Diseases of the urinary system — КиберПедия 

Особенности сооружения опор в сложных условиях: Сооружение ВЛ в районах с суровыми климатическими и тяжелыми геологическими условиями...

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Diseases of the urinary system

2020-04-01 220
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Different specialists treat urinary system ailments. Nephrologists treat kidney diseases, while urologists treat problems with the urinary tract, including the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder and urethra, according to the American Urological Association (AUA). Urologists also treat the male reproductive organs, while gynecologists often treat urinary diseases or disorders in females, including yeast infections. Nephrologists and urologists often work with endocrinologists or oncologists, depending on the disease.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) occur when bacteria enter the urinary tract; they can affect the urethra, bladder or even the kidneys. While UTIs are more common in women, they can occur in men. UTIs are typically treated with antibiotics, according to Dr. Oscar Aguirre, a urogynecologist in Denver. In the United States, about 8.1 million people have a urinary tract infection each year, according to the American Urological Association.

Incontinence is another common disease of the urinary system. "The most common bladder problems I see in my practice in women are frequent urges to urinate and leakage of urine," said S. Adam Ramin, urologic surgeon and founder of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles. "The most common bladder problems in men are frequent urination at nights and incomplete bladder emptying. This is usually due to an enlarged prostate causing obstruction of bladder emptying."

Problems can come in the form of a pelvic prolapse, which can result in leakage and can be the result of a vaginal delivery. Then there is the overactive bladder, "which we see a lot and is not related to having children or trauma," Aguirre said. A third condition involves overflow, in which the bladder does not completely empty.

"Holding your urine for a short period of time, usually up to one hour, is typically okay," said Ramin. "However protracted and repeated holding of urine may cause over-expansion of bladder capacity, transmission of excess pressure into the kidneys, and the inability to completely empty the bladder. These problems in turn may lead to UTI [urinary tract infection], cystitis and deterioration of kidney function."

Some common treatments involve medications, physical therapy and pelvic mesh surgery, Aguirre noted. Vaginal laser surgery is also becoming a viable treatment option, he explained. "In another 10 to 15 years, vaginal laser surgery will be another common option for the treatment of urinary conditions."


Interstitial cystitis (IC), also called painful bladder syndrome, is a chronic bladder condition, primarily in women, that causes bladder pressure and pain and, sometimes, pelvic pain to varying degrees, according to the Mayo Clinic. It can cause bladder scarring, and can make the bladder less elastic. While the cause isn't known, many people with the condition also have a defect in their epithelium, the protective lining of the bladder.

Prostatitis is a swelling of the prostate gland and, therefore, can only occur in men. Often caused by advanced age, symptoms include urinary urgency and frequency, pelvic pain and pain during urination, the Mayo Clinic noted.

Kidney stones are clumps of calcium oxalate that can be found anywhere in the urinary tract. Kidney stones form when chemicals in the urine become concentrated enough to form a solid mass, according to the Cleveland Clinic. They can cause pain in the back and sides, as well as blood in the urine. Many kidney stones can be treated with minimally invasive therapy, such as extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, which disintegrates the kidney stones with shock waves.

Kidney failure, also called renal failure and chronic kidney disease, can be a temporary (often acute) condition or can become a chronic condition resulting in the inability of the kidneys to filter waste from the blood. Other conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, can cause chronic kidney disease, according to the Mayo Clinic. Acute cases may be caused by trauma or other damage, and may improve over time with treatment. However, renal disease may lead to chronic kidney failure, which may require dialysis treatments or even a kidney transplant.


Bladder cancer is diagnosed in about 75,000 Americans each year and is more frequent in men and the elderly according. It is predicted that 81,190 new cases of bladder cancer (about 62,380 in men and 18,810 in women) and bout 17,240 deaths from bladder cancer (about 12,520 in men and 4,720 in women) will occur in 2018, according to American Cancer Society. The symptoms, including back or pelvic pain, difficulty urinating and urgent/and or frequent urination, mimic other diseases or disorders of the urinary system.
















Unit 12

Endo crine system


T opic Endocrine System

Grammar Compound Nouns Revision Modal Verbs, Passive Voice, Past Participle

Vocabulary Endocrine System, Adjective suffix - lessPrefix intra -, hypo - Revision Adjective suffix – al Verb suffix - ate

Reading ‘Endocrine System’

Listening ‘Hypothalamus & Pituitary Gland’ (video)

Speaking Summary (Structure and Functions of ES)

Getting started


1. Look at the pictures above and answer the following questions:


· How do persons differ in each picture?

