 138

- 126

4) How many phalanges in the fingers are there in one hand?

- 16

- 10

- 14

5)What is the longest and the strongest bone in the body?

- Femur

- Sternum

- Radius


6) Kneecap has developed from:

- Tendon

- Ligament

- Cartilage


7) What is the bone which lies horizontally in the human body?


- Rib

- Clavicle

- Metatarsal


8) What is the difference of pelvic girdle in males and females?


- The degree of pubic arch

- Shape

- Length and width

  9) What does a pelvic cavity protect?

- ligaments and cartilages

- abdominal organs and reproductive organs

- organs of respiratory system



   10) What is a fixed joint?

- no movement between two bones

- partial movement between two bones

- full movement between two bones

    11) Intervertebral disks are the example of

- fixed joints

- gliding joints

- ball and socket joints


ü When you watch video the first time, don’t panic! You will not understand everything – just try to get the general idea.

ü Watch and listen again for the specific information you need.

ü Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything.

37. Watch the video ‘Human Skeleton – Limbs’ and check your predictions.


38. Watch again and answer the following questions (from 5:46 minute):


1) What movements does a hinge joint allow?

2) What are the examples of hinge joints?

3) What are the examples of gliding joints, ball and socket joints?

4) What is pivot-joint? Give the examples of this type of joints.

5) Why a synovial joint is called so?



39. Watch again and decide if the sentences below are true (T) or false (F):


a. Our skeletal system has various joints that connect our bones to each other.

b. The appendicular skeleton is attached to the axial skeleton.

c. The lower leg contains three bones.

d. Patella has developed from the fibrous bands.

e. The scapula is flat and triangular in form.

f. Hip bones are composed of two sections.

g. Moveable joints allow less movements then immovable and partially movable joints.

h. Lubricating fluid is called a lymph.  



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