Find Renal corpuscle and Bowman’s capsule in the picture below. Make sure you understand the structure of Renal corpuscle: — КиберПедия 

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Find Renal corpuscle and Bowman’s capsule in the picture below. Make sure you understand the structure of Renal corpuscle:

2020-04-01 515
Find Renal corpuscle and Bowman’s capsule in the picture below. Make sure you understand the structure of Renal corpuscle: 0.00 из 5.00 0 оценок
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Renal corpuscle (почечноетельце) is the blood-filtering component of the nephron of the kidney. It consists of a glomerulus - a tuft of capillaries composed of endothelial cells, and a glomerular capsule known as Bowman's capsule.

Bowman’s capsule (капсулаШумлянского — Боумена) is a cup-like sack at the beginning of the tubular component of a nephron in the mammalian kidney that performs the first step in the filtration of blood to form urine.

25. Watch the video ‘Human Urinary System’ and check your answer:

26. Watch the video again and answer the following questions:

ü What is the form of inner and outer surfaces of a kidney?

ü What is located in a deep notch of the kidney?

ü What surrounds a kidney?

ü Where are nephrons located?

ü What parts does a nephron consist of?

ü What parts does a renal corpuscle consist of?



27. Work in pairs. Fill in the chart according to the video:

  Urinary System  
Organ Structure and Location Function


Grammar (Revision)

– ing forms

28. Translate the sentences into Russian paying your attention to – ing forms.

1.The kidneys remove urea from the blood through tiny filtering units called nephrons. 2. Following filtration of blood and further processing, urine exits the kidney via the ureters, a pair of tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder. 3. The outer layer, the fibrous coat, is a supporting layer of fibrous connective tissue. 4. The inner lining of the urinary bladder is a mucous membrane of transitional epithelium. 5. The mucosal lining of the urethra is a transitional epithelium. 6. The internal urethral sphincter surrounds the beginning of the urethra, where it leaves the urinary bladder. 7. Under microscopy, the urinary system is covered in a unique lining called urothelium, 8. Other factors in urinary system function include fluid lost through perspiring and breathing. 9. Nephrologists treat kidney diseases, while urologists treat problems with the urinary tract, including the kidneys, adrenal glands, ureters, bladder and urethra. 10. The most common bladder problems in men are frequent urination at nights and incomplete bladder emptying. 11. Kidney failure, also called renal failure and chronic kidney disease, can be a temporary (often acute) condition or can become a chronic condition resulting in the inability of the kidneys to filter waste from the blood. 12. Besides filtering and eliminating wastes from the body, the urinary system also maintains the homeostasis of water, ions, pH, blood pressure, calcium and red blood cells. 13. The kidneys are able to reduce blood volume by reducing the reabsorption of water into the blood and producing watery, dilute urine. 14. As blood flows through the glomerulus, much of the blood’s plasma is pushed out of the capillaries and into the capsule, leaving the blood cells and a small amount of plasma to continue flowing through the capillaries. 15. The cells surrounding the tubules selectively absorb water and substances from the filtrate in the tubule and return it to the blood in the capillaries. 16. By the end of this process, the filtrate in the tubule has become urine containing only water, waste products, and excess ions. 17. Urination is the process of releasing urine from the urinary bladder through the urethra and out of the body. 18. The kidneys monitor the condition of the blood that passes through their capillaries, including the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood. 19. When the blood becomes hypoxic, meaning that it is carrying deficient levels of oxygen, cells lining the capillaries begin producing erythropoietin and release it into the bloodstream. 20. The tissues of thebladder are isolated from urine and toxic substances by a coating that discourages bacteria from attaching and growing on the bladder wall.

Review your progress

Test for self-control


29. Define the Syntactic Function of Infinitive and translate the sentences into Russian:

1.The kidneys can conserve these ions when they are present in lower than normal levels by allowing the ions to be reabsorbed into the blood during filtration. 2. Their function is to remove liquid waste from the blood in the form of urine; to keep a stable balance of salts and other substances in the blood; to produce erythropoietin, and to secrete renin. 3. The bladder's walls relax and expand to store urine, and contract and flatten to empty urine through the urethra. 4. A backflow of urine can cause a kidney infection. 5. When bacteria enter the urinary tract; they can affect the urethra, bladder or even the kidneys. 6. The ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra together form the urinary tract, which acts as a plumbing system to drain urine from the kidneys, store it, and then release it during urination.7. When a person consumes a large amount of water, the kidneys reduce their reabsorption of water to allow the excess water to be excreted in urine.8. The process of urination begins when the muscles of the urethral sphincters relax allow urine to pass through the urethra.


30. Fill in the diagram with appropriate anatomical terms:

31. Compose a short essay ‘Urinary System’

Additional information

Urinary System Physiology

Maintenance of Homeostasis

The kidneys maintain the homeostasis of several important internal conditions by controlling the excretion of substances out of the body.


The kidney can control the excretion of potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphate, and chloride ions into urine. In cases where these ions reach a higher than normal concentration, the kidneys can increase their excretion out of the body to return them to a normal level. Conversely, the kidneys can conserve these ions when they are present in lower than normal levels by allowing the ions to be reabsorbed into the blood during filtration. (See more about ions.)


The kidneys monitor and regulate the levels of hydrogen ions (H+) and bicarbonate ions in the blood to control blood pH. H+ ions are produced as a natural byproduct of the metabolism of dietary proteins and accumulate in the blood over time. The kidneys excrete excess H+ ions into urine for elimination from the body. The kidneys also conserve bicarbonate ions, which act as important pH buffers in the blood.


The cells of the body need to grow in an isotonic environment in order to maintain their fluid and electrolyte balance. The kidneys maintain the body’s osmotic balance by controlling the amount of water that is filtered out of the blood and excreted into urine. When a person consumes a large amount of water, the kidneys reduce their reabsorption of water to allow the excess water to be excreted in urine. This results in the production of dilute, watery urine. In the case of the body being dehydrated, the kidneys reabsorb as much water as possible back into the blood to produce highly concentrated urine full of excreted ions and wastes. The changes in excretion of water are controlled by antidiuretic hormone (ADH). ADH is produced in the hypothalamus and released by the posterior pituitary gland to help the body retain water.

Blood Pressure

The kidneys monitor the body’s blood pressure to help maintain homeostasis. When blood pressure is elevated, the kidneys can help to reduce blood pressure by reducing the volume of blood in the body. The kidneys are able to reduce blood volume by reducing the reabsorption of water into the blood and producing watery, dilute urine. When blood pressure becomes too low, the kidneys can produce the enzyme renin to constrict blood vessels and produce concentrated urine, which allows more water to remain in the blood.


Inside each kidney are around a million tiny structures called nephrons. The nephron is the functional unit of the kidney that filters blood to produce urine. Arterioles in the kidneys deliver blood to a bundle of capillaries surrounded by a capsule called a glomerulus. As blood flows through the glomerulus, much of the blood’s plasma is pushed out of the capillaries and into the capsule, leaving the blood cells and a small amount of plasma to continue flowing through the capillaries. The liquid filtrate in the capsule flows through a series of tubules lined with filtering cells and surrounded by capillaries. The cells surrounding the tubules selectively absorb water and substances from the filtrate in the tubule and return it to the blood in the capillaries. At the same time, waste products present in the blood are secreted into the filtrate. By the end of this process, the filtrate in the tubule has become urine containing only water, waste products, and excess ions. The blood exiting the capillaries has reabsorbed all of the nutrients along with most of the water and ions that the body needs to function.

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