· What is the cause of these differences?

· What do you know about the endocrine system?

· What are the functions of the endocrine system?

· What role do hormones play in human body’s physiology? What hormones do you know?



Vocabulary forhelp ing you to cope with texts and tasks:

Word building:

Adjective Suffix - less

Prefix intra-, hypo-


See Unite 5 for the adjective suffix – al

See Unite 7 for the verb suffix – ate


Adjective suffix less means “without”: childless; peerless, and in adjectives derived from verbs, indicates failure or inability to perform or be performed: resistless; tireless.

Prefix intra - signifies ‘inside, within, interior, during’: an intramuscular injection (=one that goes into a muscle).

Prefix hypo- appears in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “under”: hypostasis; on this model used,especially as opposed to hyper-, in the formation of compound words: hypothyroid.



2. Translate the given words into Russian paying attention the constituent parts of the word:

    Special, locate, coordinate, internal, environmental, chemical, physiological, behavioral,special, ductless, separate, adrenal, stimulate, regulate, pineal, hypothalamus, normal, emotional, hormonal, facial, hypophysis, intracellular, communicate, hypogonadism



3. Read and translate the anatomical terms of Latin-Greek origin. Pay your attention to the pronunciation of the words:

Thalamus [`Talqmqs], hypothalamus [,hAIpq(V)`Talqmqs], pituitary [pI`tjHIt(q)rI], corpus collosum [`kLpqs kq`lqVsqm], medulla [me`dAlq], gland [glxnd], hormone [`hLmqun], vascularity[,vaskjV`lxrItI], pineal [`pInIql], adipose [`xdIpqus], thyroid [`TaIrOId], parathyroid [,pxrq`TaIrOId], placenta [plq`sFntq], circadian [sW`keIdIqn], retina [`retInq], thymus [`TAImqs], cortex [`kLteks]

Useful vocabulary:


endocrine system [`endqukraIn`sIstqm] - эндокриннаясистема

network [`netwE:k] - сеть, каркас

gland[glxnd]- железа, лимфатическийузел

tosecrete[sI`krJt] - выделять, секретировать

reproduction[,rJprq`dAkS(q)n]– восстановление, размножение

torespond (to) [rI’spOnd]– реагировать (на)

toberesponsible (for) [rI`spOnsqbl] – способствовать

behavioral [bI`heIvjqrql] - поведенческий, психический

toaffect[q`fekt] - влиять, воздействовать, поражать

secretorycell[sI`krJt(q)rI sel]– секреторнаяклетка

bloodstream[`blAdstrJm] - кровоток

feature[`fJCq] – свойство, черта, особенность

vascularity[,vaskjV`lxrItI]– сосудистость, наличие кровеносных сосудов

pinealgland[`pInIqlglxnd]– шишковиднаяжелеза

thyroidgland[`TaIrOIdglxnd]– щитовиднаяжелеза

parathyroidgland[,pxrq`TaIrOIdglxnd]– паращитовидная (околощитовидная) железа

hypothalamus[,hAIpq(V)`Talqmqs] – гипоталамус

adrenalgland[qd`rJnqlglxnd]– надпочечник, надпочечная железа

kidney[`kIdnI]- почка

adiposetissue[`xdIpqus `tIsjH]– жировая ткань

thalamus [`Talqmqs] - таламус

pituitarygland[pI`tjHIt(q)rIglxnd] - гипофиз

tosuppress[sq`pres] - подавлять,сдерживать

torelease[rI`lJs] - выпускать, выбрасывать

glandulartissue[`glxndjulq `tIsjH]– железистаяткань

circadianrhythm[sW`keIdIqn`rID(q)m]– суточныйритм, циркадныйритм

maturation[,mxCu`reIS(q)n] - созревание, развитие

infancy[`InfqsI]– младенчество, раннее детство

thymus [`TAImqs] - тимус, зобная железа

abnormal[xb`nLm(q)l] - патологический, аномальный

adrenal cortex[qd`rJnql`kLteks]–корковое вещество надпочечника

adrenalmedulla[qd`rJnqlme`dAlq] - мозговое вещество надпочечника

tocopewith[kqup] - справляться (с)

reproductivegland[,rJprq`dAktIv glxnd] – половаяжелеза

toinvolve[In`vOlv]- вовлекать, поражать, окутывать



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