Complete the following. Choose the right word or word combination from the list below. — КиберПедия 

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Complete the following. Choose the right word or word combination from the list below.

2020-04-01 437
Complete the following. Choose the right word or word combination from the list below. 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Major Endocrine Glands and their Hormones




17. Using the terms and phrases provided below, complete the concept map showing the structures and functions of endocrine system:


Compound Nouns

A compound noun is a noun consisting of two or more words working together as a single unit to name a person, place, or thing. Compound nouns are usually made up of two nouns or an adjective and a noun, but other combinations are also possible (noun +verb, noun+preposition, etc.). Generally, the first word in the compound noun tells us what kind of person or thing it is or what purpose he, she, or it serves, while the second word defines the person or object, telling us who or what it is. For example:

  • water + bottle = water bottle (a bottle used for water)
  • dining + room = dining room (a room used for dining)
  • back + pack = backpack (a pack you wear on your back)
  • police + man = policeman (a police officer who is a man)

The three written forms of compound nouns

- open compound nouns (or spaced compound nouns) are those that are written as two separate words, such as washing machine, swimming pool, and water bottle.

- there are hyphenated compound nouns, as in check-in, hanger-on, and mother-in-law.

- there are closed compound nouns (or solid compound nouns)—those that are written as one word, such as rainfall, drawback, and toothpaste.

18. Translate the following compound nous into Russian:

Bloodstream, network, pinecone - shaped, wake-sleep cycle, butterfly-shaped, triangular-shaped, blood vessel, T-lymphocytes, blood pressure, heart rate, blood glucose level, pathway, water-soluble and lipid-soluble hormones, amino-acid hormones, target organ, growth hormone, age-related change, follicle-stimulating hormone, late-onset hypogonadism, androgen-secreting cells, body build.


19.   Answer the questions:

Do you remember:

· What gland is considered to be a master gland?

· How many endocrine glands are there in the human body?

· What is a hormone?

· How many hormones does the pituitary gland produce?

Vasopressin - a pituitary hormone which acts to promote the retention of water by the kidneys and increase the blood pressure

Oxytocin - a hormone released by the pituitary gland that causes increased contraction of the womb during labor and stimulates the milk production

Skin pigmentation – a skin coloring


20. Watch the video ‘The Endocrine System’ and check your answers:


21. Watch the video and choose the right answer for the following questions:


a. What happens when an endocrine gland is stimulated?

· Gland stops production of hormones

· Gland produces hormones and releases them into the vascular system

· Gland interacts with other glands in the body


b. Where are hormones transported?

· To a target organ

· To a brain

· To a target cell


c. Why can a cell accept hormone? Name the specific feature.

· A cell has a hormone receptor

· A cell has a specific membrane

· A cell has a nucleus.


d. What function does the hypothalamus control?

· Food intake

· Sleep

· Calcium level


e. How many hormones do the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland produce altogether?

· One fourth

· A half

· One third


23. Fill in the chart:

Gland Hormone Function


24.Make the model of Endocrine System (given bellow) and describe its structure and functions using the following layout:


- Po s ition (of Endocrine Gland)

- Hormones (of Endocrine Gland)

- Functions (of Endocrine Gland)

Grammar (Revision)

Modal Verbs

25. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to Modal verbs:

1.Hormones may affect one or several organs throughout the body. 2. The pineal gland may play a significant role in sexual maturation and the circadian rhythm.3. Hormones can only affect target cells that have the appropriate receptors. 4. Hormone specificity explains how each hormone can have specific effects in widespread parts of the body. 5. A tropic hormone is a hormone that is able to trigger the release of another hormone in another gland. 6. The levels of hormones in the body can be regulated by several factors. 7. The nervous system can control hormone levels through the action of the hypothalamus and its releasing and inhibiting hormones. 8. Nutrition can also control the levels of hormones in the body. 9. The number of receptors present in cells can be varied by cells in response to hormones. 10. This reaction may change a factor inside of the cell such as the permeability of the membrane or the activation of another molecule. 11. Lipid-soluble hormones are able to directly control the function of a cell from these receptors. 12. The condition may proceed unnoticed for many years because symptoms are often subtle. 13. Increased vasopressin secretion may result in an increase in water retention and decreased serum sodium concentrations, leading to hyponatremia. 14. Whether these changes should be viewed as abnormal or whether they merely reflect modifications appropriate to the aging process remains a matter of debate.

Passive Voice Past Participle

26. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to Passive Voice and Past Passive:

1.The nervous system provides a very fast and narrowly targeted system to turn on specific glands and muscles throughout the body. 2. Hormones are distributed by glands through the bloodstream to the entire body, affecting any cell with a receptor for a particular hormone. 3. Many hormones produced by the endocrine system are classified as tropic hormones. 4. Many of the hormones produced by the pituitary gland are tropic hormones. 5. The clearance of thyroxine and triiodothyronine decreases somewhat and is matched by a decrease in their production. 6. The possible reasons for increased secretion of parathormone include decreased calcium and vitamin D intake (and possibly decreased sun exposure) and decreased kidney function that causes a reduction in the amount of vitamin D that an older individual can absorb. 7. A very important contributing factor to an increased risk of fracture is an increased likelihood of falls, caused by decreases in muscle strength and coordination. 8. The hypothalamus is a part of the brain located superior and anterior to the brain stem and inferior to the thalamus. 9. The activity of the pineal gland is inhibited by stimulation from the photoreceptors of the retina. 10. The pituitary gland is divided into two parts. 11 The outer part is called the adrenal cortex, and the inner part is called the adrenal medulla. 12. The pancreas is considered to be a heterocrine gland as it contains both endocrine and exocrine tissue. 13. These hormones control the development of female characteristics and they are also involved in reproductive functions.

Review your progress

Test for self-control




27.  Make compound words:

Police, girl, father, blood, vena, six, tooth, ice, long, fire, sun, key, make, life


Works, man, in law, friend, board, time, up, flower, cava, brush, year old, term, cream, vessel


28. According to the picture fill in the chart below:

Additional information:

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