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Human Skeleton


· The Skull - Cranium, Mandible and Maxilla

· Shoulder girdle - clavicle and scapula

· Arm - humerus, radius and ulna

· Hand - Carpals, Metacarpals and Phalanges

· Chest - Sternum and Ribs

· Spine - Cervical area (top 7 vertibrae), Thoracic (next 12), Lumbar (bottom 5 vertebrae), Sacrum (5 fused or stuck together bones) and Coccyx (the tiny bit at the bottom of the spine).

· Pelvic girdle - Ilium, Pubis and Ischium.

· Leg - Femur, Tibia and Fibula

· Ankle - Talus and calcaneus (not shown above)

· Foot - Tarsals, Metatarsals and Phalanges.



The human skeleton is the internal framework of the body. It is composed of around 270 bones at birth – this total decreases to around 206 bones by adulthood after some bones get fused together. The skeleton makes up about 30-40% of an adult’s body mass. The human skeleton can be divided into the axial skeleton, formed by the vertebral column, the rib cage, the skull and other associated bones (80 bones) and the appendicular skeleton, which is attached to the axial skeleton, is formed by the shoulder girdle, the pelvic girdle and the bones of the upper and lower limbs or extremities (126 bones).

Spine (vertebral column). The spine, also called the vertebral column, is the central axis of the human body. It extends from the back of the skull to the pelvis and is made of a chain of small bones, the vertebrae. A fully grown adult features 26 bones in the spine, whereas a child can have 34. They are named by region: 7 cervical vertebrae (neck), 12 thoracic vertebrae (chest), 5 lumbar (lower back), 5 sacral vertebrae, and coccyx vertebrae (tailbone) - 1 vertebra.

Chest (thorax). There are usually 25 bones in the chest but sometimes there can be additional cervical ribs in humans. Chest is composed of the sternum or breastbone (1) and the ribs (24, in 12 pairs). The sternum connects to the ribs by thin bands of a cartilage called the costal cartilage. The first seven ribs are known as “true ribs” because they connect the thoracic vertebrae directly to the sternum through their own band of costal cartilage. It is important to note that three pairs (the 8th, 9th and 10th), also known as false ribs, are attached to each other. They are also attached to the 7th rib by cartilage and synovial joints. Also two pairs of floating ribs (the 11th and 12th) have no anterior attachment.

Skull. There are 22 bones in the skullthat are fused together except for the mandible. The mandible remains as a movable jaw bone and forms the only movable joint in the skull with the temporal bone. The bones of the superior portion of the skull are known as the cranium and protect the brain from damage. The bones of the inferior and anterior portion of the skull are known as facial bones and support the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Pectoral Girdle and Upper Limb. The pectoral girdle connects the upper limb bones to the axial skeleton and consists of the left and right clavicles and left and right scapulae. The humerus is the bone of the upper arm. It forms the ball and socket joint of the shoulder with the scapula and forms the elbow joint with the lower arm bones. The radius and ulna are the two bones of the forearm. The ulna is on the medial side of the forearm and forms a hinge joint with the humerus at the elbow. The lower arm bones form the wrist joint with the carpals. The carpals are connected to the five metacarpals that form the bones of the hand and connect to each of the fingers. Each finger has three bones known as phalanges, except for the thumb, which only has two phalanges. There are a total of 64 bones in the arm.

Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb. Formed by the left and right hip bones, the pelvic girdle connects the lower limb bones to the axial skeleton. The femur is the largest bone in the body and the only bone of the thigh (femoral) region. The femur forms the ball and socket hip joint with the hip bone and forms the knee joint with the tibia and patella (commonly called the kneecap). The tibia and fibula are the bones of the lower leg. The tibia and fibula form the ankle joint with the talus, one of the seven tarsal bones in the foot. The tarsals are a group of seven small bones forming the posterior end of the foot and heel. The tarsals form joints with the five long metatarsals of the foot. Then each of the metatarsals forms a joint with one of the set of phalanges in the toes. Each toe has three phalanges, except for the big toe, which only has two phalanges.

Cartilages, ligaments, tendons help to connect bones together. A ligament is the fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones. Ligaments are similar to tendons as they are all made of connective tissue. The differences in them are in the connections that they make: ligaments connect one bone to another bone, and tendons connect muscles to bones. The articular cartilage acts as a shock absorber and a gliding surface between the bones to facilitate movement at the joint. An articulation, or a joint, is a point of contact between bones, between a bone and a cartilage, or between a bone and a tooth. There are three main types – fibrous (immovable), cartilaginous (partially moveable), synovial (freely moveable) joint.

Functions of the Human Skeleton. The human skeleton performs six major functions; support, movement, protection, production of blood cells (haematopoiesis), storage of minerals, and endocrine regulation.


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