Rewrite these sentences in the Passive using the highlighted words as a subject of the sentence. — КиберПедия 

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Типы оградительных сооружений в морском порту: По расположению оградительных сооружений в плане различают волноломы, обе оконечности...

Rewrite these sentences in the Passive using the highlighted words as a subject of the sentence.

2020-04-01 258
Rewrite these sentences in the Passive using the highlighted words as a subject of the sentence. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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E.g.: 270 bones compose the skeleton -The skeleton is composed of 270 bones.

1) 270 bones compose the skeleton.

2) The skeleton makes up about 30-40% of an adult’s body mass.

3) A chain of small bones make the spine.

4) The sternum or breastbone and the ribs compose the chest.

5) The mandible forms the only movable joint in the skull.

6) The pectoral girdle connects the upper limb bones to the axial skeleton.

7) The ulna and the humerus form a hinge joint at the elbow.

8) The tarsals form the posterior end of the foot and heel.

9) The human skeleton performs six major functions.

31. Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive or the Active:

The human skeleton (is been) the framework of the human body. It (is composed) of around 270 bones at birth later the number (are became) 206 since some bones get fused. The human skeleton can (divided) into the and the appendicular skeleton. The spine (is been) the central axis of the human body.It (is made) of a chain of small bones, the vertebrae.A fully grown adult (had) 26 bones in the spine. They (are named) by region: 7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, 5 lumbar vertebrae, 5 sacral vertebrae, and coccyx vertebrae.. Chest (is composed) of the sternum and the ribs. The first seven ribs (is known) as “true ribs” because they (are connected) the thoracic vertebrae directly to the sternum through their own band of costal cartilage. 22 bones (are composed) the skullthat (fused) together except for the mandible.The bones of the superior portion of the skull (are known) as the cranium and (protected) the brain from damage. The bones of the inferior and anterior portion of the skull (are known) as facial bones and (proped up) the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Passive Voice & Past Participle

Aperformed operationwas discussed at the round table.


32. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying your attention to Past Participle:

1. Human skeleton composed of 206 bones first was described by Andreas Vesalius. 2. The book De humani corporis fabrica was authored by Vesalius, regarded as the founder of modern anatomy 3. X rays were discovered by a German physicist named Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen in 1895. 4. Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen was awarded a Nobel Prize for his great discovery known by everybody nowadays. 5. The skeleton is formed early in fetal development as a flexible skeleton made of hyaline cartilage and dense irregular fibrous connective tissue. 6. The cartilage and fibrous tissue are slowly replaced by osseous tissue in a process called calcification.

1.       Человеческий скелет, состоящий из 206 костей, впервые был описан Андреасом Везалием. 2. Книга De humani corporis fabrica была написана Везалием, считающимся основателем современной анатомии 3. Рентгеновские лучи были открыты немецким физиком по имени Вильгельм Конрад Рентген в 1895 году. 4. Вильгельм Конрад Рентген был удостоен Нобелевской премии за свое великое открытие, известное сегодня всем. 5. Скелет формируется на ранних стадиях развития плода в виде гибкого скелета, состоящего из гиалинового хряща и плотной неравномерной волокнистой соединительной ткани. 6. Хрящ и волокнистая ткань медленно заменяются костной тканью в процессе, называемом кальцификацией.


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